Ratted Out: Bachmann's Former Aid Say's Stress Incapacitates Her. Takes Pills Heavily

We are not talking about you calling names. We are talking about you calling out those you don't like for it, but ignoring those on your side who do.

Steph, that is hypocrisy. Just don't deny it.
We are not talking about you calling names. We are talking about you calling out those you don't like for it, but ignoring those on your side who do.

Steph, that is hypocrisy. Just don't deny it.

omg... I don't give a shit. you are petty.

I will call out anyone who uses that word I don't care what they are.
Petty for calling you out for what you call others out for.

Don't think so. But when you do call others out without calling out your own for the same thing, you are a petty hypocrite.
Petty for calling you out for what you call others out for.

Don't think so. But when you do call others out without calling out your own for the same thing, you are a petty hypocrite.

ok Jakey, you win a gold medal, now pin it on that chest you're beating and go CROW to someone who cares.

you care more about winning something than trying to get people to stop using a disgusting word to describe women..that my dear is the pettiness in you.
Stephanie, thank you for admitting that you are a hypocrite.

Now that you have done that: anybody uses words like that, right or left or indifferent, are wrong, wrong, wrong. And stupid. And in guatama's case, certifiably insane.

Thank you. And feel the same to call me out if I do that.
Stephanie, thank you for admitting that you are a hypocrite.

Now that you have done that: anybody uses words like that, right or left or indifferent, are wrong, wrong, wrong. And stupid. And in guatama's case, certifiably insane.

Thank you. And feel the same to call me out if I do that.

oh yawn. I admit nothing and don't put word on me I didn't say. I don't even know who this idiot guatama is, so if you all didn't condemn him, not my fault. I will admit you are a petty idiot though
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Go swimming each morn, Steph, and that will help with the midmorning yawn. :lol:
Well this is just now breaking and it should do her in since it will leave more room for Palin to enter the race. This news comes from her former Communications Director who was with Bachmann all the time so he ought to know. What this means is that when under stress, Bachmann developes heavy migranes which incapacitates her and makes her dependent on stress pills to make it through. He said it happens at least once a week. Can we Americans take a chance to have a president who gets incapacitating migranes once a week under stressful situations? I think not. The office of the presidency is very stressful and unpredictable. Of course it seems Obama goes to play golf at least once a week to avoid any kind of stress endured from his duties as President but this is a sign of weakness for Bachmann on a psychological level when it comes to her. What we need is a psychologically strong minded candidate who is impervious to stress and pill free. That person is Sarah Palin.


Bachmann's Headache | Stress-Related Condition | Pill Use | The Daily Caller

In late July 2010, Rep. Michele Bachmann’s then-communications director, Dave Dziok, told his boss that he planned to take a new job with the public relations firm Edelman.

Dziok had worked for Bachmann for two and a half years, a relatively long period by the standards of her office, and was leaving on good terms.

Staff turnover can frustrate any employer, but Bachmann responded more dramatically. Dziok’s departure triggered a debilitating medical episode that landed the congresswoman in urgent care.

“Within 24 hours she was in the hospital,” a former aide says.


The Minnesota Republican frequently suffers from stress-induced medical episodes that she has characterized as severe headaches. These episodes, say witnesses, occur once a week on average and can “incapacitate” her for days at time. On at least three occasions, Bachmann has landed in the hospital as a result.

This is absurd! Many presidents have suffered from medical conditions, they seemed to have handled it just fine. Shame on this aide, what a worm! Male candidates deserve equal time here, let's hear some dirt on them.

Palin, yeah well at one time I wanted her to run, but at this point, this cat and mouse game about whether she's in or out is gettin' old and not doin' much for her credibility. I think that boat sailed also when Bachmann threw her hat in the ring.
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My wife suffers from migraines, so even though I'm sure Bachmann isn't close to being qualified to be prez, I don't have an issue with Bachmann. It's a medical condition she can't control, other than taking meds..
What bothers me is that being president takes courage. Bachmann clearly lacks courage. What is she going to do when courage is required, hide behind some bush?
(Click on pic to enlarge)
If you and your family were being forced into personal bankruptcy from defending yourself from multiple lawsuits and the only option for the lawsuits to stop was stepping down, would you have done it? Be honest.

Is that the story?
What I stated was the truth. She had to step down to avoid bankruptcy. Anyone would have done it, even you. She took the DNC operatives fight out of Alaska and into the lower 48 and cleaned their clocks on Nov 2 during the midterms last year. Her stepping down has had absolutely no negative effect on her. Remember prior to the midterm elections about a month before election day President Clinton saw the effect Palin was having against democrats. He went on national tv and told the candidates and political pundits to "Do not underestimate this woman. She is resilient like me". They did underestimate her and her political power and they lost. Clinton was right.

Anyone (I assume you mean any governor) would have done it? Do you have any other examples of other governors who resigned to avoid bankruptcy? If you don't have any other examples of a governor who resigned to avoid bankruptcy (and to save his or her state the trauma of gridlock, yada, yada, yada), then your claim that anyone would have done it rings hollow since Palin is a member of a group comprised of only one individual.
I agree w/ USAR. She might be a doper like Limbough.

OK, Palin is a quitter, Michelle a nutter, Perry sucks up to social values pukes.

OK, we are going to our GOP ass kicked next year again by Obama.

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