Rand - even nuttier than his father

Considering the numerous scandals, deceptions, failed policies, high unemployment, stagnant economy, and massive debt under this administration it isn't far fetched and wouldn't be surprising to see a small landslide by Romney.
Ron Paul is only about half nuts, but his son, Ayn Rand Paul, runs a much higher percentage. I've known that since his Aqua Buddha campaign days - and its only gotten worse since then. He may even be nuttier than Allen West and Michele Bachmann. Well, maybe not Bachmann...
Ron Paul is only about half nuts, but his son, Ayn Rand Paul, runs a much higher percentage. I've known that since his Aqua Buddha campaign days - and its only gotten worse since then. He may even be nuttier than Allen West and Michele Bachmann. Well, maybe not Bachmann...

Why's your rep off, pole smoker?
You people are morons. That's an understatement. 1. Ron Paul is not nuts. 2. His son is nothing like him he threw his principles under the bus and hitched his ride to Romney winning the election so that is why is saying this shit...He is hoping a Romney win will boost his profile...I don't see what's so fucking nuts about leaving you alone and letting you control you life but hey you wanna live in a dictatorship be my guest. This is why the country needs to break apart and the statists can have their 1 party system and us freedom loving folks can have our free country
I don't see what's so fucking nuts about leaving you alone and letting you control you life but ...

Neither Paul actually believes that. If you believe they do, you need to pay closer attention to what they actually say and how they vote.
Where do you guys come up with this stuff? Doesn't the tax exempt Media Matters ever sleep?
You are so full of shit but that's nothing new for you now is it. I have followed Dr Paul closely for at least 5 years and have learned everything I can about him. The man is a true conservative and a great man.
Rand Paul is being properly trained by Mitch as a proper republican such as McConnel blindly supported Bush.

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