RCP Average of the polls: Trump/Clinton2016 vs. Trump/Biden2020

Real Clear Politics Average of the polls: Trump/Clinton2016 vs. Trump/Biden2020

In the Real Clear Politics Average of the Polls, Clinton trailed Trump at two different points, May 22, 2016 to May 25, 2016 by 0.2%, and July 29, 2016 to July 30, 2016 by 1.2%.

By contrast, Joe Biden has NEVER trailed Trump in the Real Clear Politics average of the polls. Joe Biden has been ahead of Trump every day in the Average of the polls. Joe Biden's weakest margin over Trump was January 13, 2020 to January 18, 2020 when BIDEN led Trump by 4.0%, and January 23, 2020 to January 25, 2020 when BIDEN led Trump by 4.0%.

As of today, BIDEN leads Trump in the Real Clear Politics average of the polls for August 19, 2020 by 7.8%.

Back on August 19, 2016, Hillary Clinton led Trump by 5.5%.

What this tells us is that BIDEN is doing significantly better than Clinton against Trump when it comes to national polling.

Clinton was ahead of Trump in the RCP average of national polls on election day by 3.1% and ended up winning the national popular vote by 2.1%

It should be noted that no sitting President has ever been re-elected without winning the popular vote either by a plurality or a majority.
If the polls were honest Trump would be 14 points ahead....last week Biden was 12 ahead now they say he is 4 points ahead....in less than a week Biden dropped 8 points?....just wait until November and shove the polls....


In the average of the polling data, BIDEN was ahead by 7.5% on August 12, 2019. Today in the Average of the polls, BIDEN is ahead by 7.8%. Understand?
There is nothing accurate about the polls....there wasn't in 2016 and there isn't today...until the pollsters realize that 26% of conservatives didn't fall off the face of the earth and begin to sample select fairly they will stay wrong......

The polls accurately predicted the winner in 46 out 50 states in the 2016 election. That is a 92% accuracy rate.
But not the four that mattered. They went 0-4.

Wrong, one of those states was Nevada. Trump was predicted win Nevada by 0.8% points, but ended up losing to Hillary Clinton.

The polls correctly predicted the the race in PENNSYLVANIA would be close and essentially was a toss up within the Margin of Error. Hillary was only had a 1.9% lead, well within the margin of error.

Michigan polls only showed Hillary with a lead of 3.4%, ALMOST within the margin of error, so sort of close.

The only state where polling was WAY OFF was Wisconsin, where Hillary Clinton was predicted to win by 6.5% and lost by 0.7%

All in all, the polling was very accurate. It predicted a close race in the national popular vote and in the individual states, and that is essentially what happened.
Nope, the polls just before election day, the average of the latest polling at that point by Real Clear Politics, showed Hillary Clinton winning the national popular vote by 3.1% points.

What did they show her lead to be 3 months before the election?
7.4% points.

She didn't win by 7.4%, did she?

No, she won by 2.1% on election day, but was predicted to win by 3.1% nationally in November. Had the election been held in August, I suspect you would have seen figures closer to the 7.4% level.
I think Trump will probably eke out another electoral win.
That will not mean he is any less of an ... asshole.

If Biden does win, even if he wins by a large amount...
He will still be a doddering old fool and at best ...
a transitional President.

The only thing old about Biden is his technical age which is 77, soon to be 78. Biden will put the country on the road to recovery and finally defeat the pandemic which Trump has done nearly nothing about.

Over the past 75 years, there have only been two ELECTION years when a technical recession occurred which is two consecutive quarters of economic contraction, 1980 and 2020. In 1980 Jimmy Carter was the incumbent President running for re-election. In 2020, its Donald Trump running for re-election in the middle of a recession.
The economy is good enough.
What you can't correct for is that the people will either vote with the police, or with the criminals.
This will be a "law and order" election above all else.

Sorry, but in an election year, no on is going to ignore the WORST quarterly economic contraction in U.S. history of 32.9% for the second quarter of the year(April, May, June). That is what most Americans feel, not the small up tick in crimes or controversy with Police in a few major urban areas. Unemployment, economic contraction, 180,000 deaths from coronavirus is what most Americans see and experience in their communities.
Nope, the polls just before election day, the average of the latest polling at that point by Real Clear Politics, showed Hillary Clinton winning the national popular vote by 3.1% points.

What did they show her lead to be 3 months before the election?
7.4% points.

