Rand Paul: Don't Blame Obama


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
Rand Paul: Proponents of Iraq war responsible for current chaos

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) responded Friday to an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal earlier this week in which former Vice President Dick Cheney leveled sharp criticism of President Obama's handling of Iraq.

In an interview with NBC's David Gregory, Paul suggested the same questions raised by Cheney in the op-ed should be asked of people like Cheney himself and others who supported the Iraq War, saying he "blame those who are for the Iraq War for emboldening Iran.”

Former Vice President Dick Cheney has been quite critical of this president and he wrote an op-ed this week in which he said in part, “Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many. Too many times to count, Mr. Obama has told us he is ‘ending’ the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan – as though wishing [makes] it so.” Do you think Dick Cheney is a credible critic of this president?

I think the same questions could be asked of those who supported the Iraq War. You know, were they right in their predictions? Were there weapons of mass destruction there? That’s what the war was sold on. Was democracy easily achievable? Was the war won in 2005, when many of these people said it was won? They didn’t really, I think, understand the civil war that would break out. And what’s going on now -- I don’t blame on President Obama. Has he really got the solution? Maybe there is no solution. But I do blame the Iraq War on the chaos that is in the Middle East. I also blame those who are for the Iraq War for emboldening Iran. These are the same people now who are petrified of what Iran may become, and I understand some of their worry.

Rand Paul........

Only guy that stands for me. Ive voted GOP since 1980.......never again if its an establishment asshole candidate. I may never vote again......I'm sure by end of next year, the crooked GOP will have besmirched Paul nine ways to Sunday.

IM actually with Obama on this but I think he just doesn't give a shit.........
Rand Paul: Proponents of Iraq war responsible for current chaos

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) responded Friday to an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal earlier this week in which former Vice President Dick Cheney leveled sharp criticism of President Obama's handling of Iraq.

In an interview with NBC's David Gregory, Paul suggested the same questions raised by Cheney in the op-ed should be asked of people like Cheney himself and others who supported the Iraq War, saying he "blame those who are for the Iraq War for emboldening Iran.”

Former Vice President Dick Cheney has been quite critical of this president and he wrote an op-ed this week in which he said in part, “Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many. Too many times to count, Mr. Obama has told us he is ‘ending’ the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan – as though wishing [makes] it so.” Do you think Dick Cheney is a credible critic of this president?

I think the same questions could be asked of those who supported the Iraq War. You know, were they right in their predictions? Were there weapons of mass destruction there? That’s what the war was sold on. Was democracy easily achievable? Was the war won in 2005, when many of these people said it was won? They didn’t really, I think, understand the civil war that would break out. And what’s going on now -- I don’t blame on President Obama. Has he really got the solution? Maybe there is no solution. But I do blame the Iraq War on the chaos that is in the Middle East. I also blame those who are for the Iraq War for emboldening Iran. These are the same people now who are petrified of what Iran may become, and I understand some of their worry.


I KNEW IT! Thank god he's along the same lines as his father is on this.
....and that is why he will never be a legit GOP candidate.....his kook genes come to the surface from time to time.
Rand Paul will move more towards the center. The good thing about Rand is that he doesn't bite his tongue in the name of politics when one of his own needs to be put in his place.
Dick Cheney will eventually be discredited by everyone except the hard-core Bushies.

The Dick has been discredited, in my book, since his first deferment during Viet Nam. And yet he's always been the biggest hawk when it came to war.

It's really too bad that modern science has kept that man alive when Mother Nature has tried so valiantly so many times to kill him...since the age of 37 or so when he had his first heart attack.
Rand Paul is an idiot trying to equate the mess in Iraq today as an outcome of the original invasion.

How can he claim Saddam and his sons wouldn't be aligned with ISIS, AQ in general, etc?

Would the US military still be containing the Iraq military with Saddam and sons in charge like since Bush I?

AQ today is stronger thanks to Obama and ISIS came out of Syria, a mess caused by Obama not "Bush and Cheney."

Obama claimed Iraq was a success and stable country in 2011, thus why he didn't want to leave any US troops there to keep the peace. Rand Paul is blaming all that on Cheney????

Obama didn't inherit Iraq as a hellhole, it was slowly rebuilding post-Saddam when he took charge, he just chose to squander it and ruined all the gains there.

Rand Paul shows he is not a serious leader if he believes Obama's actions in 2011 to now had no affect on Iraq compared to what Bush and Cheney did 2008 and before.....that's called fucking insanity.
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Good for him.

I think that pretty much disqualifies him for the ticket, doesn't it?


It creates interest for me...I don't think anyone deserves blame for Iraq...but I appreciate it when someone is willing to honestly discuss an issue instead of the partisan BS. I do agree, that Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld deserve all of the positive credit we can muster for their exceptional wisdom, character, integrity and bravery for their role in removing a dictator from his throne and creating a situation where Killer Muslims are killing each other instead of Americans!

Good for him.

I think that pretty much disqualifies him for the ticket, doesn't it?


Not really. The RP is contending with the fact that the establishment is no longer acceptable to the voter base. You see that with cantors defeat among other things.

We will have to see how the primary goes but I doubt something like this will have any appreciable affect on it.
Rand Paul is on a perpetual campaign. Paul is right about Iraq and Cheney

Rand Paul will move more towards the center. A social liberal and economic conservative should do just that.

Only guy that stands for me.. I am beginning to feel the same way.

Obama claimed Iraq was a success and stable country in 2011, thus why he didn't want to leave any US troops there to keep the peace. Because Iraq would not sign a SOFA that would have kept American soldiers out of Iraq courts.

How can he claim Saddam and his sons wouldn't be aligned with ISIS, AQ in general, etc? He was a secularist and these are crazy jihadist fundamentalists. They would have had his balls.
Rand Paul........

Only guy that stands for me. Ive voted GOP since 1980.......never again if its an establishment asshole candidate. I may never vote again......I'm sure by end of next year, the crooked GOP will have besmirched Paul nine ways to Sunday.

IM actually with Obama on this but I think he just doesn't give a shit.........

We'd be better off if the Neocon establishment, like Mccain and Romney, just joined the Democrat Party (barely any differences between anyway).

Then there would remain a true Conservative (Classical Liberal) party.

Good for him.

I think that pretty much disqualifies him for the ticket, doesn't it?


What is Rand Paul's honest assessment of his own chances to be POTUS?

His behaviour tells me that he doesn't think he has a chance in hell, but he does think that he can become a bigger voice, and can become very rich in the process.

Because I just watched his MTP interview and he is embracing his inner wingnut with his BENGHAZI!!1!!! accusations. His argument is totally unconvincing and will just turn off the majority of the country while making himself look extreme, foolish, and a panderer.

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