Read the 20th Amendment: New Republican Senators Violating US Constitution

No Constitutional violation. Just political maneuvering by the Republicans to prevent legislation from being passed.

What else is new?

All Reid needs to remember is......WWRD

What Would Republicans Do? and act accordingly
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That has to be one of the dumbest arguments I've ever seen. How exactly is it a violation of the 20th amendment to write a letter requesting that the Senate wait until January to consider the START treaty? Writing a letter is somehow unconstitutional? Why? Because it's convenient for you?

Senator Reid has the right to, and probably will, say no. How has anything been violated?

Are people really this stupid?

Um, well, yes when you're as full a shat as Flaylo.
Most Philadelphia don't think like you do, its a liberal city, Repug trash went out with Frank Rizzo years ago.

I know it's a liberal city. That's one of the reasons the government is so corrupt and the schools are so crappy. 50+ years of one party rule is an invitation to corruption. Why do you think crime is so high? Or why people are fleeing the city in droves?

What's really sad is that Philadelphia was once the home of the American enlightenment. It was a beacon of freedom and knowledge. It was truely meant to be the City of Brotherly love.

Right now it's a cesspool. And I pray that it will change in the future. Because I would hate to see this once great city destroyed. But corruption and wickedness can only last so long before judgment comes.
Most Philadelphia don't think like you do, its a liberal city, Repug trash went out with Frank Rizzo years ago.

I know it's a liberal city. That's one of the reasons the government is so corrupt and the schools are so crappy. 50+ years of one party rule is an invitation to corruption. Why do you think crime is so high? Or why people are fleeing the city in droves?

What's really sad is that Philadelphia was once the home of the American enlightenment. It was a beacon of freedom and knowledge. It was truely meant to be the City of Brotherly love.

Right now it's a cesspool. And I pray that it will change in the future. Because I would hate to see this once great city destroyed. But corruption and wickedness can only last so long before judgment comes.

I agree my city has gotten bad, but its still the best big city in America, better than New York and most certainly better than New Jersey, the parking lot of Philadelphians and New Yorkers.
I agree my city has gotten bad, but its still the best big city in America, better than New York and most certainly better than New Jersey, the parking lot of Philadelphians and New Yorkers.

Seriously, being better than NY and NJ really aren't huge accomplishments.

I have a dream where Philadelphia will once again take it's place as the City of American Enlightenment. Where it be a city of virtue and truly a city of brotherly love.

But in order to do that we need to eliminate the corruption in ourselves, in our families. We need to strengthen our communities and weaken the hold corrupt politicians have over our lives.

We have to be people who seek learning and education independently. We need to rebuild our schools or abolish them and replace them with something that actually works.

We need parents making commitments to each other and raising children to be virtuous and righteous.

We need to change by changing ourselves.
The Senators-Elect have every right to make any request they want prior to being seated. They are constituents, and as constituents we are all entitled to make any request of our elected officials we want to make. The incumbent members have every right to tell them to go to hell. That's the way it works.

It's an interesting political play, it'll be interesting to see if it gets anything more than a yawn outside their base though.
Two words: we won.

and at the beginning of next year, you'll get the opportunity to put your money where your mouth is. Until then... stfu.

I can't WAIT to see Boner's budget.... it will be so interesting to see how he actually tries to govern in specifics instead of merely obstructing with generalities.

Where WILL he cut? How BIG of a deficit will his budget have, even though the teabaggers want none?

"Nothing can stand in the way of the power of millions of voices calling for change." -- B. Hussein Obama, Jan. 8, 2008

They called pretty loudly this November
Democrats, lead by Pelosi Ried and Obama need to try to disarm, pass cap and trade and Amnesty.

They need to stop trying to appease the Blue Dogs and keep moving Leftwards
Incoming representatives or any elected official has no official bearing on their office until they take the oath on the legally prescibed day and hour. What they do before then is mute. They can ask, beg or plead but the current office holders have a right to conduct business as they see fit and a duty to it. Of course nothing much will happen anyway.

Earmarks will be used in this Congress, they will just call it under another name. Wait and see.
I agree with zzzz, and I think not all earmarks are bad. T'aint excatly good news that Boehner feels he owes no special loyalty to Ohio, yanno.

Are we ever gonna hear about the tea baggers' plan to Save The Economy And Create Jobs? We're getting desperate here in Cleveland....we'd work for just about anyone.
That has to be one of the dumbest arguments I've ever seen. How exactly is it a violation of the 20th amendment to write a letter requesting that the Senate wait until January to consider the START treaty? Writing a letter is somehow unconstitutional? Why? Because it's convenient for you?

Senator Reid has the right to, and probably will, say no. How has anything been violated?

Are people really this stupid?

And you call yourself a Philadelphian? Stop bringing shame to my beloved city I claim as my home.
Are most Philadelphians dumb enough to believe that writing a letter is unconstitutional?
Ok, Flaylo, your case has been disputed by a dozen or more.
Any counter-points?
Ok, can we start a pool on when Failgo is officially admitted to the psych ward?

O lay off, will ya? He didn't make any more serious mistake in this Op than the editors at HuffPo themselves made, and Flayglo ain't a lawyer.

Ain't you ever been wrong, Soggy?
..we believe it would be improper for the Senate to consider the New START Treaty or any other treaty in a lame duck session prior to January 3, 2011.

That's nice that they believe that.

They're wrong, of course.

No. They're not. They said "improper," not illegal.

It is arguably "improper." It would, despite that, be perfectly lawful.

There is a great alternative, however.

Lame duck the lame duck session. FILIBUSTER the damn ratification process until the new Term begins.

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