Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Reagan was simply never REALLY in charge of anything...when he found out about Iran/Contra and that his people really had been running drugs and using the money to buy and trade guns/hostages with Iran he spent DAYS in his pajamas, watching his old movies.

Reagan talked about freedom, he gave us the drug war. He talked about Rule of Law, he gave us Iran/Contra. He talked about fiscal responsibility, he ran $300 billion dollar deficits, He talked about smaller government and expanded government in both size and scope...not-so-great a record. I voted for him, twice, BTW.

I actually voted for him twice also, then I grew a brain and never have voted for a GOPer since:eusa_pray:

Did you then vote Dem?
Reagan was simply never REALLY in charge of anything...when he found out about Iran/Contra and that his people really had been running drugs and using the money to buy and trade guns/hostages with Iran he spent DAYS in his pajamas, watching his old movies.

Reagan talked about freedom, he gave us the drug war. He talked about Rule of Law, he gave us Iran/Contra. He talked about fiscal responsibility, he ran $300 billion dollar deficits, He talked about smaller government and expanded government in both size and scope...not-so-great a record. I voted for him, twice, BTW.

I actually voted for him twice also, then I grew a brain and never have voted for a GOPer since:eusa_pray:

Did you then vote Dem?

Don't you just love it! Like he's the first Prog who ever told us that "I use ta be a Republican"
Reagan was simply never REALLY in charge of anything...when he found out about Iran/Contra and that his people really had been running drugs and using the money to buy and trade guns/hostages with Iran he spent DAYS in his pajamas, watching his old movies.

Reagan talked about freedom, he gave us the drug war. He talked about Rule of Law, he gave us Iran/Contra. He talked about fiscal responsibility, he ran $300 billion dollar deficits, He talked about smaller government and expanded government in both size and scope...not-so-great a record. I voted for him, twice, BTW.

I actually voted for him twice also, then I grew a brain and never have voted for a GOPer since:eusa_pray:

many americans back then voted for him twice.I myself was one as well.matter of fatc just about all the reagan truthtellers that have come on here and exposed his corruption have admitted they voted for him twice as well.

He was like Clinton,had a charming personanality that made you fall for him.Back then I believed we lived in a free country like so many other sheople did.Back then I didnt have
people to educate me that both parties are corrupt and that its a one party system.

I had no idea the CIA was such an evil instituion and that they controlled the media.Had we had the internet back then,no way would his atrocities that he committed.would have been able to be covered up for as long as they were.well Iran/contra was still known to them thats why his popularity as president was never very high.but thats about the only one of his scandals we were aware of back then.
Now disinfo agent,zionist jew lover and CIA bandwaggoner thanotos has teamed up with reagan worshipper crausader retard. they hate it the truth about reagan is being exposed so their handlers keep sending their shills to troll here.they sure expose themselevss the truth hurts how they come on here IMMEDIATELY after a post.
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Reagan sucked

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

We’d been discussing taxes on the air and the fact that Denmark has an average 52 percent income-tax rate. I asked him why people didn’t revolt at such high taxes, and he smiled and pointed out to me that the average Dane is very well paid, with a minimum wage that equals roughly $18 per hour. Moreover, what Danes get for their taxes (that we don’t) is a free college education and free health care, not to mention four weeks of paid vacation each year and notoriety as the happiest nation on earth, according to a major study done by the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom.2

But it was once we were off the air that he made the comment that I found so enlightening.

“You Americans are such suckers,” he said. “You think that the rules for taxes that apply to rich people also apply to working people, but they don’t. When working peoples’ taxes go up, their pay goes up. When their taxes go down, their pay goes down. It may take a year or two or three to all even out, but it always works this way—look at any country in Europe. And that rule on taxes is the opposite of how it works for rich people!”

My Danish guest was right. So before we get into the larger consequences of tax increases or tax cuts for the nation’s economic health, let’s parse this business about what tax increases or cuts mean for the rich and for the not-so-rich.

