Random Truths

PoliticalChic, absolutely fantastic points! Read them all and truth is something that our friends on the left have inherent problems with. It does not match their narrative.

Excellent Points.
And it's time for another edition of TRUTH OR LIBERALISM!

A whole month has flown by....

Since this thread began, a nice round number of 100 "Random Truths" have been recorded....
Hard to imagine........and there are more. In fact....ten more today.

Adherence to these truths will point recovering Liberals to an epiphany.....
and make them far more happy and respectable people.

1.Liberals do what feels good. Conservatives do what does good.

2. Those on the Right take guidance from the Bible. Those on the Left take guidance from the NYTimes.
And it's time for another edition of TRUTH OR LIBERALISM!

A whole month has flown by....

Since this thread began, a nice round number of 100 "Random Truths" have been recorded....
Hard to imagine........and there are more. In fact....ten more today.

Adherence to these truths will point recovering Liberals to an epiphany.....
and make them far more happy and respectable people.

1.Liberals do what feels good. Conservatives do what does good.

2. Those on the Right take guidance from the Bible. Those on the Left take guidance from the NYTimes.
Show proof of every deed done by every US citizen of voting age, and maybe we'll start to believe you....But, in the mean time, your propaganda is based on opinion and not truth...
There are so many conservative commentators, and conversations, that have contributed to these truths....you may recognize some of your words, as well.....

  1. The Left survives on demonization of the Right…rather than debating ideas: they teach their drones that the Right is not wrong, but evil…
  2. The minute you envy another, your happiness is injured,and breeds unhappiness. Religious folks tend to be happy with what they have. Thus Marx hated that view because the Utopia had to be here and now…
  3. Government must be limited in scope Madison: laws must be simple clear few. Must be understood by all: otherwise it is government by experts, bureaucrats and technocrats. a. Sure enough, Liberals snap to attention when they hear 'studies show....'
  4. Unlimited opportunity can only come with limited government.
  5. What leftism has done to every profession is to put leftism above being good at the task…
    a. Famine under communist rule in the USSR is a perfect example.

    6. The danger is not a man like Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting the office of the presidency to a man like Barack Obama

    7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

    8. For Liberals, wishful thinking substitutes for an understanding of reality…thus…the view of the Arab Spring as a good thing…and overthrowing of Mubarak in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood

    9. We want liberty…but mistakenly say democracy…you can have democracy but deprive people of liberty (see Egypt)

    10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?
Total disinformation presented as subjective partisan talking point propaganda with an author claiming, and even demanding that her personal opinions are worthy of being considered as facts. A thesis written for fools and dopes.
And it's time for another edition of TRUTH OR LIBERALISM!

A whole month has flown by....

Since this thread began, a nice round number of 100 "Random Truths" have been recorded....
Hard to imagine........and there are more. In fact....ten more today.

Adherence to these truths will point recovering Liberals to an epiphany.....
and make them far more happy and respectable people.

1.Liberals do what feels good. Conservatives do what does good.

2. Those on the Right take guidance from the Bible. Those on the Left take guidance from the NYTimes.

1. The invasion and occupation of Iraq by the Conservative Administration of GWB / Cheney did good? For whom?

2. Those on the Right also take guidance from the Koran and Authoritarian leaders; those on the left take guidance from Science, Personal Experience and yes, the Golden Rule (GR); the GR is the part of the bible which escapes the attention of PC and her kind.
There are so many conservative commentators, and conversations, that have contributed to these truths....you may recognize some of your words, as well.....

  1. The Left survives on demonization of the Right…rather than debating ideas: they teach their drones that the Right is not wrong, but evil…
  2. The minute you envy another, your happiness is injured,and breeds unhappiness. Religious folks tend to be happy with what they have. Thus Marx hated that view because the Utopia had to be here and now…
  3. Government must be limited in scope Madison: laws must be simple clear few. Must be understood by all: otherwise it is government by experts, bureaucrats and technocrats. a. Sure enough, Liberals snap to attention when they hear 'studies show....'
  4. Unlimited opportunity can only come with limited government.
  5. What leftism has done to every profession is to put leftism above being good at the task…
    a. Famine under communist rule in the USSR is a perfect example.

    6. The danger is not a man like Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting the office of the presidency to a man like Barack Obama

    7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

    8. For Liberals, wishful thinking substitutes for an understanding of reality…thus…the view of the Arab Spring as a good thing…and overthrowing of Mubarak in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood

    9. We want liberty…but mistakenly say democracy…you can have democracy but deprive people of liberty (see Egypt)

    10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?
Total disinformation presented as subjective partisan talking point propaganda with an author claiming, and even demanding that her personal opinions are worthy of being considered as facts. A thesis written for fools and dopes.

"A thesis written for fools and dopes."

Well, I did say 'Liberals."

Aren't the terms synonymous ?
I did not realize this was in Politics when I posted it, so will continue over in Religion and Ethics
There are so many conservative commentators, and conversations, that have contributed to these truths....you may recognize some of your words, as well.....

  1. The Left survives on demonization of the Right…rather than debating ideas: they teach their drones that the Right is not wrong, but evil…
  2. The minute you envy another, your happiness is injured,and breeds unhappiness. Religious folks tend to be happy with what they have. Thus Marx hated that view because the Utopia had to be here and now…
  3. Government must be limited in scope Madison: laws must be simple clear few. Must be understood by all: otherwise it is government by experts, bureaucrats and technocrats. a. Sure enough, Liberals snap to attention when they hear 'studies show....'
  4. Unlimited opportunity can only come with limited government.
  5. What leftism has done to every profession is to put leftism above being good at the task…
    a. Famine under communist rule in the USSR is a perfect example.