She didn't win by 7.4%, did she?

No, she won by 2.1% on election day, but was predicted to win by 3.1% nationally in November. Had the election been held in August, I suspect you would have seen figures closer to the 7.4% level.

No, she won by 2.1% on election day,

So 3 months out, the polls weren't such a great indicator of the election.........were they?
Sorry, but in an election year, no on is going to ignore the WORST quarterly economic contraction in U.S. history of 32.9% for the second quarter of the year(April, May, June).

Not if they think Biden would have done better.
Do you think Biden would have done better?
I think Trump will probably eke out another electoral win.
That will not mean he is any less of an ... asshole.

If Biden does win, even if he wins by a large amount...
He will still be a doddering old fool and at best ...
a transitional President.

The only thing old about Biden is his technical age which is 77, soon to be 78. Biden will put the country on the road to recovery and finally defeat the pandemic which Trump has done nearly nothing about.

Over the past 75 years, there have only been two ELECTION years when a technical recession occurred which is two consecutive quarters of economic contraction, 1980 and 2020. In 1980 Jimmy Carter was the incumbent President running for re-election. In 2020, its Donald Trump running for re-election in the middle of a recession.
The economy is good enough.
What you can't correct for is that the people will either vote with the police, or with the criminals.
This will be a "law and order" election above all else.

Sorry, but in an election year, no on is going to ignore the WORST quarterly economic contraction in U.S. history of 32.9% for the second quarter of the year(April, May, June). That is what most Americans feel, not the small up tick in crimes or controversy with Police in a few major urban areas. Unemployment, economic contraction, 180,000 deaths from coronavirus is what most Americans see and experience in their communities.
China caused the pandemic and the economic contraction, not Trump.

So the 2020 matchup is mano-a-mano Trump v Biden, but including the democrat's policies.
1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. "Medicare for all", aka rationed healthcare, "Lois Lerner" in charge of your access to healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones" and Sharia Law
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property theft
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Decriminalize all drug use and possession, Opioid deaths increase across the US
13. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
14. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
15. No new pipelines and no offshore drilling
16. Medicare for all means rural hospitals will close
17. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
18. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
19. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
20. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
21. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump
22. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
23. Refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
24. Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
25. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
26. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
27. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
28. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
29. Excuse the murder of unwanted newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
30. Change the Electoral College to popular vote
31. All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
32. Trannys back in the military
33. Increase domestic surveillance, especially on "white supremacist" organizations
34. Add Senators and congressmen for DC and Puerto Rico
35. Be sure that any "red flag" laws exclude gang members (only get those rural guns)
36. Full welfare and free healthcare for illegal immigrants
37. Eliminate Hallmark channel for being racist, sexist and anti-LGBTQ
38. Eliminate the "cash bail system" whereby all criminals walk out after committing a crime.
39. Nationalize all of the electric utilities making them green by 2030
40. Pass "The New Way Forward Act", bringing back 480,000 deported illegals, giving them free everything
41. Defund the police
Nope, the polls just before election day, the average of the latest polling at that point by Real Clear Politics, showed Hillary Clinton winning the national popular vote by 3.1% points.

What did they show her lead to be 3 months before the election?
7.4% points.

She didn't win by 7.4%, did she?

No, she won by 2.1% on election day, but was predicted to win by 3.1% nationally in November. Had the election been held in August, I suspect you would have seen figures closer to the 7.4% level.

No, she won by 2.1% on election day,

So 3 months out, the polls weren't such a great indicator of the election.........were they?

The average of the polls can change by that much in a week and they often do. For that particular day you chose, they were not a very good predictor, but take June 7, 2016 when the average of the polls showed Hillary Clinton ahead of Trump by 2.0% points. FIVE MONTHS OUT AND RIGHT ON THE MONEY!
I think Trump will probably eke out another electoral win.
That will not mean he is any less of an ... asshole.

If Biden does win, even if he wins by a large amount...
He will still be a doddering old fool and at best ...
a transitional President.

The only thing old about Biden is his technical age which is 77, soon to be 78. Biden will put the country on the road to recovery and finally defeat the pandemic which Trump has done nearly nothing about.

Over the past 75 years, there have only been two ELECTION years when a technical recession occurred which is two consecutive quarters of economic contraction, 1980 and 2020. In 1980 Jimmy Carter was the incumbent President running for re-election. In 2020, its Donald Trump running for re-election in the middle of a recession.
The economy is good enough.
What you can't correct for is that the people will either vote with the police, or with the criminals.
This will be a "law and order" election above all else.