Yeah and guess what? your hero Obomination just like every single president since reagan has,has followed his footsteps.:D every single president since reagan has been more evil and corrupt than the previous one.

our country was actually a half way decent country with actual freedoms back when carter was in office-the last fairly good president we had who served the people instead of the bankers and the establishment, but it hasnt been ever since Reagan took office since every single president since him has esculated what he got started.

and thats because whether you realise it or not,its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so the american sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected.The proof is in the pudding.our last GREAT president,who actually served the people instead of the bankers,paid for that mistake on nov 22nd 1963.

The president is just a puppet following their orders given to him by the bankers and military industrial complex-whom Eisenhower warned the american people to be aware of in his farewell address speech.He wasnt being their willing puppet and wasnt doing what they told him to do and he paid the price for it on that date.

Since then,Carter has been the only decent president we have had who also served the people instead of the bankers.perfect example of another presidnet who tried to do the right thing and as a result,another perfect example of another good president who did not get to serve in office very long because of that.

Here is the proof in the pudding that everything that I have said is true.You might actually take the time-"two hours out of your schedule," to watch it.

Nobody has ever been able to debunk it.:D

[ame=]The Obama Deception HQ Full length version - YouTube[/ame]

Dad you never answered my question here which is have you seen this two hour video THE OBAMA DECEPTION? you should watch it because there is one part in there that refers to JFK and explains in detail with proof contrary to what the reaganut worshippers believe,that JFK was our last GREAT president we had.

JFK was our last GREAT president we had but carter was our last GOOD president we had.we were actually taking positive steps under carters leadership when he was in office on getting back to being a free country again and having civil libertys as well honored.

That all changed with Reagan and with every president since him,they all turned it up a notch what he got started.he was the original grandfather of all these presidents since him taking us down that path towards a facist dictatership.Like I said before,thats just another example of how when a good president that comes along,he doesnt get to serve in office very long.

Dad since I obviously cant get an answer from you on this video,I'm going to assume you are a fan of Obama? which I fail to understand why since he is a facist dictater who has copied everything that reagan the grandfather of it all got started.
Gipper by chance have YOU seen this video THE OBAMA DECEPTION? Its relevent to this thread because it documents how JFK was our last great president because he was the last one who served the people instead of the bankers and wasnt a puppet for them.
Further proof-a link the reaganut worshippers of course wont look at since it proves theya re loony in all their defenses of him,further proof of the disasterous presidency of ronald reagan.This link proves what i have been saying for YEARS at this site and what I said earlier,that as govenor of california,he signed into law favoring

Meet RINO Reagan | Crooks and Liars

As governor of California in 1967, Reagan signed a bill to liberalize the state's abortion laws that "resulted in more than a million abortions." When Reagan ran for president, he advocated a constitutional amendment that would have prohibited all abortions except when necessary to save the life of the mother, but once in office, he "never seriously pursued" curbing choice.

all he ever did when running for POTUS was give speechs how much he was against it,yet when he became president,he did NOTHING about it just as he did nothing about any of his campaine promises.

ALSO as you can see from that link,what i been saying for YEARS now how all he did was DELAY the collapse of the soviet union instead of being responsible for it,is proven here as well how because while arms reductions did happen during his time,they COULD have been completely disarmed back then but wasnt because he refused to give up on his failed star wars defense program.the collapse of the soviet union did not happen till a couple years later AFTER he was out of office.

At the Reykjavik summit, he and Gorbachev almost agreed to the "zero option" to eliminate both sides' thermonuclear arms. Reagan's unwillingness to give up his cherished missile-defense program doomed the agreement, though the talks did yield the signature arms-reduction pact of his presidency, the 1987 INF treaty.

the reaganut baboon worshippers such as CENSORED,thanotos.meathhead warped brain,can only sling shit in defeat led by their cheerleading ringleader CRUSADER REATARD like the monkey trolls they are.:D:lol::lol::lol::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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I mentioned earlier how clinton was like reagan,a great actor who fooled everybody that he was looking out for the best interest of the american people.Reagan had to have given him acting lessons on how to sound sincere and genuine to fool people that you are there to serve them because Clinton was a very good actor in fooling people indeed.

