Reagan exposed as a racist in newly released recording.

And all the sheep in America thought this guy was a great man.:iyfyus.jpg:whatever.:rolleyes:

Its so easy to debunk the lies of the media and hollywood that he was not a great president like they make him out to be,its even easier to expose the lies that he was a great man.Its proven too many times to remember by myself and many others here in the pats he ran the most corrupt administration ever at the time and this new declassified audio recording is icing on the cake.

Ronald Reagan Makes Racist Comment To Richard Nixon In Newly Released Audio
I thought everyone knew Saint Ronnie was a vindictive asshole. After he screwed up California he was then a loser for America. His policies are the number 1 reasons for homelessness and poverty in the state.

Yeah whats sad about it Tax Man is the reaganut zombie sheep have been so brainwashed by the corporate controlled media and our corrupt school system they dont want to accept the evidence right in front of their eyes he ran the most corrupt administration ever at least at the TIME back then.:rolleyes: every president since then has expanded what he got started so he doesnt look so bad now compared to all the other clowns we have had since that asswipe traiter. but BEFORE them,back then,oh god he was a nightmare especially for californians as you said so well.:beer:

the reaganut zombies are so brainwashed and refuse to look at the evidence i have noticed in all the years i been here that sadly,you could post a video of him talking to Nixon saying something like- Yeah Dick,you shit on the constitution and betrayed the american people and murdered women and children around the globe and did such a great job of it that now that I am president now,i think i will follow YOUR footsteps and betray the american people same as you did.

even if you came up with a video of him saying thaty in his OWN WORDS and posted that,i can tell you from experience they are so much brain dead an in denial mode on his corrupt administration he ran,that they would STILL look for reason to say he was a good president.No matter what documented evidence you show,they dont want to see it,its never enough for them.:rolleyes: they only see what they WANT to see. :abgg2q.jpg::lmao::laughing0301::muahaha:

It takes all kinds doesnt it?:rolleyes:

How many drugs have you ingested today?

Just curious.
I do not ingest any drugs or alcohol. I could never take the chance of having to drive and be loaded.

this troll ALWAYS insults when he is backed up against the wall with nowhere to run.LOL

At least he has to get pushed there, unlike yourself, who immediately insults everyone's intelligence right of the bat in your first post in any thread.
I don't like what he said and I don't condone it.

I also hate the game of "round 'em up, hold them up in front of the sin and make them confess" like the absolute Puritans you have become. What you see in this thread is hate of your Inquisition tactics, not love of Reagan's speech.

You realize you are the New Puritans, right? "CONFESS, HERETIC!!"
That does it, impeach Reagan
Impacts his legacy

You know what has destroyed the legacy of liberals?

The fact that you went from being the free love tolerant hippies of the 60s

To everyone's pursed-lipped disapproving uptight great aunts of the 21st century.

My daughter, who is 20, left high school identifying as a liberal and can't even stand it anymore. She now identifies as a "moderate"--and the above is exactly why.

You lost your "cool" a long, LONG time ago. The nagging disapproving speech-monitoring is exactly why. I wish you all could know how badly you are losing the culture.
And all the sheep in America thought this guy was a great man.:iyfyus.jpg:whatever.:rolleyes:

Its so easy to debunk the lies of the media and hollywood that he was not a great president like they make him out to be,its even easier to expose the lies that he was a great man.Its proven too many times to remember by myself and many others here in the pats he ran the most corrupt administration ever at the time and this new declassified audio recording is icing on the cake.

Ronald Reagan Makes Racist Comment To Richard Nixon In Newly Released Audio
Throughout my 72 years, I have found political conservatives to be among the most racist individuals around.....

Stopped reading here. Bored. YOu lose. Loser.
man it is SOOOOO very sad and pathetic the brainwashed sheep like correl and mudwhistle have been taken in by the lies of the corporate controlled media and our corrupt school system over the years and hung on EVERY WORD the lies and propaganda they swallowed hook,line,and sinker from them.

ALWAYS in denial mode and ALWAYS closing their eyes and covering their ears to the evidence since the facts of his corruption of that assclown dont go along with their warped opinions they have of that motherfucker murdering warmonger and traiter to the middle class familys of americans

beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.

