RCP: with no toss up states, Clinton 272, Trump 266

The more she campaigns the worse she looks

The first debate is a big one. If Trump can look more controlled than Hillary,......

He has been better since Roger ailes was hired

I've heard this assertion from others in recent days. I've never heard the reasoning behind it.

Trump has been alot more controlled in what he has said. He hasn't looked totally crazy since ailes was hired. At least that's what I've noticed. Don't know behind the scene stuff.

I never liked Ailes.
He has to take Pennsylvania.

Or Michigan.......
Or Colorado, which is very close, or Wisconsin or New Hampshire which would throw the election into the House of Representatives with a Republican majority.

Both belong to Ms. Clinton.

CO does not belong to Mrs. Clinton.

Lying again.

Real Clear has it as a toss up. She has a "lead" but it isn't a great deal. What's more funny is that there appears to be almost 20% undecided.

Did your book of fairy tales get an ISBN number ?


RCP and I are not in the same business. They are a credible website that publishes data impartially. I am a supporter of Ms. Clinton. She is well up in Colorado that has gone blue in the last 2 elections, elected a Democrat Governor and has a large Hispanic population. Looks good for Ms. Clinton; not so good for your messiah.
Or Michigan.......
Or Colorado, which is very close, or Wisconsin or New Hampshire which would throw the election into the House of Representatives with a Republican majority.

Both belong to Ms. Clinton.
Almost nothing belongs to Clinton. If the debates are a draw, Trump will win with at least 274 electoral votes. If he wins he debates, he will win with over 300 votes. For Hillary to win the election, she has to soundly defeat Trump in the debates, and she has never soundly defeated anyone in debates.

Nice dissertation. Now, only if it were remotely true. You’re incredibly stupid and not just about politics.

Here are the facts. There may be 3-5% of voters who are truly undecided; totally up for grabs. The pollsters will tell you it is between 10 and 15% but that is a safe number that has been disproven over the last 4 contests. The 10% difference is those who lean one way or the other. So just consider them a push; 5% to each side. With 3-5% as the real target audience, there is little chance you’re going to sweep them as well. If you’re a truly undecided, you’re going to hear stuff you like for 90 minutes and stuff you don’t like for 90 minutes. Won’t matter. Vice-versa; if you’re leaning one way or the other, you’re not likely to be turned around unless there is some theatrics which there won’t be.

Your mind is made up by seeing saturation commercials that get more and more poignant up to election day.

Here is the kicker. The 3-5% are not all in battleground states. So your audience is likely somewhere in the neighborhood of 20-30 thousand people in Hamilton County, OH; 5,000 voters in Osceola County, about that many in neighboring Seminole-Orange County, and the largest prize of all for Clinton, Clark County and the burbs of Las Vegas.

I get it, you've never quite figured out what the word, fact, means. The facts are these, while Trump supporters are for the most part quite enthusiastic about Trump, relatively few Clinton supporters are enthusiastic about Clinton
There are, relatively few Trump supporters. Those who are his enablers are, I'll grant you, finatical; in the same way a 4 year old insists on eating Halloween Candy prior to getting home. There are no intellecual supporters of Mr. Trump who study his proposals and look at them up close and decide, "hey that's a hell of a plan". More often the response is that of Mitch McConnell: "Its obvious he doesn't know much about the issues." And that is a Republican saying that.

As for facts and who is enthusiastic... We'll see on election day.

When they see the two together, many will see they have been had by Clinton, and either switch to Trump because they will see Trump has proposals how to deal with issues they care about and Clinton has nothing but slogans and slanders about Trump to offer them or they will vote for neither of them.
he he he...thanks for another reason to laugh. Mr.Trump is nothing but slogans.

Most of Trump's support is very firm, but little of Clinton's support is firm, it's not 3% to 5% or even 10% or 15% who are undecided by more like 25% since few of her supporters are committed to her because hey like or even know her policies.
So 25% is undecided. That means what...the poling is even so that would be 37.5 to 37.5. Show me any poll that reads 37.5 to 37.5...or one that is even close to those numbers. Oh wait, let me guess, the MSM is not publishing those numbers...right?

Yeah. Either that or you're full of shit.
He has to take Pennsylvania.

Or Michigan.......
Or Colorado, which is very close, or Wisconsin or New Hampshire which would throw the election into the House of Representatives with a Republican majority.

Both belong to Ms. Clinton.