Sorry, but in an election year, no on is going to ignore the WORST quarterly economic contraction in U.S. history of 32.9% for the second quarter of the year(April, May, June). That is what most Americans feel, not the small up tick in crimes or controversy with Police in a few major urban areas. Unemployment, economic contraction, 180,000 deaths from coronavirus is what most Americans see and experience in their communities.

10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas

The North Koreans have made more advancements in their nuclear weapons program and delivery systems for that program during Trump's time in office than under any other President. Then Trump did something no other U.S. President had done and met with Kim twice and got NOTHING for it. NOTHING! What has Trump achieved with North Korea? NOTHING!

From 1945 to 1980, U.S. Taxes on the wealthy or top income bracket were ALWAYS at least 70% or more. In 1945, the U.S. national Debt was 121% of annual GDP. By 1980, the national debt was only 30% of GDP, the lowest its been over the past 100 years. The higher tax rates on the wealthy did not hurt economic growth and increased money coming into the treasury to pay for important Defense programs, Domestic programs, wars, and past debt. It made balancing the budget paying for the countries needs much easier. The United States could solve a lot of its problems as well as reduce the national debt with a 70% tax on the top income bracket.

Most wealthy people won't be leaving the United States to live in Third World countries. Just like most of them did not leave from 1945 to 1980.
Sorry, but in an election year, no on is going to ignore the WORST quarterly economic contraction in U.S. history of 32.9% for the second quarter of the year(April, May, June).

Not if they think Biden would have done better.
Do you think Biden would have done better?
ANYONE, would have done better than Trump.

How? Be specific. How would Biden have done better?

What were his better travel restriction policies and how much sooner was he pushing them?
I think Trump will probably eke out another electoral win.
That will not mean he is any less of an ... asshole.

If Biden does win, even if he wins by a large amount...
He will still be a doddering old fool and at best ...
a transitional President.

The only thing old about Biden is his technical age which is 77, soon to be 78. Biden will put the country on the road to recovery and finally defeat the pandemic which Trump has done nearly nothing about.

Over the past 75 years, there have only been two ELECTION years when a technical recession occurred which is two consecutive quarters of economic contraction, 1980 and 2020. In 1980 Jimmy Carter was the incumbent President running for re-election. In 2020, its Donald Trump running for re-election in the middle of a recession.
The economy is good enough.
What you can't correct for is that the people will either vote with the police, or with the criminals.
This will be a "law and order" election above all else.

Sorry, but in an election year, no on is going to ignore the WORST quarterly economic contraction in U.S. history of 32.9% for the second quarter of the year(April, May, June). That is what most Americans feel, not the small up tick in crimes or controversy with Police in a few major urban areas. Unemployment, economic contraction, 180,000 deaths from coronavirus is what most Americans see and experience in their communities.

10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas

The North Koreans have made more advancements in their nuclear weapons program and delivery systems for that program during Trump's time in office than under any other President. Then Trump did something no other U.S. President had done and met with Kim twice and got NOTHING for it. NOTHING! What has Trump achieved with North Korea? NOTHING!

From 1945 to 1980, U.S. Taxes on the wealthy or top income bracket were ALWAYS at least 70% or more. In 1945, the U.S. national Debt was 121% of annual GDP. By 1980, the national debt was only 30% of GDP, the lowest its been over the past 100 years. The higher tax rates on the wealthy did not hurt economic growth and increased money coming into the treasury to pay for important Defense programs, Domestic programs, wars, and past debt. It made balancing the budget paying for the countries needs much easier. The United States could solve a lot of its problems as well as reduce the national debt with a 70% tax on the top income bracket.

Most wealthy people won't be leaving the United States to live in Third World countries. Just like most of them did not leave from 1945 to 1980.

From 1945 to 1980, U.S. Taxes on the wealthy or top income bracket were ALWAYS at least 70% or more.

Yeah, talk about counterproductive.

The higher tax rates on the wealthy did not hurt economic growth


and increased money coming into the treasury

Tax shelters and tax avoidance stopped the promised tax revenues from ever materializing.

The United States could solve a lot of its problems as well as reduce the national debt with a 70% tax on the top income bracket.

Baloney. The economy would shrink and the politicians would outspend any revenue increase.
They always do.

