Rashida Tlaib asked Israel for entry to see her grandmother in West Bank,they approve, she declines!

Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
The problem here is obviously that you don't understand what the word, democratic, means. Israel clearly is both a democratic state and a Jewish state no matter how much that bothers you. As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
Palestinians exercised that right of self-determination at the wrong end of Jewish guns

When Israelis started to talk about the occupation | DW | 07.06.2017

"After 50 years of embargo, and with some paragraphs still censored, newly-released transcripts shed light on the days leading to the war that dramatically changed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Reading the documents, it becomes clear that Israeli politicians had no political plan for the days to come, nor did they have a realistic vision for the soon-to-be occupied territories.

"In fact, the protocols suggest that the annexations of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights were ad-hoc steps following unexpected victories, rather than a strategy."
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore.
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore
I'm not the one who claimed the PA represented a viable means of self determination.

“Palestinians” aren’t citizens why would they vote? Should the US allow illegals to vote? What a stupid analogy from the idiot who only posts memes and cuts and pastes. Israel is mostly Jewish. Live with it or try to conquer it. Good luck with the latter.

Georgie wants them to let Palestinians vote, that way Israel will turn out like every other country with a majority Muslim, with the eradication of all Jews and other non-Muslims.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
So you're saying the Jews of Israel turned on their benefactors by resorting to terrorism?

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards.

"No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine.

"The Zionist plan to transfer Palestinians out of their land was headed by no lesser character than David Ben-Gurion himself.

He plotted these schemes in his own home aided by a small ad hoc group of people referred to as The Consultancy.

"Its aim was to plot and carry out the disposession of the Palestinian people.

As early as February 1947, when the British Cabinet voted to pull out of Mandatory Palestine, the Zionist leadership knew that the road ahead was clear for their aims to be achieved.

"The Consultancy first met (according to Ben-Gurion's diary) on 18 June 1947 and continued to meet regularly during the months leading to October 1947 when it transpired that the UN will now issue its Resolution 181 to partition the land of Palestine."

Why do you think the UN violated its own Charter in 1947 by not calling for free elections in Palestine?
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
The Jews had been settling in what would become Israel since the middle of the 19th century at the invitation of the Ottoman Turks. The Brits played their own game, as you have pointed out, first inviting the Jews to move there and then siding with the Arabs against them until finally the Jews drove the Brits out and established their own nation.
So you're saying the Jews of Israel turned on their benefactors by resorting to terrorism?

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards.

"No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine.

"The Zionist plan to transfer Palestinians out of their land was headed by no lesser character than David Ben-Gurion himself.

He plotted these schemes in his own home aided by a small ad hoc group of people referred to as The Consultancy.

"Its aim was to plot and carry out the disposession of the Palestinian people.

As early as February 1947, when the British Cabinet voted to pull out of Mandatory Palestine, the Zionist leadership knew that the road ahead was clear for their aims to be achieved.

"The Consultancy first met (according to Ben-Gurion's diary) on 18 June 1947 and continued to meet regularly during the months leading to October 1947 when it transpired that the UN will now issue its Resolution 181 to partition the land of Palestine."

Why do you think the UN violated its own Charter in 1947 by not calling for free elections in Palestine?
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
The problem here is obviously that you don't understand what the word, democratic, means. Israel clearly is both a democratic state and a Jewish state no matter how much that bothers you. As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
Palestinians exercised that right of self-determination at the wrong end of Jewish guns

When Israelis started to talk about the occupation | DW | 07.06.2017

"After 50 years of embargo, and with some paragraphs still censored, newly-released transcripts shed light on the days leading to the war that dramatically changed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Reading the documents, it becomes clear that Israeli politicians had no political plan for the days to come, nor did they have a realistic vision for the soon-to-be occupied territories.

"In fact, the protocols suggest that the annexations of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights were ad-hoc steps following unexpected victories, rather than a strategy."
Georgephillip, The Muslims are not a religion. They are a branch of the Middle East's Oil Cartel that seeks to destroy all manner of Christianity, because their play-like religion is how they conquer and kill foreign people to take away their land for their top strong man to assert all-power to themselves, and America is their present target because of prosperity they could never have achieved with their scorch-the-earth tactics of getting exactly what they want is submission to their PEOPLE, not Allah, and not God. There is no free speech against their leaders. NONE. They have done amazing work with our greedy leftist lockstep press and setting up strawmen who seem Jewish, but who launder Middle East mischief money because they can. They control them by foolery of their own cognizance and surround them with every luxury using "kindness" for the very rich and powerful and the very rich and powerful only.

They fooled the most powerful man on earth in the late 1930s to capture the imagination of the German fuhrer, and he was conned into killing Jews for them, making them the bad guy in every article in German news outlets for a decade, and making simple people so angry, they wanted nothing to do with anyone Jewish and they wanted to kill all Jews everywhere forthwith. The mullah of Jerusalem made a piece-of-furniture presence in the palaces Hitler expropriated for his use and that of his men, by telling him just how he would get free oil and gas for the rest of his life for his rule over Europe (with the Mullah in his ear, of course). All he had to do after making every square inch of Europe his Empire with himself being the all-powerful God, was to agree to help murder and kill every last Jew in their own promised land afterward. Unfortunately for the Muslim hatemongers and the greatest ambitious freaks ever to strip mankind of its human rights, America, through its weak alliance with the country of England, was called on for their help to retrieve their French allies and the British empire to send relief in the form of military men and nurses to replace the people who died in the Fuhrer's bombers who devastated the populated areas of their greatest city, London. We were appalled by what the German brothers of many of our citizens had done to uncooperative countries in the taking of human life and decimation of Christian churches and museums in Europe alongside financial and business centers. We were also shown photographs of what Germany did to anybody who stood up to the black-hearted Nazi machine headed by a very gifted con man named Adolph Hitler, who from his heart-rending "Mein Kampf" fed the survival of a Germany devastated by Kaiser Wilhelm's WWI, and they decided WWII could only give back Germany her power if they followed Hitler's Nazis to get it.

America stepped up to the plate and one of our best sons, Dwight David Eisenhower, was placed at the top to win the war in Germany, protect what few churches, captive Jew detention centers, and art museums that were left standing by order of Hitler. And it took years, but Eisenhower won it by the grace and good gracious mercy of God. Hitler's alleged suicide/death along with his hours-old marriage to his cousin on their dying day, ended the Muslim hope of scorching the earth under the Jews they mistreated with unmitigated mirth and joy for centuries. Eisenhower got wind of how the six million Jews murdered in Europe by the most closed-mouth and deep state genocide ever known to the world, and took measures to stop the madness. The free world was appalled when they saw the photographs and other evidence on why 6 million Jews disappeared off the face of this world.

The Muslims developed a system of murder of non-Muslims that justifies in their mind the elimination of everybody except themselves. They use new converts and Muslims born overseas with no knowledge of the political group that Muslimry is (not religion) to subvert people to the lie that Muslims front as being "a nation of peace," when in fact, their goal is not heavenly rewards of unlimited sexual passion for their males, which they proffer, it is raw, unopposed powermongering for whoever their leader/Mullah is. The Mullah of Jerusalem envisioned himself as the power behind the throne that would succeed Hitler after his certain death, prearranged by his complete infiltration of Germany's Jew-killing and prestigious military and SS. Unfortunately, those who attempt to destroy the Kingdom of God with the Sexual and Mental conning of the Muslim faith disguised from the corrupt political party demanding a forfeiture of human rights that it actually is to overtake the planet with the grandest deep state operatives who ever lived. There is a flaw in the Muslim religion that those who only know its "peaceful" front learn too late: it plants earthly realities of death for everybody else except themselves into its deep state tactic, which for some reason, appeals to highly weak people who want something for nothing. That's what they get in the time they are useful to Muslims. Death is what they get when they realized how fooled they were.

When I see Rashida Talaib(an) and her soul sister Ilhan(d) Omar operate as if they were already the President of the United States, I feel a little pity for the states they have used to carry out their murder schemes for their neighbors who do not know the deep state of the Muslim political party that seeks the murder of the very people who elected them by being fooled into thinking them peacemakers. Hell, if they don't see evil in a person who refused a free visit to comfort her grandmother in her old age, and the grandmother's unconditional surrender to take a huge swipe at the President of the United States, ever so pleasing to deep state Democrats who also are fooled into the Muslim politic, they learned absolutely nothing about the murders of their own children (who survived the abortion parody) that are preplanned in the Muslim plan book for elimination of all Jews and all free men and women in America. The Democrats would rather be thrilled by leaders who go over to a foreign country and extract a billion dollars to protect only their own prodigy--to hell with all other Americans. The Bidens of the world show us what the Muslim power does to develop a stranglehold on this land, and that's why the Democrats are currently favoring the Muslim power world. They think it is mankind's future, because they have thrown the Kingdom of God under the bus. Donald Trump has effectively put a break on that. The only way we can keep America great is to pray for President Trump, the family of his children, divided by divorce, but united by his caring, and his staff to withstand these interlopers who don't really give a damn about America, but who are sequestered into political groups chosen by the Democrats in lockstep with their Muslim powermongering big spenders to briefly fool Americans in those districts that Trump is bad, the deep state Democrats are good.

