Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Sucking 1/3 of the money supply out of the system caused the Great Depression.

Did you think that the stock market was the one and only factor?

Stop reading Krugman




It was not just one factor, but instead a combination of domestic and worldwide conditions that led to the Great Depression.

1. Stock Market Crash of 1929

2. Bank Failures

Throughout the 1930s over 9,000 banks failed. Bank deposits were uninsured and thus as banks failed people simply lost their savings. Surviving banks, unsure of the economic situation and concerned for their own survival, stopped being as willing to create new loans. This exacerbated the situation leading to less and less expenditures.

3. Reduction in Purchasing Across the Board

Great Depression - Top Five Causes of the Great Depression

Essentially what happened in the 1920's was that there was an oversupply of goods.

There was no "over supply of good" We had 2 transformational technologies sweeping the nation in the 1920's: electricity and mass production. Moreover we had a President, the greatest of the 20th Century who was disciplined enough to keep the fuck out of the way: Calvin Coolidge.

You posted a chart that backs my statement that the Fed strangled the US Economy nearly to death by withdrawing 1/3 of the money supply. Thanks

Yeah, the fed listened to conservatives and withdrew money AFTER the crash, get off AEI talking points and grow a brain

Harding/Coolidge's nonsense CAUSED the crash dumbass. Lowering taxes and created an oversupply (BOOM) in the economy that went primarily to the top 1%? lol

The main cause for the GOP great depression was the combination of the unequal distribution of wealth throughout the 1920's, and the stock market speculation that took place

From 1929 to 1933, production at the nation’s factories, mines, and utilities fell by over 50%

Real disposable income dropped by over a quarter
Barney Frank? Minority member of the GOP MAJORITY HOUSE (LIKE TODAY)? What super powers did he have again?

I realize that you are a feral baboon. You cut and paste from the hate sites with no grasp at all as to the meaning of the idiotic shit you post.


I let most of the idiotic shit you post go. You are not the first to ignorantly post manipulated and openly fraudulent FRED graphs off of ThinkProgress and the other hate sites.

Honestly, you damage the left with your stupidity, so I prefer to let you mindlessly fling shit.
Progressives are pathological liars and economic sociopaths

Weird, an out of context vid from 2004 talking about the GSE's ACCOUNTING scandals of 2003-2004 means what again?


June 17, 2004

Builders to fight Bush's low-income plan

Home builders, realtors and others are preparing to fight a Bush administration plan that would require Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to increase financing of homes for low-income people, a home builder group said Thursday

Home builders fight Bush's low-income housing - Jun. 17, 2004

Bush talked about reform. He talked and he talked. And then he stopped reform. (read that as many times as necessary. Bush stopped reform). And then he stopped it again.

From Bush's President’s Working Group on Financial Markets October 2008

“The Presidents Working Group’s March policy statement acknowledged that turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007

No, the GSEs Did Not Cause the Financial Meltdown (but thats just according to the data)

1. Private markets caused the shady mortgage boom

2. The government’s affordability mission didn’t cause the crisis

4. Conservatives sang a different tune before the crash: Conservative think tanks spent the 2000s saying the exact opposite of what they are saying now


AEI's Peter Wallison in 2004: “In recent years, study after study has shown that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are failing to do even as much as banks and S&Ls in providing financing for affordable housing, including minority and low income housing.”

Hey Mayor Bloomberg! No, the GSEs Did Not Cause the Financial Meltdown (but thats just according to the data) | The Big Picture

The Myth of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Barney Frank, the Housing Bubble and the Recession

Start with the most basic fact of all: virtually none of the $1.5 trillion of cratering subprime mortgages were backed by Fannie or Freddie

The Myth of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Barney Frank, the Housing Bubble and the Recession | The Long Goodbye

Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie, triggered crisis

Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie, triggered crisis | Economics | McClatchy DC


OMFG You bolded one of the stupidest things I've ever heard!

Start with the most basic fact of all: virtually none of the $1.5 trillion of cratering subprime mortgages were backed by Fannie or Freddie

Say what?????????????????

What do you think "No Income, No Asset" loans were?

Got it, you'll stick with RIGHT WING LIES

Examining the big lie: How the facts of the economic crisis stack up

The boom and bust was global. Proponents of the Big Lie ignore the worldwide nature of the housing boom and bust.