Your senseless raving is noted.
“Reagan exposed as a racist in newly released recording.”

Actually not.

The fact that Reagan was a racist is well documented; the newly released recording is further confirmation of that fact.
And all the sheep in America thought this guy was a great man.:iyfyus.jpg:whatever.:rolleyes:

Its so easy to debunk the lies of the media and hollywood that he was not a great president like they make him out to be,its even easier to expose the lies that he was a great man.Its proven too many times to remember by myself and many others here in the pats he ran the most corrupt administration ever at the time and this new declassified audio recording is icing on the cake.

Ronald Reagan Makes Racist Comment To Richard Nixon In Newly Released Audio
Throughout my 72 years, I have found political conservatives to be among the most racist individuals around.....

Stopped reading here. Bored. YOu lose. Loser.
Stopped reading here. Bored. YOu lose. Loser.
Do you comprehend what you don't read, Rube?

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It

"For Trump, whose statements as a presidential candidate about Mexican immigrants, women and Muslims have drawn charges of racism and sexism, his role as a defendant in a discrimination case put him near the center of a civil rights-era struggle over society’s changing views about race and culture.

"The 20-month legal battle marked the first time Trump became a regular presence on newspaper front pages. It served as an early look at the hardball tactics he has employed in business and, more recently, in politics.

"And its resolution showed how Trump, even in the heat of battle, is often willing to strike a deal."

Trump’s Long War with Justice
“Reagan exposed as a racist in newly released recording.”

Actually not.

The fact that Reagan was a racist is well documented; the newly released recording is further confirmation of that fact.

Reagan was a great man and a greater President.

Your inability to admit that, reflects poorly on you.
And all the sheep in America thought this guy was a great man.:iyfyus.jpg:whatever.:rolleyes:

Its so easy to debunk the lies of the media and hollywood that he was not a great president like they make him out to be,its even easier to expose the lies that he was a great man.Its proven too many times to remember by myself and many others here in the pats he ran the most corrupt administration ever at the time and this new declassified audio recording is icing on the cake.

Ronald Reagan Makes Racist Comment To Richard Nixon In Newly Released Audio
Throughout my 72 years, I have found political conservatives to be among the most racist individuals around.....

Stopped reading here. Bored. YOu lose. Loser.
Stopped reading here. Bored. YOu lose. Loser.
Do you comprehend what you don't read, Rube?

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It

"For Trump, whose statements as a presidential candidate about Mexican immigrants, women and Muslims have drawn charges of racism and sexism, his role as a defendant in a discrimination case put him near the center of a civil rights-era struggle over society’s changing views about race and culture.

"The 20-month legal battle marked the first time Trump became a regular presence on newspaper front pages. It served as an early look at the hardball tactics he has employed in business and, more recently, in politics.

"And its resolution showed how Trump, even in the heat of battle, is often willing to strike a deal."

Trump’s Long War with Justice

1973? LOL!!!!

Say, how often did you tell your dad, how to do his job?
And all the sheep in America thought this guy was a great man.:iyfyus.jpg:whatever.:rolleyes:

Its so easy to debunk the lies of the media and hollywood that he was not a great president like they make him out to be,its even easier to expose the lies that he was a great man.Its proven too many times to remember by myself and many others here in the pats he ran the most corrupt administration ever at the time and this new declassified audio recording is icing on the cake.

Ronald Reagan Makes Racist Comment To Richard Nixon In Newly Released Audio
Throughout my 72 years, I have found political conservatives to be among the most racist individuals around.....

Stopped reading here. Bored. YOu lose. Loser.
Stopped reading here. Bored. YOu lose. Loser.
Do you comprehend what you don't read, Rube?

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It

"For Trump, whose statements as a presidential candidate about Mexican immigrants, women and Muslims have drawn charges of racism and sexism, his role as a defendant in a discrimination case put him near the center of a civil rights-era struggle over society’s changing views about race and culture.

"The 20-month legal battle marked the first time Trump became a regular presence on newspaper front pages. It served as an early look at the hardball tactics he has employed in business and, more recently, in politics.

"And its resolution showed how Trump, even in the heat of battle, is often willing to strike a deal."

Trump’s Long War with Justice

1973? LOL!!!!

