Rand Paul Attacker Identified as Socialist, Anti-Trump, BernieCare-Loving Registered Democrat


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Violent Riots
Destruction of Property
Threatening the Lives of Electoral College Voters
Leftist Groups Took Russian Money, Paid to Incite Division / Racial Violence
Hillary's Campaign Funded Groups to send thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump Ralies
Calls for Military Coups
Fascist Antifa Used Violence to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights
Leftist College Thugs Successfully Used violence to Shut Down Freedom of Speech
Calls for Assassinations
ATTEMPTS to Carry Out Those Assassinations
Now Violent Anti-Trump Snowflake Physically Attacks Paul - Breaks 5 of his Ribs in the Assault

The Violent Liberal Snowflake Left is Growing MORE Violent as:
- Their political losses continue to mount (1,000+ elections lost and loss of the House, Senate, and WH)
- Their butt-hurt desperation to 'get Trump' grows
- And the DNC and Democratic Party crumbles from their collusion, corruption, and crimes continue to be exposed daily / weekly....

Surprise: Rand Paul's Attacker Identified as Socialist, Anti-Trump, BernieCare-Loving Registered Democrat

New Details: Rand Paul's Assailant Identified as Socialist, Anti-Trump, BernieCare-Loving Registered Democrat

seeped out over the weekend that Sen. Rand Paul had been the victim of some sort of assault at his home in Kentucky. The news bulletin was jarring, because physical attacks against elected officials are still -- thankfully -- a rare phenomenon in America, but initial reporting suggested the confrontation may have been a minor dust-up. The Senator's staff seemed to somewhat downplay the incident at first, too. But as Christine noted yesterday, the extent of Paul's injuries indicate that this was more serious, and more violent, than originally understood. The lawmaker was blindsided by a "high velocity severe force blow" to the torso.

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul has five rib fractures and lung contusions as a result of an apparent assault Friday by a neighbor at Paul's home in Bowling Green, a spokesman for Kentucky's junior senator said Sunday. Senior adviser Doug Stafford said Paul's injuries cause pain that could persist for weeks, perhaps even months, but that the Republican plans to return to the U.S. Senate soon. “Senator Paul has five rib fractures including 3 displaced fractures," Stafford said in a statement emailed to the Daily News by Paul's staff. "This type of injury is caused by high velocity severe force. It is not clear exactly how soon he will return to work, as the pain is considerable as is the difficulty in getting around, including flying"...The arrest warrant in the case indicates that Paul told police that his neighbor came onto his property and tackled him from behind, forcing him to the ground and causing pain. According to the warrant for Boucher's arrest, Paul had injuries to his face and had trouble breathing due to a rib injury.

Paul's attacker has been given the same type of 'leniency' extended to all snowflakes who commit crimes today - He has been charged with 'Misdemeanor, 4th Degree' and causing a MINOR injury'. Since when is breaking 5 ribs in a physical attack a 'MINOR' Injury?

-- "...the suspect was charged with misdemeanor "fourth degree assault and causing a minor injury."

"Paul's assailant is a left-wing socialist who lives in an upscale gated community and once hawked a medical device he invented on QVC. Thus, he's a healthcare innovator who supports an unaffordable and callous single-payer system that, among other things, stifles innovation. His social media postings include rabidly anti-Trump memes, pro-Bernie Sanders content, and comments that such as, "may Robert Mueller fry Trump's gonads," and "SUB-ZERO: The intelligence level or [sic] Trump supporters."

While Liberals / snowflakes rail against the mentally disturbed freak who killed some 20+ people in Texas this past week, they are guaranteed to remain silent about 'one of their own' becoming' 'triggered' and attacking Paul.

One reason (excuse / justification from the Left) being floated as a possible reason for the attack is a past history of the 2 - Paul and the snowflake - having heated discussions over health care. If so, this could be yet another demonstration of how snowflakes resort to insults, personal attacks, and VIOLENCE when they get frustrated and begin losing in civilized intellectual debates.

