Reagan Tied The Republican Party To White Christians, Now They Are Trapped

“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

― Barry Goldwater

Barry Goldwater also thought that the 1964 civil rights bill was a bad idea. Do you think that the 1964 civil rights bill was a bad idea, because BARRY said so?
except more democrats voted against it compared to forgot that..inconvenient truth

The inconvenient truth is that opposition to the CRA was regional, not political.

The House of Representatives:[27]
  • Northern: 281–32 (90–10%)
    • Southern: 8–94 (8–92%)
The Senate:[27]
  • Northern: 72–6 (92–8%)
    • Southern: 1–21 (5–95%) – Ralph Yarborough of Texas was the only Southerner to vote in favor in the Senate

Motives get complex and mixed. That is a problem for people pushing simplistic arguments.
5. The Southern Strategy is a myth. EVERY TIME, I challenge a lib to support it, they can find nothing to support their bullshit but empty rhetoric and secret code words. It is absurd.

Wrong. You ignore all the evidence then run away from the thread.

All you had to back up your claims was rhetoric and secret code words.

The Southern Strategy Myth is that teh gop has been using teh same plan since Nixon.

If that were true, the "modern gop" would be from Nixon to today, an coherent whole.

That is YOUR CLAIM. Yet you want to discount an article from 1989?

“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

― Barry Goldwater

Barry Goldwater also thought that the 1964 civil rights bill was a bad idea. Do you think that the 1964 civil rights bill was a bad idea, because BARRY said so?

Agree with the prescience of his quote, disagree with his stance on the Civil Rights bill.

So, he's not an Authority we should defer to, just some guy that happened to agree with you on one thing.

So, why you sharing this with us?

It was an apropos quote based on the OP. You don’t agree with it. :shrug:

Some guy agrees with hte op. So? I disagree with the op. I am also some guy. We are at an impasse.

oh no, what to do.

What is this thread about, other than your anti-Christian bigotry?

Actually, the thread is about how the Republicans are now tied to a shrinking base, that will continue to shrink, and cost them elections. There is no scenario, in which Republicans win with only white Christians.

Who are the largest bloc of bigots in the country.

Reagan used Nixons southern strategy, with the help of Liberty University's Jerry Falwell, who was still angry about losing the school segregation war, and created a new boogeyman for the white bigot base.


Which ironically enough, Reagan supported up to that point, until coached otherwise, so he escalated Nixons drug war, and now the bigot base had their new agenda.

So now that has blown up in their face, and they moved on to their new agenda of hate against Muslims, then immigrants crossing the border, to BLM and Antifa, to their latest enemy, Asians.

1. The white demographic bloc has been stabile. It has not shrunk, at least not significantly yet.

2. The religious right is only one part of the Republican Party. Are you ignorant or lying?

3. Correct, we cannot win elections while the dem keep a lock on minority votes. That is why challenging your wace baiting is so important.

4. Christians whites have supported equality for blacks since before I was born. You are a liar and a divisive asshole.

5. The Southern Strategy is a myth. EVERY TIME, I challenge a lib to support it, they can find nothing to support their bullshit but empty rhetoric and secret code words. It is absurd.

6. Abortion is a valid issue. Plenty of conservative minority voters are pro-life. Which is why lying about wacism is so important to libs. Have to keep the blacks and browns terrified of the evul white wacists.

7. The Drug War is a valid issue. Plenty of minorities don't want drugs killing their people. Which is why lying about wacism is so important to libs. Have to keep the blacks and browns terrified of the evul white wacists.

8. Wow what a gish gallop of bullshit. The GOP does not consider asians an enemy. Just more lying about wacism from you to scare minorities into voting against the gop. You are terrified of defending your policies based on their resultss.

9. You are wace baiting asshole. Fuck you.

You can't spell. It's "race," not "wace." What Christian denomination do you follow? By your filthy talk, who of any race can consider you a believer in the teachings of Jesus? You seem to be of European ethnicity, but not a follower of Jesus' teachings. You seem to think that anyone who believes in the teachings that Jesus left behind has something to do with the republican party. Please explain why you mix the Christian faith with US politics, race, and gender.
Please explain why you mix the Christian faith with US politics....

Bookmark this one for the next time a state worshiping liberoidal, like this yo-yo, goes rushing to scripture to try and rationalize their misuse/abuse of the brute force of The State, to do as they demand.