Say, how often did you tell your dad, how to do his job?
1973? LOL!!!!

Say, how often did you tell your dad, how to do his job?
My dad was never a KKK supporter, and I was never president of his company.

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It

"In October 1973, the Justice Department filed a civil rights case that accused the Trump firm, whose complexes contained 14,000 apartments, of violating the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

"The case, one of the biggest federal housing discrimination suits to be brought during that time, put a spotlight on the family empire led by its 27-year-old president, Donald Trump, and his father, Fred Trump, the chairman, who had begun building houses and apartments in the 1930s.

"The younger Trump demonstrated the brash, combative style that would make him famous, holding forth at a news conference in a Manhattan hotel to decry the government’s arguments as 'such outrageous lies.'"

Why do you keep putting lipstick on this racist pig?

Donald Trump Working Class Chumps
And all the sheep in America thought this guy was a great man.:iyfyus.jpg:whatever.:rolleyes:

Its so easy to debunk the lies of the media and hollywood that he was not a great president like they make him out to be,its even easier to expose the lies that he was a great man.Its proven too many times to remember by myself and many others here in the pats he ran the most corrupt administration ever at the time and this new declassified audio recording is icing on the cake.

Ronald Reagan Makes Racist Comment To Richard Nixon In Newly Released Audio

Reagan said nothing about race in these supposed "racist" tapes.

He was critical of the vote of the powerful UN delegation from countries like Tanzania .

But his remarks were critical of all the Tanzanian delegation, regardless of what race or ethnicity they were.

There are a lot of Honkies in Africa and always have been, from golfer Ernie Els and wrestler Colonel DeBeers to Tarzan, who BTW, didn't wear shoes.
man it is SOOOOO very sad and pathetic the brainwashed sheep like correl and mudwhistle have been taken in by the lies of the corporate controlled media and our corrupt school system over the years and hung on EVERY WORD the lies and propaganda they swallowed hook,line,and sinker from them.

ALWAYS in denial mode and ALWAYS closing their eyes and covering their ears to the evidence since the facts of his corruption of that assclown dont go along with their warped opinions they have of that motherfucker murdering warmonger and traiter to the middle class familys of americans

beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.

Your senseless raving is noted.

wah wah wah says the crybaby troll/:206::itsok::itsok:
Last edited:
“Reagan exposed as a racist in newly released recording.”

Actually not.

The fact that Reagan was a racist is well documented; the newly released recording is further confirmation of that fact.

Reagan was a great man and a greater President.

Your inability to admit that, reflects poorly on you.

the funniest lie of the century.

I thought only Crusader Retard and USMB's resident troll Political Chic who EVERYBODY knows worships the REPUBLICANS and NEVER says one word about their corruption,only the dems are corrupt in HER warped mind , were THIS stupid. :rolleyes:add ONE MORE to the list of stupid fuck resident trolls of USMB that worship asswipe mass murderer Reagan.

the three stooges.:haha: same as those two peas in a pod,a troll who cowardly evades evidence and goes by what the corrupt school system and corporate media taught him.
Last edited:
And all the sheep in America thought this guy was a great man.:iyfyus.jpg:whatever.:rolleyes:

Its so easy to debunk the lies of the media and hollywood that he was not a great president like they make him out to be,its even easier to expose the lies that he was a great man.Its proven too many times to remember by myself and many others here in the pats he ran the most corrupt administration ever at the time and this new declassified audio recording is icing on the cake.

Ronald Reagan Makes Racist Comment To Richard Nixon In Newly Released Audio
Throughout my 72 years, I have found political conservatives to be among the most racist individuals around.....

Stopped reading here. Bored. YOu lose. Loser.
Stopped reading here. Bored. YOu lose. Loser.
Do you comprehend what you don't read, Rube?

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It

"For Trump, whose statements as a presidential candidate about Mexican immigrants, women and Muslims have drawn charges of racism and sexism, his role as a defendant in a discrimination case put him near the center of a civil rights-era struggle over society’s changing views about race and culture.

"The 20-month legal battle marked the first time Trump became a regular presence on newspaper front pages. It served as an early look at the hardball tactics he has employed in business and, more recently, in politics.