That's what's been put in America's pipe, and half of us have fallen for it. The other half will fight for the Bill of Rights and freedom of thought and our Christian forbears who founded this nation after getting thrown out of not only Europe, Russia, China, Africa, and every where else for being dissenters, but since we may good, the Muslim Politicians with murder for everyone except themselves is planted deep in their hearts and writings, are now up against not just men, but the Lord God and Father of Mankind and the true Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ and his army of devoted little old ladies and little old men, and a few out-of-this-world children and grandkids who will not be moved by foreign bullies who sent us all here to be one people their ancestors never wanted to see or think about again, because their royalty consider us as peasants. Unfortunately, they missed our God of kindness in the glare of their disingenuous, hatemongering, and lyingly horrid Muslim priest/politicians.

And that's what I think.

Edit: Oh yes, and georgephillip, thank you for showing how the Israelis had live captives. The Muslim bodies on the ground in WWII photos of showing how the Muslims used Hitler's German SS and other Euro-Nazis to resolve issues show not only lines of people but mounds, thousands deep, of Jews murdered in the killing camps of countries outside Germany where the literary bombs in news papers had devastated their people into the genocidal clutches of Muslim operatives who know that Peaceful Islam isn't true, but killing Jews is true, because Jews stand for the right and true spirit of mankind, and so do Christians, who believe in the teachings of a Jewish Rabbi who lived two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ.

Sample pictures of how six million Jewish lives ended in Europe:

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Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
The problem here is obviously that you don't understand what the word, democratic, means. Israel clearly is both a democratic state and a Jewish state no matter how much that bothers you. As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
Palestinians exercised that right of self-determination at the wrong end of Jewish guns

When Israelis started to talk about the occupation | DW | 07.06.2017

"After 50 years of embargo, and with some paragraphs still censored, newly-released transcripts shed light on the days leading to the war that dramatically changed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Reading the documents, it becomes clear that Israeli politicians had no political plan for the days to come, nor did they have a realistic vision for the soon-to-be occupied territories.

"In fact, the protocols suggest that the annexations of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights were ad-hoc steps following unexpected victories, rather than a strategy."
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore.
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore
I'm not the one who claimed the PA represented a viable means of self determination.

“Palestinians” aren’t citizens why would they vote? Should the US allow illegals to vote? What a stupid analogy from the idiot who only posts memes and cuts and pastes. Israel is mostly Jewish. Live with it or try to conquer it. Good luck with the latter.
Palestinians” aren’t citizens why would they vote? Should the US allow illegals to vote? What a stupid analogy from the idiot who only posts memes and cuts and pastes. Israel is mostly Jewish. Live with it or try to conquer it. Good luck with the latter.
Only a brain-dead pathic bitch who thinks Jews are Chosen would post shit as stupid as yours; Palestinians are living under an illegal occupation imposed by sick, racist Jews, and they have the same right to self-determination as you do. You should go back to school and conquer your ignorance before embarrassing yourself anymore, Moron
So you're saying the Jews of Israel turned on their benefactors by resorting to terrorism?

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards.

"No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine.

"The Zionist plan to transfer Palestinians out of their land was headed by no lesser character than David Ben-Gurion himself.

He plotted these schemes in his own home aided by a small ad hoc group of people referred to as The Consultancy.

"Its aim was to plot and carry out the disposession of the Palestinian people.

As early as February 1947, when the British Cabinet voted to pull out of Mandatory Palestine, the Zionist leadership knew that the road ahead was clear for their aims to be achieved.

"The Consultancy first met (according to Ben-Gurion's diary) on 18 June 1947 and continued to meet regularly during the months leading to October 1947 when it transpired that the UN will now issue its Resolution 181 to partition the land of Palestine."

Why do you think the UN violated its own Charter in 1947 by not calling for free elections in Palestine?
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
So you're saying the Jews of Israel turned on their benefactors by resorting to terrorism?

Plan Dalet and The Nakba - 1948

"In the last year of the British Mandate, the ratio of British officers dead to Jewish terrorists killed was 4 to 1 - a very high ratio even in today's standards.

"No wonder Britain wanted out of Palestine.

"The Zionist plan to transfer Palestinians out of their land was headed by no lesser character than David Ben-Gurion himself.

He plotted these schemes in his own home aided by a small ad hoc group of people referred to as The Consultancy.

"Its aim was to plot and carry out the disposession of the Palestinian people.

As early as February 1947, when the British Cabinet voted to pull out of Mandatory Palestine, the Zionist leadership knew that the road ahead was clear for their aims to be achieved.

"The Consultancy first met (according to Ben-Gurion's diary) on 18 June 1947 and continued to meet regularly during the months leading to October 1947 when it transpired that the UN will now issue its Resolution 181 to partition the land of Palestine."

Why do you think the UN violated its own Charter in 1947 by not calling for free elections in Palestine?
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
The problem here is obviously that you don't understand what the word, democratic, means. Israel clearly is both a democratic state and a Jewish state no matter how much that bothers you. As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
Palestinians exercised that right of self-determination at the wrong end of Jewish guns

When Israelis started to talk about the occupation | DW | 07.06.2017

"After 50 years of embargo, and with some paragraphs still censored, newly-released transcripts shed light on the days leading to the war that dramatically changed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Reading the documents, it becomes clear that Israeli politicians had no political plan for the days to come, nor did they have a realistic vision for the soon-to-be occupied territories.

"In fact, the protocols suggest that the annexations of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights were ad-hoc steps following unexpected victories, rather than a strategy."
Georgephillip, The Muslims are not a religion. They are a branch of the Middle East's Oil Cartel that seeks to destroy all manner of Christianity, because their play-like religion is how they conquer and kill foreign people to take away their land for their top strong man to assert all-power to themselves, and America is their present target because of prosperity they could never have achieved with their scorch-the-earth tactics of getting exactly what they want is submission to their PEOPLE, not Allah, and not God. There is no free speech against their leaders. NONE. They have done amazing work with our greedy leftist lockstep press and setting up strawmen who seem Jewish, but who launder Middle East mischief money because they can. They control them by foolery of their own cognizance and surround them with every luxury using "kindness" for the very rich and powerful and the very rich and powerful only.

They fooled the most powerful man on earth in the late 1930s to capture the imagination of the German fuhrer, and he was conned into killing Jews for them, making them the bad guy in every article in German news outlets for a decade, and making simple people so angry, they wanted nothing to do with anyone Jewish and they wanted to kill all Jews everywhere forthwith. The mullah of Jerusalem made a piece-of-furniture presence in the palaces Hitler expropriated for his use and that of his men, by telling him just how he would get free oil and gas for the rest of his life for his rule over Europe (with the Mullah in his ear, of course). All he had to do after making every square inch of Europe his Empire with himself being the all-powerful God, was to agree to help murder and kill every last Jew in their own promised land afterward. Unfortunately for the Muslim hatemongers and the greatest ambitious freaks ever to strip mankind of its human rights, America, through its weak alliance with the country of England, was called on for their help to retrieve their French allies and the British empire to send relief in the form of military men and nurses to replace the people who died in the Fuhrer's bombers who devastated the populated areas of their greatest city, London. We were appalled by what the German brothers of many of our citizens had done to uncooperative countries in the taking of human life and decimation of Christian churches and museums in Europe alongside financial and business centers. We were also shown photographs of what Germany did to anybody who stood up to the black-hearted Nazi machine headed by a very gifted con man named Adolph Hitler, who from his heart-rending "Mein Kampf" fed the survival of a Germany devastated by Kaiser Wilhelm's WWI, and they decided WWII could only give back Germany her power if they followed Hitler's Nazis to get it.

