Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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When did Coolidge's term end, Rdean's Dad?

Wow, ALMOST a whole year (OK, 8 months) before Harding//Coolidge's big crash happened? I know, lets blame Hoover right? lol

Sorry you can't be honest and all you have is AEI talking points trying to rewrite the REAL cause of the conservatives depression!

The Fed. You keep posting the evidence that indicts them, then you accuse Coolidge.

Now that I know you're paid to make Liberals look like imbeciles, it's funny

Got it, another conservative who can't be honest to save his life and can't use reason and logic
Wow, ALMOST a whole year (OK, 8 months) before Harding//Coolidge's big crash happened? I know, lets blame Hoover right? lol

Sorry you can't be honest and all you have is AEI talking points trying to rewrite the REAL cause of the conservatives depression!

The Fed. You keep posting the evidence that indicts them, then you accuse Coolidge.

Now that I know you're paid to make Liberals look like imbeciles, it's funny

They like to blame R presidents, but then a funny thing happens. They are incapable of blaming D presidents.

Idiotic partisan fools.

Project much? WHAT of what I posted in not true?

Reagan ignored regulator warning from Mr Gray that started in 1984

Dubya not only ignored FBI warnings that started in 2004, he gutted the FBI white collar crimes y 1,800+ agents, fought all 50 states on who 'regulated' predatory lenders and allowed the 5 investment banks to more than triple their LEVERAGE (cheap money flooded the markets)

When a Dem does stuff wrong, like Clinton signing the GOP bill NAFTA, that Reagan introduced the day he ran for Prez in 1979, I'll not defend them!
Is that what BOOOOOSSSSHHHH did, Comrade Monkey?

Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Dems of financial and housing crisis; meltdown - YouTube

Gee, it looks more like Bush tried to stop it, and your fellow Communist, Barney Frank led the campaign to keep it going.
Progressives are pathological liars and economic sociopaths

Weird, an out of context vid from 2004 talking about the GSE's ACCOUNTING scandals of 2003-2004 means what again?


June 17, 2004

Builders to fight Bush's low-income plan

Home builders, realtors and others are preparing to fight a Bush administration plan that would require Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to increase financing of homes for low-income people, a home builder group said Thursday

Home builders fight Bush's low-income housing - Jun. 17, 2004

Bush talked about reform. He talked and he talked. And then he stopped reform. (read that as many times as necessary. Bush stopped reform). And then he stopped it again.

From Bush's President’s Working Group on Financial Markets October 2008

“The Presidents Working Group’s March policy statement acknowledged that turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007

No, the GSEs Did Not Cause the Financial Meltdown (but thats just according to the data)

1. Private markets caused the shady mortgage boom

2. The government’s affordability mission didn’t cause the crisis

4. Conservatives sang a different tune before the crash: Conservative think tanks spent the 2000s saying the exact opposite of what they are saying now


AEI's Peter Wallison in 2004: “In recent years, study after study has shown that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are failing to do even as much as banks and S&Ls in providing financing for affordable housing, including minority and low income housing.”

Hey Mayor Bloomberg! No, the GSEs Did Not Cause the Financial Meltdown (but thats just according to the data) | The Big Picture

The Myth of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Barney Frank, the Housing Bubble and the Recession

Start with the most basic fact of all: virtually none of the $1.5 trillion of cratering subprime mortgages were backed by Fannie or Freddie

The Myth of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Barney Frank, the Housing Bubble and the Recession | The Long Goodbye

Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie, triggered crisis

Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie, triggered crisis | Economics | McClatchy DC

thats agent censored for ya.Isnt he amusing with his lies that Bush tried to stop it.comedy gold.:lol:
Barney Frank? Minority member of the GOP MAJORITY HOUSE (LIKE TODAY)? What super powers did he have again?

I realize that you are a feral baboon. You cut and paste from the hate sites with no grasp at all as to the meaning of the idiotic shit you post.


I let most of the idiotic shit you post go. You are not the first to ignorantly post manipulated and openly fraudulent FRED graphs off of ThinkProgress and the other hate sites.

