Rand Paul "the fight of our lives

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Rand Paul Threatens To Hold Up Janet Yellen Nomination To Fed: Report

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has threatened to block the nomination of Janet Yellen to chair the Federal Reserve, CNBC reported Friday.

Citing a source close to Paul, CNBC wrote that the Kentucky Republican "is insisting on a vote on his Fed transparency bill, and has informed Senate leadership of his intentions."

The bill in question, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2011, would eliminate current audit restrictions placed on the Government Accountability Office and require the Fed to undergo a complete audit by a specific deadline. Similar legislation was championed in the House by Paul's father, former GOP presidential candidate and Texas Rep. Ron Paul.

The damn teepotties only know how to blackmail, extort, ransom, threaten. Not one of these fools knows anything about governing and since they do "govern", there's no way for them to learn.

The answer to all R questions is simple really.


And, poor Rand Paul just isn't getting the attention he craves.
OK Luddly here we go again...

"The damn teepotties only know how to blackmail, extort, ransom, threaten.

This coming from the guy who vowed to stop bigotry racism and hatred destroying America? Are you saying it's okay for YOU to call names, dehumanizing someone as a "damn teepotty"
but "not okay" for other people to use bullying with racial slurs to dehumanize others?

Good going, Luddly!

I ask you what is "prochoice" about pushing insurance as the "only choice" and penalizing paying for health care directly; or what is "fighting for equal rights" next to "excluding" people from representation in public policy just because their political views are different.

And now you pull more stunts like calling people
NUTTERS and now TEEPOTTIES? While decrying bigotry and hatred?

So embarrassing. Luddly, please say you're kidding, make a joke or something so I can laugh.
No wonder people say there's no way I can be a liberal Democrat because I don't act this way!
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OK Luddly here we go again...

"The damn teepotties only know how to blackmail, extort, ransom, threaten.

This coming from the guy who vowed to stop bigotry racism and hatred destroying America? Are you saying it's okay for YOU to call names, dehumanizing someone as a "damn teepotty"
but "not okay" for other people to use bullying with racial slurs to dehumanize others?

Good going, Luddly!

I ask you what is "prochoice" about pushing insurance as the "only choice" and penalizing paying for health care directly; or what is "fighting for equal rights" next to "excluding" people from representation in public policy just because their political views are different.

And now you pull more stunts like calling people
NUTTERS and now TEEPOTTIES? While decrying bigotry and hatred?

So embarrassing. Luddly, please say you're kidding, make a joke or something so I can laugh.
No wonder people say there's no way I can be a liberal Democrat because I don't act this way!

What's theirs is theirs and what's yours is theirs. Pay it with a smile or suffer the consequences! LOL. PC is for YOU to be not for THEM to be!
Liberals mostly believe that " do as I say, not as I do" applies to them. How many times have we had a rabid anti gun liberal caught with a firearm?

Their rules are for the sheep not them. Laws are not for them they are above the law according to them.
Their rules are for the sheep not them. Laws are not for them they are above the law according to them.

We know why you hate us, of course. The shining moral absolutism of the liberals burns conservative moral relativists like sunlight burning a vampire, so they lash out at the source of their pain.

Now, conservatives could just renounce moral relativism and their "The ends always justify the means for MEMEMEME and my party" lifestyle ... but they won't. It's engrained in their very souls, that religious belief that TheParty is good and holy by defintion. Thus, absolutely any sleaze is justified and holy if it attacks enemies of TheParty.

As an example, let's look at Rand Paul.
The Truthiness of Rand Paul - NationalJournal.com
He went on to describe studying for a pathology test with friends in the library. "We spread the rumor that we knew what was on the test and it was definitely going to be all about the liver," he said. "We tried to trick all of our competing students into over-studying for the liver" and not studying much else.

"So, that's my advice," he concluded. "Misinformation works."

That's not Rand Paul expressing regret over a youthful mistake. That's Rand Paul bragging about lying to people, and specifically recommending to youth that they should lie to other peoples' faces if it brings them personal gain.

And not a single Republican here will have the guts to condemn Rand Paul for giving such shockingly immoral advice. First, because TheParty forbids any criticism of leaders of TheParty. Second, because they think the same way as Rand Paul, that lying is a good thing if benefits your own clique.
The bill in question, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2011, would eliminate current audit restrictions placed on the Government Accountability Office and require the Fed to undergo a complete audit by a specific deadline. Similar legislation was championed in the House by Paul's father, former GOP presidential candidate and Texas Rep. Ron Paul.

Yet more inane, partisan obstructionism by the right.

This has nothing to do with whether or not Janet Yellen should chair the Federal Reserve and it has nothing to do with her qualifications.
Rand Paul wants to kill the Federal Reserve anyway

Fucking Retard
Their rules are for the sheep not them. Laws are not for them they are above the law according to them.

We know why you hate us, of course. The shining moral absolutism of the liberals burns conservative moral relativists like sunlight burning a vampire, so they lash out at the source of their pain.

Now, conservatives could just renounce moral relativism and their "The ends always justify the means for MEMEMEME and my party" lifestyle ... but they won't. It's engrained in their very souls, that religious belief that TheParty is good and holy by defintion. Thus, absolutely any sleaze is justified and holy if it attacks enemies of TheParty.

As an example, let's look at Rand Paul.
The Truthiness of Rand Paul - NationalJournal.com
He went on to describe studying for a pathology test with friends in the library. "We spread the rumor that we knew what was on the test and it was definitely going to be all about the liver," he said. "We tried to trick all of our competing students into over-studying for the liver" and not studying much else.