Surprise: Rand Paul's Attacker Identified as Socialist, Anti-Trump, BernieCare-Loving Registered Democrat


Who would have guessed. They believe in violent ideology, so what better means to attain the utopia.
Violent Riots
Destruction of Property
Threatening the Lives of Electoral College Voters
Leftist Groups Took Russian Money, Paid to Incite Division / Racial Violence
Hillary's Campaign Funded Groups to send thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump Ralies
Calls for Military Coups
Fascist Antifa Used Violence to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights
Leftist College Thugs Successfully Used violence to Shut Down Freedom of Speech
Calls for Assassinations
ATTEMPTS to Carry Out Those Assassinations
Now Violent Anti-Trump Snowflake Physically Attacks Paul - Breaks 5 of his Ribs in the Assault

The Violent Liberal Snowflake Left is Growing MORE Violent as:
- Their political losses continue to mount (1,000+ elections lost and loss of the House, Senate, and WH)
- Their butt-hurt desperation to 'get Trump' grows
- And the DNC and Democratic Party crumbles from their collusion, corruption, and crimes continue to be exposed daily / weekly....

Surprise: Rand Paul's Attacker Identified as Socialist, Anti-Trump, BernieCare-Loving Registered Democrat

New Details: Rand Paul's Assailant Identified as Socialist, Anti-Trump, BernieCare-Loving Registered Democrat

seeped out over the weekend that Sen. Rand Paul had been the victim of some sort of assault at his home in Kentucky. The news bulletin was jarring, because physical attacks against elected officials are still -- thankfully -- a rare phenomenon in America, but initial reporting suggested the confrontation may have been a minor dust-up. The Senator's staff seemed to somewhat downplay the incident at first, too. But as Christine noted yesterday, the extent of Paul's injuries indicate that this was more serious, and more violent, than originally understood. The lawmaker was blindsided by a "high velocity severe force blow" to the torso.

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul has five rib fractures and lung contusions as a result of an apparent assault Friday by a neighbor at Paul's home in Bowling Green, a spokesman for Kentucky's junior senator said Sunday. Senior adviser Doug Stafford said Paul's injuries cause pain that could persist for weeks, perhaps even months, but that the Republican plans to return to the U.S. Senate soon. “Senator Paul has five rib fractures including 3 displaced fractures," Stafford said in a statement emailed to the Daily News by Paul's staff. "This type of injury is caused by high velocity severe force. It is not clear exactly how soon he will return to work, as the pain is considerable as is the difficulty in getting around, including flying"...The arrest warrant in the case indicates that Paul told police that his neighbor came onto his property and tackled him from behind, forcing him to the ground and causing pain. According to the warrant for Boucher's arrest, Paul had injuries to his face and had trouble breathing due to a rib injury.

Paul's attacker has been given the same type of 'leniency' extended to all snowflakes who commit crimes today - He has been charged with 'Misdemeanor, 4th Degree' and causing a MINOR injury'. Since when is breaking 5 ribs in a physical attack a 'MINOR' Injury?

-- "...the suspect was charged with misdemeanor "fourth degree assault and causing a minor injury."

"Paul's assailant is a left-wing socialist who lives in an upscale gated community and once hawked a medical device he invented on QVC. Thus, he's a healthcare innovator who supports an unaffordable and callous single-payer system that, among other things, stifles innovation. His social media postings include rabidly anti-Trump memes, pro-Bernie Sanders content, and comments that such as, "may Robert Mueller fry Trump's gonads," and "SUB-ZERO: The intelligence level or [sic] Trump supporters."

While Liberals / snowflakes rail against the mentally disturbed freak who killed some 20+ people in Texas this past week, they are guaranteed to remain silent about 'one of their own' becoming' 'triggered' and attacking Paul.

One reason (excuse / justification from the Left) being floated as a possible reason for the attack is a past history of the 2 - Paul and the snowflake - having heated discussions over health care. If so, this could be yet another demonstration of how snowflakes resort to insults, personal attacks, and VIOLENCE when they get frustrated and begin losing in civilized intellectual debates.

Surprise: Rand Paul's Attacker Identified as Socialist, Anti-Trump, BernieCare-Loving Registered Democrat


From what I heard, he was never a Bible School Teacher, his wife was, and he used to beat her for going to church and wanting to teach Bible School.