America stepped up to the plate and one of our best sons, Dwight David Eisenhower, was placed at the top to win the war in Germany, protect what few churches, captive Jew detention centers, and art museums that were left standing by order of Hitler. And it took years, but Eisenhower won it by the grace and good gracious mercy of God. Hitler's alleged suicide/death along with his hours-old marriage to his cousin on their dying day, ended the Muslim hope of scorching the earth under the Jews they mistreated with unmitigated mirth and joy for centuries. Eisenhower got wind of how the six million Jews murdered in Europe by the most closed-mouth and deep state genocide ever known to the world, and took measures to stop the madness. The free world was appalled when they saw the photographs and other evidence on why 6 million Jews disappeared off the face of this world.

The Muslims developed a system of murder of non-Muslims that justifies in their mind the elimination of everybody except themselves. They use new converts and Muslims born overseas with no knowledge of the political group that Muslimry is (not religion) to subvert people to the lie that Muslims front as being "a nation of peace," when in fact, their goal is not heavenly rewards of unlimited sexual passion for their males, which they proffer, it is raw, unopposed powermongering for whoever their leader/Mullah is. The Mullah of Jerusalem envisioned himself as the power behind the throne that would succeed Hitler after his certain death, prearranged by his complete infiltration of Germany's Jew-killing and prestigious military and SS. Unfortunately, those who attempt to destroy the Kingdom of God with the Sexual and Mental conning of the Muslim faith disguised from the corrupt political party demanding a forfeiture of human rights that it actually is to overtake the planet with the grandest deep state operatives who ever lived. There is a flaw in the Muslim religion that those who only know its "peaceful" front learn too late: it plants earthly realities of death for everybody else except themselves into its deep state tactic, which for some reason, appeals to highly weak people who want something for nothing. That's what they get in the time they are useful to Muslims. Death is what they get when they realized how fooled they were.

When I see Rashida Talaib(an) and her soul sister Ilhan(d) Omar operate as if they were already the President of the United States, I feel a little pity for the states they have used to carry out their murder schemes for their neighbors who do not know the deep state of the Muslim political party that seeks the murder of the very people who elected them by being fooled into thinking them peacemakers. Hell, if they don't see evil in a person who refused a free visit to comfort her grandmother in her old age, and the grandmother's unconditional surrender to take a huge swipe at the President of the United States, ever so pleasing to deep state Democrats who also are fooled into the Muslim politic, they learned absolutely nothing about the murders of their own children (who survived the abortion parody) that are preplanned in the Muslim plan book for elimination of all Jews and all free men and women in America. The Democrats would rather be thrilled by leaders who go over to a foreign country and extract a billion dollars to protect only their own prodigy--to hell with all other Americans. The Bidens of the world show us what the Muslim power does to develop a stranglehold on this land, and that's why the Democrats are currently favoring the Muslim power world. They think it is mankind's future, because they have thrown the Kingdom of God under the bus. Donald Trump has effectively put a break on that. The only way we can keep America great is to pray for President Trump, the family of his children, divided by divorce, but united by his caring, and his staff to withstand these interlopers who don't really give a damn about America, but who are sequestered into political groups chosen by the Democrats in lockstep with their Muslim powermongering big spenders to briefly fool Americans in those districts that Trump is bad, the deep state Democrats are good.

That's what's been put in America's pipe, and half of us have fallen for it. The other half will fight for the Bill of Rights and freedom of thought and our Christian forbears who founded this nation after getting thrown out of not only Europe, Russia, China, Africa, and every where else for being dissenters, but since we may good, the Muslim Politicians with murder for everyone except themselves is planted deep in their hearts and writings, are now up against not just men, but the Lord God and Father of Mankind and the true Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ and his army of devoted little old ladies and little old men, and a few out-of-this-world children and grandkids who will not be moved by foreign bullies who sent us all here to be one people their ancestors never wanted to see or think about again, because their royalty consider us as peasants. Unfortunately, they missed our God of kindness in the glare of their disingenuous, hatemongering, and lyingly horrid Muslim priest/politicians.

And that's what I think.

Edit: Oh yes, and georgephillip, thank you for showing how the Israelis had live captives. The Muslim bodies on the ground in WWII photos of showing how the Muslims used Hitler's German SS and other Euro-Nazis to resolve issues show not only lines of people but mounds, thousands deep, of Jews murdered in the killing camps of countries outside Germany where the literary bombs in news papers had devastated their people into the genocidal clutches of Muslim operatives who know that Peaceful Islam isn't true, but killing Jews is true, because Jews stand for the right and true spirit of mankind, and so do Christians, who believe in the teachings of a Jewish Rabbi who lived two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ.

Sample pictures of how six million Jewish lives ended in Europe:

Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
The problem here is obviously that you don't understand what the word, democratic, means. Israel clearly is both a democratic state and a Jewish state no matter how much that bothers you. As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
Palestinians exercised that right of self-determination at the wrong end of Jewish guns

When Israelis started to talk about the occupation | DW | 07.06.2017

"After 50 years of embargo, and with some paragraphs still censored, newly-released transcripts shed light on the days leading to the war that dramatically changed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Reading the documents, it becomes clear that Israeli politicians had no political plan for the days to come, nor did they have a realistic vision for the soon-to-be occupied territories.

"In fact, the protocols suggest that the annexations of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights were ad-hoc steps following unexpected victories, rather than a strategy."
Georgephillip, The Muslims are not a religion. They are a branch of the Middle East's Oil Cartel that seeks to destroy all manner of Christianity, because their play-like religion is how they conquer and kill foreign people to take away their land for their top strong man to assert all-power to themselves, and America is their present target because of prosperity they could never have achieved with their scorch-the-earth tactics of getting exactly what they want is submission to their PEOPLE, not Allah, and not God. There is no free speech against their leaders. NONE. They have done amazing work with our greedy leftist lockstep press and setting up strawmen who seem Jewish, but who launder Middle East mischief money because they can. They control them by foolery of their own cognizance and surround them with every luxury using "kindness" for the very rich and powerful and the very rich and powerful only.

They fooled the most powerful man on earth in the late 1930s to capture the imagination of the German fuhrer, and he was conned into killing Jews for them, making them the bad guy in every article in German news outlets for a decade, and making simple people so angry, they wanted nothing to do with anyone Jewish and they wanted to kill all Jews everywhere forthwith. The mullah of Jerusalem made a piece-of-furniture presence in the palaces Hitler expropriated for his use and that of his men, by telling him just how he would get free oil and gas for the rest of his life for his rule over Europe (with the Mullah in his ear, of course). All he had to do after making every square inch of Europe his Empire with himself being the all-powerful God, was to agree to help murder and kill every last Jew in their own promised land afterward. Unfortunately for the Muslim hatemongers and the greatest ambitious freaks ever to strip mankind of its human rights, America, through its weak alliance with the country of England, was called on for their help to retrieve their French allies and the British empire to send relief in the form of military men and nurses to replace the people who died in the Fuhrer's bombers who devastated the populated areas of their greatest city, London. We were appalled by what the German brothers of many of our citizens had done to uncooperative countries in the taking of human life and decimation of Christian churches and museums in Europe alongside financial and business centers. We were also shown photographs of what Germany did to anybody who stood up to the black-hearted Nazi machine headed by a very gifted con man named Adolph Hitler, who from his heart-rending "Mein Kampf" fed the survival of a Germany devastated by Kaiser Wilhelm's WWI, and they decided WWII could only give back Germany her power if they followed Hitler's Nazis to get it.

America stepped up to the plate and one of our best sons, Dwight David Eisenhower, was placed at the top to win the war in Germany, protect what few churches, captive Jew detention centers, and art museums that were left standing by order of Hitler. And it took years, but Eisenhower won it by the grace and good gracious mercy of God. Hitler's alleged suicide/death along with his hours-old marriage to his cousin on their dying day, ended the Muslim hope of scorching the earth under the Jews they mistreated with unmitigated mirth and joy for centuries. Eisenhower got wind of how the six million Jews murdered in Europe by the most closed-mouth and deep state genocide ever known to the world, and took measures to stop the madness. The free world was appalled when they saw the photographs and other evidence on why 6 million Jews disappeared off the face of this world.

The Muslims developed a system of murder of non-Muslims that justifies in their mind the elimination of everybody except themselves. They use new converts and Muslims born overseas with no knowledge of the political group that Muslimry is (not religion) to subvert people to the lie that Muslims front as being "a nation of peace," when in fact, their goal is not heavenly rewards of unlimited sexual passion for their males, which they proffer, it is raw, unopposed powermongering for whoever their leader/Mullah is. The Mullah of Jerusalem envisioned himself as the power behind the throne that would succeed Hitler after his certain death, prearranged by his complete infiltration of Germany's Jew-killing and prestigious military and SS. Unfortunately, those who attempt to destroy the Kingdom of God with the Sexual and Mental conning of the Muslim faith disguised from the corrupt political party demanding a forfeiture of human rights that it actually is to overtake the planet with the grandest deep state operatives who ever lived. There is a flaw in the Muslim religion that those who only know its "peaceful" front learn too late: it plants earthly realities of death for everybody else except themselves into its deep state tactic, which for some reason, appeals to highly weak people who want something for nothing. That's what they get in the time they are useful to Muslims. Death is what they get when they realized how fooled they were.