Most wealthy people won't be leaving the United States to live in Third World countries.

You tell them you're going to double their taxes, they'd move to any number of countries and your tax revenues would decrease.

Just like most of them did not leave from 1945 to 1980.

It's different now, most countries now have rates much lower than 70%.
Real Clear Politics Average of the polls: Trump/Clinton2016 vs. Trump/Biden2020

In the Real Clear Politics Average of the Polls, Clinton trailed Trump at two different points, May 22, 2016 to May 25, 2016 by 0.2%, and July 29, 2016 to July 30, 2016 by 1.2%.

By contrast, Joe Biden has NEVER trailed Trump in the Real Clear Politics average of the polls. Joe Biden has been ahead of Trump every day in the Average of the polls. Joe Biden's weakest margin over Trump was January 13, 2020 to January 18, 2020 when BIDEN led Trump by 4.0%, and January 23, 2020 to January 25, 2020 when BIDEN led Trump by 4.0%.

As of today, BIDEN leads Trump in the Real Clear Politics average of the polls for August 19, 2020 by 7.8%.

Back on August 19, 2016, Hillary Clinton led Trump by 5.5%.

What this tells us is that BIDEN is doing significantly better than Clinton against Trump when it comes to national polling.

Clinton was ahead of Trump in the RCP average of national polls on election day by 3.1% and ended up winning the national popular vote by 2.1%

It should be noted that no sitting President has ever been re-elected without winning the popular vote either by a plurality or a majority.
Fake News Polls were always lies, Biden never led Trump by double digits, just as Hillary never led Trump in the ECV.

Everyone with a brain knew that as the election loomed that the fake news liars would show the race tightening with it virtually locked up by Labor Day weekend.

Are The Tables Starting To Turn?

Buoyed by blacks and independent voters, as well as urban dwellers shocked by the Black Lives Matter protest violence raging in some cities, President Trump’s approval rating has hit a new high...

No, Biden's lead isn't "evaporating" it was always a Fake News Lie.

A Pew Research Center poll that’s already a month old (and a lot happened since) concluded that violent crime is a major issue according to 59% of voters (almost as much as coronavirus): 74% of Republicans and 46% of Democrats. But during the DNC, held after the poll was already out, the issue wasn’t addressed at all. Democrats slammed the police, but not the violent rioters.

The RNC is dedicated to ordered Liberty that secures the rights of ALL, against lawless acts. Nobody is particularly for the Joe/Ho ticket. And no one is really committed to the "elite" retaking power from Trump as the most important issue.

As this blows up in their faces and they have to correct the fake news polls they have been fanning themselves with, folks are NOT gathering for Joe/Ho, and are not committed to NOT voting for Donald Trump, “at any cost” as it's clear that he is doing an acceptable job, and Biden, who never has been much is now a shell of even his former rather useless self. As the Reuters/Ipsos poll adjusted from Fake News to something a little closer to reality, they gave Biden no “convention poll bounce” at all while showing Trump smugly taking two scoops of bounce. His and Biden's.


Donny "Two Scoops" Strikes Again!


Black Americans Are Coming Home To The Party That Freed Them, Black Americans Are Coming Home To The GOP!

The Democrats

Democrats have supported BLM, Antifa and the rioters for a very long time. If they try to back stab them, they will exact a price.

The sports boycotts yesterday are completely tone deaf. If these privileged Millionaire Athletes want to destroy their own game, well, this is American, make our day. There is too much news, and there are too many videos, what’s happening in the streets of Kenosha and Minneapolis and many other cities, is a one-sided problem.

Tonight it’s Donald Trump’s turn to address the RNC, and the entire press, the entire nation, will pay attention. Nobody feels they can afford not to. Americans, Suburban Moms can no longer safely assume they can safely visit the down-towns of their city. The Left has bet that they could subject us to violence, with the implicit promise that if we grant them more power, that they will halt the violence. That's blackmail, and one of the rather dumber strategies, likely even dumber than Mondale's promise to raise our taxes if we voted for him.

Only cocooned idiots thought “Orange Man Bad” was a winning strategy, but now even they are starting to get the inkling that it may be as stupid as we have all been telling them that it is.


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Real Clear Politics Average of the polls: Trump/Clinton2016 vs. Trump/Biden2020

In the Real Clear Politics Average of the Polls, Clinton trailed Trump at two different points, May 22, 2016 to May 25, 2016 by 0.2%, and July 29, 2016 to July 30, 2016 by 1.2%.

