Real Americans post 10,000 daesh deaths not BHO one word slip!!!


Gold Member
Jul 9, 2014
Real Americans post and salute about the deaths of 10,000 Daesh terrorist scum rather than one misstated acronym by our Oresident among a 2000 word press briefing:

“We have seen a lot of losses within Daesh [Isis] since the start of this campaign, more than 10,000,” Blinken told France Inter radio on Wednesday."

( Paris – More than 10,000 ISIS fighters have been killed since the U.S.-led international coalition started its air campaign against the militant group in Iraq and Syria nine months ago, according to the U.S. deputy secretary

10 000 ISIS militants killed since the start of the campaign says U.S. official - Iraqi News

Zero US troops died in combat in or over Iraq and Syria during this ongoing war. True lovers of America salute our Commander in Chief for that.

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Real Americans post and salute about the deaths of 10,000 Daesh terrorist scum rather than one misstated acronym by our Oresident among a 2000 word press briefing:

“We have seen a lot of losses within Daesh [Isis] since the start of this campaign, more than 10,000,” Blinken told France Inter radio on Wednesday."

( Paris – More than 10,000 ISIS fighters have been killed since the U.S.-led international coalition started its air campaign against the militant group in Iraq and Syria nine months ago, according to the U.S. deputy secretary

10 000 ISIS militants killed since the start of the campaign says U.S. official - Iraqi News

Zero US troops died in combat in or over Iraq and Syria during this ongoing war. True lovers of America salute our Commander in Chief for that.

And yet, they are still taking territory, and their support is growing.
BillyK 11793300
Interesting. Tell us all what major difference in the war with Islamism his death made.

Justice was served when the top leader of the terrorist organization that killed over three thousand innocent souls including US men and women working that day at the Pentagon on Bush and Cheney's watch.

He was not killed in order to alter the course of the war. He was killed because the survivors of the victims deserved justice. They (we as a nation) lost too many years of life for good people and OBL and all the terrorists killed did not deserve to breathe another second of life or another day of freedom if they can be targeted, captured or killed. What ISIS did after OBL's death has nothing to do with Al Qaeda anyway. Had Bush listened to Obama's warning not to start a dumb war in Iraq because it would divert attention from the military mission in Afghanistan. then of course OBL could have been killed sooner and the 'eliminated' Taliban don't make a comeback while Bush dithered over Afghanistan. And then Al Qaeda does not take advantage of the Bush created chaos in Iraq in 2004 and ISIS does not force a Sunni engaged army to run away at Mosul, Falluja and Tikrit last year. There are no twelve years of chaos death and sectarian fighting in Iraq after Bush started that dunb war as Obama nailed that one.
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. And yet, they are still taking territory, and their support is growing.

They lost a quarter of the populated territory that they held nine months ago. And ten thousand of them are dead in nine months. If they lose 28% of territory and briefly take 3% they are not still taking territory in any strategic or political sense. But it is obvious you prefer to repeat Badgdadi's version rather than the U.S. Government's version that is not objected to by any civilized and intelligent human being.

If they have 40,000 killers and lost a quarter of them including high level leaders they are by no means growing support for there lunatic end of times cult. As an organization it has nowhere to go by die.

Also the Kurds in Syria have cut off a major supply route between Iraq and Raqqa - the so-called Capitol of the caliphate. Kurdish women are killing them on the front lines. How embarrassing for your awe inspiring terrorists to get shot in the head by grat female women fighters.
But it is obvious you prefer to repeat Badgdadi's version rather than the U.S. Government's version that is not objected to by any civilized and intelligent human being.

I do not believe a single word that issues from the Obama Administration or its agents without independent verification. Period.

That said, here's some civilized objection.

ISIS Ranks Grow as Fast as U.S. Bombs Can Wipe Them Out - The Daily Beast

If they have 40,000 killersand lost a quarter of them including high level leaders

They haven't. Leaders are replaced immediately.

they are by no means growing support for there lunatic end of times cult. As an organization it has nowhere to go by die.

And the cow jumped over the moon. Obama's response to ISIS is so weak it looks like mere staging.
Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. We know where their sympathies lay.

The groundwork for finding Osama bin laden happened under the Bush administration.

How much credit does Obama get for bin Laden s reported death - The Washington Post

"However, in a later background briefingfor reporters, officials said that four years ago the identity was determined of the courier who ultimately led to bin Laden. That would place a key moment in the search back in the Bush administration. "

"But Bush never quit. He was briefed on bin Laden at least once a week. Two weeks before he left office, Bush confidently predicted that bin Laden would "of course, absolutely" be found by a future president. "We have a lot of people looking for him, a lot of assets out there. He can't run forever."

Read more: Bush Led Bin Laden Dead -- Where s the Credit RealClearPolitics
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BillyK 11795403
I do not believe a single word that issues from the Obama Administration or its agents without independent verification. Period.

That said, here's some civilized objection.

