Rand: I'm Looking Into Military Takeover


Tin Foil Rooms......

I see, that's where government supremacists scumbags , such as yourself , hide, in order to suppress their senses and lying eyes.


So much anger. So little logic.

So, mini-Contomu, still think TX has a right to secede?

Since light is a GOOD disinfectant:

March to martial law Undercover Special Forces to sweep US Southwest RT USA

As elite branches of the US military prepare to hold military training in seven southwest states, with some troops operating incognito among civilians, some Americans fear the training is actually preparation for imposing martial law.

Operation Jade Helm, which is scheduled to kick off in July and run for eight weeks, will involve the participation of 1,200 troops from the US military’s most elite fighting forces, including Green Berets, Navy SEALS and Special Operations from the Air Force and Marines.

The troops will be participating in what has been called Realistic Military Training in towns in Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas and Utah.

In an effort to simulate the type of battlefield conditions soldiers may face in foreign countries, the US military has designated the remote training areas where they will operate as in a “hostile" territory, a description that has irked some residents.

Meanwhile, Texans living in close proximity to the operation will be asked to report any “suspicious activity” during the exercise, a request that seems to contradict the belief laid out in the US military training document, leaked by The Houston Chronicle, that Texans are “historically supportive” of military efforts to “fight the enemies of the United States.”

The training exercise, according to Shadow Spear, a publication of USASOC, “will be conducted on private and public land with the permission of the private landowners, and from state and local authorities.”

Information about this that been out for more than one month now.

Really, Righttards are unbelievably slow on the gun, and fucking unpatriotic, too.

The wargames are there to help our military and it was announced well in advance.


There was once a time when Righties actually supported the military.

The lefties and righties support the military

They love men in uniform and their rules.

Freedom loving Americans and Libertarians tend to question and be extremely suspicious of authority.


I am extremely suspicious of the military and government. I still don’t see what is so alarming about exercises. We go through several every single year at every single base across the entire globe. This is not new or unheard of. Why is THIS one different? How are soldiers getting trained if not here?
Do you really want them trained when they are led into the fire of battle?


Let's seeeeee...

I looked up the populations of the 7 states involved in Operation KGB. There are 88,715,000 people, give or take.

Divide that by 1,600,000,000 rounds of ammo, and you can you shoot each person 18 times.

Each of the 1200 Jade Helm guys would have to fire 1,333,333 rounds and kill 73,929 people.

Those are some tough bastards!
Let's seeeeee...

I looked up the populations of the 7 states involved in Operation KGB. There are 88,715,000 people, give or take.

Divide that by 6,000,000,000 rounds of ammo, and you can you shoot each person 67 times.

Each of the 1200 Jade Helm guys would have to fire five million rounds and kill 73,929 people.

Those are some tough bastards!
6,000,000,000 rounds of ammo? I got that in my bug out bag..:badgrin:
Let's seeeeee...

I looked up the populations of the 7 states involved in Operation KGB. There are 88,715,000 people, give or take.

Divide that by 6,000,000,000 rounds of ammo, and you can you shoot each person 67 times.

Each of the 1200 Jade Helm guys would have to fire five million rounds and kill 73,929 people.

Those are some tough bastards!

The miserable low life motherfucker known as Ape Lincoln wiped out 650, 000 Americans
without batting an eye.

It just gets more and more funny!

Let’s assume, for the moment, that Jade Helm 15 is not a thinly veiled military plot to take over the country lifted straight out of director John Frankenheimer’s 1964 political thriller Seven Days in May

The nutbag actually said it would be an ASSUMPTION that this is not like a 1964 movie!

Thank you for that, Con!

Since light is a GOOD disinfectant:

March to martial law Undercover Special Forces to sweep US Southwest RT USA

As elite branches of the US military prepare to hold military training in seven southwest states, with some troops operating incognito among civilians, some Americans fear the training is actually preparation for imposing martial law.

Operation Jade Helm, which is scheduled to kick off in July and run for eight weeks, will involve the participation of 1,200 troops from the US military’s most elite fighting forces, including Green Berets, Navy SEALS and Special Operations from the Air Force and Marines.

The troops will be participating in what has been called Realistic Military Training in towns in Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas and Utah.

In an effort to simulate the type of battlefield conditions soldiers may face in foreign countries, the US military has designated the remote training areas where they will operate as in a “hostile" territory, a description that has irked some residents.