Honestly, you damage the left with your stupidity, so I prefer to let you mindlessly fling shit.

Got it, like mosr conservatives, you don't want FACTS to get in your way...

Testimony from W’s Treasury Secretary John Snow to the REPUBLICAN CONGRESS concerning the 'regulation’ of the GSE’s 2004
Mr. Frank: ...Are we in a crisis now with these entities?

Secretary Snow. No, that is a fair characterization, Congressman Frank, of our position. We are not putting this proposal before you because of some concern over some imminent danger to the financial system for housing; far from it.“



Q When did the Bush Mortgage Bubble start?

A The general timeframe is it started late 2004.

From Bush’s President’s Working Group on Financial Markets October 2008

“The Presidents Working Group’s March policy statement acknowledged that turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007.”



Censored and crusader retard defintetly drink too much of this stuff alright.:lol::D
Although the public liked and admired Calvin Coolidge during his tenure, the Great Depression that began in 1929 seriously eroded his reputation and changed public opinion about his policies. Many linked the nation's economic collapse to Coolidge's policy decisions. His failure to aid the depressed agricultural sector seems shortsighted, as nearly five thousand rural banks in the Midwest and South shut their doors in bankruptcy while many thousands of farmers lost their lands. His tax cuts contributed to an uneven distribution of wealth and the overproduction of goods. Many Americans were deeply in debt for having purchased consumer goods on easy installment credit terms.

American President: Calvin Coolidge: Impact and Legacy

LIKE Reagan ignoring the S&L regulator warnings that started in 1984 and Bush ignoring FBI warnings that started in 2004, we elect those that don't 'believe in' Gov't or it's regulators and are later shocked their POLICIES don't work except for a few who extracted wealth out of their bubbles!

When did Coolidge's term end, Rdean's Dad?

Wow, ALMOST a whole year (OK, 8 months) before Harding//Coolidge's big crash happened? I know, lets blame Hoover right? lol

Sorry you can't be honest and all you have is AEI talking points trying to rewrite the REAL cause of the conservatives depression!

Dude crusader retard IS correct that Hoover is to blame for that.Calvin Coolidge was our last decent republican president we had.the last one who wasnt corrupt and evil who served the people. Crusader retard is right about that.he just lives in denial that Reagan at the time was the most corrupt president we ever had till the rest of them afterwards started topping him and I see you STILL havent watch that video The Obama deception yet.:cuckoo: Looks like I am going tohave to ask THE LIQ since i cant get an answer from you on that,

Hoover is indeed to blame for that indeed..Harding and Coolidge had us on the right track and Hoover came and wrecked the economy.thats a historic fact.Every president since Hoover other than JFK was a puppet for the bankers and served them. american became a facist dictatership once Hoover got in office.we never recoverd after that,
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Wow, ALMOST a whole year (OK, 8 months) before Harding//Coolidge's big crash happened? I know, lets blame Hoover right? lol

Sorry you can't be honest and all you have is AEI talking points trying to rewrite the REAL cause of the conservatives depression!

The Fed. You keep posting the evidence that indicts them, then you accuse Coolidge.

Now that I know you're paid to make Liberals look like imbeciles, it's funny

They like to blame R presidents, but then a funny thing happens. They are incapable of blaming D presidents.

Idiotic partisan fools.
why you would even consider talking to crusader retard about that is beyond me.You are talking to a troll who ignores facts that reagan was a mass murderer, betrayed the middle class and had nothing to do with the fall of the soviet union and worships the CIA's version of events about that.
and thats all just for starters on facts he ignores.

his giirfriend political chic is just the oppostite,SHE blames everything on the demos and is incapable of putting blame on the R presidents for ANYTHING..
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When did Coolidge's term end, Rdean's Dad?

Wow, ALMOST a whole year (OK, 8 months) before Harding//Coolidge's big crash happened? I know, lets blame Hoover right? lol

Sorry you can't be honest and all you have is AEI talking points trying to rewrite the REAL cause of the conservatives depression!

