Ratted Out: Bachmann's Former Aid Say's Stress Incapacitates Her. Takes Pills Heavily

Stephanie, your are far beyond conservative, far to the right, so inferring that I am liberal is a hoot.

Yeah, I am lecturing you. You condemn yourself with your own post.

I didn't think you'd be able to find any post of me calling someone a Cxxt.

There's nothing wrong with calling someone that if they ask for it. Someone calls the President 'obie doodle' I'll call'em a ****.

Oh brother. that my dear is one lame ass EXCUSE. there are women on this board, I can't find any reason to use that word.
Being President doesn't look so "stressful" to me.

The Obama finds time to play how damn golf games is it now, and let's see, how many fundraisers has he attended SO FAR..

Poor dude, he looks STRESSED.:lol:
He looks as stressed as Bush the Younger or Wild Bill Clinton. They all vacationed. They all go to fundraisers.

That's what politicians do.
Bachmann is finished, Peach. Somebody tells her as president, hypothetically, that the bad guys (maybe renegade tea partiers) have smuggled a nuke into the U.S., and she says, "I have a migraine, I have to go to bed now and close my eyes after I take heavy meds."

This is how her GOP opponents will play it.
Bachmann is finished, Peach. Somebody tells her as president, hypothetically, that the bad guys (maybe renegade tea partiers) have smuggled a nuke into the U.S., and she says, "I have a migraine, I have to go to bed now and close my eyes after I take heavy meds."

This is how her GOP opponents will play it.

That is some wild imagination you have there kiddo. pretty stupid dear.
I find it funny you claim to be a Republican, but they are the ONLY ones you seem to dump on. go figure
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Bachmann is finished, Peach. Somebody tells her as president, hypothetically, that the bad guys (maybe renegade tea partiers) have smuggled a nuke into the U.S., and she says, "I have a migraine, I have to go to bed now and close my eyes after I take heavy meds."

This is how her GOP opponents will play it.

You think she did that when she raised 23 adopted kids?
Child Protective services would have taken those kids right away from her if she had done something like that.
You have a runaway imagination there Jake.
Bachmann is finished, Peach. Somebody tells her as president, hypothetically, that the bad guys (maybe renegade tea partiers) have smuggled a nuke into the U.S., and she says, "I have a migraine, I have to go to bed now and close my eyes after I take heavy meds."

This is how her GOP opponents will play it.

You think she did that when she raised 23 adopted kids?
Child Protective services would have taken those kids right away from her if she had done something like that.
You have a runaway imagination there Jake.
Why would child protective services hold having migraines against someone?

In all likelihood the older children helped with the younger children.
I knew you'd mention Sarah Palin. I think that ship has sailed. I wouldn't count on it.


LOVE IT!!! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Just curious. Are you a fan of that Doogie Houser homosexual actor?

i am.

is there a problem?
Yes I do have a problem. It shows you are a supporter of a vile immoral type of people who are infecting our traditional culture and nation. God says a marriage is between a man and woman and Gods word is the truth. The Bible condemns homosexuality as a sin. Let's look at what it says.

•Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."

•Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them"

•Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."

Isn't Gods word beautiful Del?

Actually those are the words of old, sexually repressed men from over 4 thousand years ago...their current equivalent would be people like Osama Bin Laden, the Taliban and the Ayatollah Khomeni....and you think those are beautiful words.....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Just setting the facts straight against the never ending lies and slander from the left about her. Palin will be our next president based on her executive experience and political record as Governor dealing with budgets, fiscal reform and energy and based on her shear patriotism and love for our country. Obama lacks ALL those qualities.
This coming from a racist piece of shit Nazi. Palin is a fucking ignorant ****.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

can you people EVER talk without all the vulgar name calling. it really doesn't MAKE you look smart. It make you LOOK STUPID, which you probably are, but I thought I'd give you a heads up.

Gee, Stephanie....I missed your posts saying the same thing to people like Gautama.
Stephanie, you have just condemned 95% of the far right here with that comment, including yourself.

You understand that, don't you?

Don't dish, sis, if you don't wish, miss, to read it. Huh?

I'm saving that post of hers....:eusa_whistle:
This coming from a racist piece of shit Nazi. Palin is a fucking ignorant ****.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

can you people EVER talk without all the vulgar name calling. it really doesn't MAKE you look smart. It make you LOOK STUPID, which you probably are, but I thought I'd give you a heads up.

Gee, Stephanie....I missed your posts saying the same thing to people like Gautama.

gee, I must of missed it, DID YOU say anything about it?
so I take it you don't have a problem with using that word. I wouldn't be surprised.
What I stated was the truth. She had to step down to avoid bankruptcy. Anyone would have done it, even you. She took the DNC operatives fight out of Alaska and into the lower 48 and cleaned their clocks on Nov 2 during the midterms last year. Her stepping down has had absolutely no negative effect on her. Remember prior to the midterm elections about a month before election day President Clinton saw the effect Palin was having against democrats. He went on national tv and told the candidates and political pundits to "Do not underestimate this woman. She is resilient like me". They did underestimate her and her political power and they lost. Clinton was right.

Your utter devotion to this broad is absolutely fascinating!! What's the deal?? Are you a relative, old boyfriend, what??? It's unnatural and getting to be kind of creepy. I used to think it was sweet, but I think you've crossed the line into cuckoodom.

Just setting the facts straight against the never ending lies and slander from the left about her. Palin will be our next president based on her executive experience and political record as Governor dealing with budgets, fiscal reform and energy and based on her shear patriotism and love for our country. Obama lacks ALL those qualities.

Don't get excited. Whatever you say!!!

Your utter devotion to this broad is absolutely fascinating!! What's the deal?? Are you a relative, old boyfriend, what??? It's unnatural and getting to be kind of creepy. I used to think it was sweet, but I think you've crossed the line into cuckoodom.

Just setting the facts straight against the never ending lies and slander from the left about her. Palin will be our next president based on her executive experience and political record as Governor dealing with budgets, fiscal reform and energy and based on her shear patriotism and love for our country. Obama lacks ALL those qualities.
This coming from a racist piece of shit Nazi. Palin is a fucking ignorant ****.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

True. You see that comment he made about my McCain/Palin campaign Fail poster?
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