By contrast, Joe Biden has NEVER trailed Trump in the Real Clear Politics average of the polls. Joe Biden has been ahead of Trump every day in the Average of the polls. Joe Biden's weakest margin over Trump was January 13, 2020 to January 18, 2020 when BIDEN led Trump by 4.0%, and January 23, 2020 to January 25, 2020 when BIDEN led Trump by 4.0%.

As of today, BIDEN leads Trump in the Real Clear Politics average of the polls for August 19, 2020 by 7.8%.

Back on August 19, 2016, Hillary Clinton led Trump by 5.5%.

What this tells us is that BIDEN is doing significantly better than Clinton against Trump when it comes to national polling.

Clinton was ahead of Trump in the RCP average of national polls on election day by 3.1% and ended up winning the national popular vote by 2.1%

It should be noted that no sitting President has ever been re-elected without winning the popular vote either by a plurality or a majority.
^^^^^here derp, I'm a moron who is dumb enough to believe polls
Real Clear Politics Average of the polls: Trump/Clinton2016 vs. Trump/Biden2020

In the Real Clear Politics Average of the Polls, Clinton trailed Trump at two different points, May 22, 2016 to May 25, 2016 by 0.2%, and July 29, 2016 to July 30, 2016 by 1.2%.

By contrast, Joe Biden has NEVER trailed Trump in the Real Clear Politics average of the polls. Joe Biden has been ahead of Trump every day in the Average of the polls. Joe Biden's weakest margin over Trump was January 13, 2020 to January 18, 2020 when BIDEN led Trump by 4.0%, and January 23, 2020 to January 25, 2020 when BIDEN led Trump by 4.0%.

As of today, BIDEN leads Trump in the Real Clear Politics average of the polls for August 19, 2020 by 7.8%.

Back on August 19, 2016, Hillary Clinton led Trump by 5.5%.

What this tells us is that BIDEN is doing significantly better than Clinton against Trump when it comes to national polling.

Clinton was ahead of Trump in the RCP average of national polls on election day by 3.1% and ended up winning the national popular vote by 2.1%

It should be noted that no sitting President has ever been re-elected without winning the popular vote either by a plurality or a majority.
Fake News. Biden never lead Trump in the Electoral College, Hillary never led Trump in the Electoral College.

The Fake News runs this crap that Biden is leading by double digits, everyone with a brain knows that's nonsense and that as election comes closer, they will have go from full fake news to less fake news and we all knew that they would spend all of August telling us the "race was tightening" when all it is, is that they they are lying less, and that the race will be within the margin of error by Labor Day weekend.

For example, Michigan, Biden has never led in Michigan and while Trump can get to 270 without Michigan, Biden can't get to 270 without Michigan.

And this poll was BEFORE members of the Democrat base burned down Kenosha.


And the GOP leads the US Senate race

Both Democrat Incumbents running for re-election, Gary Peters and Doug Jones, are going to lose.

Fake News CNN, as late as July, claimed Slo Joe was up by 10 in Michigan!

In 2016, Trafalgar stood alone in their prediction that Trump would carry the state of Michigan.​
Here we go again with the FAKE POLLS.

Some people just never learn. They can be lied to over and over and swallow the same garbage every time.

I get political calls, that's exactly how they come up on the caller ID. Ya know what I do? I don't answer, and then I BLOCK THE #. MILLIONS of other people are doing the same thing. So tell me again, how are these polls accurate?

They're not, period.

The polls correctly predicted that Hillary Clinton would win the national Popular vote in 2016. It was predicted by an average of the polling data that she would win the national popular vote by 3.1%. In the actual results, Hillary Clinton ended up winning the national popular vote by 2.1%.

Going to individual state polling in 2016, polling accurately predicted the winner in 46 out 50 states in 2016. That is an accuracy rate of 92% in 2016.

You won't find any indicator or metric that is more accurate than polling. Is it 100% perfect, no, but its still the most accurate indicator/metric out there.

And, the polling companies will start reporting accurate polling once we get within a couple weeks of the election. Pump the tires of the Dem candidate as long as possible, then shift to reality to save credibility at the very end. Clinton was never up by 14 points, and neither was Biden.

You would think ......

After being so grossly misled by the Fake News MSM and these Fake News Polls in 2016 .....

That these Extremist on the Left would be a bit gun shy this time.