Dude crusader retard IS correct that Hoover is to blame for that.Calvin Coolidge was our last decent republican president we had.the last one who wasnt corrupt and evil who served the people. Crusader retard is right about that.he just lives in denial that Reagan at the time was the most corrupt president we ever had till the rest of them afterwards started topping him and I see you STILL havent watch that video The Obama deception yet.:cuckoo: Looks like I am going tohave to ask THE LIQ since i cant get an answer from you on that,

Hoover is indeed to blame for that indeed..Harding and Coolidge had us on the right track and Hoover came and wrecked the economy.thats a historic fact.Every president since Hoover other than JFK was a puppet for the bankers and served them. american became a facist dictatership once Hoover got in office.we never recoverd after that,

So Hoover, in office for 8 months before the stock market crashed, was to blame for Harding/Coolidge's 'laizze affair' failure of the '20's?
Hoover indeed uis the one to blame for the recession.Harding and Coolidge got us on the right path after wilson betrayed americans with his blessing of the federal reserves existance.Harding and Coolidge reversed the travesty temporaily that wilson started athen Hoover came in and american has never bene the same since. Coolidge was our last GREAT presidnet we had,Unlike reagan,he actually served the people instead of the bankers and wasnt a mass murderer.

proof is in the pudding.america ceased to exist once Hoover got in.

What were President Calvin Coolidge's accomplishments?
Wow, ALMOST a whole year (OK, 8 months) before Harding//Coolidge's big crash happened? I know, lets blame Hoover right? lol

Sorry you can't be honest and all you have is AEI talking points trying to rewrite the REAL cause of the conservatives depression!

Dude crusader retard IS correct that Hoover is to blame for that.Calvin Coolidge was our last decent republican president we had.the last one who wasnt corrupt and evil who served the people. Crusader retard is right about that.he just lives in denial that Reagan at the time was the most corrupt president we ever had till the rest of them afterwards started topping him and I see you STILL havent watch that video The Obama deception yet.:cuckoo: Looks like I am going tohave to ask THE LIQ since i cant get an answer from you on that,

Hoover is indeed to blame for that indeed..Harding and Coolidge had us on the right track and Hoover came and wrecked the economy.thats a historic fact.Every president since Hoover other than JFK was a puppet for the bankers and served them. american became a facist dictatership once Hoover got in office.we never recoverd after that,

So Hoover, in office for 8 months before the stock market crashed, was to blame for Harding/Coolidge's 'laizze affair' failure of the '20's?

you said it yourself,in 8 months before it all happend,plenty of time to orchestrate the events for it.:D
dude there was a very good reason the twentys were called the roaring twentys.americans prospered under Coolidge and Harding came in and wrecked everything and got us started towards the great depression. as I said before,once harding became president,american became a facist dictatership and has remained one since.The one president we had who tried to do something about it and get us back to the constitution of the united states paid for it on nov 22nd 1963.He was our last GREAT president we had and Coolidge was our last GREAT republican president we had.

the real Herbert Hoover exposed.

The Troubling Legacy of Herbert Hoover

sounds alot like ronald reagan i would say.:D:lol::lol::lol::lol:
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Reagan was simply never REALLY in charge of anything...when he found out about Iran/Contra and that his people really had been running drugs and using the money to buy and trade guns/hostages with Iran he spent DAYS in his pajamas, watching his old movies.

Reagan talked about freedom, he gave us the drug war. He talked about Rule of Law, he gave us Iran/Contra. He talked about fiscal responsibility, he ran $300 billion dollar deficits, He talked about smaller government and expanded government in both size and scope...not-so-great a record. I voted for him, twice, BTW.
Reagan was simply never REALLY in charge of anything...when he found out about Iran/Contra and that his people really had been running drugs and using the money to buy and trade guns/hostages with Iran he spent DAYS in his pajamas, watching his old movies.

Reagan talked about freedom, he gave us the drug war. He talked about Rule of Law, he gave us Iran/Contra. He talked about fiscal responsibility, he ran $300 billion dollar deficits, He talked about smaller government and expanded government in both size and scope...not-so-great a record. I voted for him, twice, BTW.