CO does not belong to Mrs. Clinton.

Lying again.

Real Clear has it as a toss up. She has a "lead" but it isn't a great deal. What's more funny is that there appears to be almost 20% undecided.

Did your book of fairy tales get an ISBN number ?


RCP and I are not in the same business. They are a credible website that publishes data impartially. I am a supporter of Ms. Clinton. She is well up in Colorado that has gone blue in the last 2 elections, elected a Democrat Governor and has a large Hispanic population. Looks good for Ms. Clinton; not so good for your messiah.

And, you'll note, I'm not making the case for Ms. Clinton win Texas, GA, AZ, AR, MO, or some of the other states that some liberals on here have made. Its not going to happen. But CO? In the bag.
Or Michigan.......
Or Colorado, which is very close, or Wisconsin or New Hampshire which would throw the election into the House of Representatives with a Republican majority.

Both belong to Ms. Clinton.

CO does not belong to Mrs. Clinton.

Lying again.

Real Clear has it as a toss up. She has a "lead" but it isn't a great deal. What's more funny is that there appears to be almost 20% undecided.

Did your book of fairy tales get an ISBN number ?


RCP and I are not in the same business. They are a credible website that publishes data impartially. I am a supporter of Ms. Clinton. She is well up in Colorado that has gone blue in the last 2 elections, elected a Democrat Governor and has a large Hispanic population. Looks good for Ms. Clinton; not so good for your messiah.

And, you'll note, I'm not making the case for Ms. Clinton win Texas, GA, AZ, AR, MO, or some of the other states that some liberals on here have made. Its not going to happen. But CO? In the bag.
What are you saying? CO2? A bag? Don't watch this debate alone.
So cute, that you think the debate matters. Unless there are some theatrics...unlikely anyone's mind will be changed.
So cute, that you think the debate matters. Unless there are some theatrics...unlikely anyone's mind will be changed.
The debate means everything to Hillary. Trump has been doing very well up to now and if Hillary blows the debate, it's all over for her.
So cute, that you think the debate matters. Unless there are some theatrics...unlikely anyone's mind will be changed.
Whatever you say.
Blacks ain't voting.
Independents and Blue Dog Democrats will go to Trump.
Hillary's cooked.
Whatever happens, it is fascinating to me.

Never has there been such an extreme situation in politics that I can remember.

I could list what I hear about both of them, but it really does not matter.

I've seen enough to know that I don't like either. They suck.

What is fascinating to me are the "givens" that never materialized.

Morons like C_Clayton_Jones kept saying "He'll never be the nominee". We he is.

Other thought Bernie Sanders (my guy) would flame out early. The superdelegate system needs to be revisited. I don't care how much you argue they didn't matter...it is clear they impacted aspects of this campaign. Why do they exist anyway ? They are a testament to cronyism.

HIllary Clinton would coast to the election and wipe out ANY gop challenger.

Hillary has been spending money like crazy and it's not doing s**t for her numbers.

Trump has shoved his foot shin and thigh into his mouth in some cases and still seems to be hanging on. The Trump folks better hope he does not know any terms like "legitimate rape". That could sink him.

It's all been very interesting.

I've watched people at work cuss both candidates, but now decide to go with one of them (on an individual basis). Once they choose to go, they stay informed. Some have changed their minds.

Like I said, interesting.
Whatever happens, it is fascinating to me.

Never has there been such an extreme situation in politics that I can remember.

I could list what I hear about both of them, but it really does not matter.

I've seen enough to know that I don't like either. They suck.

What is fascinating to me are the "givens" that never materialized.

Morons like C_Clayton_Jones kept saying "He'll never be the nominee". We he is.

Other thought Bernie Sanders (my guy) would flame out early. The superdelegate system needs to be revisited. I don't care how much you argue they didn't matter...it is clear they impacted aspects of this campaign. Why do they exist anyway ? They are a testament to cronyism.

HIllary Clinton would coast to the election and wipe out ANY gop challenger.

Hillary has been spending money like crazy and it's not doing s**t for her numbers.

Trump has shoved his foot shin and thigh into his mouth in some cases and still seems to be hanging on. The Trump folks better hope he does not know any terms like "legitimate rape". That could sink him.

It's all been very interesting.

I've watched people at work cuss both candidates, but now decide to go with one of them (on an individual basis). Once they choose to go, they stay informed. Some have changed their minds.

Like I said, interesting.

