Rate Obama..

on a Scale from 1-10. 1 being the worst... 10 being the best. Gallup.Com - Daily News, Polls, Public Opinion on Politics, Economy, Wellbeing, and World :D I think the Administration is Unbelievable myself. I feel like i'm Living in the Fucking Twilight zone. at Least Gas only went up to $3.95 a Gallon today. :badgrin:

if you blame Obama for the price of gas you are living in a twilight zone.

Oh I don't know maybe it's what OBAMA SAID!!!
Obama said I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" LiveLeak.com - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly

and then backs that desire by hiring Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008...
“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”
I mean folks NEVER in the history of the USA has a president ever ever wished or said these things:

“Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force,”
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests. “Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.
Salvatore Giunta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama prefers to put 1,300 companies out of business that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and prefers laying off 400,000 people that work for them.
Obama told us "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
Power Plant Closures - IER

"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
" Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air

Obama also said:I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" LiveLeak.com - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
and backs that belief hiring Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008... “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

Folks NEVER has any USA president wanted higher gas prices, to bankrupt companies, to see utility rates skyrocket!
For the "smartest" president and the best speaker... geez that is the best ???
on a Scale from 1-10. 1 being the worst... 10 being the best. Gallup.Com - Daily News, Polls, Public Opinion on Politics, Economy, Wellbeing, and World :D I think the Administration is Unbelievable myself. I feel like i'm Living in the Fucking Twilight zone. at Least Gas only went up to $3.95 a Gallon today. :badgrin:

if you blame Obama for the price of gas you are living in a twilight zone.

Oh I don't know maybe it's what OBAMA SAID!!!
Obama said I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" LiveLeak.com - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly

and then backs that desire by hiring Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008...
“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

I don't care what he said or in what context he says it. He has no more control on gas prices than you do. PERIOD.
on a Scale from 1-10. 1 being the worst... 10 being the best. Gallup.Com - Daily News, Polls, Public Opinion on Politics, Economy, Wellbeing, and World :D I think the Administration is Unbelievable myself. I feel like i'm Living in the Fucking Twilight zone. at Least Gas only went up to $3.95 a Gallon today. :badgrin:

if you blame Obama for the price of gas you are living in a twilight zone.

Then why did democrats blame Bush for the price of gas in 2008? Then you wonder why we call y'all hypocritical.
The biggest threat the left faces is citizens who pay attention.
15 Times Obama and Top Dems Blame Bush For Gas Pr…: [ame=http://youtu.be/sQb_4hXLx2Q]15 Times Obama and Top Dems Blame Bush For Gas Prices - YouTube[/ame]
The scale is inadequate.


A positive number indicates he's benefited the U.S. in some ways. He hasn't. He's the most destructive president we've ever had.

Ask me five or ten years after he's gone. I can't really judge a President's performance until then, if not longer.

I was predicting Obama's performance before he was president, I'm judging it now, and in the future, I'll be shaking my head at my initially underestimating him.

Future, schmuture; Lawlessness is his middle name here and now.

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