I actually voted for him twice also, then I grew a brain and never have voted for a GOPer since:eusa_pray:
Reagan was simply never REALLY in charge of anything...when he found out about Iran/Contra and that his people really had been running drugs and using the money to buy and trade guns/hostages with Iran he spent DAYS in his pajamas, watching his old movies.

Reagan talked about freedom, he gave us the drug war. He talked about Rule of Law, he gave us Iran/Contra. He talked about fiscal responsibility, he ran $300 billion dollar deficits, He talked about smaller government and expanded government in both size and scope...not-so-great a record. I voted for him, twice, BTW.

I actually voted for him twice also, then I grew a brain and never have voted for a GOPer since:eusa_pray:

if you vote for EITHER party,thats being brainwashed as well.both are corrupt.its a one party system designed to look like two parties.
Dude crusader retard IS correct that Hoover is to blame for that.Calvin Coolidge was our last decent republican president we had.the last one who wasnt corrupt and evil who served the people. Crusader retard is right about that.he just lives in denial that Reagan at the time was the most corrupt president we ever had till the rest of them afterwards started topping him and I see you STILL havent watch that video The Obama deception yet.:cuckoo: Looks like I am going tohave to ask THE LIQ since i cant get an answer from you on that,

Hoover is indeed to blame for that indeed..Harding and Coolidge had us on the right track and Hoover came and wrecked the economy.thats a historic fact.Every president since Hoover other than JFK was a puppet for the bankers and served them. american became a facist dictatership once Hoover got in office.we never recoverd after that,

So Hoover, in office for 8 months before the stock market crashed, was to blame for Harding/Coolidge's 'laizze affair' failure of the '20's?

you said it yourself,in 8 months before it all happend,plenty of time to orchestrate the events for it.:D

Coolidge orchestrated the Crash?

Is that what you're saying HW?
Reagan was simply never REALLY in charge of anything...when he found out about Iran/Contra and that his people really had been running drugs and using the money to buy and trade guns/hostages with Iran he spent DAYS in his pajamas, watching his old movies.

Reagan talked about freedom, he gave us the drug war. He talked about Rule of Law, he gave us Iran/Contra. He talked about fiscal responsibility, he ran $300 billion dollar deficits, He talked about smaller government and expanded government in both size and scope...not-so-great a record. I voted for him, twice, BTW.

yep,so true,you hit the nail on the head.He was the first politican as governor of california to approve abortion.He signed the bill and murdered millions of unborn children.the establishment knew he would be their willing puppet willing to serve them and he did not dissapoint.he wasnt going along with them at first but they made sure that he did go along with them and do their bidding a couple months later after becomING PRESIDENT OF COURSE.
Reagan was simply never REALLY in charge of anything...when he found out about Iran/Contra and that his people really had been running drugs and using the money to buy and trade guns/hostages with Iran he spent DAYS in his pajamas, watching his old movies.

Reagan talked about freedom, he gave us the drug war. He talked about Rule of Law, he gave us Iran/Contra. He talked about fiscal responsibility, he ran $300 billion dollar deficits, He talked about smaller government and expanded government in both size and scope...not-so-great a record. I voted for him, twice, BTW.

I actually voted for him twice also, then I grew a brain and never have voted for a GOPer since:eusa_pray:


Walks in with the "I Used ta be a Republican" Script!!!

dude there was a very good reason the twentys were called the roaring twentys.americans prospered under Coolidge and Harding came in and wrecked everything and got us started towards the great depression. as I said before,once harding became president,american became a facist dictatership and has remained one since.The one president we had who tried to do something about it and get us back to the constitution of the united states paid for it on nov 22nd 1963.He was our last GREAT president we had and Coolidge was our last GREAT republican president we had.

the real Herbert Hoover exposed.

The Troubling Legacy of Herbert Hoover

sounds alot like ronald reagan i would say.:D:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Harding? Hoover? Humphrey?
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