But, ...... Nope.

They are just as Gullible now as they were then.
I gotta say, there is really no comparison between Clinton and Joe Biden. Clinton is much smarter & much tougher. Joe Biden is not even 50% of the man he was in his prime, and he was widely considered a total joke back then. That is the main reason Trump will win.
...What this tells us is that BIDEN is doing significantly better than Clinton against Trump when it comes to national polling. ...
Fake News, National polling isn't the Presidential Electorate.

Bloomberg News reported, "President Donald Trump leads Joe Biden 51% to 44% in the states he won in 2016, according to an ABC News/Washington Post survey released on Sunday. Biden had a wide, 65% to 32% lead in the states won by Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016.

"The results highlighted the difference between a raw national poll -- in which Biden led Trump by 10 points, 53% to 43% among registered voters -- and the Electoral College, which will decide the victor in November. Clinton won the popular vote over Trump in 2016 by about 65.85 million to 62.95 million, but Trump triumphed in the Electoral College, 304 to 227.

Democrats cannot win if they do not convert Trump voters. It is that simple, and yet they they make their open hatred of us plainer by the day.
THE BIDEN RIOTS SHOULD HELP IN THIS EFFORT: Trump moves to expand electoral map by flipping Clinton-won states.

President Trump is pushing to expand the electoral map to include states he narrowly lost to Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Trump campaigned Sunday in Nevada, with a large rally in Henderson. He will appear in Minnesota this week. And he held a rally in New Hampshire late last month, the day after delivering his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention from the White House.

“We’re going to win. We’re going to win,” Trump vowed in Manchester. “Does anybody have any doubt?”

Trump lost New Hampshire by just 0.3 points, as Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte also went down in defeat. Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson, a former two-term Republican governor of New Mexico whose running mate was a former two-term Republican governor of neighboring Massachusetts, received 4.1% of the vote.

After Mitt Romney lost Nevada by 6.68 points and John McCain lost it by 12.49 points, Trump lost the state by just 2.42 points.

Minnesota went for Clinton over Trump by just 1.5 points, the closest presidential contest in the traditionally Democratic state since Walter Mondale held off Ronald Reagan by fewer than one vote per precinct in 1984. Just 44,765 votes separated the two major-party candidates. Conservative independent Evan McMuffin won nearly 54,000 votes, Johnson the Libertarian took more than 112,000.

A common thread in all three states is that the Trump campaign has remained active on the ground while COVID-19 has made the Democrats more scarce.

The Trump campaign is hardly neglecting the states the president won by small margins four years ago. He has appeared in Pennsylvania. Donald Trump Jr. was in Michigan with Kid Rock on Monday. Ivanka Trump was dispatched to North Carolina, with Arizona, Texas (for a fundraiser), and Florida soon to follow. Vice President Mike Pence has been to Michigan and Wisconsin, as well as Minnesota, and is headed to Arizona.

Turning an extra state or two red could be valuable insurance in what figures to be a closely fought contest in the Electoral College
Here we go again with the FAKE POLLS.

Some people just never learn. They can be lied to over and over and swallow the same garbage every time.

I get political calls, that's exactly how they come up on the caller ID. Ya know what I do? I don't answer, and then I BLOCK THE #. MILLIONS of other people are doing the same thing. So tell me again, how are these polls accurate?

They're not, period.

The polls correctly predicted that Hillary Clinton would win the national Popular vote in 2016. It was predicted by an average of the polling data that she would win the national popular vote by 3.1%. In the actual results, Hillary Clinton ended up winning the national popular vote by 2.1%.

Going to individual state polling in 2016, polling accurately predicted the winner in 46 out 50 states in 2016. That is an accuracy rate of 92% in 2016.

You won't find any indicator or metric that is more accurate than polling. Is it 100% perfect, no, but its still the most accurate indicator/metric out there.
Well it is great she won the Popular Vote but in the end she still lost the Electoral College...

Biden could beat Trump by ten million vote but if Biden does not secure enough Electoral College votes, well Trump will have four more years.

Let me explain in a easier way and let remember Clinton won California by four million votes which gave her the three million more votes Nationally, so here is the reality and Biden could win California and New York by wide margins but still fail to win the Electoral College...

Clinton failed to understand she needed key states to win and with the Sanders faction staying home or voting for Stein cost Clinton in key States like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan...

So as you rely on Polls the reality is they are kind of meaningless...

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