5. The Southern Strategy is a myth. EVERY TIME, I challenge a lib to support it, they can find nothing to support their bullshit but empty rhetoric and secret code words. It is absurd.

Wrong. You ignore all the evidence then run away from the thread.

All you had to back up your claims was rhetoric and secret code words.

The Southern Strategy Myth is that teh gop has been using teh same plan since Nixon.

If that were true, the "modern gop" would be from Nixon to today, an coherent whole.

That is YOUR CLAIM. Yet you want to discount an article from 1989?


Plenty of evidence that you blindly ignore...

If there was no Southern Strategy, why did Ken Mehlman apologize for it in 2005?

“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

― Barry Goldwater

Barry Goldwater also thought that the 1964 civil rights bill was a bad idea. Do you think that the 1964 civil rights bill was a bad idea, because BARRY said so?

Agree with the prescience of his quote, disagree with his stance on the Civil Rights bill.

So, he's not an Authority we should defer to, just some guy that happened to agree with you on one thing.

So, why you sharing this with us?

It was an apropos quote based on the OP. You don’t agree with it. :shrug:

Some guy agrees with hte op. So? I disagree with the op. I am also some guy. We are at an impasse.

oh no, what to do.

What is this thread about, other than your anti-Christian bigotry?

Actually, the thread is about how the Republicans are now tied to a shrinking base, that will continue to shrink, and cost them elections. There is no scenario, in which Republicans win with only white Christians.

Who are the largest bloc of bigots in the country.

Reagan used Nixons southern strategy, with the help of Liberty University's Jerry Falwell, who was still angry about losing the school segregation war, and created a new boogeyman for the white bigot base.


Which ironically enough, Reagan supported up to that point, until coached otherwise, so he escalated Nixons drug war, and now the bigot base had their new agenda.

So now that has blown up in their face, and they moved on to their new agenda of hate against Muslims, then immigrants crossing the border, to BLM and Antifa, to their latest enemy, Asians.

1. The white demographic bloc has been stabile. It has not shrunk, at least not significantly yet.

2. The religious right is only one part of the Republican Party. Are you ignorant or lying?

3. Correct, we cannot win elections while the dem keep a lock on minority votes. That is why challenging your wace baiting is so important.

4. Christians whites have supported equality for blacks since before I was born. You are a liar and a divisive asshole.

5. The Southern Strategy is a myth. EVERY TIME, I challenge a lib to support it, they can find nothing to support their bullshit but empty rhetoric and secret code words. It is absurd.

6. Abortion is a valid issue. Plenty of conservative minority voters are pro-life. Which is why lying about wacism is so important to libs. Have to keep the blacks and browns terrified of the evul white wacists.

7. The Drug War is a valid issue. Plenty of minorities don't want drugs killing their people. Which is why lying about wacism is so important to libs. Have to keep the blacks and browns terrified of the evul white wacists.

8. Wow what a gish gallop of bullshit. The GOP does not consider asians an enemy. Just more lying about wacism from you to scare minorities into voting against the gop. You are terrified of defending your policies based on their resultss.

9. You are wace baiting asshole. Fuck you.

You can't spell. It's "race," not "wace." What Christian denomination do you follow? By your filthy talk, who of any race can consider you a believer in the teachings of Jesus? You seem to be of European ethnicity, but not a follower of Jesus' teachings. You seem to think that anyone who believes in the teachings that Jesus left behind has something to do with the republican party. Please explain why you mix the Christian faith with US politics, race, and gender.
Please explain why you mix the Christian faith with US politics....

Bookmark this one for the next time a state worshiping liberoidal, like this yo-yo, goes rushing to scripture to try and rationalize their misuse/abuse of the brute force of The State, to do as they demand.

View attachment 471261
Another thing that Jesus didnt say:

”If you meet a hungry man on the road to Damascus, form a political action committee and petition Caesar to give him food “
“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

― Barry Goldwater

Barry Goldwater also thought that the 1964 civil rights bill was a bad idea. Do you think that the 1964 civil rights bill was a bad idea, because BARRY said so?

Agree with the prescience of his quote, disagree with his stance on the Civil Rights bill.

So, he's not an Authority we should defer to, just some guy that happened to agree with you on one thing.

So, why you sharing this with us?