Last Four shootings:

  • Washington DC Leftist Bernie Bro Congressional Baseball Game (Atheist)
The suspect, James Thomas Hodgkinson, 66, of Belleville, Ill., died in a Washington hospital after the shootout. His brother said Wednesday that Mr. Hodgkinson had been distraught over the election of President Trump and had traveled to Washington in recent weeks to protest.

  • Las Vegas: Leftist Clinton Supporter & Never Trumper (Atheist).

Brother is a Pedophile, Shooter had an Islamic Girlfriend. Paddock converted to Islam and slaughtered as many Concert Going Deplorables as he could! ISIS stated that Paddock claimed allegiance to ISIS and committed this act of terror on behalf of ISIS. He attended Anti-Trump Rallies and supported ANTIFA and BLM.

  • New York: (Jihadist) Islamic Piece Of Crap here on Schumer and Ted Kennedy’s Diversity Lottery, and who got to invite 23 of his Jihadists brethren here who each get to invite 23 MORE JUST LIKE THEM.... and so on and so on.....AND SO ON!

The Jihadist Leftist Alliance is strong.

  • Texas: Another Leftist Liberal Snowflake Sanders Supporter (Atheist)

He hated religious people and his mother in law, even worse than he hated Donald Trump. He beat his wife and his children because they wanted to go to church and Vacation Bible School where his former wife taught VBS

And dishonorable mention to The ANTIFA Sympathizer and Leftist Liberal that assaulted Senator Paul.

And at the Congressional Baseball shooting, here were just a few of the targets in addition to Scalise who got the worst of it:

What Happened at the Shooting at a Congressional Baseball Practice

More than a dozen Republican members of Congress and several coaches were at the park:

▪ Rep. Joe L. Barton (Texas)
▪ Rep. Jack Bergman (Mich.)
▪ Rep. Mike Bishop (Mich.)
▪ Francis Brooke, a staff member for Vice President Mike Pence and a coach
▪ Rep. Mo Brooks (Ala.)
▪ Rep. K. Michael Conaway (Tex.)
▪ Rep. Rodney Davis (Ill.)
▪ Rep. Ron DeSantis (Fla.)
▪ Rep. Jeff Duncan (S.C.)
▪ Senator Jeff Flake (Ariz.)
▪ Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (Tenn.)
▪ Larry Hardy, a former professional baseball player and a coach
▪ Rep. Trent Kelly (Miss.)
▪ Rep. Gary Palmer (Ala.)
▪ Senator Rand Paul (Ky.)
▪ Rep. Mark Walker (N.C.)
▪ Rep. Brad Wenstrup (Ohio)
▪ Rep. Roger Williams (Tex.), who was also injured in the shooting
This troubling trend confirms leftism is a mental disorder. Democrats insist on more gun control, maybe gun stores need to check voting records of customers before they sell them a weapon and ammo. Obviously anyone who voted for Crazy Bernie in the primary and Crooked Hillary in the general are a danger to society.
Not surprised by this.

The far left accepts violence as part of protesting!
Not surprised by this.

The far left accepts violence as part of protesting!

....sorta (not exactly) like Islamic Extremists have come to accept violence is part of the practice / defense of their 'faith' / 'religion'?
James Hodgkinson, Stephen Pollack Devin Kelly. All mass murderers and their targets were all related to the right wing. Now an assault on a republican senator on his own property. The left wing hatred and violence is reaching a fever pitch and I'm afraid about what might happen next.
No no no.....the attacker's lawyer claims it was a simple neighborly dispute. Nothing political at all.

...so that's settled.

Violent Riots
Destruction of Property
Threatening the Lives of Electoral College Voters
Leftist Groups Took Russian Money, Paid to Incite Division / Racial Violence
Hillary's Campaign Funded Groups to send thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump Ralies
Calls for Military Coups
Fascist Antifa Used Violence to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights
Leftist College Thugs Successfully Used violence to Shut Down Freedom of Speech
Calls for Assassinations
ATTEMPTS to Carry Out Those Assassinations
Now Violent Anti-Trump Snowflake Physically Attacks Paul - Breaks 5 of his Ribs in the Assault

The Violent Liberal Snowflake Left is Growing MORE Violent as:
- Their political losses continue to mount (1,000+ elections lost and loss of the House, Senate, and WH)
- Their butt-hurt desperation to 'get Trump' grows
- And the DNC and Democratic Party crumbles from their collusion, corruption, and crimes continue to be exposed daily / weekly....