I know 6 people who are voting for Hillary because "Trump is a &*&&&*"
I know a few hundred people who are enthusiastically voting for Trump.
He has to take Pennsylvania.

Or Michigan.......
Or Colorado, which is very close, or Wisconsin or New Hampshire which would throw the election into the House of Representatives with a Republican majority.

Both belong to Ms. Clinton.

CO does not belong to Mrs. Clinton.

Lying again.

Real Clear has it as a toss up. She has a "lead" but it isn't a great deal. What's more funny is that there appears to be almost 20% undecided.

Did your book of fairy tales get an ISBN number ?


RCP and I are not in the same business. They are a credible website that publishes data impartially. I am a supporter of Ms. Clinton. She is well up in Colorado that has gone blue in the last 2 elections, elected a Democrat Governor and has a large Hispanic population. Looks good for Ms. Clinton; not so good for your messiah.

Yes, you are not.

If Trump is my messiah (which is an out and out lie), what is Hillary to you ? Your love interest ?

Well, your love interest's postition in CO is that it is now a toss up. So the only way she is "well up" is in your traumatized little dreams. CO booted a democratic senator and elected one of the most insane righties I've ever seen to the state legislature. It all depends if the rest of the state can outvote Denver.

If I were Hillary, I'd be spending a lot of time there. It could sink her.
Whatever happens, it is fascinating to me.

Never has there been such an extreme situation in politics that I can remember.

I could list what I hear about both of them, but it really does not matter.

I've seen enough to know that I don't like either. They suck.

What is fascinating to me are the "givens" that never materialized.

Morons like C_Clayton_Jones kept saying "He'll never be the nominee". We he is.

Other thought Bernie Sanders (my guy) would flame out early. The superdelegate system needs to be revisited. I don't care how much you argue they didn't matter...it is clear they impacted aspects of this campaign. Why do they exist anyway ? They are a testament to cronyism.

HIllary Clinton would coast to the election and wipe out ANY gop challenger.

Hillary has been spending money like crazy and it's not doing s**t for her numbers.

Trump has shoved his foot shin and thigh into his mouth in some cases and still seems to be hanging on. The Trump folks better hope he does not know any terms like "legitimate rape". That could sink him.

It's all been very interesting.

I've watched people at work cuss both candidates, but now decide to go with one of them (on an individual basis). Once they choose to go, they stay informed. Some have changed their minds.

Like I said, interesting.

I know 6 people who are voting for Hillary because "Trump is a &*&&&*"
I know a few hundred people who are enthusiastically voting for Trump.

My situation is more evenly split although I work with people who are more naturally republican.

The point is that all of this makes for a very volatile election.

Barack Obummer beat two crappy candidates. The first time around, he was an unknown and a flash in the pan.

Now he is loathed by nearly 40% of the population.

Hillary is a known quantity.

So is Trump.

They both suck.
Whatever happens, it is fascinating to me.

Never has there been such an extreme situation in politics that I can remember.

I could list what I hear about both of them, but it really does not matter.

I've seen enough to know that I don't like either. They suck.

What is fascinating to me are the "givens" that never materialized.

Morons like C_Clayton_Jones kept saying "He'll never be the nominee". We he is.

Other thought Bernie Sanders (my guy) would flame out early. The superdelegate system needs to be revisited. I don't care how much you argue they didn't matter...it is clear they impacted aspects of this campaign. Why do they exist anyway ? They are a testament to cronyism.

HIllary Clinton would coast to the election and wipe out ANY gop challenger.

Hillary has been spending money like crazy and it's not doing s**t for her numbers.

Trump has shoved his foot shin and thigh into his mouth in some cases and still seems to be hanging on. The Trump folks better hope he does not know any terms like "legitimate rape". That could sink him.

It's all been very interesting.

I've watched people at work cuss both candidates, but now decide to go with one of them (on an individual basis). Once they choose to go, they stay informed. Some have changed their minds.

Like I said, interesting.
It is very strange, but then Hillary has always been a very strange person, and while Trump lives in Manhattan now, he was raised in Queens, and that's how people speak in Queens, very strangely.

For all the stupid stuff that has been going on, I continued to be amazed by Trump's spectacular success, starting as what nearly everyone thought was a joke and running everyone else off the board. Trump has exceeded nearly everyone's expectations, except perhaps his own, and Hillary has failed to meet nearly everyone's expectations, but that is also how their lives have gone before this election.

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