"And its resolution showed how Trump, even in the heat of battle, is often willing to strike a deal."

Trump’s Long War with Justice

1973? LOL!!!!

Say, how often did you tell your dad, how to do his job?
1973? LOL!!!!

Say, how often did you tell your dad, how to do his job?
My dad was never a KKK supporter, and I was never president of his company.

Got it. Never. I would dismiss any reports from when Trump was working for his DAD, as evidence against Trump.

You got anything from when Trump was actually in charge, or you just full of shit?
man it is SOOOOO very sad and pathetic the brainwashed sheep like correl and mudwhistle have been taken in by the lies of the corporate controlled media and our corrupt school system over the years and hung on EVERY WORD the lies and propaganda they swallowed hook,line,and sinker from them.

ALWAYS in denial mode and ALWAYS closing their eyes and covering their ears to the evidence since the facts of his corruption of that assclown dont go along with their warped opinions they have of that motherfucker murdering warmonger and traiter to the middle class familys of americans

beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.

Your senseless raving is noted.

wah wah wah says the crybaby troll/:206::itsok::itsok:

Errr, no.

You didn't really make any point, more just senseless raving. So, nothing to address.
“Reagan exposed as a racist in newly released recording.”

Actually not.

The fact that Reagan was a racist is well documented; the newly released recording is further confirmation of that fact.

Reagan was a great man and a greater President.

Your inability to admit that, reflects poorly on you.

the funniest lie of the century.

I thought only Crusader Retard and USMB's resident troll Political Chic who EVERYBODY knows worships the REPUBLICANS and NEVER says one word about their corruption,only the dems are corrupt in HER warped mind , were THIS stupid. :rolleyes:add ONE MORE to the list of stupid fuck resident trolls of USMB that worship asswipe mass murderer Reagan.

the three stooges.:haha: same as those two peas in a pod,a troll who cowardly evades evidence and goes by what the corrupt school system and corporate media taught him.

Are you old enough to remember when leftards like you, vicious attacked Reagan for predicting that the Soviet Union would fall?
And all the sheep in America thought this guy was a great man.:iyfyus.jpg:whatever.:rolleyes:

Its so easy to debunk the lies of the media and hollywood that he was not a great president like they make him out to be,its even easier to expose the lies that he was a great man.Its proven too many times to remember by myself and many others here in the pats he ran the most corrupt administration ever at the time and this new declassified audio recording is icing on the cake.

Ronald Reagan Makes Racist Comment To Richard Nixon In Newly Released Audio

So because Reagan, in 1971, while he was governor of California, used intemperate language to describe some African UN delegates in a private conversation because he was--justifiably--upset over the fact that so many African countries had voted in the UN to recognize Red China over Taiwan, and over the fact that some of the African delegates were dancing with joy in the aisles after the vote, you're going to ignore all the good things he did as governor and president?

There are multiple credible reports that Bill and Hillary Clinton have used racist language in private conversations, but when these reports surfaced, not a single liberal posted a thread to denounce them--if there was such a thread, I never saw it.
Last edited:
“Reagan exposed as a racist in newly released recording.”

Actually not.

The fact that Reagan was a racist is well documented; the newly released recording is further confirmation of that fact.

Reagan was a great man and a greater President.

Your inability to admit that, reflects poorly on you.

the funniest lie of the century.

I thought only Crusader Retard and USMB's resident troll Political Chic who EVERYBODY knows worships the REPUBLICANS and NEVER says one word about their corruption,only the dems are corrupt in HER warped mind , were THIS stupid. :rolleyes:add ONE MORE to the list of stupid fuck resident trolls of USMB that worship asswipe mass murderer Reagan.

the three stooges.:haha: same as those two peas in a pod,a troll who cowardly evades evidence and goes by what the corrupt school system and corporate media taught him.

Are you old enough to remember when leftards like you, vicious attacked Reagan for predicting that the Soviet Union would fall?

When I was a youth, it was an accepted fact that the USSR would never fail, because the people behind the Iron Curtain loved Tyranny just like Americans loved Freedom.

Reagan's idea, that victory over Liberal Despotism was not possible but desirable, was very provocative.

Of course, the libs were full of shit, the people of Eastern Europe were no different that Americans, and loved freedom too.

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