Surprise: Rand Paul's Attacker Identified as Socialist, Anti-Trump, BernieCare-Loving Registered Democrat

New Details: Rand Paul's Assailant Identified as Socialist, Anti-Trump, BernieCare-Loving Registered Democrat

seeped out over the weekend that Sen. Rand Paul had been the victim of some sort of assault at his home in Kentucky. The news bulletin was jarring, because physical attacks against elected officials are still -- thankfully -- a rare phenomenon in America, but initial reporting suggested the confrontation may have been a minor dust-up. The Senator's staff seemed to somewhat downplay the incident at first, too. But as Christine noted yesterday, the extent of Paul's injuries indicate that this was more serious, and more violent, than originally understood. The lawmaker was blindsided by a "high velocity severe force blow" to the torso.

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul has five rib fractures and lung contusions as a result of an apparent assault Friday by a neighbor at Paul's home in Bowling Green, a spokesman for Kentucky's junior senator said Sunday. Senior adviser Doug Stafford said Paul's injuries cause pain that could persist for weeks, perhaps even months, but that the Republican plans to return to the U.S. Senate soon. “Senator Paul has five rib fractures including 3 displaced fractures," Stafford said in a statement emailed to the Daily News by Paul's staff. "This type of injury is caused by high velocity severe force. It is not clear exactly how soon he will return to work, as the pain is considerable as is the difficulty in getting around, including flying"...The arrest warrant in the case indicates that Paul told police that his neighbor came onto his property and tackled him from behind, forcing him to the ground and causing pain. According to the warrant for Boucher's arrest, Paul had injuries to his face and had trouble breathing due to a rib injury.

Paul's attacker has been given the same type of 'leniency' extended to all snowflakes who commit crimes today - He has been charged with 'Misdemeanor, 4th Degree' and causing a MINOR injury'. Since when is breaking 5 ribs in a physical attack a 'MINOR' Injury?

-- "...the suspect was charged with misdemeanor "fourth degree assault and causing a minor injury."

"Paul's assailant is a left-wing socialist who lives in an upscale gated community and once hawked a medical device he invented on QVC. Thus, he's a healthcare innovator who supports an unaffordable and callous single-payer system that, among other things, stifles innovation. His social media postings include rabidly anti-Trump memes, pro-Bernie Sanders content, and comments that such as, "may Robert Mueller fry Trump's gonads," and "SUB-ZERO: The intelligence level or [sic] Trump supporters."

While Liberals / snowflakes rail against the mentally disturbed freak who killed some 20+ people in Texas this past week, they are guaranteed to remain silent about 'one of their own' becoming' 'triggered' and attacking Paul.

One reason (excuse / justification from the Left) being floated as a possible reason for the attack is a past history of the 2 - Paul and the snowflake - having heated discussions over health care. If so, this could be yet another demonstration of how snowflakes resort to insults, personal attacks, and VIOLENCE when they get frustrated and begin losing in civilized intellectual debates.

Surprise: Rand Paul's Attacker Identified as Socialist, Anti-Trump, BernieCare-Loving Registered Democrat


Don't you know that it was Rand Paul's NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR???

his next door neighbor living in his cushy house in his gated community as your article describes, was right next door to Rand's cushy house in his gated community...
Violent Riots
Destruction of Property
Threatening the Lives of Electoral College Voters
Leftist Groups Took Russian Money, Paid to Incite Division / Racial Violence
Hillary's Campaign Funded Groups to send thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump Ralies
Calls for Military Coups
Fascist Antifa Used Violence to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights
Leftist College Thugs Successfully Used violence to Shut Down Freedom of Speech
Calls for Assassinations
ATTEMPTS to Carry Out Those Assassinations
Now Violent Anti-Trump Snowflake Physically Attacks Paul - Breaks 5 of his Ribs in the Assault

The Violent Liberal Snowflake Left is Growing MORE Violent as:
- Their political losses continue to mount (1,000+ elections lost and loss of the House, Senate, and WH)
- Their butt-hurt desperation to 'get Trump' grows
- And the DNC and Democratic Party crumbles from their collusion, corruption, and crimes continue to be exposed daily / weekly....