Meanwhile, Texans living in close proximity to the operation will be asked to report any “suspicious activity” during the exercise, a request that seems to contradict the belief laid out in the US military training document, leaked by The Houston Chronicle, that Texans are “historically supportive” of military efforts to “fight the enemies of the United States.”

The training exercise, according to Shadow Spear, a publication of USASOC, “will be conducted on private and public land with the permission of the private landowners, and from state and local authorities.”

Information about this that been out for more than one month now.

Really, Righttards are unbelievably slow on the gun, and fucking unpatriotic, too.

The wargames are there to help our military and it was announced well in advance.


There was once a time when Righties actually supported the military.

The lefties and righties support the military

They love men in uniform and their rules.

Freedom loving Americans and Libertarians tend to question and be extremely suspicious of authority.


I am extremely suspicious of the military and government. I still don’t see what is so alarming about exercises. We go through several every single year at every single base across the entire globe. This is not new or unheard of. Why is THIS one different? How are soldiers getting trained if not here?
Do you really want them trained when they are led into the fire of battle?

It's real simple:

The Military set out plans to have a leaner, more efficient military. That's been the plan. And part of this is wargames. Actually, they've trained in the SW ALOT, but around the military bases. All they are doing is, with the PERMISSION of private landowners, upping their game.

But the frothers cannot stand the thought of a successful military as long as the black guy is in the White House. Had Jade happened during the Bush years, Texans would be praising him to high heaven and be proud as punch to do their part for America.
Not really interested in your asinine partisan hyperbole. You are placing words in his mouth that he did not put there and are not actually interested in discussion with anyone that does not agree with you. When you regain your sanity, there can be interesting conversations that can be had.
Let's seeeeee...

I looked up the populations of the 7 states involved in Operation KGB. There are 88,715,000 people, give or take.

Divide that by 6,000,000,000 rounds of ammo, and you can you shoot each person 67 times.

Each of the 1200 Jade Helm guys would have to fire five million rounds and kill 73,929 people.

Those are some tough bastards!

The miserable low life motherfucker known as Ape Lincoln wiped out 650, 000 Americans
without batting an eye.
With 1200 guys? :laugh2:
Since light is a GOOD disinfectant:

March to martial law Undercover Special Forces to sweep US Southwest RT USA

As elite branches of the US military prepare to hold military training in seven southwest states, with some troops operating incognito among civilians, some Americans fear the training is actually preparation for imposing martial law.

Operation Jade Helm, which is scheduled to kick off in July and run for eight weeks, will involve the participation of 1,200 troops from the US military’s most elite fighting forces, including Green Berets, Navy SEALS and Special Operations from the Air Force and Marines.

The troops will be participating in what has been called Realistic Military Training in towns in Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas and Utah.

In an effort to simulate the type of battlefield conditions soldiers may face in foreign countries, the US military has designated the remote training areas where they will operate as in a “hostile" territory, a description that has irked some residents.

Meanwhile, Texans living in close proximity to the operation will be asked to report any “suspicious activity” during the exercise, a request that seems to contradict the belief laid out in the US military training document, leaked by The Houston Chronicle, that Texans are “historically supportive” of military efforts to “fight the enemies of the United States.”

The training exercise, according to Shadow Spear, a publication of USASOC, “will be conducted on private and public land with the permission of the private landowners, and from state and local authorities.”

Information about this that been out for more than one month now.

Really, Righttards are unbelievably slow on the gun, and fucking unpatriotic, too.

The wargames are there to help our military and it was announced well in advance.


There was once a time when Righties actually supported the military.

The lefties and righties support the military

They love men in uniform and their rules.

Freedom loving Americans and Libertarians tend to question and be extremely suspicious of authority.


I am extremely suspicious of the military and government. I still don’t see what is so alarming about exercises. We go through several every single year at every single base across the entire globe. This is not new or unheard of. Why is THIS one different? How are soldiers getting trained if not here?
Do you really want them trained when they are led into the fire of battle?



First off, it is not unconstitutional by any means. If you actually think that it is then make that argument.
The link provided has a whole lot of hype with nary a fact to be found. There are a lot of things that worry me about the current direction of the government but as long as we are keeping this military around and sending it into urban warfare we NEED to train them. To do otherwise is to simply slaughter our children (and myself for that matter) needlessly.

