Rand: I'm Looking Into Military Takeover


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013

Jade Helm, Jade Helm!!!

Ok, it goes like this.

Crazy people think that the US gubbermint is preparing to invade the Southwest. Why someone would ever want to invade his own country is, well, :rofl:, but ok....

And now, GOP PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE Rand Paul (R-Tea-KY) says he will look into it:

Spring Fever Mickelson in the Morning on WHO Radio

(Audio at the link)

Rand I ll Look Into Whether The Military Is Planning To Takeover The Southwest

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said in a recent interview that he'd "look at" a planned U.S. military training exercise that conspiracy theorists believe may be a cover for the implementation of martial law....

..."You know I've gotten a few questions about it on the road and I really don't—" Paul responded. "I'm not sure about exactly what is going on with that."

"It's making some people nervous, but it doesn't take much to make people nervous nowadays," Mickelson said. "If you get a chance to, I'd like to know what the rest of the story is on that."

"We'll look at that also," Paul assured him.

And here is the White House response:

White House On A Possible Military Takeover Of Texas Um No



Discuss. Is Rand Paul REALLY running for president, or not?
Invade the southwest? You mean the hottest part of the country soon to run out of water? Isn't that like fighting to retain control over Israel, the one part of the middle east without any oil? :)

Jade Helm, Jade Helm!!!

Ok, it goes like this.

Crazy people think that the US gubbermint is preparing to invade the Southwest. Why someone would ever want to invade his own country is, well, :rofl:, but ok....

And now, GOP PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE Rand Paul (R-Tea-KY) says he will look into it:

Spring Fever Mickelson in the Morning on WHO Radio

(Audio at the link)

Rand I ll Look Into Whether The Military Is Planning To Takeover The Southwest

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said in a recent interview that he'd "look at" a planned U.S. military training exercise that conspiracy theorists believe may be a cover for the implementation of martial law....

..."You know I've gotten a few questions about it on the road and I really don't—" Paul responded. "I'm not sure about exactly what is going on with that."

"It's making some people nervous, but it doesn't take much to make people nervous nowadays," Mickelson said. "If you get a chance to, I'd like to know what the rest of the story is on that."

"We'll look at that also," Paul assured him.

And here is the White House response:

White House On A Possible Military Takeover Of Texas Um No



Discuss. Is Rand Paul REALLY running for president, or not?

Ahhhh, my first chew-toy of the day has arrived!!!

Jade-Edgetho, Jade-Edgetho!!!

"Let's roll!!!"

Show of hands, who thinks it's OK for government to run military exercises within our own borders?

Jade Helm, Jade Helm!!!

Ok, it goes like this.

Crazy people think that the US gubbermint is preparing to invade the Southwest. Why someone would ever want to invade his own country is, well, :rofl:, but ok....

And now, GOP PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE Rand Paul (R-Tea-KY) says he will look into it:

Spring Fever Mickelson in the Morning on WHO Radio

(Audio at the link)

Rand I ll Look Into Whether The Military Is Planning To Takeover The Southwest

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said in a recent interview that he'd "look at" a planned U.S. military training exercise that conspiracy theorists believe may be a cover for the implementation of martial law....

..."You know I've gotten a few questions about it on the road and I really don't—" Paul responded. "I'm not sure about exactly what is going on with that."

"It's making some people nervous, but it doesn't take much to make people nervous nowadays," Mickelson said. "If you get a chance to, I'd like to know what the rest of the story is on that."

"We'll look at that also," Paul assured him.

And here is the White House response:

White House On A Possible Military Takeover Of Texas Um No



Discuss. Is Rand Paul REALLY running for president, or not?

Where were in 2004 when Kerry wanted to turn the US military over to the UN?

More far left drone attacks that keep missing by light years..
Yeah, remember when Bush conducted military exercises in Detroit, Baltimore and Camden...just in case, you know
It was a blow off answer. Calm down, German boy.

Why would rand feel the need to even answer such a ridiculous question? It's because a big part of rand's support is hard core crazies, and he didn't want to lose them. Nobody is saying that rand is crazy enough to believe the US. is invading the US. but he still needs the support of the ones crazy enough to believe it.


was a military service and was governed by army laws and regulations, similar to the Soviet Army or MVD Internal Troops. While most of the KGB archives remain classified, two on-line documentary sources are available.[1][2] Its main functions were foreign intelligence, counterintelligence, operative-investigatory activities, guarding the State Border of the USSR, guarding the leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the Soviet Government, organization and ensuring of government communications as well as combating nationalism, dissent, and anti-Soviet activities.
Rand: I'm Looking Into Military Takeover

I'm guessing he thinks he can't win with a normal election.
Rand: I'm Looking Into Military Takeover

I'm guessing he thinks he can't win with a normal election.

I do not support Rand.

But the truth of the matter is that in order to be considered "electable' the politician must fully support the welfare/warfare police state.

Remember , most Americans are on Jonathan Gruber's NO BRAINS LIST.


Show of hands, who thinks it's OK for government to run military exercises within our own borders?

You know, I was kind of thinking the same thing. The US government KNEW WWII was coming, yet they didn't do this in our own borders.

What has changed? That is the first thing I thought. :eusa_think:
It was a blow off answer. Calm down, German boy.

Why would rand feel the need to even answer such a ridiculous question? It's because a big part of rand's support is hard core crazies, and he didn't want to lose them. Nobody is saying that rand is crazy enough to believe the US. is invading the US. but he still needs the support of the ones crazy enough to believe it.
It was the diplomatic answer. Period.

Jade Helm, Jade Helm!!!

Ok, it goes like this.

Crazy people think that the US gubbermint is preparing to invade the Southwest. Why someone would ever want to invade his own country is, well, :rofl:, but ok....

And now, GOP PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE Rand Paul (R-Tea-KY) says he will look into it:

Spring Fever Mickelson in the Morning on WHO Radio

(Audio at the link)

Rand I ll Look Into Whether The Military Is Planning To Takeover The Southwest

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said in a recent interview that he'd "look at" a planned U.S. military training exercise that conspiracy theorists believe may be a cover for the implementation of martial law....

..."You know I've gotten a few questions about it on the road and I really don't—" Paul responded. "I'm not sure about exactly what is going on with that."

"It's making some people nervous, but it doesn't take much to make people nervous nowadays," Mickelson said. "If you get a chance to, I'd like to know what the rest of the story is on that."

"We'll look at that also," Paul assured him.

And here is the White House response:

White House On A Possible Military Takeover Of Texas Um No



Discuss. Is Rand Paul REALLY running for president, or not?
Anyone is better than Ted Cruz for the GOP, though they seem to be into Rubio more right now.

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