Rapture anyday now!

I have posted many times that IMHO. I expect the rapture anyday from today to the end of 2015. ALL BIBLE PROPHECY says we are the generation that will be alive and be "caught up" raptured.!!! PTL.

So you have posted many times before that 'from today'
But tell us when that FIRST TODAY was? How many years have you been peddling this rubbish?

The guy has been predicting that the rapture, the end of the world, the rise of the antichrist, the return of Jesus, WW3, was about to happen ANY MINUTE for at least the past few decades. A first I thought he was 12 years old based on the sophistication of his writing, then I thought he was a mentally challenged individual whose mind was filled with the garbage he spews daily by some unscrupulous and unethical preacher but then I found out he is in his sixties and realize hat there must some truth to the claims in scripture of a type of death consequent to lying in the name of God.

He seems to have stopped maturing at a very young and supple age where most likely a gang of bible thumping perverts religiously raped his mind to the point of uselessness and now he spends his days and nights trying to lure someone more gullible than himself into the same dark alley so he can become a rapist too, in the name of the lord, with apparently no success.

Life must seem so embarrassing and unfair to GISM.

its no wonder he wants to disappear.

I have to admit that I don't actually read his posts through. I never read quotations from the bible - just scroll past them - but I did read a couple of his non-bible posts and found the same thing. He seems to just repeat the same thing, by rote, without feeling or understanding.

It seems to be the only thing he's capable of writing.

If there really was a god, he/she would be ashamed and saddened by some of his/her followers' delusions.
So you have posted many times before that 'from today'
But tell us when that FIRST TODAY was? How many years have you been peddling this rubbish?

The guy has been predicting that the rapture, the end of the world, the rise of the antichrist, the return of Jesus, WW3, was about to happen ANY MINUTE for at least the past few decades. A first I thought he was 12 years old based on the sophistication of his writing, then I thought he was a mentally challenged individual whose mind was filled with the garbage he spews daily by some unscrupulous and unethical preacher but then I found out he is in his sixties and realize hat there must some truth to the claims in scripture of a type of death consequent to lying in the name of God.

He seems to have stopped maturing at a very young and supple age where most likely a gang of bible thumping perverts religiously raped his mind to the point of uselessness and now he spends his days and nights trying to lure someone more gullible than himself into the same dark alley so he can become a rapist too, in the name of the lord, with apparently no success.

Life must seem so embarrassing and unfair to GISM.

its no wonder he wants to disappear.

I have to admit that I don't actually read his posts through. I never read quotations from the bible - just scroll past them - but I did read a couple of his non-bible posts and found the same thing. He seems to just repeat the same thing, by rote, without feeling or understanding.

It seems to be the only thing he's capable of writing.

If there really was a god, he/she would be ashamed and saddened by some of his/her followers' delusions.

So don't read the Word of God???? =YES!!!! The fool says there is no God!!!
So you have posted many times before that 'from today'
But tell us when that FIRST TODAY was? How many years have you been peddling this rubbish?

The guy has been predicting that the rapture, the end of the world, the rise of the antichrist, the return of Jesus, WW3, was about to happen ANY MINUTE for at least the past few decades. A first I thought he was 12 years old based on the sophistication of his writing, then I thought he was a mentally challenged individual whose mind was filled with the garbage he spews daily by some unscrupulous and unethical preacher but then I found out he is in his sixties and realize hat there must some truth to the claims in scripture of a type of death consequent to lying in the name of God.

He seems to have stopped maturing at a very young and supple age where most likely a gang of bible thumping perverts religiously raped his mind to the point of uselessness and now he spends his days and nights trying to lure someone more gullible than himself into the same dark alley so he can become a rapist too, in the name of the lord, with apparently no success.

Life must seem so embarrassing and unfair to GISM.

its no wonder he wants to disappear.

I have to admit that I don't actually read his posts through. I never read quotations from the bible - just scroll past them - but I did read a couple of his non-bible posts and found the same thing. He seems to just repeat the same thing, by rote, without feeling or understanding.

It seems to be the only thing he's capable of writing.

If there really was a god, he/she would be ashamed and saddened by some of his/her followers' delusions.

Yes, that and more. I think God would also be pissed off for their open desecration of the teachings of Jesus and defiantly perjuring themselves in his/her name.

I see GISMS complete inability relate coherently to other human beings or acknowledge even the smallest truth combined with the absence of the minimal amount of integrity required to admit error and embrace the life saving grace of forgiveness is a sign that he has been abandoned by God to his folly.

What could be worse than exchanging reality as it is, life itself, for existence without life in a make believe fantasy world that is not, never was and never shall be?

Like gism always says, its a CHOICE that he has deliberately made.

All that anyone who still has a functioning brain can really do is watch in horror as he slowly disintegrates into nothingness and rejoice and thank God that they have been left behind.
Those left behind on rapture day face years of having just a taste of hell on earth under anti-christ rule. Best you read the book of Revelation and see what ""fun"" you wiil get to try to live through!
Those left behind on rapture day face years of having just a taste of hell on earth under anti-christ rule. Best you read the book of Revelation and see what ""fun"" you wiil get to try to live through!

Being left behind in your eyes is being, taken, accepted by God in actuality.

I've already had more fun than any man has a right to and never even tried to avoid hardship by taking the easy way out like you and you do not even know what it is like to be alive, but, who knows? Maybe wasting your life gibbering incoherently about things that cannot be explained rationally much less understood while seeing evil everywhere you look while everyone else is enjoying life without any sense of shame or guilt is fun to you?