A McKinsey Global Institute report noted “from 2000 through 2007, a remarkable run-up in global home prices occurred.” It is highly unlikely that a simultaneous boom and bust everywhere else in the world was caused by one set of factors (ultra-low rates, securitized AAA-rated subprime, derivatives) but had a different set of causes in the United States. Indeed, this might be the biggest obstacle to pushing the false narrative

Nonbank mortgage underwriting exploded from 2001 to 2007, along with the private label securitization market, which eclipsed Fannie and Freddie during the boom

Private lenders not subject to congressional regulations collapsed lending standards.

Examining the big lie: How the facts of the economic crisis stack up | The Big Picture

Regulators and policymakers enabled this process at virtually every turn. Part of the reason they failed to understand the housing bubble was willful ignorance: they bought into the argument that the market would equilibrate itself. In particular, financial actors and regulatory officials both believed that secondary and tertiary markets could effectively control risk through pricing. of Disaster_0.pdf



It was not just one factor, but instead a combination of domestic and worldwide conditions that led to the Great Depression.

1. Stock Market Crash of 1929

2. Bank Failures

Throughout the 1930s over 9,000 banks failed. Bank deposits were uninsured and thus as banks failed people simply lost their savings. Surviving banks, unsure of the economic situation and concerned for their own survival, stopped being as willing to create new loans. This exacerbated the situation leading to less and less expenditures.

3. Reduction in Purchasing Across the Board

Great Depression - Top Five Causes of the Great Depression

Essentially what happened in the 1920's was that there was an oversupply of goods.

There was no "over supply of good" We had 2 transformational technologies sweeping the nation in the 1920's: electricity and mass production. Moreover we had a President, the greatest of the 20th Century who was disciplined enough to keep the fuck out of the way: Calvin Coolidge.

You posted a chart that backs my statement that the Fed strangled the US Economy nearly to death by withdrawing 1/3 of the money supply. Thanks

Yeah, the fed listened to conservatives and withdrew money AFTER the crash, get off AEI talking points and grow a brain

Harding/Coolidge's nonsense CAUSED the crash dumbass. Lowering taxes and created an oversupply (BOOM) in the economy that went primarily to the top 1%? lol

The main cause for the GOP great depression was the combination of the unequal distribution of wealth throughout the 1920's, and the stock market speculation that took place

From 1929 to 1933, production at the nation’s factories, mines, and utilities fell by over 50%

Real disposable income dropped by over a quarter

Hoover and Coolidge has almost NOTHING in common as executives.

Look, you clearly don;t know dick about any of this so I'm going to save the electrons talking to you.

On the one hand I say that the Fed cut the money supply and you keep posting charts and facts that back that up....but you keep drawing the opposite conclusion.
Barney Frank? Minority member of the GOP MAJORITY HOUSE (LIKE TODAY)? What super powers did he have again?

I realize that you are a feral baboon. You cut and paste from the hate sites with no grasp at all as to the meaning of the idiotic shit you post.


I let most of the idiotic shit you post go. You are not the first to ignorantly post manipulated and openly fraudulent FRED graphs off of ThinkProgress and the other hate sites.

Honestly, you damage the left with your stupidity, so I prefer to let you mindlessly fling shit.

Got it, like mosr conservatives, you don't want FACTS to get in your way...

Testimony from W’s Treasury Secretary John Snow to the REPUBLICAN CONGRESS concerning the 'regulation’ of the GSE’s 2004
Mr. Frank: ...Are we in a crisis now with these entities?

Secretary Snow. No, that is a fair characterization, Congressman Frank, of our position. We are not putting this proposal before you because of some concern over some imminent danger to the financial system for housing; far from it.“



Q When did the Bush Mortgage Bubble start?

A The general timeframe is it started late 2004.

From Bush’s President’s Working Group on Financial Markets October 2008

“The Presidents Working Group’s March policy statement acknowledged that turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007.”


There was no "over supply of good" We had 2 transformational technologies sweeping the nation in the 1920's: electricity and mass production. Moreover we had a President, the greatest of the 20th Century who was disciplined enough to keep the fuck out of the way: Calvin Coolidge.