When I see Rashida Talaib(an) and her soul sister Ilhan(d) Omar operate as if they were already the President of the United States, I feel a little pity for the states they have used to carry out their murder schemes for their neighbors who do not know the deep state of the Muslim political party that seeks the murder of the very people who elected them by being fooled into thinking them peacemakers. Hell, if they don't see evil in a person who refused a free visit to comfort her grandmother in her old age, and the grandmother's unconditional surrender to take a huge swipe at the President of the United States, ever so pleasing to deep state Democrats who also are fooled into the Muslim politic, they learned absolutely nothing about the murders of their own children (who survived the abortion parody) that are preplanned in the Muslim plan book for elimination of all Jews and all free men and women in America. The Democrats would rather be thrilled by leaders who go over to a foreign country and extract a billion dollars to protect only their own prodigy--to hell with all other Americans. The Bidens of the world show us what the Muslim power does to develop a stranglehold on this land, and that's why the Democrats are currently favoring the Muslim power world. They think it is mankind's future, because they have thrown the Kingdom of God under the bus. Donald Trump has effectively put a break on that. The only way we can keep America great is to pray for President Trump, the family of his children, divided by divorce, but united by his caring, and his staff to withstand these interlopers who don't really give a damn about America, but who are sequestered into political groups chosen by the Democrats in lockstep with their Muslim powermongering big spenders to briefly fool Americans in those districts that Trump is bad, the deep state Democrats are good.

That's what's been put in America's pipe, and half of us have fallen for it. The other half will fight for the Bill of Rights and freedom of thought and our Christian forbears who founded this nation after getting thrown out of not only Europe, Russia, China, Africa, and every where else for being dissenters, but since we may good, the Muslim Politicians with murder for everyone except themselves is planted deep in their hearts and writings, are now up against not just men, but the Lord God and Father of Mankind and the true Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ and his army of devoted little old ladies and little old men, and a few out-of-this-world children and grandkids who will not be moved by foreign bullies who sent us all here to be one people their ancestors never wanted to see or think about again, because their royalty consider us as peasants. Unfortunately, they missed our God of kindness in the glare of their disingenuous, hatemongering, and lyingly horrid Muslim priest/politicians.

And that's what I think.

Edit: Oh yes, and georgephillip, thank you for showing how the Israelis had live captives. The Muslim bodies on the ground in WWII photos of showing how the Muslims used Hitler's German SS and other Euro-Nazis to resolve issues show not only lines of people but mounds, thousands deep, of Jews murdered in the killing camps of countries outside Germany where the literary bombs in news papers had devastated their people into the genocidal clutches of Muslim operatives who know that Peaceful Islam isn't true, but killing Jews is true, because Jews stand for the right and true spirit of mankind, and so do Christians, who believe in the teachings of a Jewish Rabbi who lived two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ.

Sample pictures of how six million Jewish lives ended in Europe:

Cheese Louise, Georgephillip. Your forgot all about the murder of 3,000 Americans on 9/11/2001.

President Trump isn't about to allow the Muslim world to have such a success on American soil again, and you need to get used to it.

The Muslims use a sneak attack to harm people they hate, and they hate America because we ended Hitler's Killing Spree by giving him the Karma he deserved for killing six million Jews in Germany, saving only Jews he had a use for--gifted scientists and physicians. Other than the handful he used like a ragmop, Hitler had no use for the ten million jews of Europe, so he sent 6 million to their death at the smarming behest of the Mullah of Jerusalem. See how that worked for him?
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
The problem here is obviously that you don't understand what the word, democratic, means. Israel clearly is both a democratic state and a Jewish state no matter how much that bothers you. As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
Palestinians exercised that right of self-determination at the wrong end of Jewish guns

When Israelis started to talk about the occupation | DW | 07.06.2017

"After 50 years of embargo, and with some paragraphs still censored, newly-released transcripts shed light on the days leading to the war that dramatically changed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Reading the documents, it becomes clear that Israeli politicians had no political plan for the days to come, nor did they have a realistic vision for the soon-to-be occupied territories.

"In fact, the protocols suggest that the annexations of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights were ad-hoc steps following unexpected victories, rather than a strategy."
Georgephillip, The Muslims are not a religion. They are a branch of the Middle East's Oil Cartel that seeks to destroy all manner of Christianity, because their play-like religion is how they conquer and kill foreign people to take away their land for their top strong man to assert all-power to themselves, and America is their present target because of prosperity they could never have achieved with their scorch-the-earth tactics of getting exactly what they want is submission to their PEOPLE, not Allah, and not God. There is no free speech against their leaders. NONE. They have done amazing work with our greedy leftist lockstep press and setting up strawmen who seem Jewish, but who launder Middle East mischief money because they can. They control them by foolery of their own cognizance and surround them with every luxury using "kindness" for the very rich and powerful and the very rich and powerful only.

They fooled the most powerful man on earth in the late 1930s to capture the imagination of the German fuhrer, and he was conned into killing Jews for them, making them the bad guy in every article in German news outlets for a decade, and making simple people so angry, they wanted nothing to do with anyone Jewish and they wanted to kill all Jews everywhere forthwith. The mullah of Jerusalem made a piece-of-furniture presence in the palaces Hitler expropriated for his use and that of his men, by telling him just how he would get free oil and gas for the rest of his life for his rule over Europe (with the Mullah in his ear, of course). All he had to do after making every square inch of Europe his Empire with himself being the all-powerful God, was to agree to help murder and kill every last Jew in their own promised land afterward. Unfortunately for the Muslim hatemongers and the greatest ambitious freaks ever to strip mankind of its human rights, America, through its weak alliance with the country of England, was called on for their help to retrieve their French allies and the British empire to send relief in the form of military men and nurses to replace the people who died in the Fuhrer's bombers who devastated the populated areas of their greatest city, London. We were appalled by what the German brothers of many of our citizens had done to uncooperative countries in the taking of human life and decimation of Christian churches and museums in Europe alongside financial and business centers. We were also shown photographs of what Germany did to anybody who stood up to the black-hearted Nazi machine headed by a very gifted con man named Adolph Hitler, who from his heart-rending "Mein Kampf" fed the survival of a Germany devastated by Kaiser Wilhelm's WWI, and they decided WWII could only give back Germany her power if they followed Hitler's Nazis to get it.

America stepped up to the plate and one of our best sons, Dwight David Eisenhower, was placed at the top to win the war in Germany, protect what few churches, captive Jew detention centers, and art museums that were left standing by order of Hitler. And it took years, but Eisenhower won it by the grace and good gracious mercy of God. Hitler's alleged suicide/death along with his hours-old marriage to his cousin on their dying day, ended the Muslim hope of scorching the earth under the Jews they mistreated with unmitigated mirth and joy for centuries. Eisenhower got wind of how the six million Jews murdered in Europe by the most closed-mouth and deep state genocide ever known to the world, and took measures to stop the madness. The free world was appalled when they saw the photographs and other evidence on why 6 million Jews disappeared off the face of this world.

The Muslims developed a system of murder of non-Muslims that justifies in their mind the elimination of everybody except themselves. They use new converts and Muslims born overseas with no knowledge of the political group that Muslimry is (not religion) to subvert people to the lie that Muslims front as being "a nation of peace," when in fact, their goal is not heavenly rewards of unlimited sexual passion for their males, which they proffer, it is raw, unopposed powermongering for whoever their leader/Mullah is. The Mullah of Jerusalem envisioned himself as the power behind the throne that would succeed Hitler after his certain death, prearranged by his complete infiltration of Germany's Jew-killing and prestigious military and SS. Unfortunately, those who attempt to destroy the Kingdom of God with the Sexual and Mental conning of the Muslim faith disguised from the corrupt political party demanding a forfeiture of human rights that it actually is to overtake the planet with the grandest deep state operatives who ever lived. There is a flaw in the Muslim religion that those who only know its "peaceful" front learn too late: it plants earthly realities of death for everybody else except themselves into its deep state tactic, which for some reason, appeals to highly weak people who want something for nothing. That's what they get in the time they are useful to Muslims. Death is what they get when they realized how fooled they were.

