Random Truths

I wish men would give a massage and not expect sex, cause, we're worth it!
I wish men would give a massage and not expect sex, cause, we're worth it!
dear; that usually costs money.

no really it does not ;)
it does for men. women don't seem that ambitious or proactive unless capital is involved, under our form of capitalism. guys simply make better socialists and prove it for free. :p

how many men want a massage and no sex????
it depends; :p

how many women are socially equal enough to work with the law of large numbers when dealing with mostly nice guys regarding social equality and sex; in other words, women should be nice to guys with low numbers and little practice to the extent abstinence and just saying "no" to silly chic trics is considered moral and worthy of social respect. And, as wo-men, should do what such guys say, for social equality purposes, at least until we achieve parity, for sexual equality purposes in social circumstances.
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I wish men would give a massage and not expect sex, cause, we're worth it!
dear; that usually costs money.

no really it does not ;)
it does for men. women don't seem that ambitious or proactive unless capital is involved, under our form of capitalism. guys simply make better socialists and prove it for free. :p

how many men want a massage and no sex????
it depends; :p

how many women are socially equally enough work with the law of large numbers when dealing with mostly nice guys regarding social equality and sex; in other words, women should be nice to guys with low numbers and little practice to the extent abstinence and just saying "no" to silly chic trics is considered moral and worthy of social respect. And, as wo-men, should do what such guys say, for social equality purposes, at least until we achieve parity, for sexual equality purposes in social circumstances.

yeah well unfortunately, parity and equality when it comes to a person's personal sexual relationship with someone else doesn't fit into that kind of mold!

I think you want a society to live in with sexual rules and regulations!
dear; that usually costs money.

no really it does not ;)
it does for men. women don't seem that ambitious or proactive unless capital is involved, under our form of capitalism. guys simply make better socialists and prove it for free. :p

how many men want a massage and no sex????
it depends; :p

how many women are socially equally enough work with the law of large numbers when dealing with mostly nice guys regarding social equality and sex; in other words, women should be nice to guys with low numbers and little practice to the extent abstinence and just saying "no" to silly chic trics is considered moral and worthy of social respect. And, as wo-men, should do what such guys say, for social equality purposes, at least until we achieve parity, for sexual equality purposes in social circumstances.

yeah well unfortunately, parity and equality when it comes to a person's personal sexual relationship with someone else doesn't fit into that kind of mold!

I think you want a society to live in with sexual rules and regulations!
i am not the one claiming "American" exceptionalism to existing rules even the status quo must recognize.
Time for another episode of 'Random Truths.'

Hard to imagine...but 80 "Random Truths" have been provided in this thread.....and there are more. Adherence to these truths will point recovering Liberals to an epiphany.....

....and just in time for Christmas!

Ten will be posted today....here are the first two:

1. Throughout human history, no philosophers or religious leaders have supported gay marriage.

2. There has been no 'global warming' for almost two decades.
Random Truths #3 & 4

3.Science professors are among the most religious group on college campuses; social science professors, the least.

4. It is the Left that craves power over other people, not the Right. Simple to prove: which wants to increase the size of government?
5. Like Adolph Hitler, and Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt crated concentration camps for his citizens. Just one more resemblance between the trio.

6. It's not guns that are the problem, it's who holds the guns. The same is true of nuclear weapons.
" Put simply, today’s liberalism cannot deal with the reality of evil. So liberals inveigh against the instruments the evil use rather than the evil that motivates them." The Liberal Theology of Gun Control
7. Israel is the world's front line in the battle against 7th century barbarism.

8. Franklin Roosevelt hated successful businessmen because he could never be good at that endeavor. He had a visceral animosity toward businessmen, entrepreneurs, successful capitalists. And he had a way with words, in describing them. "unscrupulousmoney changers..." the greed and shortsightedness of bankers andbusinessmen," "..rulers of the exchange of mankind's goods have failed through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence" "we apply social values more noble than mere monetary profit." "there must be an end to a conduct in banking and in business which too often has given to a sacred trust the likeness of callous and selfish wrongdoing."
9. Licensed gun owners are the most lawful of any group in society.

10. There is no such thing as 'life without parole.' Liberal judges see that they all get out.

90 Random Truths in this thread.

And now....for another episode of "Random Truths."

So far, there have been 90 such truths revealed....
.....and there are more, 10 today.

Adherence to these truths will point recovering Liberals toward an epiphany.....
and make them far more happy people.

1. Reality is defined by actions, not by words.
This may be the most important one.....it reminds all that the winner of "the Lie of the Year" sits, ensconced in the White House....yet evaluations of contenders are based on the veracity of their positions.
Does Obama still believe marriage is between a man and a woman? Or you can keep your doctor? Or his plan will reduce the annual cost of a typical families healthcare costs by $2500?
Or his promise that Iran will never get a nuclear bomb?
Or...that he wants to be the President of all Americans?
Yet, Democrats look for 'lies' in the Republican contenders.

2. Neither paper nor plastic disintegrate in landfills.
Simply one more bogus 'solution' of the environmental scam.
3. Now...about that secular attempt to drive religion from the public arena....specifically, allowing only 'Happy Holidays,' and not 'Merry Christmas,'....

There is nothing more inclusive than saying 'Merry Christmas,' as it invites non-Christians in to enjoy the holiday.

4. And the attempt to paint communism as no threat to our nation....

Be very clear: Senator Joseph McCarthy never ruined the life of a single innocent American.
Not one.
5. There hasn't been global warming in almost 20 years. A new record ‘Pause’: No global warming for 18 years 8 months! - Climate Dispatch

So much for "Global Governance....er, Global Warming"

6. Liberal control of schools has been a disaster.
Scores in reading and mathematics lower in 2015 than in 2013. NAEP - 2015 Mathematics & Reading Assessments

a. the number of students earning high school diplomas has risen to historic peaks, yet measures of academic readiness for college or jobs are much lower. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/27/u...-experts-fear-standards-have-fallen.html?_r=0
7. By any of dozens of objective measures,....and I really mean dozens, Obama is an abject failure in both domestic as well as foreign policies.
(I'd be happy to provide them. Just ask.)

It is not a sign of intelligence in any that still support this man who never should have been elected in the first place.

8. Bulletin: Gun laws have no effect on criminals. None at all.

For example...not a single one of yesterday's proposals by Obama would have stopped the Newtown Massacre, nor the San Bernardino killings.
He must know that.....so, why is he lying?

Did you know that the majority of gun deaths are suicides?

And...how about the Obama lie that no other similar nations have such incidents.
9. A short definition of Liberalism:
big government makes wiser decisions for our lives than we can make for ourselves.

a. Good Intentions, plus Coercion, equals Solution.

10.The service that is an inherent part of capitalism is more in accord with Judeo-Christian values than is socialism/Liberalism.

That makes 100 random truths for our lives and our times.
Consider it a New Years present for our Liberal pals.

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