Rand: I'm Looking Into Military Takeover

Let's look at the USA with a Republican President using Obama Doctrine: we'll use the IRS to audit our political enemies, we'll use the NSA to spy on them, and then we'll run military exercises in their neighborhoods!



Let's look at the USA with a Republican President using Obama Doctrine: we'll use the IRS to audit our political enemies, we'll use the NSA to spy on them, and then we'll run military exercises in their neighborhoods!

I wish I could tag it funny and agree.
Let's look at the USA with a Republican President using Obama Doctrine: we'll use the IRS to audit our political enemies, we'll use the NSA to spy on them, and then we'll run military exercises in their neighborhoods!


With repubs in charge, civil defense will include the issuing of tinfoil hats.

I guess 'I’ll look into it' is not hair on fire crazy.
Yet another example of one side torching the other without cause whatsoever.
It was a blow off answer. Calm down, German boy.

Why would rand feel the need to even answer such a ridiculous question? It's because a big part of rand's support is hard core crazies, and he didn't want to lose them. Nobody is saying that rand is crazy enough to believe the US. is invading the US. but he still needs the support of the ones crazy enough to believe it.

Well, it's those AMEROs just waiting at the bottom of the Golf of Mexico for the Military to pick it up and start the currency for the NAU and the evil ZOG.

The aliens in the mothership told this to him via his flouride toothpaste some time back.
It was a blow off answer. Calm down, German boy.

Why would rand feel the need to even answer such a ridiculous question? It's because a big part of rand's support is hard core crazies, and he didn't want to lose them. Nobody is saying that rand is crazy enough to believe the US. is invading the US. but he still needs the support of the ones crazy enough to believe it.

Well, it's those AMEROs just waiting at the bottom of the Golf of Mexico for the Military to pick it up and start the currency for the NAU and the evil ZOG.

The aliens in the mothership told this to him via his flouride toothpaste some time back.

Well, since you explained it that way I understand. Otherwise it just sounded nuts.
It was a blow off answer. Calm down, German boy.

Why would rand feel the need to even answer such a ridiculous question? It's because a big part of rand's support is hard core crazies, and he didn't want to lose them. Nobody is saying that rand is crazy enough to believe the US. is invading the US. but he still needs the support of the ones crazy enough to believe it.

Well, it's those AMEROs just waiting at the bottom of the Golf of Mexico for the Military to pick it up and start the currency for the NAU and the evil ZOG.

The aliens in the mothership told this to him via his flouride toothpaste some time back.

Well, since you explained it that way I understand. Otherwise it just sounded nuts.

So glad I could help!

I'm going to be spontaneously laughing out loud all day over the tard outrage over our military having exercises inside our borders. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
We shoulda never tested those atom bombs inside our borders in Nevada. We shoulda tested them on Mexico. Then we wouldn't be having this wetback problem, and the Duke would still be alive...
Those Nevada tests were all a secret plot for attacking American cities with nukes, ya know...
We shoulda never tested those atom bombs inside our borders in Nevada. We shoulda tested them on Mexico. Then we wouldn't be having this wetback problem, and the Duke would still be alive...

OK Dingle Berry , what is REALLY being tested by the KGB-esque Operation known as Jade Helm?

What is your source?

Since light is a GOOD disinfectant:

March to martial law Undercover Special Forces to sweep US Southwest RT USA

As elite branches of the US military prepare to hold military training in seven southwest states, with some troops operating incognito among civilians, some Americans fear the training is actually preparation for imposing martial law.

Operation Jade Helm, which is scheduled to kick off in July and run for eight weeks, will involve the participation of 1,200 troops from the US military’s most elite fighting forces, including Green Berets, Navy SEALS and Special Operations from the Air Force and Marines.

The troops will be participating in what has been called Realistic Military Training in towns in Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas and Utah.

In an effort to simulate the type of battlefield conditions soldiers may face in foreign countries, the US military has designated the remote training areas where they will operate as in a “hostile" territory, a description that has irked some residents.

Meanwhile, Texans living in close proximity to the operation will be asked to report any “suspicious activity” during the exercise, a request that seems to contradict the belief laid out in the US military training document, leaked by The Houston Chronicle, that Texans are “historically supportive” of military efforts to “fight the enemies of the United States.”

The training exercise, according to Shadow Spear, a publication of USASOC, “will be conducted on private and public land with the permission of the private landowners, and from state and local authorities.”

Information about this that been out for more than one month now.

Really, Righttards are unbelievably slow on the gun, and fucking unpatriotic, too.

The wargames are there to help our military and it was announced well in advance.


There was once a time when Righties actually supported the military.

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