When I see Rashida Talaib(an) and her soul sister Ilhan(d) Omar operate as if they were already the President of the United States, I feel a little pity for the states they have used to carry out their murder schemes for their neighbors who do not know the deep state of the Muslim political party that seeks the murder of the very people who elected them by being fooled into thinking them peacemakers. Hell, if they don't see evil in a person who refused a free visit to comfort her grandmother in her old age, and the grandmother's unconditional surrender to take a huge swipe at the President of the United States, ever so pleasing to deep state Democrats who also are fooled into the Muslim politic, they learned absolutely nothing about the murders of their own children (who survived the abortion parody) that are preplanned in the Muslim plan book for elimination of all Jews and all free men and women in America. The Democrats would rather be thrilled by leaders who go over to a foreign country and extract a billion dollars to protect only their own prodigy--to hell with all other Americans. The Bidens of the world show us what the Muslim power does to develop a stranglehold on this land, and that's why the Democrats are currently favoring the Muslim power world. They think it is mankind's future, because they have thrown the Kingdom of God under the bus. Donald Trump has effectively put a break on that. The only way we can keep America great is to pray for President Trump, the family of his children, divided by divorce, but united by his caring, and his staff to withstand these interlopers who don't really give a damn about America, but who are sequestered into political groups chosen by the Democrats in lockstep with their Muslim powermongering big spenders to briefly fool Americans in those districts that Trump is bad, the deep state Democrats are good.

That's what's been put in America's pipe, and half of us have fallen for it. The other half will fight for the Bill of Rights and freedom of thought and our Christian forbears who founded this nation after getting thrown out of not only Europe, Russia, China, Africa, and every where else for being dissenters, but since we may good, the Muslim Politicians with murder for everyone except themselves is planted deep in their hearts and writings, are now up against not just men, but the Lord God and Father of Mankind and the true Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ and his army of devoted little old ladies and little old men, and a few out-of-this-world children and grandkids who will not be moved by foreign bullies who sent us all here to be one people their ancestors never wanted to see or think about again, because their royalty consider us as peasants. Unfortunately, they missed our God of kindness in the glare of their disingenuous, hatemongering, and lyingly horrid Muslim priest/politicians.

And that's what I think.

Edit: Oh yes, and georgephillip, thank you for showing how the Israelis had live captives. The Muslim bodies on the ground in WWII photos of showing how the Muslims used Hitler's German SS and other Euro-Nazis to resolve issues show not only lines of people but mounds, thousands deep, of Jews murdered in the killing camps of countries outside Germany where the literary bombs in news papers had devastated their people into the genocidal clutches of Muslim operatives who know that Peaceful Islam isn't true, but killing Jews is true, because Jews stand for the right and true spirit of mankind, and so do Christians, who believe in the teachings of a Jewish Rabbi who lived two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ.

Sample pictures of how six million Jewish lives ended in Europe:

Cheese Louise, Georgephillip. Your forgot all about the murder of 3,000 Americans on 9/11/2001.

President Trump isn't about to allow the Muslim world to have such a success on American soil again, and you need to get used to it.

The Muslims use a sneak attack to harm people they hate, and they hate America because we ended Hitler's Killing Spree by giving him the Karma he deserved for killing six million Jews in Germany, saving only Jews he had a use for--gifted scientists and physicians. Other than the handful he used like a ragmop, Hitler had no use for the ten million jews of Europe, so he sent 6 million to their death at the smarming behest of the Mullah of Jerusalem. See how that worked for him?
Oh, yeah, and I forget. You like Pictures to make a point, so I will add these two:

9/11/2001: Twin Towers Rubble
View attachment 275098

9/11/2001: Pentagon rubble
View attachment 275099


  • upload_2019-8-19_11-44-15.jpeg
    14.6 KB · Views: 12
More Debris from 9/11 in New York City:


And you think the Democrats hugging up to people who rejoiced on 9/11 and still want to decimate to destroy America from their comfortable Congressional Chairs to give our secrets to their grandmothers in "Palestine" is gonna fix the problem? Don't hold your breath, buster.

And you see the picture of the tower exploding by using Americans trapped in a jet airliner to die horrific deaths on the left in that explosion of jet fuel was folly? I don't. I think it is a perfect description of who and what Rashida Talib and Ilhan Omar stand for--to do that to everything in America to get even for what the Muslims failed to achieve with Hitler as their perfect archangel to manage their hatred for Jews into an unholy celebration and current denial that it ever happened.

Thank you for letting me show what President is up against--the Deep State of Pelosi-Obama-Clinton-Nadler-Schumer-Feinstein-Watters-Booker-Tlaib-OcasioCortez-Omar-Booker-Harris-Hirono-Mueller-Comey-Brennan-et al.

We will fight to keep evil people from decimating the Constitution, whoever and whereever they may be, and that's all there is to it.
Last edited:
The problem here is obviously that you don't understand what the word, democratic, means. Israel clearly is both a democratic state and a Jewish state no matter how much that bothers you. As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
Palestinians exercised that right of self-determination at the wrong end of Jewish guns

When Israelis started to talk about the occupation | DW | 07.06.2017

"After 50 years of embargo, and with some paragraphs still censored, newly-released transcripts shed light on the days leading to the war that dramatically changed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Reading the documents, it becomes clear that Israeli politicians had no political plan for the days to come, nor did they have a realistic vision for the soon-to-be occupied territories.

"In fact, the protocols suggest that the annexations of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights were ad-hoc steps following unexpected victories, rather than a strategy."
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore.
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore
I'm not the one who claimed the PA represented a viable means of self determination.

“Palestinians” aren’t citizens why would they vote? Should the US allow illegals to vote? What a stupid analogy from the idiot who only posts memes and cuts and pastes. Israel is mostly Jewish. Live with it or try to conquer it. Good luck with the latter.
Palestinians” aren’t citizens why would they vote? Should the US allow illegals to vote? What a stupid analogy from the idiot who only posts memes and cuts and pastes. Israel is mostly Jewish. Live with it or try to conquer it. Good luck with the latter.
Only a brain-dead pathic bitch who thinks Jews are Chosen would post shit as stupid as yours; Palestinians are living under an illegal occupation imposed by sick, racist Jews, and they have the same right to self-determination as you do. You should go back to school and conquer your ignorance before embarrassing yourself anymore, Moron

I've seen this like for the billionth time. Jews weren't blowing up tall buildings in 1930. False equivalency.
Fake pretense, bad intentions yet liberals feel a good outcome is in order or it’s racism and someone else’s fault, Personal Responsibility is liberals “four letter word”
Fake pretense, bad intentions yet liberals feel a good outcome is in order or it’s racism and someone else’s fault, Personal Responsibility is liberals “four letter word”
The Democrats who still love America are not fooled by their leadership who is pointing them to their destruction, and many of them have joined a movement called "Walk Away." I hope people here listen carefully to what their leadership is doing everything against the Kingdom of Heaven out of their failure to understand that the Constitution is universal to this day for free people who care for their fellow men.

Those who use the priviledges of the Constitution to go on killing sprees, whether one at a time or en masse--they are in the wrong. Opening borders is like opening the body and inviting invasive illnesses into the body-- viruses and bacteria, infections, cancer, and death. It's criminal use of power to let people come in here to torture Christians who founded this nation as a respite from the Roman Empire cultures spawned across Europe to hate Christian people. We must be strong against those powers who want to ruin this stronghold for Christianity, and since Trump converted his goals to match God's kingdom's, he has become the target of athiests who have so much power over the Democrat Party in this time of sorrow and angst for the damages inflicted upon the Constitution that was designed to put God's Kingdom on earth. May we continue to bless God and thank him for this gift, but we must fight for it, and we must fight those who have connived to convert Universities into atheist killing machines in the name of Socialism. Isn't it strange that Communists called themselves a Socialist Republic, and Europe is still rife with Socialists who are against Christ's people to this day. They do it with an unprecedented infliction of bad words against Christian people who will not back down from their Bill of Rights, including owning firearms and using them to defend themselves and their families and/or provide meat for their family when they cannot afford the high prices of meat in stores.
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
Only if you consider George Washington and the other founding fathers of the US terrorists.

Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did. The Arabs had insisted the Jews live under total Muslim domination and that was not acceptable so war was inevitable whatever the UN diplomats did.