You posted a chart that backs my statement that the Fed strangled the US Economy nearly to death by withdrawing 1/3 of the money supply. Thanks

Yeah, the fed listened to conservatives and withdrew money AFTER the crash, get off AEI talking points and grow a brain

Harding/Coolidge's nonsense CAUSED the crash dumbass. Lowering taxes and created an oversupply (BOOM) in the economy that went primarily to the top 1%? lol

The main cause for the GOP great depression was the combination of the unequal distribution of wealth throughout the 1920's, and the stock market speculation that took place

From 1929 to 1933, production at the nation’s factories, mines, and utilities fell by over 50%

Real disposable income dropped by over a quarter

Hoover and Coolidge has almost NOTHING in common as executives.

Look, you clearly don;t know dick about any of this so I'm going to save the electrons talking to you.

On the one hand I say that the Fed cut the money supply and you keep posting charts and facts that back that up....but you keep drawing the opposite conclusion.

Reading comprehension issues huh Bubba?

"Harding/Coolidge's nonsense CAUSED the crash dumbass. "

You mean conservative policies caused the GOP great depression and conservative policy withdrawing money supply AFTER entering it, didn't help? I agree.
Progressives are pathological liars and economic sociopaths

Weird, an out of context vid from 2004 talking about the GSE's ACCOUNTING scandals of 2003-2004 means what again?


June 17, 2004

Builders to fight Bush's low-income plan

Home builders, realtors and others are preparing to fight a Bush administration plan that would require Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to increase financing of homes for low-income people, a home builder group said Thursday

Home builders fight Bush's low-income housing - Jun. 17, 2004

Bush talked about reform. He talked and he talked. And then he stopped reform. (read that as many times as necessary. Bush stopped reform). And then he stopped it again.

From Bush's President’s Working Group on Financial Markets October 2008

“The Presidents Working Group’s March policy statement acknowledged that turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007

No, the GSEs Did Not Cause the Financial Meltdown (but thats just according to the data)

1. Private markets caused the shady mortgage boom

2. The government’s affordability mission didn’t cause the crisis

4. Conservatives sang a different tune before the crash: Conservative think tanks spent the 2000s saying the exact opposite of what they are saying now


AEI's Peter Wallison in 2004: “In recent years, study after study has shown that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are failing to do even as much as banks and S&Ls in providing financing for affordable housing, including minority and low income housing.”

Hey Mayor Bloomberg! No, the GSEs Did Not Cause the Financial Meltdown (but thats just according to the data) | The Big Picture

The Myth of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Barney Frank, the Housing Bubble and the Recession

Start with the most basic fact of all: virtually none of the $1.5 trillion of cratering subprime mortgages were backed by Fannie or Freddie

The Myth of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Barney Frank, the Housing Bubble and the Recession | The Long Goodbye

Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie, triggered crisis

Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie, triggered crisis | Economics | McClatchy DC


OMFG You bolded one of the stupidest things I've ever heard!

Start with the most basic fact of all: virtually none of the $1.5 trillion of cratering subprime mortgages were backed by Fannie or Freddie

Say what?????????????????

What do you think "No Income, No Asset" loans were?



Fannie and Freddie were not leaders in share of low income lending. The growth of the subprime market caused the GSEs’ mortgage portfolio to lag the market with respect to loans made to lower income borrowers, minorities, as well as loans made in underserved areas targeted by HUD (Case, Gillen, & Wachter, 2002).

The purpose of HUD’s 2004 (BOOOOSSSHHHH) affordable housing goals was to close the gap “so that by 2008 [GSE purchases] would equal the projected shares of goal - qualifying units financed in the primary mortgage market.”