Surprise: Rand Paul's Attacker Identified as Socialist, Anti-Trump, BernieCare-Loving Registered Democrat

New Details: Rand Paul's Assailant Identified as Socialist, Anti-Trump, BernieCare-Loving Registered Democrat

seeped out over the weekend that Sen. Rand Paul had been the victim of some sort of assault at his home in Kentucky. The news bulletin was jarring, because physical attacks against elected officials are still -- thankfully -- a rare phenomenon in America, but initial reporting suggested the confrontation may have been a minor dust-up. The Senator's staff seemed to somewhat downplay the incident at first, too. But as Christine noted yesterday, the extent of Paul's injuries indicate that this was more serious, and more violent, than originally understood. The lawmaker was blindsided by a "high velocity severe force blow" to the torso.

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul has five rib fractures and lung contusions as a result of an apparent assault Friday by a neighbor at Paul's home in Bowling Green, a spokesman for Kentucky's junior senator said Sunday. Senior adviser Doug Stafford said Paul's injuries cause pain that could persist for weeks, perhaps even months, but that the Republican plans to return to the U.S. Senate soon. “Senator Paul has five rib fractures including 3 displaced fractures," Stafford said in a statement emailed to the Daily News by Paul's staff. "This type of injury is caused by high velocity severe force. It is not clear exactly how soon he will return to work, as the pain is considerable as is the difficulty in getting around, including flying"...The arrest warrant in the case indicates that Paul told police that his neighbor came onto his property and tackled him from behind, forcing him to the ground and causing pain. According to the warrant for Boucher's arrest, Paul had injuries to his face and had trouble breathing due to a rib injury.

Paul's attacker has been given the same type of 'leniency' extended to all snowflakes who commit crimes today - He has been charged with 'Misdemeanor, 4th Degree' and causing a MINOR injury'. Since when is breaking 5 ribs in a physical attack a 'MINOR' Injury?

-- "...the suspect was charged with misdemeanor "fourth degree assault and causing a minor injury."

"Paul's assailant is a left-wing socialist who lives in an upscale gated community and once hawked a medical device he invented on QVC. Thus, he's a healthcare innovator who supports an unaffordable and callous single-payer system that, among other things, stifles innovation. His social media postings include rabidly anti-Trump memes, pro-Bernie Sanders content, and comments that such as, "may Robert Mueller fry Trump's gonads," and "SUB-ZERO: The intelligence level or [sic] Trump supporters."

While Liberals / snowflakes rail against the mentally disturbed freak who killed some 20+ people in Texas this past week, they are guaranteed to remain silent about 'one of their own' becoming' 'triggered' and attacking Paul.

One reason (excuse / justification from the Left) being floated as a possible reason for the attack is a past history of the 2 - Paul and the snowflake - having heated discussions over health care. If so, this could be yet another demonstration of how snowflakes resort to insults, personal attacks, and VIOLENCE when they get frustrated and begin losing in civilized intellectual debates.

Surprise: Rand Paul's Attacker Identified as Socialist, Anti-Trump, BernieCare-Loving Registered Democrat

Don't you know that it was Rand Paul's NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR???

his next door neighbor living in his cushy house in his gated community as your article describes, was right next door to Rand's cushy house in his gated community...

I guess Rand's wall wasn't high enough to keep out the psychos.
Last edited:
Violent Riots
Destruction of Property
Threatening the Lives of Electoral College Voters
Leftist Groups Took Russian Money, Paid to Incite Division / Racial Violence
Hillary's Campaign Funded Groups to send thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump Ralies
Calls for Military Coups
Fascist Antifa Used Violence to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights
Leftist College Thugs Successfully Used violence to Shut Down Freedom of Speech
Calls for Assassinations
ATTEMPTS to Carry Out Those Assassinations
Now Violent Anti-Trump Snowflake Physically Attacks Paul - Breaks 5 of his Ribs in the Assault

The Violent Liberal Snowflake Left is Growing MORE Violent as:
- Their political losses continue to mount (1,000+ elections lost and loss of the House, Senate, and WH)
- Their butt-hurt desperation to 'get Trump' grows
- And the DNC and Democratic Party crumbles from their collusion, corruption, and crimes continue to be exposed daily / weekly....