It was an apropos quote based on the OP. You don’t agree with it. :shrug:

Some guy agrees with hte op. So? I disagree with the op. I am also some guy. We are at an impasse.

oh no, what to do.

What is this thread about, other than your anti-Christian bigotry?

Nice Straw man, please point out where I supported anti-Christian bigotry?

In your posts where you act as though being supported by a Christian group is a bad thing.

That's anti-Christian bigotry.

If some white guy just talked about the dems being supported by blacks, as though it was inherently bad, you would be able to see that that was racist.

Such things work BOTH WAYS.

I know that is an alien concept to you, but it is true.

Got it, so you got nothing but a fallacious opinion with the intent of picking a fight.


I just called you out on your racist shit, and you are the one that got nothing to defend yourself with.


Thanks for proving my signature correct. :)

White flag accepted.

View attachment 471258

GOP leaders and the conservative media ecosystem have spent the last few weeks focused on inflaming the culture wars. They’ve railed against the decision to stop publishing six Dr. Seuss books, falsely claiming that the childhood classics have fallen victim to liberal cancel culture, and complained about changes to the Potato Head line of toys.

Simultaneously, Republican state lawmakers have continued waging a war on democracy, passing new laws that would eliminate vote-by-mail and early voting programs that were popular with Democrats in 2020, especially among minority communities. According to the Brennan Center for Justice, Republican lawmakers have introduced more than 165 bills in 33 states to limit ballot access.

On the surface, these topics seem disconnected, but in reality, they share a crucial commonality that shapes today’s Republican Party — one that dates back to the 1984 Republican National Convention held in Dallas. It was there that Republicans cemented an alliance with evangelical White Protestants, in the process creating a demographic and generational time bomb that is now exploding in their face.

A dangerous cancel culture to the country, and themselves.
Why do you think minorities are too stupid or lazy to vote in person?

Seems racist to me.
“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

― Barry Goldwater

Barry Goldwater also thought that the 1964 civil rights bill was a bad idea. Do you think that the 1964 civil rights bill was a bad idea, because BARRY said so?

Agree with the prescience of his quote, disagree with his stance on the Civil Rights bill.

So, he's not an Authority we should defer to, just some guy that happened to agree with you on one thing.

So, why you sharing this with us?

It was an apropos quote based on the OP. You don’t agree with it. :shrug:

Some guy agrees with hte op. So? I disagree with the op. I am also some guy. We are at an impasse.

oh no, what to do.

What is this thread about, other than your anti-Christian bigotry?

Actually, the thread is about how the Republicans are now tied to a shrinking base, that will continue to shrink, and cost them elections. There is no scenario, in which Republicans win with only white Christians.

Who are the largest bloc of bigots in the country.

Reagan used Nixons southern strategy, with the help of Liberty University's Jerry Falwell, who was still angry about losing the school segregation war, and created a new boogeyman for the white bigot base.


Which ironically enough, Reagan supported up to that point, until coached otherwise, so he escalated Nixons drug war, and now the bigot base had their new agenda.

So now that has blown up in their face, and they moved on to their new agenda of hate against Muslims, then immigrants crossing the border, to BLM and Antifa, to their latest enemy, Asians.

1. The white demographic bloc has been stabile. It has not shrunk, at least not significantly yet.

2. The religious right is only one part of the Republican Party. Are you ignorant or lying?

3. Correct, we cannot win elections while the dem keep a lock on minority votes. That is why challenging your wace baiting is so important.

4. Christians whites have supported equality for blacks since before I was born. You are a liar and a divisive asshole.

5. The Southern Strategy is a myth. EVERY TIME, I challenge a lib to support it, they can find nothing to support their bullshit but empty rhetoric and secret code words. It is absurd.

6. Abortion is a valid issue. Plenty of conservative minority voters are pro-life. Which is why lying about wacism is so important to libs. Have to keep the blacks and browns terrified of the evul white wacists.

7. The Drug War is a valid issue. Plenty of minorities don't want drugs killing their people. Which is why lying about wacism is so important to libs. Have to keep the blacks and browns terrified of the evul white wacists.

8. Wow what a gish gallop of bullshit. The GOP does not consider asians an enemy. Just more lying about wacism from you to scare minorities into voting against the gop. You are terrified of defending your policies based on their resultss.