The dramatic growth in PLS (NOT F/F) issuance was the capital markets manifestation of the increase in the origination of nontraditional mortgage products outside of the GSE channel. According to the Government Accounting Office (GAO), “nonprime” mortgage loans (subprime plus Alt-A) accounted for 34% of the overall mortgage market in 2006. From 2001 to 2005, the dollar volume of subprime mortgages increased from $100 billion to $600 billion, while Alt - A mortgages grew from $25 billion to $400 billion over roughly the same period
Yeah, the fed listened to conservatives and withdrew money AFTER the crash, get off AEI talking points and grow a brain

Harding/Coolidge's nonsense CAUSED the crash dumbass. Lowering taxes and created an oversupply (BOOM) in the economy that went primarily to the top 1%? lol

The main cause for the GOP great depression was the combination of the unequal distribution of wealth throughout the 1920's, and the stock market speculation that took place

From 1929 to 1933, production at the nation’s factories, mines, and utilities fell by over 50%

Real disposable income dropped by over a quarter

Hoover and Coolidge has almost NOTHING in common as executives.

Look, you clearly don;t know dick about any of this so I'm going to save the electrons talking to you.

On the one hand I say that the Fed cut the money supply and you keep posting charts and facts that back that up....but you keep drawing the opposite conclusion.

Reading comprehension issues huh Bubba?

"Harding/Coolidge's nonsense CAUSED the crash dumbass. "

You mean conservative policies caused the GOP great depression and conservative policy withdrawing money supply AFTER entering it, didn't help? I agree.

How did Coolidge cause any crash?
Hoover and Coolidge has almost NOTHING in common as executives.

Look, you clearly don;t know dick about any of this so I'm going to save the electrons talking to you.

On the one hand I say that the Fed cut the money supply and you keep posting charts and facts that back that up....but you keep drawing the opposite conclusion.

Reading comprehension issues huh Bubba?

"Harding/Coolidge's nonsense CAUSED the crash dumbass. "

You mean conservative policies caused the GOP great depression and conservative policy withdrawing money supply AFTER entering it, didn't help? I agree.

How did Coolidge cause any crash?

Although the public liked and admired Calvin Coolidge during his tenure, the Great Depression that began in 1929 seriously eroded his reputation and changed public opinion about his policies. Many linked the nation's economic collapse to Coolidge's policy decisions. His failure to aid the depressed agricultural sector seems shortsighted, as nearly five thousand rural banks in the Midwest and South shut their doors in bankruptcy while many thousands of farmers lost their lands. His tax cuts contributed to an uneven distribution of wealth and the overproduction of goods. Many Americans were deeply in debt for having purchased consumer goods on easy installment credit terms.

American President: Calvin Coolidge: Impact and Legacy

LIKE Reagan ignoring the S&L regulator warnings that started in 1984 and Bush ignoring FBI warnings that started in 2004, we elect those that don't 'believe in' Gov't or it's regulators and are later shocked their POLICIES don't work except for a few who extracted wealth out of their bubbles!
Weird, an out of context vid from 2004 talking about the GSE's ACCOUNTING scandals of 2003-2004 means what again?


June 17, 2004

Builders to fight Bush's low-income plan

Home builders, realtors and others are preparing to fight a Bush administration plan that would require Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to increase financing of homes for low-income people, a home builder group said Thursday

Home builders fight Bush's low-income housing - Jun. 17, 2004

Bush talked about reform. He talked and he talked. And then he stopped reform. (read that as many times as necessary. Bush stopped reform). And then he stopped it again.

From Bush's President’s Working Group on Financial Markets October 2008

“The Presidents Working Group’s March policy statement acknowledged that turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007

No, the GSEs Did Not Cause the Financial Meltdown (but thats just according to the data)

1. Private markets caused the shady mortgage boom

2. The government’s affordability mission didn’t cause the crisis

4. Conservatives sang a different tune before the crash: Conservative think tanks spent the 2000s saying the exact opposite of what they are saying now


AEI's Peter Wallison in 2004: “In recent years, study after study has shown that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are failing to do even as much as banks and S&Ls in providing financing for affordable housing, including minority and low income housing.”

Hey Mayor Bloomberg! No, the GSEs Did Not Cause the Financial Meltdown (but thats just according to the data) | The Big Picture

The Myth of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Barney Frank, the Housing Bubble and the Recession

Start with the most basic fact of all: virtually none of the $1.5 trillion of cratering subprime mortgages were backed by Fannie or Freddie

The Myth of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Barney Frank, the Housing Bubble and the Recession | The Long Goodbye

Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie, triggered crisis

Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie, triggered crisis | Economics | McClatchy DC


OMFG You bolded one of the stupidest things I've ever heard!