Interestingly, the Arabs in question were not the Arabs who lived in the Mandate but the Arab nations who spoke for them and these Arab nations had no intention of creating a Palestinian state if they defeated the Jews but of capturing the land for themselves, as Jordan did. So in Israel's War of Independence the Jews were the indigenous people who lived on the land and the Arabs (nations) were the foreign colonial powers.
Calling for elections would have been a foolish thing to do since the UN took no action on Partition until the British announce they were leaving and once the British left the Jews were going to declare statehood regardless of what the UN or the Arab nations did.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
The problem here is obviously that you don't understand what the word, democratic, means. Israel clearly is both a democratic state and a Jewish state no matter how much that bothers you. As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
Palestinians exercised that right of self-determination at the wrong end of Jewish guns

When Israelis started to talk about the occupation | DW | 07.06.2017

"After 50 years of embargo, and with some paragraphs still censored, newly-released transcripts shed light on the days leading to the war that dramatically changed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Reading the documents, it becomes clear that Israeli politicians had no political plan for the days to come, nor did they have a realistic vision for the soon-to-be occupied territories.

"In fact, the protocols suggest that the annexations of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights were ad-hoc steps following unexpected victories, rather than a strategy."
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore.
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore
I'm not the one who claimed the PA represented a viable means of self determination.
Your difficulty comes from the fact you have no idea what self determination means.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
The problem here is obviously that you don't understand what the word, democratic, means. Israel clearly is both a democratic state and a Jewish state no matter how much that bothers you. As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
Palestinians exercised that right of self-determination at the wrong end of Jewish guns

When Israelis started to talk about the occupation | DW | 07.06.2017

"After 50 years of embargo, and with some paragraphs still censored, newly-released transcripts shed light on the days leading to the war that dramatically changed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Reading the documents, it becomes clear that Israeli politicians had no political plan for the days to come, nor did they have a realistic vision for the soon-to-be occupied territories.

"In fact, the protocols suggest that the annexations of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights were ad-hoc steps following unexpected victories, rather than a strategy."
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore.
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore
I'm not the one who claimed the PA represented a viable means of self determination.
Your difficulty comes from the fact you have no idea what self determination means.
I'm glad you brought that up, toomuchtime. It's up to us to teach Mr. Georgephillip what the founder's America is about--doing right in the world, and worshipping God as we see fit, according to his biblical precepts of both loving neighbor and holding his laws as sacred--honoring God, and never hurting our fellow man by stealing, never needlessly killing our fellow American human beings, failure to love aging parents and honoring them so they can live happy and die in peace when it's time, not hurting a beloved spouse by adultery which brings insidious illness to that partner, never lying in court to damage an innocent person, among other things atheists would like us to forgetaboutit. *sigh*
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
The problem here is obviously that you don't understand what the word, democratic, means. Israel clearly is both a democratic state and a Jewish state no matter how much that bothers you. As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
Palestinians exercised that right of self-determination at the wrong end of Jewish guns

When Israelis started to talk about the occupation | DW | 07.06.2017

"After 50 years of embargo, and with some paragraphs still censored, newly-released transcripts shed light on the days leading to the war that dramatically changed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Reading the documents, it becomes clear that Israeli politicians had no political plan for the days to come, nor did they have a realistic vision for the soon-to-be occupied territories.

"In fact, the protocols suggest that the annexations of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights were ad-hoc steps following unexpected victories, rather than a strategy."
Georgephillip, The Muslims are not a religion. They are a branch of the Middle East's Oil Cartel that seeks to destroy all manner of Christianity, because their play-like religion is how they conquer and kill foreign people to take away their land for their top strong man to assert all-power to themselves, and America is their present target because of prosperity they could never have achieved with their scorch-the-earth tactics of getting exactly what they want is submission to their PEOPLE, not Allah, and not God. There is no free speech against their leaders. NONE. They have done amazing work with our greedy leftist lockstep press and setting up strawmen who seem Jewish, but who launder Middle East mischief money because they can. They control them by foolery of their own cognizance and surround them with every luxury using "kindness" for the very rich and powerful and the very rich and powerful only.

They fooled the most powerful man on earth in the late 1930s to capture the imagination of the German fuhrer, and he was conned into killing Jews for them, making them the bad guy in every article in German news outlets for a decade, and making simple people so angry, they wanted nothing to do with anyone Jewish and they wanted to kill all Jews everywhere forthwith. The mullah of Jerusalem made a piece-of-furniture presence in the palaces Hitler expropriated for his use and that of his men, by telling him just how he would get free oil and gas for the rest of his life for his rule over Europe (with the Mullah in his ear, of course). All he had to do after making every square inch of Europe his Empire with himself being the all-powerful God, was to agree to help murder and kill every last Jew in their own promised land afterward. Unfortunately for the Muslim hatemongers and the greatest ambitious freaks ever to strip mankind of its human rights, America, through its weak alliance with the country of England, was called on for their help to retrieve their French allies and the British empire to send relief in the form of military men and nurses to replace the people who died in the Fuhrer's bombers who devastated the populated areas of their greatest city, London. We were appalled by what the German brothers of many of our citizens had done to uncooperative countries in the taking of human life and decimation of Christian churches and museums in Europe alongside financial and business centers. We were also shown photographs of what Germany did to anybody who stood up to the black-hearted Nazi machine headed by a very gifted con man named Adolph Hitler, who from his heart-rending "Mein Kampf" fed the survival of a Germany devastated by Kaiser Wilhelm's WWI, and they decided WWII could only give back Germany her power if they followed Hitler's Nazis to get it.

America stepped up to the plate and one of our best sons, Dwight David Eisenhower, was placed at the top to win the war in Germany, protect what few churches, captive Jew detention centers, and art museums that were left standing by order of Hitler. And it took years, but Eisenhower won it by the grace and good gracious mercy of God. Hitler's alleged suicide/death along with his hours-old marriage to his cousin on their dying day, ended the Muslim hope of scorching the earth under the Jews they mistreated with unmitigated mirth and joy for centuries. Eisenhower got wind of how the six million Jews murdered in Europe by the most closed-mouth and deep state genocide ever known to the world, and took measures to stop the madness. The free world was appalled when they saw the photographs and other evidence on why 6 million Jews disappeared off the face of this world.

The Muslims developed a system of murder of non-Muslims that justifies in their mind the elimination of everybody except themselves. They use new converts and Muslims born overseas with no knowledge of the political group that Muslimry is (not religion) to subvert people to the lie that Muslims front as being "a nation of peace," when in fact, their goal is not heavenly rewards of unlimited sexual passion for their males, which they proffer, it is raw, unopposed powermongering for whoever their leader/Mullah is. The Mullah of Jerusalem envisioned himself as the power behind the throne that would succeed Hitler after his certain death, prearranged by his complete infiltration of Germany's Jew-killing and prestigious military and SS. Unfortunately, those who attempt to destroy the Kingdom of God with the Sexual and Mental conning of the Muslim faith disguised from the corrupt political party demanding a forfeiture of human rights that it actually is to overtake the planet with the grandest deep state operatives who ever lived. There is a flaw in the Muslim religion that those who only know its "peaceful" front learn too late: it plants earthly realities of death for everybody else except themselves into its deep state tactic, which for some reason, appeals to highly weak people who want something for nothing. That's what they get in the time they are useful to Muslims. Death is what they get when they realized how fooled they were.

When I see Rashida Talaib(an) and her soul sister Ilhan(d) Omar operate as if they were already the President of the United States, I feel a little pity for the states they have used to carry out their murder schemes for their neighbors who do not know the deep state of the Muslim political party that seeks the murder of the very people who elected them by being fooled into thinking them peacemakers. Hell, if they don't see evil in a person who refused a free visit to comfort her grandmother in her old age, and the grandmother's unconditional surrender to take a huge swipe at the President of the United States, ever so pleasing to deep state Democrats who also are fooled into the Muslim politic, they learned absolutely nothing about the murders of their own children (who survived the abortion parody) that are preplanned in the Muslim plan book for elimination of all Jews and all free men and women in America. The Democrats would rather be thrilled by leaders who go over to a foreign country and extract a billion dollars to protect only their own prodigy--to hell with all other Americans. The Bidens of the world show us what the Muslim power does to develop a stranglehold on this land, and that's why the Democrats are currently favoring the Muslim power world. They think it is mankind's future, because they have thrown the Kingdom of God under the bus. Donald Trump has effectively put a break on that. The only way we can keep America great is to pray for President Trump, the family of his children, divided by divorce, but united by his caring, and his staff to withstand these interlopers who don't really give a damn about America, but who are sequestered into political groups chosen by the Democrats in lockstep with their Muslim powermongering big spenders to briefly fool Americans in those districts that Trump is bad, the deep state Democrats are good.