9. You are wace baiting asshole. Fuck you.

You can't spell. It's "race," not "wace." What Christian denomination do you follow? By your filthy talk, who of any race can consider you a believer in the teachings of Jesus? You seem to be of European ethnicity, but not a follower of Jesus' teachings. You seem to think that anyone who believes in the teachings that Jesus left behind has something to do with the republican party. Please explain why you mix the Christian faith with US politics, race, and gender.

Please be advised that you live in a country in which citizens of different genders, different colors, and different spiritual beliefs live.

1. When it is a retarded baby, talking about it, it is spelled "wace" to distinguish that from actual discussions of actual racism.

2. I am not really a practicing Christian, though I was raised as one and consider myself one culturally. That being said, it is important to note, I only speak vulgarly, when liberals start shit. Are you really so blind as to have not noted that?

3. Nothing I have ever said, implies in any way that Christianity is inherently republican. If you think that, you are sadly mistaken.

4. I do not mix Christianity with US politics. You are deeply confused.

5. Advisor taken. How should that effect my behavior? Why should it effect my behavior? Do I not have the right to say or think the thinks I say or think, due to the presence of "different genders and colors and spiritual beliefs"?
5. The Southern Strategy is a myth. EVERY TIME, I challenge a lib to support it, they can find nothing to support their bullshit but empty rhetoric and secret code words. It is absurd.

Wrong. You ignore all the evidence then run away from the thread.

All you had to back up your claims was rhetoric and secret code words.

The Southern Strategy Myth is that teh gop has been using teh same plan since Nixon.

If that were true, the "modern gop" would be from Nixon to today, an coherent whole.

That is YOUR CLAIM. Yet you want to discount an article from 1989?


Plenty of evidence that you blindly ignore...

If there was no Southern Strategy, why did Ken Mehlman apologize for it in 2005?

Posting words from someone that agrees with you, is not evidence;

Evidence of the Southern Strategy, would be you showing the wacist policies that were used to pander to the supposedly wacist southern voters.

YOu can't show that, because it never happened.

The Southern Strategy is a big fat freaking LIE.
“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

― Barry Goldwater

I was just going to bring this up
“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

― Barry Goldwater

I was just going to bring this up

Careful, a few people consider that quote a support of anti Christian bigotry...
“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

― Barry Goldwater

Barry Goldwater also thought that the 1964 civil rights bill was a bad idea. Do you think that the 1964 civil rights bill was a bad idea, because BARRY said so?

Agree with the prescience of his quote, disagree with his stance on the Civil Rights bill.

So, he's not an Authority we should defer to, just some guy that happened to agree with you on one thing.

So, why you sharing this with us?

It was an apropos quote based on the OP. You don’t agree with it. :shrug:

When you compromise with evil, all you get is more evil.

GOP leaders and the conservative media ecosystem have spent the last few weeks focused on inflaming the culture wars. They’ve railed against the decision to stop publishing six Dr. Seuss books, falsely claiming that the childhood classics have fallen victim to liberal cancel culture, and complained about changes to the Potato Head line of toys.

Simultaneously, Republican state lawmakers have continued waging a war on democracy, passing new laws that would eliminate vote-by-mail and early voting programs that were popular with Democrats in 2020, especially among minority communities. According to the Brennan Center for Justice, Republican lawmakers have introduced more than 165 bills in 33 states to limit ballot access.

On the surface, these topics seem disconnected, but in reality, they share a crucial commonality that shapes today’s Republican Party — one that dates back to the 1984 Republican National Convention held in Dallas. It was there that Republicans cemented an alliance with evangelical White Protestants, in the process creating a demographic and generational time bomb that is now exploding in their face.

A dangerous cancel culture to the country, and themselves.
Wacko alert, cuckoo, cuckoo!
5. The Southern Strategy is a myth. EVERY TIME, I challenge a lib to support it, they can find nothing to support their bullshit but empty rhetoric and secret code words. It is absurd.

Wrong. You ignore all the evidence then run away from the thread.

All you had to back up your claims was rhetoric and secret code words.

The Southern Strategy Myth is that teh gop has been using teh same plan since Nixon.

If that were true, the "modern gop" would be from Nixon to today, an coherent whole.

That is YOUR CLAIM. Yet you want to discount an article from 1989?


