Rand Paul Calls For A New GOP


Craig Williams
Feb 23, 2013
Despite the neoconservatives’ beliefs, the Republican Party works exclusively for Big Business and the one percent. Except for the economically moot issues of being anti-choice, pro-gun, and convincing the Christian right that God speaks to the GOP, the chief focus of Republicans holding office is to protect the profits the very rich and find ways to make these profits grow.

For some reason Rand Paul believes the Republican Party must reinvent itself, and to do this they must connect with the Facebook generation. Paul wants the GOP to lead the fight in decriminalizing drug use, which is something Christian faith could not allow. Also, poor, naive Rand wants the GOP to go into the inner cities and shout at the top of their lungs "we are the party of jobs and opportunity. The GOP is the ticket to the middle class."

To Paul this all sounds great, but to the rank and file neoconservative voters it smacks of affirmative action and liberalism.

It would be a questionable boon to the GOP if they could convince minorities it was true, but given their devotion to Big Business and the super rich, the Republicans could never deliver the jobs, the opportunities, or the ticket to the middle class. This inability of the GOP would be exposed immediately after their first win helped by minorities who briefly believed in the empty Republican promises.

Add to the perception that the GOP was embracing affirmative action, by decriminalizing of drugs, far more neocon voters would join the Tea Party than minority voters would turn their support to the Republicans. This shows Rand Paul’s idea to be the folly it is.

The many, many misconceptions conservatives and neoconservatives hold for minorities has them believing are all stupid, unskilled, and lazy. This unchangeable mindset will work against the Republicans, because any overtures to these groups by the GOP will be patently insincere.

Presently, the Democrats are able to exploit the poor, the disabled, the elderly, and some disabled veterans by keeping entitlements in place that allow these groups to maintain a meager but tentative level of life. But the Democratic Party is nothing more than a coalition of factions, the Blue Dogs that are just GOP lite, the centrists, the liberal, and extreme liberals. These groups, although identifying themselves as Democrats, actually agree on very few issues. However, when the Republicans are in power, they can usually count on the Blue Dogs and the centrists to vote for most Republican bills, and against any proposed by their more liberal Congressional brethren.

Boehner and McConnell need only maintain the G”NO”P obstructionism until 2014, and by then the voters will be convinced it is time for a change. They will have forgotten why the country has been in a recession for over six years, and they won’t remember how the debt rose to such levels. With their victory in 2014, the Republicans will set the stage for a resounding comeback in 2016.

They will have the sound majority in Congress with the Blue Dog and centrist Democrats rubberstamping all Republican sponsored legislation. It will be a repeat of the Bush/Cheney years.

There are powerful individuals at the very top of the one percent that, for many years, have called the shots from behind the scenes. They command the Republican Party, and most other politicians, to do what they are paid to do, which is to look out for the best interests of the very rich. This means Rand Paul’s plan is out of the question and the same tired and destructive agenda of Reaganomics the Republican Party has pressed for the past thirty-plus years will stay in place.

However, to maintain voter distraction, the Republican Party, at all levels, must go ahead with their anti-choice, anti-labor, pro-gun movements, and the crusade to get Christian prayer back into government offices and the public school system. With these noisemaking issues keeping what is truly important out of the public eye, the main focus can remain on deregulation, tax cuts, increased defense spending, and the elimination of costly entitlement programs. These are the core issues that keep the neocons voting against their own economic interests, and will allow the conservatives in both parties to keep the income gap widening, the middle class shrinking, and the nation's debt growing.

Sen. Rand Paul calls for new Republican Party - MarketWatch

The OP is Delusional.

If Rand Paul is the future of the GOP, the GOP is going the way of the Whigs...

Interesting to watch. Right after the November elections, when Jindal made his comments, it was beginning to look like the party might be able to marginalize the crazies, but it sure looks now like they're re-energized and coming back.

All I care about at this point is that neither party has control of the White House, House and Senate, and I'm getting a little nervous about 2014. The GOP is in real trouble.

It is amazing that Rand Paul could view the results of the last election and conclude that the reason Republicans lost is because they are not more like him
Rand Paul kind of shows where the GOP has gone wrong.

The GOP used to be about suggesting private sector or more efficient solutions to problems.

Now they are just about hating government on principle that government itself it evil.
Rand Pauls GOP would never win an election

Maybe not. But if they supplant Karl Rove's GOP, I call it a win.

A win for the Democrats

The Paul faction would become a congressional subset incapable of influencing any major issue

Voting no on every bill is not a position

And again, why would you not call that a "win" for the entire country? Would you prefer to see a more effective Rovist/neo-con Republican party?

I realize you're preoccupied with the left/right/demo/repub pissing match - but I think you're missing point of what the agenda has been all along. The point of the libertarian movement - as expressed by the Paul's et. al. - has always been to transform the party. And most of the ways they want to change the party should be welcome news to liberals with any real concern for the direction of the country.

The only Democrats who should feel threatened by Rand Paul and the effort to make the Republicans more libertarian are those who are primarily centrist authoritarians. Like their brethren in the Republican party, they are the target of the movement.

We're trying to wrestle control of our government away from the corporatists currently running it into the ground. I'd think genuine liberals and progressives would applaud the effort, even if they distrust the ideology behind it.
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Why does there need to be a new GOP? The OP has been telling us how great the current GOP is since he joined the board.
Interesting read. I am old enough to remember when Republicans were conservatives. But since the Reagan radicalism has infested the GOP, conservatism is dead in that party.

Market Radicals: The GOP's Betrayal of Conservatism


In fact, fiscal crisis has become the Republicans' favorite tool for forcing government contraction. This is the party's worst-kept secret: they slash public revenues when they come to power, which precipitates fiscal crisis--the massive Bush tax cuts contributed greatly to the current fiscal mess--and then they demand painful reductions in public spending. Does anyone seriously believe that, if only the budget were balanced and the deficit paid--as they were under Bill Clinton in the late 1990s--the Republican Party would stop demanding painful cuts to public services? Fiscal prudence is not their aim; their aim is to "starve the beast." In other words: the aim is to inaugurate a bold political experiment--an experiment in market radicalism--even at the cost of considerable human suffering.

Market radicalism boils down to a single, shining article of faith: it holds that, freed from government interference, unburdened by regulatory oversight, markets will bring widely shared prosperity whose benefits will more than compensate for its disruptive costs. There is no doubt that minimally regulated markets create great wealth. Whether this wealth could ever be widely shared without ambitious government oversight and redistribution is uncertain at best. In today's global economy, this great libertarian hope stands, arguably, on shakier ground than ever. During America's last three economic recoveries, for example, the benefits of economic growth flowed almost entirely to the wealthy; working-class families lost ground each time, even with help from government.
It is amazing that Rand Paul could view the results of the last election and conclude that the reason Republicans lost is because they are not more like him

Totally. I mean why would he recognize that Romney won independents and lost the base and think it might be a good idea to send out a good message that energizes the base. Totally crazy.

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