That's what's been put in America's pipe, and half of us have fallen for it. The other half will fight for the Bill of Rights and freedom of thought and our Christian forbears who founded this nation after getting thrown out of not only Europe, Russia, China, Africa, and every where else for being dissenters, but since we may good, the Muslim Politicians with murder for everyone except themselves is planted deep in their hearts and writings, are now up against not just men, but the Lord God and Father of Mankind and the true Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ and his army of devoted little old ladies and little old men, and a few out-of-this-world children and grandkids who will not be moved by foreign bullies who sent us all here to be one people their ancestors never wanted to see or think about again, because their royalty consider us as peasants. Unfortunately, they missed our God of kindness in the glare of their disingenuous, hatemongering, and lyingly horrid Muslim priest/politicians.

And that's what I think.

Edit: Oh yes, and georgephillip, thank you for showing how the Israelis had live captives. The Muslim bodies on the ground in WWII photos of showing how the Muslims used Hitler's German SS and other Euro-Nazis to resolve issues show not only lines of people but mounds, thousands deep, of Jews murdered in the killing camps of countries outside Germany where the literary bombs in news papers had devastated their people into the genocidal clutches of Muslim operatives who know that Peaceful Islam isn't true, but killing Jews is true, because Jews stand for the right and true spirit of mankind, and so do Christians, who believe in the teachings of a Jewish Rabbi who lived two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ.

Sample pictures of how six million Jewish lives ended in Europe:

Cheese Louise, Georgephillip. Your forgot all about the murder of 3,000 Americans on 9/11/2001.

President Trump isn't about to allow the Muslim world to have such a success on American soil again, and you need to get used to it.

The Muslims use a sneak attack to harm people they hate, and they hate America because we ended Hitler's Killing Spree by giving him the Karma he deserved for killing six million Jews in Germany, saving only Jews he had a use for--gifted scientists and physicians. Other than the handful he used like a ragmop, Hitler had no use for the ten million jews of Europe, so he sent 6 million to their death at the smarming behest of the Mullah of Jerusalem. See how that worked for him?
Cheese Louise, Georgephillip. Your forgot all about the murder of 3,000 Americans on 9/11/2001.

President Trump isn't about to allow the Muslim world to have such a success on American soil again, and you need to get used to it.
15 Saudi Muslims attacked the US on 911, and Trump is selling them more bombs. Can you figure that out?
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
Have you ever read the UN Charter?

All of you apologists for Israel seem to believe Jews are entitled to special privileges like stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine because of a European holocaust that Arabs had nothing to do with.

The simple fact is this: it is impossible to have a Jewish state and a democratic state at the same time, especially when a Jewish majority caps a non-Jewish minority at 20% of total voters.
The problem here is obviously that you don't understand what the word, democratic, means. Israel clearly is both a democratic state and a Jewish state no matter how much that bothers you. As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
As for the declaration of self determination, the Palestinians have already exercised that right by choosing to be citizens of the Palestinian Authority, and there is no reasonable basis for claiming Israel has any responsibility for these people beyond agreements signed with the PA.
Palestinians exercised that right of self-determination at the wrong end of Jewish guns

When Israelis started to talk about the occupation | DW | 07.06.2017

"After 50 years of embargo, and with some paragraphs still censored, newly-released transcripts shed light on the days leading to the war that dramatically changed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Reading the documents, it becomes clear that Israeli politicians had no political plan for the days to come, nor did they have a realistic vision for the soon-to-be occupied territories.

"In fact, the protocols suggest that the annexations of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights were ad-hoc steps following unexpected victories, rather than a strategy."
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore.
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore
I'm not the one who claimed the PA represented a viable means of self determination.
Your difficulty comes from the fact you have no idea what self determination means.
our difficulty comes from the fact you have no idea what self determination means.
Would you care to provide your interpretation?
There are currently roughly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea. Every Jew of legal age gets a vote while the vast majority of Arabs live under a brutal military occupation with no possibility of self determination.

Palestine and Hebrew self-determination - Weekly Worker
Palestinians exercised that right of self-determination at the wrong end of Jewish guns

When Israelis started to talk about the occupation | DW | 07.06.2017

"After 50 years of embargo, and with some paragraphs still censored, newly-released transcripts shed light on the days leading to the war that dramatically changed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Reading the documents, it becomes clear that Israeli politicians had no political plan for the days to come, nor did they have a realistic vision for the soon-to-be occupied territories.

"In fact, the protocols suggest that the annexations of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights were ad-hoc steps following unexpected victories, rather than a strategy."
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore.
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore
I'm not the one who claimed the PA represented a viable means of self determination.

“Palestinians” aren’t citizens why would they vote? Should the US allow illegals to vote? What a stupid analogy from the idiot who only posts memes and cuts and pastes. Israel is mostly Jewish. Live with it or try to conquer it. Good luck with the latter.
Palestinians” aren’t citizens why would they vote? Should the US allow illegals to vote? What a stupid analogy from the idiot who only posts memes and cuts and pastes. Israel is mostly Jewish. Live with it or try to conquer it. Good luck with the latter.
Only a brain-dead pathic bitch who thinks Jews are Chosen would post shit as stupid as yours; Palestinians are living under an illegal occupation imposed by sick, racist Jews, and they have the same right to self-determination as you do. You should go back to school and conquer your ignorance before embarrassing yourself anymore, Moron

I've seen this like for the billionth time. Jews weren't blowing up tall buildings in 1930. False equivalency.
I've seen this like for the billionth time. Jews weren't blowing up tall buildings in 1930. False equivalency.
Jews were blowing up six-story hotels in Jerusalem and assassinating UNSC mediators in the 1940s.

My 91-Year-Old Grandfather Helped Blow Up the King David Hotel on July 22, 1946

"Folke Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg (2 January 1895 – 17 September 1948) was a Swedish diplomat and nobleman. During World War II, he negotiated the release of about 31,000 prisoners from German concentration camps, including 450 Danish Jews from the Theresienstadt camp..."

"Bernadotte was assassinated on Friday 17 September 1948 by members of the armed Jewish Zionist group Lehi (commonly known as the Stern Gang or Stern Group)...."

"The killing was approved by the three-man 'center' of Lehi: Yitzhak Yezernitsky (the future Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Shamir), Nathan Friedmann (also called Natan Yellin-Mor) and Yisrael Eldad (also known as Scheib)."

Folke Bernadotte - Wikipedia
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore.
You need to stop drinking. Your post don't even make any sense anymore
I'm not the one who claimed the PA represented a viable means of self determination.

“Palestinians” aren’t citizens why would they vote? Should the US allow illegals to vote? What a stupid analogy from the idiot who only posts memes and cuts and pastes. Israel is mostly Jewish. Live with it or try to conquer it. Good luck with the latter.
Palestinians” aren’t citizens why would they vote? Should the US allow illegals to vote? What a stupid analogy from the idiot who only posts memes and cuts and pastes. Israel is mostly Jewish. Live with it or try to conquer it. Good luck with the latter.
Only a brain-dead pathic bitch who thinks Jews are Chosen would post shit as stupid as yours; Palestinians are living under an illegal occupation imposed by sick, racist Jews, and they have the same right to self-determination as you do. You should go back to school and conquer your ignorance before embarrassing yourself anymore, Moron

I've seen this like for the billionth time. Jews weren't blowing up tall buildings in 1930. False equivalency.
I've seen this like for the billionth time. Jews weren't blowing up tall buildings in 1930. False equivalency.
Jews were blowing up six-story hotels in Jerusalem and assassinating UNSC mediators in the 1940s.

My 91-Year-Old Grandfather Helped Blow Up the King David Hotel on July 22, 1946

"Folke Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg (2 January 1895 – 17 September 1948) was a Swedish diplomat and nobleman. During World War II, he negotiated the release of about 31,000 prisoners from German concentration camps, including 450 Danish Jews from the Theresienstadt camp..."

"Bernadotte was assassinated on Friday 17 September 1948 by members of the armed Jewish Zionist group Lehi (commonly known as the Stern Gang or Stern Group)...."

"The killing was approved by the three-man 'center' of Lehi: Yitzhak Yezernitsky (the future Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Shamir), Nathan Friedmann (also called Natan Yellin-Mor) and Yisrael Eldad (also known as Scheib)."

Folke Bernadotte - Wikipedia

More propaganda. At least you’re consistent. LOL. So do you opine or just cut and paste like a loser?
I'm not the one who claimed the PA represented a viable means of self determination.