Surprise: Rand Paul's Attacker Identified as Socialist, Anti-Trump, BernieCare-Loving Registered Democrat

New Details: Rand Paul's Assailant Identified as Socialist, Anti-Trump, BernieCare-Loving Registered Democrat

seeped out over the weekend that Sen. Rand Paul had been the victim of some sort of assault at his home in Kentucky. The news bulletin was jarring, because physical attacks against elected officials are still -- thankfully -- a rare phenomenon in America, but initial reporting suggested the confrontation may have been a minor dust-up. The Senator's staff seemed to somewhat downplay the incident at first, too. But as Christine noted yesterday, the extent of Paul's injuries indicate that this was more serious, and more violent, than originally understood. The lawmaker was blindsided by a "high velocity severe force blow" to the torso.

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul has five rib fractures and lung contusions as a result of an apparent assault Friday by a neighbor at Paul's home in Bowling Green, a spokesman for Kentucky's junior senator said Sunday. Senior adviser Doug Stafford said Paul's injuries cause pain that could persist for weeks, perhaps even months, but that the Republican plans to return to the U.S. Senate soon. “Senator Paul has five rib fractures including 3 displaced fractures," Stafford said in a statement emailed to the Daily News by Paul's staff. "This type of injury is caused by high velocity severe force. It is not clear exactly how soon he will return to work, as the pain is considerable as is the difficulty in getting around, including flying"...The arrest warrant in the case indicates that Paul told police that his neighbor came onto his property and tackled him from behind, forcing him to the ground and causing pain. According to the warrant for Boucher's arrest, Paul had injuries to his face and had trouble breathing due to a rib injury.

Paul's attacker has been given the same type of 'leniency' extended to all snowflakes who commit crimes today - He has been charged with 'Misdemeanor, 4th Degree' and causing a MINOR injury'. Since when is breaking 5 ribs in a physical attack a 'MINOR' Injury?

-- "...the suspect was charged with misdemeanor "fourth degree assault and causing a minor injury."

"Paul's assailant is a left-wing socialist who lives in an upscale gated community and once hawked a medical device he invented on QVC. Thus, he's a healthcare innovator who supports an unaffordable and callous single-payer system that, among other things, stifles innovation. His social media postings include rabidly anti-Trump memes, pro-Bernie Sanders content, and comments that such as, "may Robert Mueller fry Trump's gonads," and "SUB-ZERO: The intelligence level or [sic] Trump supporters."

While Liberals / snowflakes rail against the mentally disturbed freak who killed some 20+ people in Texas this past week, they are guaranteed to remain silent about 'one of their own' becoming' 'triggered' and attacking Paul.

One reason (excuse / justification from the Left) being floated as a possible reason for the attack is a past history of the 2 - Paul and the snowflake - having heated discussions over health care. If so, this could be yet another demonstration of how snowflakes resort to insults, personal attacks, and VIOLENCE when they get frustrated and begin losing in civilized intellectual debates.

Surprise: Rand Paul's Attacker Identified as Socialist, Anti-Trump, BernieCare-Loving Registered Democrat


I love how the left is both snowflakes and really violent. You guys crack me up.
Trying to put insane people in some political pocket be it left or right is kind of crazy, the mental ill person comes in all forms, & the base of there delusions may never be known. as we usually kill them or they kill them self.
Well, damn I've want to kick my neighbor's ass more the once when he was mowing while I was pruning or grilling or something but ...... WE NEED VIDEO OF THIS! Awesome.
Violent Riots
Destruction of Property
Threatening the Lives of Electoral College Voters
Leftist Groups Took Russian Money, Paid to Incite Division / Racial Violence
Hillary's Campaign Funded Groups to send thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump Ralies
Calls for Military Coups
Fascist Antifa Used Violence to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights
Leftist College Thugs Successfully Used violence to Shut Down Freedom of Speech
Calls for Assassinations
ATTEMPTS to Carry Out Those Assassinations
Now Violent Anti-Trump Snowflake Physically Attacks Paul - Breaks 5 of his Ribs in the Assault