There is nothing wrong with operations like this. Nothing in that link gives any real hard evidence that there is something amiss here either. Nor do you seem to realize that the military is ALREDY capable of obliterating any possible citizen uprising right this very moment without blinking an eye. The sole reason that I think the military incapable of actually doing this is because the majority of us will simply refuse to fight in a true civil war and many will fight on the other side. Training like this does nothing to change that reality.
Let's seeeeee...

I looked up the populations of the 7 states involved in Operation KGB. There are 88,715,000 people, give or take.

Divide that by 1,600,000,000 rounds of ammo, and you can you shoot each person 18 times.

Each of the 1200 Jade Helm guys would have to fire 1,333,333 rounds and kill 73,929 people.

Those are some tough bastards!

99%+ civilians do not fight against a hostile takeover. Your numbers are as silly as the idea this is a hostile takeover.
Let's seeeeee...

I looked up the populations of the 7 states involved in Operation KGB. There are 88,715,000 people, give or take.

Divide that by 1,600,000,000 rounds of ammo, and you can you shoot each person 18 times.

Each of the 1200 Jade Helm guys would have to fire 1,333,333 rounds and kill 73,929 people.

Those are some tough bastards!

You will never know for sure unless you try
Remember the (in)famous response by Rummy:

Q. Army Spc. Thomas Wilson: Why do we soldiers have to dig through local landfills for pieces of scrap metal and compromised ballistic glass to up-armor our vehicles? And why don;t we have those resources readily available to us?

A. Rumsfeld: It isn't a matter of money. It isn't a matter on the part of the army of desire. It's a matter of production and capability of doing it. As you know, ah, you go to war with the army you have---not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.---You can have all the armor in the world on a tank and it can (still) be blown up...

So today we have a military & CIC who put in a great deal of thought BEFORE putting our sons and daughters into harms way, and what better environment to prepare for the next war than to test strategy, tactics and equipment in a very similar environment, the American Southwest.
Let's seeeeee...

I looked up the populations of the 7 states involved in Operation KGB. There are 88,715,000 people, give or take.

Divide that by 6,000,000,000 rounds of ammo, and you can you shoot each person 67 times.

Each of the 1200 Jade Helm guys would have to fire five million rounds and kill 73,929 people.

Those are some tough bastards!

The miserable low life motherfucker known as Ape Lincoln wiped out 650, 000 Americans
without batting an eye.
With 1200 guys? :laugh2:

Your response should have stated the following:

I concluded that Operation JADE HELM is NECESSARY BECAUSE ____________________________________________________.


You see this, class?

A claim is made ("Jade Helm is unconstitutional") and the claimant is saying it is true until disproven. This is a favorite tactic of retards who cannot prove their claims and so they attempt to shift the burden of proof onto the skeptic. In this case, the claimant is unable to prove Jade Helm is unconstitutional, and thus throws up a logical fallacy to cover his inability to do so.

This logical fallacy is appropriately called the Argument from Ignorance

You see this, class?

A claim is made ("Jade Helm is unconstitutional") and the claimant is saying it is true until disproven. This is a favorite tactic of retards who cannot prove their claims and so they attempt to shift the burden of proof onto the skeptic. In this case, the claimant is unable to prove Jade Helm is unconstitutional, and thus throws up a logical fallacy to cover his inability to do so.

This logical fallacy is appropriately called the Argument from Ignorance

Yes. It's alot like little 3 years old who cover their eyes and then tell you that YOU can't see them.


You see this, class?

A claim is made ("Jade Helm is unconstitutional") and the claimant is saying it is true until disproven. This is a favorite tactic of retards who cannot prove their claims and so they attempt to shift the burden of proof onto the skeptic. In this case, the claimant is unable to prove Jade Helm is unconstitutional, and thus throws up a logical fallacy to cover his inability to do so.

This logical fallacy is appropriately called the Argument from Ignorance

Question #1





It just gets more and more funny!

Let’s assume, for the moment, that Jade Helm 15 is not a thinly veiled military plot to take over the country lifted straight out of director John Frankenheimer’s 1964 political thriller Seven Days in May

The nutbag actually said it would be an ASSUMPTION that this is not like a 1964 movie!

Thank you for that, Con!


Dr. Strangelove does Deepthroat in Black Hawk Down at Red Dawn.

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