    6. The danger is not a man like Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting the office of the presidency to a man like Barack Obama

    7. The mind of the Liberal: Whatever they imagine, they believe must be imposed.

    8. For Liberals, wishful thinking substitutes for an understanding of reality…thus…the view of the Arab Spring as a good thing…and overthrowing of Mubarak in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood

    9. We want liberty…but mistakenly say democracy…you can have democracy but deprive people of liberty (see Egypt)

    10. If the desire is for a ‘level playing field,’ how to explain progressive income tax?
Total disinformation presented as subjective partisan talking point propaganda with an author claiming, and even demanding that her personal opinions are worthy of being considered as facts. A thesis written for fools and dopes.

"A thesis written for fools and dopes."

Well, I did say 'Liberals."

Aren't the terms synonymous ?
An evasive answer and dishonest. Your thesis in not written for liberals, it is written as an effort to demonize them, and therefore written for an audience that is not liberal.
Anyone that believes foolishness can be relegated to specific ideologies can be nothing more than a hopeless partisan or simple minded. You are proof.
Random Truth #3...
Why is it that throughout recorded history, no major philosophers, theologists, or sages have advanced homosexuality or gay marriage?
There have been myriad attempts to end slavery, and all sorts of evils....but none to raise homosexuality as a civil right.

Why is that?

And #4...
.Religion has been a social advancement that has bettered the lot of people....yet Leftists of every stripe....have attempted to erase all traces of religion.
In America, a nation based on the Bible, Progressives and Liberals continue to try to remove religion from the public arena.
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
John Adams
Please enlighten us how gay marriage is some kind of threat to traditional marriage. It may result in a few less births, but that isn't a bad thing either. More and more young married couples are choosing not to have kids and its a growing trend. A courageous choice.
Please enlighten us how gay marriage is some kind of threat to traditional marriage. It may result in a few less births, but that isn't a bad thing either. More and more young married couples are choosing not to have kids and its a growing trend. A courageous choice.

I'm going to stick to the query- no pun intended- in the earlier post:

Why is it that throughout recorded history, no major philosophers, theologists, or sages have advanced homosexuality or gay marriage?
There have been myriad attempts to end slavery, and all sorts of evils....but none to raise homosexuality as a civil right.

Would you like to try to respond?
I'm not s gay marriage supporter nor detractor, I simply don't care or see it as an issue to be concerned about. I have been married to the same woman for 47 years and no gay marriage is not a threat to mine. Its a non issue regardless what historical or philosophical experts day. I don't care if they can or can't get married it doesn't affect me or the country. I simp!y ignore the issue because it isn't an issue. You haven't explained how its a threat to my marriage.
Those on the Right take guidance from the Bible.
Following the bible makes the Right "HAPPY," oh so happy!

Psalms 137: 9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

"This refers to what was not uncommon in ancient warfare, as it is now among savage tribes - the indiscriminate slaughter of those of all ages, and of both sexes, in war. It was expressly foretold of Babylon that this would occur (see Isaiah 13:16, and the notes at that place), and there may be a reference here to that prediction, and the psalmist may mean to say that the man would be accounted happy, or would be happy, who wreaked vengeance on Babylon in carrying out that prophecy. The idea is, "This will certainly occur, for it is foretold, and happy or fortunate will he be who is the instrument in fulfilling it."
Psalm 137:9 Commentaries: How blessed will be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones Against the rock.

There is only one major religion which follows that prescription today.
It is neither Christianity nor Judaism.
Random Truth #3...
Why is it that throughout recorded history, no major philosophers, theologists, or sages have advanced homosexuality or gay marriage?
There have been myriad attempts to end slavery, and all sorts of evils....but none to raise homosexuality as a civil right.

Why is that?

And #4...
.Religion has been a social advancement that has bettered the lot of people....yet Leftists of every stripe....have attempted to erase all traces of religion.
In America, a nation based on the Bible, Progressives and Liberals continue to try to remove religion from the public arena.
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
John Adams
Yet the morals of the nation was slavery and the Monroe Doctrine of imperialism and invasion of land...
I'm not s gay marriage supporter nor detractor, I simply don't care or see it as an issue to be concerned about. I have been married to the same woman for 47 years and no gay marriage is not a threat to mine. Its a non issue regardless what historical or philosophical experts day. I don't care if they can or can't get married it doesn't affect me or the country. I simp!y ignore the issue because it isn't an issue. You haven't explained how its a threat to my marriage.

OK...one more chance.

This was the question that you appear determined to avoid:
Why is it that throughout recorded history, no major philosophers, theologists, or sages have advanced homosexuality or gay marriage?
Random Truth #3...
Why is it that throughout recorded history, no major philosophers, theologists, or sages have advanced homosexuality or gay marriage?
There have been myriad attempts to end slavery, and all sorts of evils....but none to raise homosexuality as a civil right.

Why is that?

And #4...
.Religion has been a social advancement that has bettered the lot of people....yet Leftists of every stripe....have attempted to erase all traces of religion.
In America, a nation based on the Bible, Progressives and Liberals continue to try to remove religion from the public arena.
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
John Adams
Yet the morals of the nation was slavery and the Monroe Doctrine of imperialism and invasion of land...

Both of your claims are slanderous and false.

Seems to be a pattern with you.
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