Start with the most basic fact of all: virtually none of the $1.5 trillion of cratering subprime mortgages were backed by Fannie or Freddie

Say what?????????????????

What do you think "No Income, No Asset" loans were?



Fannie and Freddie were not leaders in share of low income lending. The growth of the subprime market caused the GSEs’ mortgage portfolio to lag the market with respect to loans made to lower income borrowers, minorities, as well as loans made in underserved areas targeted by HUD (Case, Gillen, & Wachter, 2002).

The purpose of HUD’s 2004 (BOOOOSSSHHHH) affordable housing goals was to close the gap “so that by 2008 [GSE purchases] would equal the projected shares of goal - qualifying units financed in the primary mortgage market.”

The dramatic growth in PLS (NOT F/F) issuance was the capital markets manifestation of the increase in the origination of nontraditional mortgage products outside of the GSE channel. According to the Government Accounting Office (GAO), “nonprime” mortgage loans (subprime plus Alt-A) accounted for 34% of the overall mortgage market in 2006. From 2001 to 2005, the dollar volume of subprime mortgages increased from $100 billion to $600 billion, while Alt - A mortgages grew from $25 billion to $400 billion over roughly the same period

Ohh, I get it. Wink Wink.

You're on the Koch Brothers RDean Program of paying poster to make Liberals look as dumb as humanly possible.


OK, I won't tell the other posters.


Well played, Sir!
Reading comprehension issues huh Bubba?

"Harding/Coolidge's nonsense CAUSED the crash dumbass. "

You mean conservative policies caused the GOP great depression and conservative policy withdrawing money supply AFTER entering it, didn't help? I agree.

How did Coolidge cause any crash?

Although the public liked and admired Calvin Coolidge during his tenure, the Great Depression that began in 1929 seriously eroded his reputation and changed public opinion about his policies. Many linked the nation's economic collapse to Coolidge's policy decisions. His failure to aid the depressed agricultural sector seems shortsighted, as nearly five thousand rural banks in the Midwest and South shut their doors in bankruptcy while many thousands of farmers lost their lands. His tax cuts contributed to an uneven distribution of wealth and the overproduction of goods. Many Americans were deeply in debt for having purchased consumer goods on easy installment credit terms.

American President: Calvin Coolidge: Impact and Legacy

LIKE Reagan ignoring the S&L regulator warnings that started in 1984 and Bush ignoring FBI warnings that started in 2004, we elect those that don't 'believe in' Gov't or it's regulators and are later shocked their POLICIES don't work except for a few who extracted wealth out of their bubbles!

When did Coolidge's term end, Rdean's Dad?

OMFG You bolded one of the stupidest things I've ever heard!

Start with the most basic fact of all: virtually none of the $1.5 trillion of cratering subprime mortgages were backed by Fannie or Freddie

Say what?????????????????

What do you think "No Income, No Asset" loans were?



Fannie and Freddie were not leaders in share of low income lending. The growth of the subprime market caused the GSEs’ mortgage portfolio to lag the market with respect to loans made to lower income borrowers, minorities, as well as loans made in underserved areas targeted by HUD (Case, Gillen, & Wachter, 2002).

The purpose of HUD’s 2004 (BOOOOSSSHHHH) affordable housing goals was to close the gap “so that by 2008 [GSE purchases] would equal the projected shares of goal - qualifying units financed in the primary mortgage market.”

The dramatic growth in PLS (NOT F/F) issuance was the capital markets manifestation of the increase in the origination of nontraditional mortgage products outside of the GSE channel. According to the Government Accounting Office (GAO), “nonprime” mortgage loans (subprime plus Alt-A) accounted for 34% of the overall mortgage market in 2006. From 2001 to 2005, the dollar volume of subprime mortgages increased from $100 billion to $600 billion, while Alt - A mortgages grew from $25 billion to $400 billion over roughly the same period

Ohh, I get it. Wink Wink.

You're on the Koch Brothers RDean Program of paying poster to make Liberals look as dumb as humanly possible.


OK, I won't tell the other posters.


Well played, Sir!

How did Coolidge cause any crash?

