Raphael Warnock wins the runoff

Congratulations Democrats! That old, white man you call a "president" now has a new step-n-fetchit darkie to do his bidding. I can't wait to see the shine on Joe's shoes tomorrow.
What's noteworthy is that nearly everyone who voted for Warlock did so from a context of hatred for white man and a hatred for America.

While those voting for Walker did so out of a desire to save American freedom and values.

It's truly staggering how a few Elites have managed to turn so many against their own best interests and fight for their own demise.
But such is humanity. And there is a staggering price to be paid for that ignorance.

Project much?

If you had listened to the people voting instead of denouncing then you might have learned why we voted for Warnock. I’ve given my reasons many times.
They will immediately get rid of the filibuster, and they will stack the high court, all via reconciliation, the loss of Toomey's seat means they cannot be stopped, Mitch Mcconnell engineered this BTW! As for Walker, it mattered not who they ran, the vote in America is so fraudulent and compromised they do not even need to run candidates at all, just announce the party will appoint any body they wish to it after they win a seat, that is how reliablly they have cracked it open, the proof of that is in Pennsylvania and Arizona where the two worst candidates in American history didn't even campaign and still were handed the seats...
The remaining ballots are mostly in blue areas. Walker is as dead as those children whose abortions he paid for.
The Republican Trump picked pro-life baby killer lost. Don’t those white evangelical Christians in the Bible Belt know that Jesus does not want an actual baby killer in the US Senate in a Christian Nation.
Warnock did not win the election he stole it. If democrats can't cheat, they can't win. democrats don't even care if the majority of Americans know they cheat, now it is a badge of honour for them to be acknowledged as cheaters.
Something else interesting to note.....

Georgia has 10.8 million residents.
Of those, approximately 3 million are reported to have voted.

Since whites make up the majority of Georgia's population, and most of those are in Metro Atlanta are black.....either nearly EVERY black voter voted and the white turnout was dismal....or something else happened.

If this is simply a case of white conservatives not getting out to vote (most likely), then don't they deserve to be foot stool servants to the likes of Obama, warlock and Biden ?

Either conservatives in America no longer have the numbers to win elections going forward, or the Progressive Left has mastered the taking of elections.
Either way, life for those with traditional values such as living safe, worship of their favorite God or other Deity and earning a fair living is gone.
I suspect life is going to get VERY uncomfortable for conservatives as the grip of Leftism progressivly tightens on them over time going forward.
I have no doubt the war on gun ownership will take center stage soon, followed by property rights and finally personal rights.
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