"So, that's my advice," he concluded. "Misinformation works."

That's not Rand Paul expressing regret over a youthful mistake. That's Rand Paul bragging about lying to people, and specifically recommending to youth that they should lie to other peoples' faces if it brings them personal gain.

And not a single Republican here will have the guts to condemn Rand Paul for giving such shockingly immoral advice. First, because TheParty forbids any criticism of leaders of TheParty. Second, because they think the same way as Rand Paul, that lying is a good thing if benefits your own clique.

Lying as worked well for him because the rw voter either doesn't care that they're being had or they just don't understand it. For the same reasons, lying works well other Repubs and t-potties.


And, rw's know it.
Their rules are for the sheep not them. Laws are not for them they are above the law according to them.

We know why you hate us, of course. The shining moral absolutism of the liberals burns conservative moral relativists like sunlight burning a vampire, so they lash out at the source of their pain.

Now, conservatives could just renounce moral relativism and their "The ends always justify the means for MEMEMEME and my party" lifestyle ... but they won't. It's engrained in their very souls, that religious belief that TheParty is good and holy by defintion. Thus, absolutely any sleaze is justified and holy if it attacks enemies of TheParty.

As an example, let's look at Rand Paul.
The Truthiness of Rand Paul - NationalJournal.com
He went on to describe studying for a pathology test with friends in the library. "We spread the rumor that we knew what was on the test and it was definitely going to be all about the liver," he said. "We tried to trick all of our competing students into over-studying for the liver" and not studying much else.

"So, that's my advice," he concluded. "Misinformation works."

That's not Rand Paul expressing regret over a youthful mistake. That's Rand Paul bragging about lying to people, and specifically recommending to youth that they should lie to other peoples' faces if it brings them personal gain.

And not a single Republican here will have the guts to condemn Rand Paul for giving such shockingly immoral advice. First, because TheParty forbids any criticism of leaders of TheParty. Second, because they think the same way as Rand Paul, that lying is a good thing if benefits your own clique.

Lying as worked well for him because the rw voter either doesn't care that they're being had or they just don't understand it. For the same reasons, lying works well other Repubs and t-potties.


And, rw's know it.

Lies you say?...

How bout this from the Democrat's and just recently too.
They don't seem to be backing away from this...

'I cannot even stand to look at you' during tense government shutdown meeting

WH admits one of theirs made it up.
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That would by Roz supporting Rand Paul's "I recommend that you lie" with a hearty "But ... but ... a democrat lied too!".

They love that one. Since you can always claim a Democrat somewhere lied, they can thus use the tactic to auto-excuse all of their own big lies. Not one of 'em will say "Rand Paul was wrong to do that". It's not like they have to renounce all support for him. After all, I still credit Paul for his anti-drug-war efforts. They're simply forbidden to state that DearLeaderRand is anything less than perfect. It's the cult of personality thing.
How about this from the leader of the Democrat party... Obama his self...

'If you like your plan you can keep it'....

This may just be the lie of the decade!
Lefties here do it all the time when we say something about Obama....

Well you guys never cared when Bush did it....

So bite me.
Rand Paul Threatens To Hold Up Janet Yellen Nomination To Fed: Report

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has threatened to block the nomination of Janet Yellen to chair the Federal Reserve, CNBC reported Friday.

Citing a source close to Paul, CNBC wrote that the Kentucky Republican "is insisting on a vote on his Fed transparency bill, and has informed Senate leadership of his intentions."

The bill in question, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2011, would eliminate current audit restrictions placed on the Government Accountability Office and require the Fed to undergo a complete audit by a specific deadline. Similar legislation was championed in the House by Paul's father, former GOP presidential candidate and Texas Rep. Ron Paul.

The damn teepotties only know how to blackmail, extort, ransom, threaten. Not one of these fools knows anything about governing and since they do "govern", there's no way for them to learn.

That's what comes from drinking Kool Aid out of a teapot.
Rand Paul Threatens To Hold Up Janet Yellen Nomination To Fed: Report

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has threatened to block the nomination of Janet Yellen to chair the Federal Reserve, CNBC reported Friday.

Citing a source close to Paul, CNBC wrote that the Kentucky Republican "is insisting on a vote on his Fed transparency bill, and has informed Senate leadership of his intentions."

The bill in question, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2011, would eliminate current audit restrictions placed on the Government Accountability Office and require the Fed to undergo a complete audit by a specific deadline. Similar legislation was championed in the House by Paul's father, former GOP presidential candidate and Texas Rep. Ron Paul.

The damn teepotties only know how to blackmail, extort, ransom, threaten. Not one of these fools knows anything about governing and since they do "govern", there's no way for them to learn.

The answer to all R questions is simple really.


And, poor Rand Paul just isn't getting the attention he craves.

Auditing the Fed has overwhelming bipartisan support, Dudley, but you know why it never got voted on? Because Pelosi wouldn't allow it.

Now back to you playpen and suck on your pacifier.
How about this from the leader of the Democrat party... Obama his self...

'If you like your plan you can keep it'....

This may just be the lie of the decade!

Not a lie, exactly. More like a half truth. He forgot to mention that your plan can drop you even if you like your plan and choose not to drop it.
Once the government put these insurance companies and employers in the position of having to drop insureds, whether they wanted to or not, that die was pretty well cast.

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