Ray Ciccarelli quits Nascar over Confederate flag ban.

Those are two opposing ideologies so the bitches that did so were insane.
They understand something that you dont - the Civil War is over

It ok to be proud of both flags

but eventually libs like you will hate both flags

You live in the USA, fly the real flag of the USA.
What do you say to liberals - ANTIFA and BLM for instance - who spit on the American flag too?

Radicalized libs are very warped people who will never stop looking for something and someone to hate
No the war isnt over. Its just transitioned.

I'm not bitter. I am knowledgeable and alert.

I dont care who owned slaves. The fact is that people were enslaved by whites.

I dont consider the US to be "my" country. Its just where I live.
At least you are honest about how you feel

the bitterness you deny having is caused by brainwashing in the education system

in fact arabs and other blacks enslaved blacks and it still goes on in other countries today

but you are just looking for an excuse to hate white people who never enslaved anyone - including you
" in fact arabs and other blacks enslaved blacks and it still goes on in other countries today "

I dont live in an arab country that professes all people are created equal while discriminating so thats not even a valid point.

You are aware that the second flag is NOT the flag of the Confederacy, aren't you? This was the flag of the Confederacy.

View attachment 349264
Yeah this is also a traitor flag.
Why do you care what flag race fans fly at an event you will never attend?
Maybe one day I will attend now that they got rid of the loser flag.
You are a fucking liar
Why do you think I am lying?
Because it will be a cold day in hell before you ever think about attending a NASCAR race
It must have been cold day in hell Wed. because I sure did consider it just as a show of support.

Really which race were you thinking about attending?
Dont know yet. I have to look at the schedule.
I dont consider the US to be "my" country. Its just where I live.
You should

Black people born in America are the luckiest black people on earth
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Based on your reply the joke is on you

you were blessed by God to be born in America instead of africa
I dont call it a blessing. I wish I was born in Africa.
No one is stopping you from moving there
I dont consider the US to be "my" country. Its just where I live.
You should

Black people born in America are the luckiest black people on earth
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Based on your reply the joke is on you

you were blessed by God to be born in America instead of africa
I dont call it a blessing. I wish I was born in Africa.
No one is stopping you from moving there
No one is stopping you from moving to europe.
I dont consider the US to be "my" country. Its just where I live.
You should

Black people born in America are the luckiest black people on earth
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Based on your reply the joke is on you

you were blessed by God to be born in America instead of africa
I dont call it a blessing. I wish I was born in Africa.
No one is stopping you from moving there
No one is stopping you from moving to europe.
Difference is I'm glad I was born here unlike yourself.
I dont consider the US to be "my" country. Its just where I live.
You should

Black people born in America are the luckiest black people on earth
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Based on your reply the joke is on you

you were blessed by God to be born in America instead of africa
I dont call it a blessing. I wish I was born in Africa.
No one is stopping you from moving there
No one is stopping you from moving to europe.
Difference is I'm glad I was born here unlike yourself.
Being born here doesnt mean you have to move anywhere.
I dont consider the US to be "my" country. Its just where I live.
You should

Black people born in America are the luckiest black people on earth
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Based on your reply the joke is on you

you were blessed by God to be born in America instead of africa
I dont call it a blessing. I wish I was born in Africa.
Just to tell you. The Asians with China leading the way are heavily invested there and its growing. It seems colonialism never ends in this world.
I dont consider the US to be "my" country. Its just where I live.
You should

Black people born in America are the luckiest black people on earth
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Based on your reply the joke is on you

you were blessed by God to be born in America instead of africa
I dont call it a blessing. I wish I was born in Africa.
Just to tell you. The Asians with China leading the way are heavily invested there and its growing. It seems colonialism never ends in this world.
Theres a difference between being invited in and just knocking down the door. The Chinese are there with the agreement of the local governments.

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