I still laugh at the video that exposed his hypocrisy and what a fradu he was where he was walking out of the funeral for ron brown laughing and having a jolly old good time with some people-which is VERY strange if you are allegedly heart broken over someones death,then we he sees a camera and there filming him,he all of a sudden does a 180 degree turnaround and instantly aleegedly starts crying.comedy gold.:rofl::rofl:

he sure learned well from reagan how to cry on cue.reagan taught him well.:D:lol::lol:
two farts in a row from the agent trolls.:9::9:

like clockwork,they are so easy to predict.:D their handlers are getting so desperate the truth is being put out by now myself and others,they send them here to shit all over the place like the monkey trolls they are.:lol::lol::lol::lol: the truth hurts.:lol::lol::lol:
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Well, SDI worked well enough to not be a failure, but that isn't really the point. Dante does have a kernel of truth that Reagan's actions really did appall the extreme right and what would be the neocons. Reagan didn't make any secret that he loathed nuclear weapons. (that was much of the joke when he said on tv, not knowing the cameras were on, 'the bombing commences in ... minutes.")

Reagan was a liberal in terms of he shared the founders view that mankind inevitably was in an upward spiral towards personal liberation. His religious views weren't all that different from Deists. The notion that freedom was secured via mutually assured destruction of human kind was abhorrent. But, he was such a staunch anti-communist, the RW didn't go there. Moreover, Goldwater had been maligned by the Daisy commercial by LBJ. Frankly, Goldwater was less a menace to unleash the holocaust than LBJ.

The impact of SDI was that Reagan and Gorby both knew the soviet generals would have to respond to an arms race, and the soviets couldn't afford it. (Neither could we, but so much) Whether the damn thing could stop 50-75-90% of warheads wasn't really the point. The Soviets needed a lot more missles, that was the point.

By the mid 80s it was clear that the Soviet economy wasn't able to allocate capital quickly enough to compete in a post-technological world. Reagan always distrusted the CIA analysis of their economy. While the Soviets probably did grow gnp faster than we in the early 60s, there was no way they could compete in 1984. As the saying went, if they can't provide citizens tampons, they are a third world country with nukes.

So, into his second term, having achieved a fair degree of conventional arms parity, and with a idealist distrust of MAD, and the economic evidence that his faith in neoliberal economics (Thatcherism) was justified, the old guy was a lot freer to be Reagan. And Dante's right, there were political commentators on the right who weren't as great visionaries as Reagan, who didn't get that.

But, the economic views of Commanding Heights sort balance out Will and the gang.
...and strategic defense initiative worked.

NOt really.

Unless by working, you mean making billions for defense contractors for a system that didn't work.

Heck, they couldn't even knock down slow moving SCUDs in Gulf War I.

Keep up on current events, Josef.

News & Views: Missile defense hits its target
By Howard Hurlbut, Guest columnist
POSTED: 07/02/14, 8:45 PM PDT | 0 COMMENTS
A ground-based missile fired from Vandenberg Air Force Base hit a mock enemy warhead launched from the Marshall Islands last week.

Better than spending over $1 Billion to build the worlds only website that can't tell you when and if someone bought your product
...and strategic defense initiative worked.

NOt really.

Unless by working, you mean making billions for defense contractors for a system that didn't work.

Heck, they couldn't even knock down slow moving SCUDs in Gulf War I.

Keep up on current events, Josef.

News & Views: Missile defense hits its target
By Howard Hurlbut, Guest columnist
POSTED: 07/02/14, 8:45 PM PDT | 0 COMMENTS
A ground-based missile fired from Vandenberg Air Force Base hit a mock enemy warhead launched from the Marshall Islands last week.

Better than spending over $1 Billion to build the worlds only website that can't tell you when and if someone bought your product

A ground-based missile fired from Vandenberg Air Force Base hit a mock enemy warhead launched from the Marshall Islands last week.

This was the first successful test of the U.S. missile defense system in four attempts dating back to December, 2008.

Of the 16 tests of this defense system held thus far, eight hit the target and eight missed it.

The system was declared operational 10 years ago and has cost a total of $40 billion. It dates back to President Reagan’s “Star Wars” concept.

The defending missile is supposed to hit the incoming missile in mid-air. Like all the previous tests, this one was carefully staged.

Those launching the intercepting missile knew the target’s exact dimensions, its time of launch, its trajectory, and its speed.

This information would not be available in time of war.


News & Views: Missile defense hits its target
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