Although the public liked and admired Calvin Coolidge during his tenure, the Great Depression that began in 1929 seriously eroded his reputation and changed public opinion about his policies. Many linked the nation's economic collapse to Coolidge's policy decisions. His failure to aid the depressed agricultural sector seems shortsighted, as nearly five thousand rural banks in the Midwest and South shut their doors in bankruptcy while many thousands of farmers lost their lands. His tax cuts contributed to an uneven distribution of wealth and the overproduction of goods. Many Americans were deeply in debt for having purchased consumer goods on easy installment credit terms.

American President: Calvin Coolidge: Impact and Legacy

LIKE Reagan ignoring the S&L regulator warnings that started in 1984 and Bush ignoring FBI warnings that started in 2004, we elect those that don't 'believe in' Gov't or it's regulators and are later shocked their POLICIES don't work except for a few who extracted wealth out of their bubbles!

When did Coolidge's term end, Rdean's Dad?

Wow, ALMOST a whole year (OK, 8 months) before Harding//Coolidge's big crash happened? I know, lets blame Hoover right? lol

Sorry you can't be honest and all you have is AEI talking points trying to rewrite the REAL cause of the conservatives depression!
Although the public liked and admired Calvin Coolidge during his tenure, the Great Depression that began in 1929 seriously eroded his reputation and changed public opinion about his policies. Many linked the nation's economic collapse to Coolidge's policy decisions. His failure to aid the depressed agricultural sector seems shortsighted, as nearly five thousand rural banks in the Midwest and South shut their doors in bankruptcy while many thousands of farmers lost their lands. His tax cuts contributed to an uneven distribution of wealth and the overproduction of goods. Many Americans were deeply in debt for having purchased consumer goods on easy installment credit terms.

American President: Calvin Coolidge: Impact and Legacy

LIKE Reagan ignoring the S&L regulator warnings that started in 1984 and Bush ignoring FBI warnings that started in 2004, we elect those that don't 'believe in' Gov't or it's regulators and are later shocked their POLICIES don't work except for a few who extracted wealth out of their bubbles!

When did Coolidge's term end, Rdean's Dad?

Wow, ALMOST a whole year (OK, 8 months) before Harding//Coolidge's big crash happened? I know, lets blame Hoover right? lol

Sorry you can't be honest and all you have is AEI talking points trying to rewrite the REAL cause of the conservatives depression!
Isn't it a bit strange then that the very simple minded are trying to blame Reagan for a crash 3 president and 20 years after he left the White House?

It is indeed a very strange train of thought. I trust you agree.
When did Coolidge's term end, Rdean's Dad?

Wow, ALMOST a whole year (OK, 8 months) before Harding//Coolidge's big crash happened? I know, lets blame Hoover right? lol

Sorry you can't be honest and all you have is AEI talking points trying to rewrite the REAL cause of the conservatives depression!
Isn't it a bit strange then that the very simple minded are trying to blame Reagan for a crash 3 president and 20 years after he left the White House?

It is indeed a very strange train of thought. I trust you agree.

Really? Is that what was posited? NOPE, Reagan was responsible for the S&L crisis when his regulator, Mr Gray STARTED warning him in 1984 of problems with the deregulation and oversight of the S&L industry. It's been estimated that 90%+ of the S&L crisis would had been stopped, IF Reagan 'believed in' Gov't over the 'free markets'.

Just like Bush ignoring the FBI warnings that STARTED in 2004 that said there was an EPIDEMIC of mortgage fraud, he gutted them instead and continued his cheer leading the Banksters!

Weird, we elect those that don't 'believe in' Gov't then are shocked the markets run amok (1929 anyone?)....
Wow, ALMOST a whole year (OK, 8 months) before Harding//Coolidge's big crash happened? I know, lets blame Hoover right? lol

Sorry you can't be honest and all you have is AEI talking points trying to rewrite the REAL cause of the conservatives depression!
Isn't it a bit strange then that the very simple minded are trying to blame Reagan for a crash 3 president and 20 years after he left the White House?

It is indeed a very strange train of thought. I trust you agree.

Really? Is that what was posited? NOPE, Reagan was responsible for the S&L crisis when his regulator, Mr Gray STARTED warning him in 1984 of problems with the deregulation and oversight of the S&L industry. It's been estimated that 90%+ of the S&L crisis would had been stopped, IF Reagan 'believed in' Gov't over the 'free markets'.

