Ray Epps: “I Was in the Front … I Also Orchestrated It”

Moral cowardice has always been the republican stock in trade.

I notice that nitwits like you aren't the least bit curious what Epps said to that violent little goon, right before he assaulted the barricade.
If you you did not bother to ascertain the truth, you may be interested to learn that Ryan Samsel, a Pennsylvania barber, corroborated Epps' story, telling FBI agents, "He came up to me and he said, 'Dude' — his entire words were, 'Relax, the cops are doing their job.'"

[Epps] puts his hands on the shoulders of a man in a red "Make America Great Again" ball cap and then cups his hands to speak into the man’s ear moments before the protesters topple the barricades and tussle with police. The man, Ryan Samsel, now faces charges in connection with his actions that day, including impeding a law enforcement officer and obstructing an official proceeding.
[PolitiFact - There’s still no evidence that the FBI incited the Jan. 6 riot, despite stories claiming otherwise]
What did he say he did?

Uh oh. Someone is asking you to back up your claims again. Must be time for you to run off again.
What he said and what He Admits He Said is at the beginning of this very thread . You are spinning in circles that he did not say so.
If the thread title is false then report it.
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What he said and what He Admits He Said is at the beginning if this very thread . You are spinning in circles that he did not say so.
He admits he was directing people to the Capital. Great. We already knew that, you tinfoil hat retard.

Care to try again?
Moral cowardice has always been the republican stock in trade.
The Trump cult's dead-ender paranoia will embrace their master's ludicrous, self-serving fantasies over the overwhelming preponderance of evidence every time.
The Trump cult's dead-ender paranoia will embrace their master's ludicrous, self-serving fantasies over the overwhelming preponderance of evidence every time.
Because the Browning of America ( Cloward / Piven Open Borders scheme ) is self serving ?
A. None have been "stuck in Gitmo"

B. There were tens of thousands there that day and thousands who entered the Capitol. Only about 900 were arrested.
Inexplicably, not one of the over 950 identified, apprehended, and prosecuted Trump goons has tried to defend himself by claiming that he was beguiled by Whispering Ray.

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