Rand Paul is Filibustering John Brennan

Rand Paul's self-serving spectacle only appealed to the radical right.

So I guess killing an American on American soil with a drone while he is not engaging in combat with any other American is just fine with you. Obama has already killed an American in Yemen along with his teenage son and the son's classmate. Al three killed by a hellfire missile. I can see taking out the father but I draw the line at killing his son and his neighbors son. The father and Both minors were American born citizens. Just what does Obama have to do to get your goat? do you support him no matter what? What Rand Paul did was long over due. He spoke truth to power and won. Something the left use to admire but now you refer to it as self serving. You sir are whats wrong with America.
It wasn't a drone filibuster. It was a presidential nominee filibuster.

The idea that Paul was expressing is one that real liberals can find merit in. Too bad nutters have a need to condemn and accuse the duly elected President with every issue. They make real discussion toxic and poison the process.
Rand Paul's self-serving spectacle only appealed to the radical right.

It's radical to question the President as to what he believes the extent of his powers are? I think McCain and Graham are the radical ones defending secrecy and assassination of American citizens without due process.
Funny, I could have sworn you guys were claiming the GOP was having a civil war for years.

:lol: to true......

You mean too true?

But actually, in 2010 before the Tea Party put the GOP's balls in their purse, they took back the House, remember? They stood on a platform of....let me see if I can remember this correctly....Oh yeah! "Jobs, jobs, jobs!" They were cohesive, coherent and cognizant.

Now they are just a big bag of squirming worms.
I'm enjoying watching the GOP implode. They let the Tea Party (i.e. a bunch of grumpy old white people funded by the Koch Brothers) come in and it's all been downhill from there ever since.

Senator Scott is a grumpy old white person? Cause he was with Rand keeping the fillibuster going. Marco Rubio is a grumpy old white person?

You need to stop lying to yourself.
I'm enjoying watching the GOP implode. They let the Tea Party (i.e. a bunch of grumpy old white people funded by the Koch Brothers) come in and it's all been downhill from there ever since.

And the reason Holder backed down was what? The GOP implosion? He was capitalizing on that implosion? You sir, are as politically clueless as in practice clueless.
I'm enjoying watching the GOP implode. They let the Tea Party (i.e. a bunch of grumpy old white people funded by the Koch Brothers) come in and it's all been downhill from there ever since.
Racist post, as you used the (white people analogy), in which (imho) makes you a racist.
It wasn't a drone filibuster. It was a presidential nominee filibuster.

The idea that Paul was expressing is one that real liberals can find merit in. Too bad nutters have a need to condemn and accuse the duly elected President with every issue. They make real discussion toxic and poison the process.

Maybe the duly elected President shouldn't be issuing statements and doing things that contradict his oath of office creating questions for the people and honest representatives.
Funny, I could have sworn you guys were claiming the GOP was having a civil war for years.

:lol: to true......

You mean too true?

But actually, in 2010 before the Tea Party put the GOP's balls in their purse, they took back the House, remember? They stood on a platform of....let me see if I can remember this correctly....Oh yeah! "Jobs, jobs, jobs!" They were cohesive, coherent and cognizant.

Now they are just a big bag of squirming worms.

No. We stood on a platform of limited government, fiscal sanity and the Constitution.

BTW We passed countless bills that would have provided jobs for Americans. It's not our fault the Senate Democrats kill those bills.
Funny, I could have sworn you guys were claiming the GOP was having a civil war for years.

Ts the only thing they talk about ,endlessly day in and day out, the GOP is this the GOP is that ,its like they are trying to convince themselves.

Hardly. It's like all you have to do is watch all the back-stabbing and infighting.
Something you've been watching day in and day out with glee eh ?

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