Rand Paul is Filibustering John Brennan

And the answer was exactly what you knew it would be. Grandstanding by the reactionaries and libertarians, nothing else.

Weren't you one of the ones arguing that the answer was obviously "yes" earlier?

Weren't you arguing yes earlier? I wasn't it. The argument was that if armed American citizens were posing an imminent threat, then, yes, they were fair game. That is exactly what Holder's answer meant.

Please don't play the reactionary game of falsehood: you are better than that.

No, I was arguing that Holder never answered the question directly one way or another. Since Americans posing an imminent threat weren't applicable to Rand's question, only Americans not posing an imminent threat, it made no sense to answer that they were fair game. Nobody ever argued that they weren't.
Nah, the question was intentionally misframed so he could start a mudfight. What he did not count on was coming out smeared to more than 75% of the population. BHO, like Clinton and Reagan, is almost Teflon proof, and that is not going to change. The re-election is proof of that.
Nah, the question was intentionally misframed so he could start a mudfight. What he did not count on was coming out smeared to more than 75% of the population. BHO, like Clinton and Reagan, is almost Teflon proof, and that is not going to change. The re-election is proof of that.

Yes, but Paul's audience is the 25%, and he's happy to wow them, because they put him in in Kentucky and will drive the gop primary.
Nah, the question was intentionally misframed so he could start a mudfight. What he did not count on was coming out smeared to more than 75% of the population. BHO, like Clinton and Reagan, is almost Teflon proof, and that is not going to change. The re-election is proof of that.

How could he misframe his own question?

Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-KY) epic 13-hour filibuster of John Brennan for CIA director finally came to an amicable resolution Thursday, but not before sparking a battle within the Republican Party hierarchy — the latest in a series of internal struggles the party has faced since the election.

On Paul’s side is the right-wing apparatus and their darlings in Congress — notably Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Ted Cruz (R-TX), who joined the filibuster. They were delighted by Paul’s highly public confrontation with the White House and cheered him on until the very end.

One the other side are the GOP neoconservatives, led by Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who are Washington’s chief guardians of broad executive power when it comes to dealing with the country’s enemies.

They were furious with Paul’s attacks on President Obama’s drone policy.

“To somehow allege or infer that the President of the United States is going to kill somebody like Jane Fonda, or somebody who disagrees with the policies, is a stretch of imagination which is, frankly, ridiculous,” McCain said Thursday morning on the Senate floor.

He read from a scathing Wall Street Journal editorial declaring that “if Mr. Paul wants to be taken seriously he needs to do more than pull political stunts that fire up impressionable libertarian kids in their college dorms. He needs to know what he’s talking about.”

That angered the wealthy conservative activist group FreedomWorks, which called McCain’s remarks “rude and out of line,” and slammed him for “schmoozing with President Obama over dinner” while Paul was mounting his “courageous filibuster.”

More: Rand Paul’s Drone Filibuster Sparks GOP Civil War | TPMDC
Funny, I could have sworn you guys were claiming the GOP was having a civil war for years.
Funny, I could have sworn you guys were claiming the GOP was having a civil war for years.

Ts the only thing they talk about ,endlessly day in and day out, the GOP is this the GOP is that ,its like they are trying to convince themselves.
I'm enjoying watching the GOP implode. They let the Tea Party (i.e. a bunch of grumpy old white people funded by the Koch Brothers) come in and it's all been downhill from there ever since.
Who gives a shit what McCain and Graham says? Nobody appointed them the Kings of the Republican party...

People need to contact these two and tell them to Represent the people they were hired to Represent..
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And you see this crap right here?

That angered the wealthy conservative activist group FreedomWorks

and then they have on the right wing side

This is NOT UNBIASED Reporting folks...

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Oh, I take that back. This guy's in charge. The man who gets so nervous having to make a speech to a camera that he grabs and gulps a water bottle and hopes you don't notice.

Given the IQ of your average Republican, he was probably right.

It did spark a GOP Civil War, you are right. It also started an underground Civil War in the Democratic Party.

This is the start of the Authoritarians and the Libertarians in both Parties starting to unite and battle against each other.

Would you like to illustrate that a bit more? It just comes off as an opinion rather than a statement that can be corroborated with any real substance or fact....just sayin'.

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