Rate Obama..

Historians have already rated Obama. They rated Obama with all the 44 previous presidents, and rated him on 20 characteristics. While it was only a rating of Obama's first two years in office, when historians rate, they usually drop much of the politics we find on these boards but not the political scene in which the president served.
We can expect a final rating after Obama has left office.
Our ratings reflect our politics.
On a scale of one to ten Obama's maybe a six or seven. A little too conservative for me though. dubya being on the negative scale with his bungling on all fronts. Republicans are better off stirring up hate and discontent but never in charge please.
on a Scale from 1-10. 1 being the worst... 10 being the best. Gallup.Com - Daily News, Polls, Public Opinion on Politics, Economy, Wellbeing, and World :D I think the Administration is Unbelievable myself. I feel like i'm Living in the Fucking Twilight zone. at Least Gas only went up to $3.95 a Gallon today. :badgrin:

thanks Iraq...gas around here is 3.35, and you can get .10 cents off at Wal Mart.

Presidents don't have jack shit to do with gas prices anyway.

OP: does your scale mean "best and worst" among all Presidents to date, or does it mean "best and worst" possible? Because those would be very different answers.
And what is the point of the Gallup link? :confused:
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I'll give him an 8 because he didn't take on the Republican bashing of the working/middle class hard enough.
on a Scale from 1-10. 1 being the worst... 10 being the best. Gallup.Com - Daily News, Polls, Public Opinion on Politics, Economy, Wellbeing, and World :D I think the Administration is Unbelievable myself. I feel like i'm Living in the Fucking Twilight zone. at Least Gas only went up to $3.95 a Gallon today. :badgrin:

if you blame Obama for the price of gas you are living in a twilight zone.

Then why did democrats blame Bush for the price of gas in 2008? Then you wonder why we call y'all hypocritical.

Who here said that, idiot? :link:
The scale is inadequate.


A positive number indicates he's benefited the U.S. in some ways. He hasn't. He's the most destructive president we've ever had.

Never heard of Buchanan, huh?

But then he only gave us the CIVIL WAR... smh
if you blame Obama for the price of gas you are living in a twilight zone.

Then why did democrats blame Bush for the price of gas in 2008? Then you wonder why we call y'all hypocritical.

Who here said that, idiot? :link:

Read my post again and then watch this. I'm here if you have any questions.
15 Times Obama & Democrats Blame Bush For Gas Pri…: [ame=http://youtu.be/HdEUo1-payE]15 Times Obama & Democrats Blame Bush For Gas Prices - YouTube[/ame]
I give him a 6.............after 177+ times on the links during his tenure, he's dropped his handicap to 17.

Wait.....we're talking about his golf game right?
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If he gets to nominate some SCOTUS judges in the next two years, it will rise considerably.

I never heard of higher taxes and fewer good paying jobs expanding the middle class. How can you pay good wages after the government takes their slice? DUH
Then why did democrats blame Bush for the price of gas in 2008? Then you wonder why we call y'all hypocritical.

Who here said that, idiot? :link:

Read my post again and then watch this. I'm here if you have any questions.
15 Times Obama & Democrats Blame Bush For Gas Pri…: (video deleted)

We're gonna run that again for those of you on drugs....

Where are "Obama and the Democrats" posting on this board?

You claimed "hypocritical" -- that means saying one thing and doing another. Siete and I (and maybe others, but not "Obama and the Democrats") noted that Presidents cannot influence gas prices. That has always been the case.

Now ...where's the hypocrisy?
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I give Obama the lowest score possible - a 1. Worst President this country has ever had. Didn't think we could get any worse than Jimmy Carter but we did...
Who here said that, idiot? :link:

Read my post again and then watch this. I'm here if you have any questions.
15 Times Obama & Democrats Blame Bush For Gas Pri…: (video deleted)

We're gonna run that again for those of you on drugs....

Where are "Obama and the Democrats" posting on this board?

You claimed "hypocritical" -- that means saying one thing and doing another. Siete and I (and maybe others, but not "Obama and the Democrats") noted that Presidents cannot influence gas prices. That has always been the case.

Now where's the hypocrisy?

I said democrats. I didn't Say "posting on this board". You did. Now take your thumb out of your ass and suck it while you watch the video.
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Read my post again and then watch this. I'm here if you have any questions.
15 Times Obama & Democrats Blame Bush For Gas Pri…: (video deleted)

We're gonna run that again for those of you on drugs....

Where are "Obama and the Democrats" posting on this board?

You claimed "hypocritical" -- that means saying one thing and doing another. Siete and I (and maybe others, but not "Obama and the Democrats") noted that Presidents cannot influence gas prices. That has always been the case.

Now where's the hypocrisy?

I said democrats. I didn't Say "posting on this board". You did. Now take your thumb out of your ass and suck it while you watch the video.

I do not NEED to watch the video; it has nothing to do with us.

See the name above? That's me. See the name "Siete" in the other posts? That's his name. We are the guys who made the point that Presidents don't affect gas prices. We're not in the video. Nobody in the video posts here. Your task to prove "hypocritical" is to show where either of us said differently.

What part of basic identification sails over your head?

Maybe you shouldn't have been tokin' while yer postin'....
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