Rasmussen: Trump’s Chances for Nomination Hold Steady

BUT that's Not what everyone else says!

rasmussenreports.com ^ | October 09, 2015
All eyes are on the Democrats’ side of the equation going into their first presidential candidate debate next week, but Donald Trump remains an odds-on favorite among Republicans. The latest Rasmussen Reports Trump Change national telephone survey finds that 58% of Likely Republican Voters believe “The Donald” is likely to end up as their party’s presidential nominee in 2016, with 24% who say it is Very Likely. Thirty-seven percent (37%) say a Trump nomination is unlikely, including 14% who feel it’s Not At All Likely. (To see survey question wording, click here.) These findings are basically unchanged from a week...
Lol as much as I would love this Neanderthal to be the republican nominee and secure a democrat victory, it won't happen. The left can't be that lucky.

Let's see, you have this bitch, dropping like a rock in the polls...


You got your Col. Sanders Look a Like... with less logic!


And then your ONLY HOPE is the 74 year old, White Pedophile, and Woman abuser.....JoJo Biden!

Even Cenk Uygur, of the Young Turks goes fucking NUTS over CREEPY JOE!

How about you just admit you know nothing about what these dems are running on? If you did, you wouldn't resort to all your retarded meme pictures on every post you make.
10,000 for Trump in Norcross, GA


Where on earth is it? The only think I could find on Google Maps beside it being north east outside the beltway is, Mojito's Cuban American Restaurant.
Norcross, northeast about five miles of the Atlanta loop, is the crossroads of lovers of the KKK and NASCAR and the Falcons.
As soon as Trump falls to a solid #2 in most polls his numbers will fall off the map rapidly and he'll be done. People will go home from the circus as soon as the lights start to dim.

Please define the circus.....

The circus is some buffoon who so blatantly panders to the most base and unreflected emotions of understandably frustrated people that only the truly stupid can't realize what he's doing. He makes 'outrageous' comments (and such comments always become tiresome as the novelty wears off) and gets loads of media attention. Those who don't tend to pay much attention anyway are drawn the the bright colors and big characters that appeal to children before they develop any sort of discernment. He makes promises that no rational person thinks any president could deliver on, and "says things people wish they could say" or are "dying to finally hear." The problem is that people (including politicians - hardly our best and brightest for the most part) don't say such things because under the slightest scrutiny such things are easily perceived as unrealistic and/or idiotic.

That's the circus.
As soon as Trump falls to a solid #2 in most polls his numbers will fall off the map rapidly and he'll be done. People will go home from the circus as soon as the lights start to dim.

Please define the circus.....

The circus is some buffoon who so blatantly panders to the most base and unreflected emotions of understandably frustrated people that only the truly stupid can't realize what he's doing. He makes 'outrageous' comments (and such comments always become tiresome as the novelty wears off) and gets loads of media attention. Those who don't tend to pay much attention anyway are drawn the the bright colors and big characters that appeal to children before they develop any sort of discernment. He makes promises that no rational person thinks any president could deliver on, and "says things people wish they could say" or are "dying to finally hear." The problem is that people (including politicians - hardly our best and brightest for the most part) don't say such things because under the slightest scrutiny such things are easily perceived as unrealistic and/or idiotic.

That's the circus.
I have paid very close attention to Trump.
When he gives a 1 hour interview or speech, I listen to the whole thing.

Let's start detailing those policies...
Trump has already said he will tax the corporations most responsible for business visas in order to pay for evicting non-law compliant immigrants.
These corporations have caused enormous damage to millions of families who have members who have advanced degrees and can no longer find jobs suitable for their skills.

Your turn.
As soon as Trump falls to a solid #2 in most polls his numbers will fall off the map rapidly and he'll be done. People will go home from the circus as soon as the lights start to dim.

Please define the circus.....

The circus is some buffoon who so blatantly panders to the most base and unreflected emotions of understandably frustrated people that only the truly stupid can't realize what he's doing. He makes 'outrageous' comments (and such comments always become tiresome as the novelty wears off) and gets loads of media attention. Those who don't tend to pay much attention anyway are drawn the the bright colors and big characters that appeal to children before they develop any sort of discernment. He makes promises that no rational person thinks any president could deliver on, and "says things people wish they could say" or are "dying to finally hear." The problem is that people (including politicians - hardly our best and brightest for the most part) don't say such things because under the slightest scrutiny such things are easily perceived as unrealistic and/or idiotic.

That's the circus.
I have paid very close attention to Trump.
When he gives a 1 hour interview or speech, I listen to the whole thing.

Let's start detailing those policies...
Trump has already said he will tax the corporations most responsible for ....

The Chief Executive's powers do not include levying taxes.

You failed before you left the gate.
That does not mean that The Chief Executive cannot forward recommendations to Congress for things s/he think should be enacted into law.

The first State of the Union message by the next president will set the agenda for the next four years.
As soon as Trump falls to a solid #2 in most polls his numbers will fall off the map rapidly and he'll be done. People will go home from the circus as soon as the lights start to dim.

Please define the circus.....

The circus is some buffoon who so blatantly panders to the most base and unreflected emotions of understandably frustrated people that only the truly stupid can't realize what he's doing. He makes 'outrageous' comments (and such comments always become tiresome as the novelty wears off) and gets loads of media attention. Those who don't tend to pay much attention anyway are drawn the the bright colors and big characters that appeal to children before they develop any sort of discernment. He makes promises that no rational person thinks any president could deliver on, and "says things people wish they could say" or are "dying to finally hear." The problem is that people (including politicians - hardly our best and brightest for the most part) don't say such things because under the slightest scrutiny such things are easily perceived as unrealistic and/or idiotic.

That's the circus.
I have paid very close attention to Trump.
When he gives a 1 hour interview or speech, I listen to the whole thing.

Let's start detailing those policies...
Trump has already said he will tax the corporations most responsible for ....

The Chief Executive's powers do not include levying taxes.

You failed before you left the gate.

Fines...as in Sarbanes/Oxley.
Department of Justice.
There are many ways to implement policies; some policies enacted by the President may inflict so much pain on corporations that the primary policy may be the one that is implemented.
One thing for sure is that as the President determines Foreign Trade Policy; Trump is going to Tariff the hell out of MNCs that left the US after the US made them what they are.

And the very fact that not ONE Republican or Democrat has blasted Trump on this point.
Study at least some basic Civics before embarrassing yourself like this.
Study at least some basic Civics before embarrassing yourself like this.

How many attorneys do you know personally?
I know upwards of 30.
Not all of them agree with Trump.
Not one of them says he can't come up with a method of doing what he says he'll do.
There are many mechanisms in Legislation that it takes a very experienced professional to know.
I presume that neither you nor I know many legal techniques that our Legislators utilize all the time.

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