Just like Bush ignoring the FBI warnings that STARTED in 2004 that said there was an EPIDEMIC of mortgage fraud, he gutted them instead and continued his cheer leading the Banksters!

Weird, we elect those that don't 'believe in' Gov't then are shocked the markets run amok (1929 anyone?)....
As I said, blaming Reagan for 2008 is a very train of thought, and apparently hopelessly convoluted. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, but even you, in your throes of pathological reasoning, must register some irony.
Although the public liked and admired Calvin Coolidge during his tenure, the Great Depression that began in 1929 seriously eroded his reputation and changed public opinion about his policies. Many linked the nation's economic collapse to Coolidge's policy decisions. His failure to aid the depressed agricultural sector seems shortsighted, as nearly five thousand rural banks in the Midwest and South shut their doors in bankruptcy while many thousands of farmers lost their lands. His tax cuts contributed to an uneven distribution of wealth and the overproduction of goods. Many Americans were deeply in debt for having purchased consumer goods on easy installment credit terms.

American President: Calvin Coolidge: Impact and Legacy

LIKE Reagan ignoring the S&L regulator warnings that started in 1984 and Bush ignoring FBI warnings that started in 2004, we elect those that don't 'believe in' Gov't or it's regulators and are later shocked their POLICIES don't work except for a few who extracted wealth out of their bubbles!

When did Coolidge's term end, Rdean's Dad?

Wow, ALMOST a whole year (OK, 8 months) before Harding//Coolidge's big crash happened? I know, lets blame Hoover right? lol

Sorry you can't be honest and all you have is AEI talking points trying to rewrite the REAL cause of the conservatives depression!

The Fed. You keep posting the evidence that indicts them, then you accuse Coolidge.

Now that I know you're paid to make Liberals look like imbeciles, it's funny
When did Coolidge's term end, Rdean's Dad?

Wow, ALMOST a whole year (OK, 8 months) before Harding//Coolidge's big crash happened? I know, lets blame Hoover right? lol

Sorry you can't be honest and all you have is AEI talking points trying to rewrite the REAL cause of the conservatives depression!

The Fed. You keep posting the evidence that indicts them, then you accuse Coolidge.

Now that I know you're paid to make Liberals look like imbeciles, it's funny

They like to blame R presidents, but then a funny thing happens. They are incapable of blaming D presidents.

Idiotic partisan fools.
Wow, ALMOST a whole year (OK, 8 months) before Harding//Coolidge's big crash happened? I know, lets blame Hoover right? lol

Sorry you can't be honest and all you have is AEI talking points trying to rewrite the REAL cause of the conservatives depression!

The Fed. You keep posting the evidence that indicts them, then you accuse Coolidge.

Now that I know you're paid to make Liberals look like imbeciles, it's funny

They like to blame R presidents, but then a funny thing happens. They are incapable of blaming D presidents.

Idiotic partisan fools.

Agreed. Once I realized that Dad gets paid to make Liberals look like morons, it's so much easier to understand his "ideas"
Isn't it a bit strange then that the very simple minded are trying to blame Reagan for a crash 3 president and 20 years after he left the White House?

It is indeed a very strange train of thought. I trust you agree.

Really? Is that what was posited? NOPE, Reagan was responsible for the S&L crisis when his regulator, Mr Gray STARTED warning him in 1984 of problems with the deregulation and oversight of the S&L industry. It's been estimated that 90%+ of the S&L crisis would had been stopped, IF Reagan 'believed in' Gov't over the 'free markets'.

Just like Bush ignoring the FBI warnings that STARTED in 2004 that said there was an EPIDEMIC of mortgage fraud, he gutted them instead and continued his cheer leading the Banksters!

Weird, we elect those that don't 'believe in' Gov't then are shocked the markets run amok (1929 anyone?)....
As I said, blaming Reagan for 2008 is a very train of thought, and apparently hopelessly convoluted. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, but even you, in your throes of pathological reasoning, must register some irony.

Yes, YOU have a hopelessly convoluted mind to not understand Reagan fault with the S&L crisis and Dubya's wth the Dubya subprime crisis both related to ideology
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