Ray Ciccarelli quits Nascar over Confederate flag ban.

Why do people that hate NASCAR and have never been to a race or would ever go to a race, care about the flags that are flown at the race
He was probably going to retire anyway and wanted some attention on the way out
No they love the US and want it to get better, but not MaGA better.

libs tolerate America when you get what you want

but disappoint the left in any way and the hate knives come out

one example is michelle obama who said for the first in her life she was proud of her country when she was on her fourties
Eventually the white hating mob will turn on the American flag too

in fact you already have but it can and probably will get much worse

No they love the US and want it to get better, but not MaGA better.
Absolute Bullshit... Black Lies matter and ANTIFA have already said they want to fundamentally change the US. So fuck them, they are the enemy
Nascar desperately seeking someone to regularly finish 28th!!

Seriously, the guy has never won (or even come close to) a race.

Seems kinda funny to me.
Bubba Wallace - the protesting black guy- has never won a race either

and hopefully he never will
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Why do people that hate NASCAR and have never been to a race or would ever go to a race, care about the flags that are flown at the race


watching a bunch of cars go round and round and round and round and round and round.....

takes a special kind of stupid to enjoy that.....
Why do people that hate NASCAR and have never been to a race or would ever go to a race, care about the flags that are flown at the race


watching a bunch of cars go round and round and round and round and round and round.....

takes a special kind of stupid to enjoy that.....
And it takes a special kind of stupid to criticize things you do not understand and to give a shit about what goes on at an event you hate
Nascar desperately seeking someone to regularly finish 28th!!

Seriously, the guy has never won (or even come close to) a race.

Seems kinda funny to me.
Bubba Wallace - the protesting blsvk guy- has never won a race either

and hopefully he never will
and he his not even black,,,well he is black like Obama
I understand his sponsor next year is Oreo
Nascar desperately seeking someone to regularly finish 28th!!

Seriously, the guy has never won (or even come close to) a race.

Seems kinda funny to me.
Who is that? Never heard of him.
Here's what I believe is why there is and has for many many years been such a resistance to getting rid of the Confederate flag.

One side will say the flag represents the support of slavery, and the traitorous secession from the United States.

The other side will say, the flag represents their heritage, and their region of the country, and that they are not being pro-slavery at all.

Both sides are right, but here's where I believe the issue gets really bogged down, and why there is so much disagreement about what should be done.

At the end of WWII and the Nazis were completely defeated, all sides including the Germans went in and destroyed all of the symbolism of the Third Reich including swastikas, and any monuments to Hitler or any other relative symbols. From that very point, it was made clear that nothing about the Third Reich would be allowed or tolerated.

This did not happen with the Civil War.

Symbols, like the Confederate flag, were not destroyed, and in fact the flag was officially incorporated into several southern state flags.
This allowed the flag over the decades to morph into other perceptions and meanings, away from the original battle flag.
For instance, lets say you were born in 1940 in Georgia. You would have been born many decades after the end of the Civil War. You would look up at your state's flag, and you would see what was the Confederate flag incorporated into your state flag. TO YOU in 1940, the site of the stars and bars represents your home, and your heritage, but very UNLIKELY a pro-slavery stance.

It's understandable that black Americans are disgusted by the site, and from their perspective, I would be too.

However, today, to other people it simply is a reflection of their area of the country.

At the end of the Civil War, if the victors would have destroyed all of the Confederate symbolism, and not allowed these symbols going forward, to become entrenched and evolve into new meanings to the locals, especially the flag, it's likely we would not be having this controversy today.
There was a reason this symbolism was not destroyed. Whites from the north were more concerned with the feelings of the loser whites in the south instead of repairing the racial damage caused by slavery. This "brotherhood" has always been more important to whites than any other thing no matter the hypocritical claims by the supposedly "good" whites.
Why do people that hate NASCAR and have never been to a race or would ever go to a race, care about the flags that are flown at the race
I dont know anyone that hates NASCAR. Thats a strong word. Its just irrelevant.

Anytime you can ban the loser traitor flag is an amazing opportunity and great thing to do.

You are aware that the second flag is NOT the flag of the Confederacy, aren't you? This was the flag of the Confederacy.

View attachment 349264
Yeah this is also a traitor flag.
Why do you care what flag race fans fly at an event you will never attend?
Maybe one day I will attend now that they got rid of the loser flag.
Here's what I believe is why there is and has for many many years been such a resistance to getting rid of the Confederate flag.

One side will say the flag represents the support of slavery, and the traitorous secession from the United States.

The other side will say, the flag represents their heritage, and their region of the country, and that they are not being pro-slavery at all.

