Rand Paul is an American hero who deserves the medal of freedom!

Rand is alright, for the most part. He seems to be a true conservative. Why he didn't get the nomination and the orange rapey cheeto did will forever remain a mystery to me.
He was the only conservative on the stage.
Its not a mystery though. A lot of voters are fucking idiots.

Right. I'm a far left liberal and even I could tell he was the only real conservative. Which makes me wonder, if Rand wasn't able to resonate with the majority of conservatives, perhaps conservatives aren't conservative anymore? I think the Republican party represents a different philosophy from real conservatism, and hasn't represented it since Reagan was president. Perhaps you can tell me what the hell happened, because I can't pinpoint the source of the change, other than the proliferation of more extremist views on radio and more recently popular outrage-porn right wing sites that have hijacked the party.
IDK what happened with Rand. A lot of Conservatives don't seem to like him that much. Probably because he isn't fascist enough..
Reagan changed conservatism, IMO. Turned it into insane foreign policy and corporatism. And I think most conservatives are breaking free from that. From what I can tell anyways.
Rand is alright, for the most part. He seems to be a true conservative. Why he didn't get the nomination and the orange rapey cheeto did will forever remain a mystery to me.
That figures.
"there's something in this budget for everyone of you and I expect a YEA from everyone of you...except Rand Paul because he votes NO on principle!" - Obama to the Republican Caucus
Rand Paul heroically stopped World War III!

Rand is alright, for the most part. He seems to be a true conservative. Why he didn't get the nomination and the orange rapey cheeto did will forever remain a mystery to me.
He was the only conservative on the stage.
Its not a mystery though. A lot of voters are fucking idiots.

Right. I'm a far left liberal and even I could tell he was the only real conservative. Which makes me wonder, if Rand wasn't able to resonate with the majority of conservatives, perhaps conservatives aren't conservative anymore? I think the Republican party represents a different philosophy from real conservatism, and hasn't represented it since Reagan was president. Perhaps you can tell me what the hell happened, because I can't pinpoint the source of the change, other than the proliferation of more extremist views on radio and more recently popular outrage-porn right wing sites that have hijacked the party.
Rand Paul was a RINO. He sold his soul to anyone for a vote.
Cruz was the only Constitutional Conservative.

That said, in hindsight, Trump was the best choice for this place in time.

Trump will get things done like no other.
I'm a fan. We might disagree here and there, but good lord I wish we had more of him.
"i will not vote for Obamacare repeal if the republicans vote for obamacare repeal but don't replace obamacare" - Rand Paul, complicated but principled
Rand seems like the perfect bureaucratic conservative. We need guys like him but frankly he don't have the culyones to drain the swamp. Maybe that's what RINO republicans really want.
Rand Paul was my choice before the primaries even got off the ground...he was railroaded out of the primaries by the party/Bush folk

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