“Palestinians” aren’t citizens why would they vote? Should the US allow illegals to vote? What a stupid analogy from the idiot who only posts memes and cuts and pastes. Israel is mostly Jewish. Live with it or try to conquer it. Good luck with the latter.
Palestinians” aren’t citizens why would they vote? Should the US allow illegals to vote? What a stupid analogy from the idiot who only posts memes and cuts and pastes. Israel is mostly Jewish. Live with it or try to conquer it. Good luck with the latter.
Only a brain-dead pathic bitch who thinks Jews are Chosen would post shit as stupid as yours; Palestinians are living under an illegal occupation imposed by sick, racist Jews, and they have the same right to self-determination as you do. You should go back to school and conquer your ignorance before embarrassing yourself anymore, Moron

I've seen this like for the billionth time. Jews weren't blowing up tall buildings in 1930. False equivalency.
I've seen this like for the billionth time. Jews weren't blowing up tall buildings in 1930. False equivalency.
Jews were blowing up six-story hotels in Jerusalem and assassinating UNSC mediators in the 1940s.

My 91-Year-Old Grandfather Helped Blow Up the King David Hotel on July 22, 1946

"Folke Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg (2 January 1895 – 17 September 1948) was a Swedish diplomat and nobleman. During World War II, he negotiated the release of about 31,000 prisoners from German concentration camps, including 450 Danish Jews from the Theresienstadt camp..."

"Bernadotte was assassinated on Friday 17 September 1948 by members of the armed Jewish Zionist group Lehi (commonly known as the Stern Gang or Stern Group)...."

"The killing was approved by the three-man 'center' of Lehi: Yitzhak Yezernitsky (the future Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Shamir), Nathan Friedmann (also called Natan Yellin-Mor) and Yisrael Eldad (also known as Scheib)."

Folke Bernadotte - Wikipedia

More propaganda. At least you’re consistent. LOL. So do you opine or just cut and paste like a loser?
More propaganda. At least you’re consistent. LOL. So do you opine or just cut and paste like a loser?
I like to post an opinion AND provide evidence for my beliefs.
There are some good arguments for why the King David bombing was not an act of terrorism, but not too many for the cold-blooded execution of a UN diplomat or...

USS Liberty Veterans Association
“Palestinians” aren’t citizens why would they vote? Should the US allow illegals to vote? What a stupid analogy from the idiot who only posts memes and cuts and pastes. Israel is mostly Jewish. Live with it or try to conquer it. Good luck with the latter.
Palestinians” aren’t citizens why would they vote? Should the US allow illegals to vote? What a stupid analogy from the idiot who only posts memes and cuts and pastes. Israel is mostly Jewish. Live with it or try to conquer it. Good luck with the latter.
Only a brain-dead pathic bitch who thinks Jews are Chosen would post shit as stupid as yours; Palestinians are living under an illegal occupation imposed by sick, racist Jews, and they have the same right to self-determination as you do. You should go back to school and conquer your ignorance before embarrassing yourself anymore, Moron

I've seen this like for the billionth time. Jews weren't blowing up tall buildings in 1930. False equivalency.
I've seen this like for the billionth time. Jews weren't blowing up tall buildings in 1930. False equivalency.
Jews were blowing up six-story hotels in Jerusalem and assassinating UNSC mediators in the 1940s.

My 91-Year-Old Grandfather Helped Blow Up the King David Hotel on July 22, 1946

"Folke Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg (2 January 1895 – 17 September 1948) was a Swedish diplomat and nobleman. During World War II, he negotiated the release of about 31,000 prisoners from German concentration camps, including 450 Danish Jews from the Theresienstadt camp..."

"Bernadotte was assassinated on Friday 17 September 1948 by members of the armed Jewish Zionist group Lehi (commonly known as the Stern Gang or Stern Group)...."

"The killing was approved by the three-man 'center' of Lehi: Yitzhak Yezernitsky (the future Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Shamir), Nathan Friedmann (also called Natan Yellin-Mor) and Yisrael Eldad (also known as Scheib)."

Folke Bernadotte - Wikipedia

More propaganda. At least you’re consistent. LOL. So do you opine or just cut and paste like a loser?
More propaganda. At least you’re consistent. LOL. So do you opine or just cut and paste like a loser?
I like to post an opinion AND provide evidence for my beliefs.
There are some good arguments for why the King David bombing was not an act of terrorism, but not too many for the cold-blooded execution of a UN diplomat or...

USS Liberty Veterans Association

You post opinions like 1% of the time. Then you post propaganda.
Only a brain-dead pathic bitch who thinks Jews are Chosen would post shit as stupid as yours; Palestinians are living under an illegal occupation imposed by sick, racist Jews, and they have the same right to self-determination as you do. You should go back to school and conquer your ignorance before embarrassing yourself anymore, Moron

I've seen this like for the billionth time. Jews weren't blowing up tall buildings in 1930. False equivalency.
I've seen this like for the billionth time. Jews weren't blowing up tall buildings in 1930. False equivalency.
Jews were blowing up six-story hotels in Jerusalem and assassinating UNSC mediators in the 1940s.

My 91-Year-Old Grandfather Helped Blow Up the King David Hotel on July 22, 1946

"Folke Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg (2 January 1895 – 17 September 1948) was a Swedish diplomat and nobleman. During World War II, he negotiated the release of about 31,000 prisoners from German concentration camps, including 450 Danish Jews from the Theresienstadt camp..."

"Bernadotte was assassinated on Friday 17 September 1948 by members of the armed Jewish Zionist group Lehi (commonly known as the Stern Gang or Stern Group)...."

"The killing was approved by the three-man 'center' of Lehi: Yitzhak Yezernitsky (the future Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Shamir), Nathan Friedmann (also called Natan Yellin-Mor) and Yisrael Eldad (also known as Scheib)."

Folke Bernadotte - Wikipedia

More propaganda. At least you’re consistent. LOL. So do you opine or just cut and paste like a loser?
More propaganda. At least you’re consistent. LOL. So do you opine or just cut and paste like a loser?
I like to post an opinion AND provide evidence for my beliefs.
There are some good arguments for why the King David bombing was not an act of terrorism, but not too many for the cold-blooded execution of a UN diplomat or...

USS Liberty Veterans Association

You post opinions like 1% of the time. Then you post propaganda.

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia

Mistake. Both Govts concurred. Sucks but happens in war.
I've seen this like for the billionth time. Jews weren't blowing up tall buildings in 1930. False equivalency.
I've seen this like for the billionth time. Jews weren't blowing up tall buildings in 1930. False equivalency.
Jews were blowing up six-story hotels in Jerusalem and assassinating UNSC mediators in the 1940s.

My 91-Year-Old Grandfather Helped Blow Up the King David Hotel on July 22, 1946

"Folke Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg (2 January 1895 – 17 September 1948) was a Swedish diplomat and nobleman. During World War II, he negotiated the release of about 31,000 prisoners from German concentration camps, including 450 Danish Jews from the Theresienstadt camp..."

"Bernadotte was assassinated on Friday 17 September 1948 by members of the armed Jewish Zionist group Lehi (commonly known as the Stern Gang or Stern Group)...."

"The killing was approved by the three-man 'center' of Lehi: Yitzhak Yezernitsky (the future Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Shamir), Nathan Friedmann (also called Natan Yellin-Mor) and Yisrael Eldad (also known as Scheib)."

Folke Bernadotte - Wikipedia

More propaganda. At least you’re consistent. LOL. So do you opine or just cut and paste like a loser?
More propaganda. At least you’re consistent. LOL. So do you opine or just cut and paste like a loser?
I like to post an opinion AND provide evidence for my beliefs.
There are some good arguments for why the King David bombing was not an act of terrorism, but not too many for the cold-blooded execution of a UN diplomat or...

USS Liberty Veterans Association

You post opinions like 1% of the time. Then you post propaganda.

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia

Mistake. Both Govts concurred. Sucks but happens in war.
Mistake. Both Govts concurred. Sucks but happens in war.
Not according to every single US survivor of that attack:

USS Liberty Memorial

"The Attack

"After surveilling USS Liberty for more than nine hours with almost hourly aircraft overflights and radar tracking, the air and naval forces of Israel attacked our ship in international waters without warning.

"USS Liberty was identified as a US naval ship by Israeli reconnaissance aircraft nine hours before the attack and continuously tracked by Israeli radar and aircraft thereafter.

"Sailing in international waters at less than five knots, with no offensive armament, our ship was not a military threat to anyone.

"The Israeli forces attacked without warning and without attempting to contact us.

"Thirty four Americans were killed in the attack and another 174 were wounded.

"The ship, a $40-million dollar state-of-the-art signals intelligence platform, was later declared unsalvageable and sold for scrap."

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