Both sides are right, but here's where I believe the issue gets really bogged down, and why there is so much disagreement about what should be done.

At the end of WWII and the Nazis were completely defeated, all sides including the Germans went in and destroyed all of the symbolism of the Third Reich including swastikas, and any monuments to Hitler or any other relative symbols. From that very point, it was made clear that nothing about the Third Reich would be allowed or tolerated.

This did not happen with the Civil War.

Symbols, like the Confederate flag, were not destroyed, and in fact the flag was officially incorporated into several southern state flags.
This allowed the flag over the decades to morph into other perceptions and meanings, away from the original battle flag.
For instance, lets say you were born in 1940 in Georgia. You would have been born many decades after the end of the Civil War. You would look up at your state's flag, and you would see what was the Confederate flag incorporated into your state flag. TO YOU in 1940, the site of the stars and bars represents your home, and your heritage, but very UNLIKELY a pro-slavery stance.

It's understandable that black Americans are disgusted by the site, and from their perspective, I would be too.

However, today, to other people it simply is a reflection of their area of the country.

At the end of the Civil War, if the victors would have destroyed all of the Confederate symbolism, and not allowed these symbols going forward, to become entrenched and evolve into new meanings to the locals, especially the flag, it's likely we would not be having this controversy today.
There was a reason this symbolism was not destroyed. Whites from the north were more concerned with the feelings of the loser whites in the south instead of repairing the racial damage caused by slavery. This "brotherhood" has always been more important to whites than any other thing no matter the hypocritical claims by the supposedly "good" whites.
Sometimes the opposing sides were in the same family
So it was easy to forgive and forget.

You are aware that the second flag is NOT the flag of the Confederacy, aren't you? This was the flag of the Confederacy.

View attachment 349264
Yeah this is also a traitor flag.
Why do you care what flag race fans fly at an event you will never attend?
Maybe one day I will attend now that they got rid of the loser flag.
You are a fucking liar

You are aware that the second flag is NOT the flag of the Confederacy, aren't you? This was the flag of the Confederacy.

View attachment 349264
Yeah this is also a traitor flag.
Why do you care what flag race fans fly at an event you will never attend?
Do you think that NASCAR may want to step away from the redneck image they`ve been saddled with? Broadening their appeal is a business decision. I`m sure there are a lot of normal people who`ve already infiltrated these events and even watch them on tv.
Here's what I believe is why there is and has for many many years been such a resistance to getting rid of the Confederate flag.

One side will say the flag represents the support of slavery, and the traitorous secession from the United States.

The other side will say, the flag represents their heritage, and their region of the country, and that they are not being pro-slavery at all.

Both sides are right, but here's where I believe the issue gets really bogged down, and why there is so much disagreement about what should be done.

At the end of WWII and the Nazis were completely defeated, all sides including the Germans went in and destroyed all of the symbolism of the Third Reich including swastikas, and any monuments to Hitler or any other relative symbols. From that very point, it was made clear that nothing about the Third Reich would be allowed or tolerated.

This did not happen with the Civil War.

Symbols, like the Confederate flag, were not destroyed, and in fact the flag was officially incorporated into several southern state flags.
This allowed the flag over the decades to morph into other perceptions and meanings, away from the original battle flag.
For instance, lets say you were born in 1940 in Georgia. You would have been born many decades after the end of the Civil War. You would look up at your state's flag, and you would see what was the Confederate flag incorporated into your state flag. TO YOU in 1940, the site of the stars and bars represents your home, and your heritage, but very UNLIKELY a pro-slavery stance.

It's understandable that black Americans are disgusted by the site, and from their perspective, I would be too.

However, today, to other people it simply is a reflection of their area of the country.

At the end of the Civil War, if the victors would have destroyed all of the Confederate symbolism, and not allowed these symbols going forward, to become entrenched and evolve into new meanings to the locals, especially the flag, it's likely we would not be having this controversy today.
There was a reason this symbolism was not destroyed. Whites from the north were more concerned with the feelings of the loser whites in the south instead of repairing the racial damage caused by slavery. This "brotherhood" has always been more important to whites than any other thing no matter the hypocritical claims by the supposedly "good" whites.
Sometimes the opposing sides were in the same family
So it was easy to forgive and forget.
I'm not arguing that point. My point is that what happened to Blacks obviously was not an issue to the vast majority of whites which explains the continued years of oppression and discrimination countrywide. Its also my reason for saying that contrary to popular belief the north didnt go to war to stop Black slavery. Ultimately it was the fear of whites being enslaved coupled with saving the union that was the catalyst for the north.

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