Go on then, have a blast!
Jesus says=== ►
Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man."
just got back from 8 amazing days in the US Virgin Islands.

drank a whole lot. kissed some random blond a bunch. hung out with very fun and cool people.

snorkled, swam, hiked, lived and loved life.

Rapture didn't come. Oh well. :)
just got back from 8 amazing days in the US Virgin Islands.

drank a whole lot. kissed some random blond a bunch. hung out with very fun and cool people.

snorkled, swam, hiked, lived and loved life.

Rapture didn't come. Oh well. :)

Did you ever think that your particular rapture was to hang out with some very fun and cool people?
After rapture day and you are left behind will you believe then??? Will you remember this post on that day??? Millions of believers will have vanished,what will you think??? What will you say??? What will you do???? Your only chance is to call out to god! Repent and confess your sins,accept jesus as your lord and savior though after the rapture the anti-christ will try to hunt you down and kill you!!! Why not wise up and be saved now????
After rapture day and you are left behind will you believe then??? Will you remember this post on that day??? Millions of believers will have vanished,what will you think??? What will you say??? What will you do???? Your only chance is to call out to god! Repent and confess your sins,accept jesus as your lord and savior though after the rapture the anti-christ will try to hunt you down and kill you!!! Why not wise up and be saved now????
the day the rapture does not come..people will have to stand in long lines a take numbers to kick you in the nuts.......
calling # 25,641......
After rapture day and you are left behind will you believe then??? Will you remember this post on that day??? Millions of believers will have vanished,what will you think??? What will you say??? What will you do???? Your only chance is to call out to god! Repent and confess your sins,accept jesus as your lord and savior though after the rapture the anti-christ will try to hunt you down and kill you!!! Why not wise up and be saved now????

So many blinded people afraid to face TRUTH!! I did my duty,I warned you!!!
After rapture day and you are left behind will you believe then??? Will you remember this post on that day??? Millions of believers will have vanished,what will you think??? What will you say??? What will you do???? Your only chance is to call out to god! Repent and confess your sins,accept jesus as your lord and savior though after the rapture the anti-christ will try to hunt you down and kill you!!! Why not wise up and be saved now????

So many blinded people afraid to face TRUTH!! I did my duty,I warned you!!!
you masturbated in public.....end of story....
Still no answer!!!Why?????????After rapture day and you are left behind will you believe then??? Will you remember this post on that day??? Millions of believers will have vanished,what will you think??? What will you say??? What will you do???? Your only chance is to call out to god! Repent and confess your sins,accept jesus as your lord and savior though after the rapture the anti-christ will try to hunt you down and kill you!!! Why not wise up and be saved now????
After rapture day and you are left behind will you believe then??? Will you remember this post on that day??? Millions of believers will have vanished,what will you think??? What will you say??? What will you do???? Your only chance is to call out to god! Repent and confess your sins,accept jesus as your lord and savior though after the rapture the anti-christ will try to hunt you down and kill you!!! Why not wise up and be saved now????

So many blinded people afraid to face TRUTH!! I did my duty,I warned you!!!
you masturbated in public.....end of story....

Yes, and the subject of his desire is a man that he worships as if he was a god and then climaxes by condemning homosexuality.

what a dick.
YES!!! JESUS IS GOD AND GOD IS JESUS!!! Christ is the visible image of the invisible God.
He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation,
16 for through him God created everything
in the heavenly realms and on earth.
He made the things we can see
and the things we can’t see—
such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world.
Everything was created through him and for him.
17 He existed before anything else,
and he holds all creation together.
18 Christ is also the head of the church,
which is his body.
He is the beginning,
supreme over all who rise from the dead.
So he is first in everything.
19 For God in all his fullness
was pleased to live in Christ,
20 and through him God reconciled
everything to himself.
He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth
by means of Christ’s blood on the cross.

21 This includes you who were once far away from God. You were his enemies, separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions. 22 Yet now he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ in his physical body. As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault.
Still no answer!!!Why?????????After rapture day and you are left behind will you believe then??? Will you remember this post on that day??? Millions of believers will have vanished,what will you think??? What will you say??? What will you do???? Your only chance is to call out to god! Repent and confess your sins,accept jesus as your lord and savior though after the rapture the anti-christ will try to hunt you down and kill you!!! Why not wise up and be saved now????

I have never seen so many people answer you yet you still act like you weren't even there. YWC does the exact same thing.

I am beginning to see a pattern that suggests that there really is a zombie death like state of existence consequent to perjuring oneself in the name of God.

Perhaps you should spend less time worrying about other people going to hell and start worrying about how you are going to get out of it?
still no answer!!!why?????????after rapture day and you are left behind will you believe then??? Will you remember this post on that day??? Millions of believers will have vanished,what will you think??? What will you say??? What will you do???? Your only chance is to call out to god! Repent and confess your sins,accept jesus as your lord and savior though after the rapture the anti-christ will try to hunt you down and kill you!!! Why not wise up and be saved now????

i have never seen so many people answer you yet you still act like you weren't even there. Ywc does the exact same thing.

I am beginning to see a pattern that suggests that there really is a zombie death like state of existence consequent to perjuring oneself in the name of god.

Perhaps you should spend less time worrying about other people going to hell and start worrying about how you are going to get out of it?

and your answer is???????????????????????????????????????????

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