Rand Paul Seemed Almost Sane Last Night


Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2013
A Red Welfare State
On the issues: (Rand Paul on Bill Maher)

He said 3/4 of the prison population is black or brown, yet white kids are using just as many drugs. Its just that black and brown neighborhoods are more heavily patroled, and black/brown kids are handed down longer sentencing.

He's for ending the war on drugs, and for spending money on job training for prisoners.

He wants to restore voting rights to felons.

He said NO troops in Iraq!!! He said we've already wasted a trillion dollars and stated that too many lives were lost. "Wasted" I believe is how he stated it.

He also mentioned that our intervention has created more terrorism, implying that ISIS is partly our doing.

The only thing I thought he was wishy-washy on is the environment. He lost me there and went back to his crazy self.

I'm curious of how the extremist forum nutters feel about Rand Paul on these issues.

Let me take a detour to Rand Paul's father.

If Ron Paul had been elected president in 2000, we would never have had the Iraq mess. We would never have had the housing meltdown, because he would never have allowed Greenspan to keep rates at 50 year lows for 4 years. The country would never have descended into the worst financial crisis in half a century, and a generation of Americans would not have lost their homes and jobs and futures.

I disagree strongly with both Ron and Rand Paul on many issues, but they are far better than many of the politicians on both sides of the aisle.
Let me take a detour to Rand Paul's father.

If Ron Paul had been elected president in 2000, we would never have had the Iraq mess. We would never have had the housing meltdown, because he would never have allowed Greenspan to keep rates at 50 year lows for 4 years. The country would never have descended into the worst financial crisis in half a century, and a generation of Americans would not have lost their homes and jobs and futures.

I disagree strongly with both Ron and Rand Paul on many issues, but they are far better than many of the politicians on both sides of the aisle.

I liked Ron Paul and his stance on foreign policy, but when he talks about economics I want to pick up a fork and stab someone in the eye.
I just did. We elected a president who doesn't know his ass from page 8 about economics or foreign affairs. The next time someone seems almost sane, ask yourself if he is almost what we need, or is he just what we need. Color or gender has no place in making the decision next time.
I just did. We elected a president who doesn't know his ass from page 8 about economics or foreign affairs. The next time someone seems almost sane, ask yourself if he is almost what we need, or is he just what we need. Color or gender has no place in making the decision next time.

Thank you for contributing useless blabber, without addressing the OP.

Of course it's his ignorance of law and governance that's at issue.

Nothing frightens you more than someone who interprets that Constitution as it is plainly written.

Actually CCJ made a good point. The issues in the OP do not matter if you don't know the laws or how to govern. Anyone can have an opinion.
I just did. We elected a president who doesn't know his ass from page 8 about economics or foreign affairs. The next time someone seems almost sane, ask yourself if he is almost what we need, or is he just what we need. Color or gender has no place in making the decision next time.

This needs to be backed up by actual policy analysis and job data, which is challenging when all your news sources provide never-ending attacks but are very thin on data.

For instance, the rightwing machine castigated Carter and Clinton on the deficit, but the numbers show that Reagan and Bush 43 nearly tripled their respective deficits compared to their liberal predecessors.

Rather than listening to the echo chamber, we need to compare the actual employment numbers of Clinton versus Bush, and we need to look at the actual deficit and debt numbers of Clinton versus Bush. Or Obama versus Bush. By doing this you will see that it becomes harder to say that the Democratic presidents know nothing about the economy.

Why not look at some charts
Click this > Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Why not compare Obama's job growth to Reagan's. Don't take my word for it, and don't take a liberal blog's word.

Try the rightwing Forbes Magazine. Click me > Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

FYI: we're closer than you think when it comes to Obama. I'm very harsh on him when my liberal friends try to defend his record. However, we need you to start studying actual policies and citing actual data, rather than repeating the same old talking points about how the current Democratic president (whether it be Carter, Clinton, Obama or the next Democrat to take office) is clueless. You have to stop repeating unsupported Trotskyite talking points that your party always makes about Democrats. Carter deregulated Transportation and Communications, and he spent far less than Reagan. But you don't know this because Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity never mention it.

Please. Read actual policies and cite actual employment data.
I just did. We elected a president who doesn't know his ass from page 8 about economics or foreign affairs. The next time someone seems almost sane, ask yourself if he is almost what we need, or is he just what we need. Color or gender has no place in making the decision next time.
No, you didn't

You attempted to deflect by posting a straw man fallacy because you know you can't defend Paul's ignorance and inconsistencies.

Of course it's his ignorance of law and governance that's at issue.

Nothing frightens you more than someone who interprets that Constitution as it is plainly written.

Actually CCJ made a good point. The issues in the OP do not matter if you don't know the laws or how to govern. Anyone can have an opinion.

Good, then I can have mine. My opinion is we need to elect those who favor the Constitution over political correctness and the global initiative. That includes Paul, Perry or anyone else that is running. I can certainly defend Paul's ignorance using the barometer we used to elect the last president. Paul is not an event planner. Paul is less ignorant than what we have in office now. There ya go.....

My opinion is less ignorant or inconsistent than what we have now isn't good enough. We need to raise our expectations.

Of course it's his ignorance of law and governance that's at issue.

Nothing frightens you more than someone who interprets that Constitution as it is plainly written.

Actually CCJ made a good point. The issues in the OP do not matter if you don't know the laws or how to govern. Anyone can have an opinion.

Good, then I can have mine. My opinion is we need to elect those who favor the Constitution over political correctness and the global initiative. That includes Paul, Perry or anyone else that is running. I can certainly defend Paul's ignorance using the barometer we used to elect the last president. Paul is not an event planner. There ya go.....

My opinion is less ignorant or inconsistent that what we have now isn't good enough. We need to raise our expectations.

Is there a reason you refuse to address the points in the OP? Why bother posting on this thread if you are not willing to do so?
Libertarianism is lunacy, reactionary and Utopian.

If Bill Maher had asked Rand Paul about minimum wage, Obamacare, or other important issues, I'm sure I would have wanted to pick up that fork and stab someone in the eye. :eek:

I also remember Rand Paul saying he was against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. I want to make very clear, just because I agreed with some of the things he said last night, does not mean I no longer think he's a kook.

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