The Violent Liberal Snowflake Left is Growing MORE Violent as:
- Their political losses continue to mount (1,000+ elections lost and loss of the House, Senate, and WH)
- Their butt-hurt desperation to 'get Trump' grows
- And the DNC and Democratic Party crumbles from their collusion, corruption, and crimes continue to be exposed daily / weekly....

Surprise: Rand Paul's Attacker Identified as Socialist, Anti-Trump, BernieCare-Loving Registered Democrat

New Details: Rand Paul's Assailant Identified as Socialist, Anti-Trump, BernieCare-Loving Registered Democrat

seeped out over the weekend that Sen. Rand Paul had been the victim of some sort of assault at his home in Kentucky. The news bulletin was jarring, because physical attacks against elected officials are still -- thankfully -- a rare phenomenon in America, but initial reporting suggested the confrontation may have been a minor dust-up. The Senator's staff seemed to somewhat downplay the incident at first, too. But as Christine noted yesterday, the extent of Paul's injuries indicate that this was more serious, and more violent, than originally understood. The lawmaker was blindsided by a "high velocity severe force blow" to the torso.

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul has five rib fractures and lung contusions as a result of an apparent assault Friday by a neighbor at Paul's home in Bowling Green, a spokesman for Kentucky's junior senator said Sunday. Senior adviser Doug Stafford said Paul's injuries cause pain that could persist for weeks, perhaps even months, but that the Republican plans to return to the U.S. Senate soon. “Senator Paul has five rib fractures including 3 displaced fractures," Stafford said in a statement emailed to the Daily News by Paul's staff. "This type of injury is caused by high velocity severe force. It is not clear exactly how soon he will return to work, as the pain is considerable as is the difficulty in getting around, including flying"...The arrest warrant in the case indicates that Paul told police that his neighbor came onto his property and tackled him from behind, forcing him to the ground and causing pain. According to the warrant for Boucher's arrest, Paul had injuries to his face and had trouble breathing due to a rib injury.

Paul's attacker has been given the same type of 'leniency' extended to all snowflakes who commit crimes today - He has been charged with 'Misdemeanor, 4th Degree' and causing a MINOR injury'. Since when is breaking 5 ribs in a physical attack a 'MINOR' Injury?

-- "...the suspect was charged with misdemeanor "fourth degree assault and causing a minor injury."

"Paul's assailant is a left-wing socialist who lives in an upscale gated community and once hawked a medical device he invented on QVC. Thus, he's a healthcare innovator who supports an unaffordable and callous single-payer system that, among other things, stifles innovation. His social media postings include rabidly anti-Trump memes, pro-Bernie Sanders content, and comments that such as, "may Robert Mueller fry Trump's gonads," and "SUB-ZERO: The intelligence level or [sic] Trump supporters."

While Liberals / snowflakes rail against the mentally disturbed freak who killed some 20+ people in Texas this past week, they are guaranteed to remain silent about 'one of their own' becoming' 'triggered' and attacking Paul.

One reason (excuse / justification from the Left) being floated as a possible reason for the attack is a past history of the 2 - Paul and the snowflake - having heated discussions over health care. If so, this could be yet another demonstration of how snowflakes resort to insults, personal attacks, and VIOLENCE when they get frustrated and begin losing in civilized intellectual debates.

Surprise: Rand Paul's Attacker Identified as Socialist, Anti-Trump, BernieCare-Loving Registered Democrat

Don't you know that it was Rand Paul's NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR???

his next door neighbor living in his cushy house in his gated community as your article describes, was right next door to Rand's cushy house in his gated community...

They're both docs and have known each other for 15 years. LOL
Rand Paul Attacker Identified as Socialist, Anti-Trump, BernieCare-Loving Registered Democrat
He's probably a Jew, too!

What else did your Tard Propaganists tell you? We're breathless with anticipation!

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