Plenty of evidence that you blindly ignore...

If there was no Southern Strategy, why did Ken Mehlman apologize for it in 2005?

Posting words from someone that agrees with you, is not evidence;

Evidence of the Southern Strategy, would be you showing the wacist policies that were used to pander to the supposedly wacist southern voters.

YOu can't show that, because it never happened.

The Southern Strategy is a big fat freaking LIE.
They didn’t have to actually pass policies. Rhetoric was enough. Why did Ken
Mehlman apologize for it in 2005?
Atwater admitted it.

5. The Southern Strategy is a myth. EVERY TIME, I challenge a lib to support it, they can find nothing to support their bullshit but empty rhetoric and secret code words. It is absurd.

Wrong. You ignore all the evidence then run away from the thread.

All you had to back up your claims was rhetoric and secret code words.

The Southern Strategy Myth is that teh gop has been using teh same plan since Nixon.

If that were true, the "modern gop" would be from Nixon to today, an coherent whole.

That is YOUR CLAIM. Yet you want to discount an article from 1989?


Plenty of evidence that you blindly ignore...

If there was no Southern Strategy, why did Ken Mehlman apologize for it in 2005?

Posting words from someone that agrees with you, is not evidence;

Evidence of the Southern Strategy, would be you showing the wacist policies that were used to pander to the supposedly wacist southern voters.

YOu can't show that, because it never happened.

The Southern Strategy is a big fat freaking LIE.
They didn’t have to actually pass policies. Rhetoric was enough. Why did Ken
Mehlman apologize for it in 2005?
Atwater admitted it.

Empty rhetoric is not enough to flip a dozen states for generations.

If the Southern Strategy was true, you would be able to easily link to large policies that wacists, wanted, and got, so that they had a motive to flip and to STAY flipped, though the generations.

Instead Nixon desegregated Southern Schools more than anyone. His "concession" to segregationalists? He did it quickly so that it would be a fait accompli by the time of the next election.

That is as far as Nixon was willing to go for the "Wacist" vote.

5. The Southern Strategy is a myth. EVERY TIME, I challenge a lib to support it, they can find nothing to support their bullshit but empty rhetoric and secret code words. It is absurd.

Wrong. You ignore all the evidence then run away from the thread.

No one convicted Trump. You commies are really delusional.

GOP leaders and the conservative media ecosystem have spent the last few weeks focused on inflaming the culture wars. They’ve railed against the decision to stop publishing six Dr. Seuss books, falsely claiming that the childhood classics have fallen victim to liberal cancel culture, and complained about changes to the Potato Head line of toys.

Simultaneously, Republican state lawmakers have continued waging a war on democracy, passing new laws that would eliminate vote-by-mail and early voting programs that were popular with Democrats in 2020, especially among minority communities. According to the Brennan Center for Justice, Republican lawmakers have introduced more than 165 bills in 33 states to limit ballot access.

On the surface, these topics seem disconnected, but in reality, they share a crucial commonality that shapes today’s Republican Party — one that dates back to the 1984 Republican National Convention held in Dallas. It was there that Republicans cemented an alliance with evangelical White Protestants, in the process creating a demographic and generational time bomb that is now exploding in their face.

A dangerous cancel culture to the country, and themselves.

God, white Christians.

So which do you hate more, whites or Christians?
GOP leaders and the conservative media ecosystem have spent the last few weeks focused on inflaming the culture wars. They’ve railed against the decision to stop publishing six Dr. Seuss books, falsely claiming that the childhood classics have fallen victim to liberal cancel culture, and complained about changes to the Potato Head line of toys.

Simultaneously, Republican state lawmakers have continued waging a war on democracy, passing new laws that would eliminate vote-by-mail and early voting programs that were popular with Democrats in 2020, especially among minority communities. According to the Brennan Center for Justice, Republican lawmakers have introduced more than 165 bills in 33 states to limit ballot access.

On the surface, these topics seem disconnected, but in reality, they share a crucial commonality that shapes today’s Republican Party — one that dates back to the 1984 Republican National Convention held in Dallas. It was there that Republicans cemented an alliance with evangelical White Protestants, in the process creating a demographic and generational time bomb that is now exploding in their face.

A dangerous cancel culture to the country, and themselves.
Peddling nonsensical bullshit eh? Any buyers besides dumbass leftists?

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