ISIS Ranks Grow as Fast as U.S. Bombs Can Wipe Them Out - The Daily Beast

They haven't. Leaders are replaced immediately.

And the cow jumped over the moon. Obama's response to ISIS is so weak it looks like mere staging.

Your link is not up to date:


This is five months later. Do you have any current data that relays a similar analysis.
BillyK 11795403
I do not believe a single word that issues from the Obama Administration or its agents without independent verification. Period.

From your preceding post it is apparent that you must only read six month old news. Did you hear Tikrit was liberated a while back and the Iraq top Officer in the fight against ISIS mentioned his plan to encircle ISIS and cut off their supply routes.

Up to the minute reports on the other hand point to Iraq's success at encircling the city of Fallujah - real Americans and Iraq supporters post the better news coming out of Iraq so all the America haters on this forum will be forced to read about it:

. Iraqi security forces blockade Fallujah from all sides, says al-Zamili. By Amre Sarhan -

Jul 10, 2015. ( Anbar – On Thursday the Security and Defense Committee in the Parliament announced, that the city of Fallujah has been besieged by the Iraqi forces from all sides.

The head of the committee, Hakem al-Zamili, stated in an interview with, “The security forces raised the Iraqi flag on the government building of Saqlawiyah District with full control by the army troops,” adding that, “The only outlet for the transfer of supplies to the ISIS militants is Fallujah; and the city is being under the siege from all sides.”

Iraqi security forces blockade Fallujah from all sides says al-Zamili - Iraqi News

Where are all your replacement leaders and fighters for the 12,000 dead Daesh killers now?

Your Daesh has no air power to fly over and break a siege or do you believe in Daesh so much that you thing they have magic flying carpets?
From your preceding post it is apparent that you must only read six month old news.

I would suggest I read more current news in a day than you have functioning brain cells. You're a mere consumer. You buy what you are sold

All news services are biased. You have to know the bias before reading the news.

Where are all your replacement leaders and fighters for the 12,000 dead Daesh killers now?

Leading the Daeshbags.
The modern GOP is only happy when thousands of Americans are dying for absolutely no reason in the middle eastern wasteland. Their insane religious beliefs lead them to want that. They hate drones because it doesn't cost us any blood.
The modern GOP is only happy when thousands of Americans are dying for absolutely no reason in the middle eastern wasteland.

I'm not GOP, but personally I'd be happy with constant Daisy Cutters and Napalm and tens of thousands of Daeshbags dying for very good reasons.

They want to see Allah? Let's help them along.

Of course, we'll never see that under Obama. He's got a soft spot for the Islamists.
The modern GOP is only happy when thousands of Americans are dying for absolutely no reason in the middle eastern wasteland.

I'm not GOP, but personally I'd be happy with constant Daisy Cutters and Napalm and tens of thousands of Daeshbags dying for very good reasons.

They want to see Allah? Let's help them along.

Of course, we'll never see that under Obama. He's got a soft spot for the Islamists.
The kind of bombing you propose would cause huge amounts of collateral damage. That means killing large numbers of innocent civilians. How many innocent civilians are you willing to exterminate and why do you think that kind of campaign would even be effective? Are you aware of any place where that kind of weaponry has been effective in accomplishing the mission you are suggesting?
The kind of bombing you propose would cause huge amounts of collateral damage. That means killing large numbers of innocent civilians.

Tough. Didn't bother us in Hiroshima or Nagasaki, and the Japanese surrendered tout de suite’.

How many innocent civilians are you willing to exterminate and why do you think that kind of campaign would even be effective?

1) Whatever works to finish the Islamists. 2) Because eventually you'll run out of Islamists to bomb.

Are you aware of any place where that kind of weaponry has been effective in accomplishing the mission you are suggesting?

See above. We have not fought a war in which the aim was to destroy vermin and nests since 1945. Everything since had ulterior motives.[/QUOTE]
The kind of bombing you propose would cause huge amounts of collateral damage. That means killing large numbers of innocent civilians.

Tough. Didn't bother us in Hiroshima or Nagasaki, and the Japanese surrendered tout de suite’.

How many innocent civilians are you willing to exterminate and why do you think that kind of campaign would even be effective?

1) Whatever works to finish the Islamists. 2) Because eventually you'll run out of Islamists to bomb.

Are you aware of any place where that kind of weaponry has been effective in accomplishing the mission you are suggesting?

See above. We have not fought a war in which the aim was to destroy vermin and nests since 1945. Everything since had ulterior motives.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were taken out by atomic bombs. You are suggesting Daisy Cutters and Napalm. I do not believe you have knowledge about how these weapons are used and what they can do. You seem to be proposing a "Kill them all and let God sort them out" concept and mentality. We know from experience that that doesn't work.
For you information, the weapons you suggest were used widely in Vietnam to do what you suggest has not been done since WWII. It was there that the limited and appropriate use of the Daisy Cutter was established. Napalm has the same kind of limited uses.
Not everyone is willing to kill massive amounts of innocent civilians. A main cause of the popularity of our enemies today is that the war killed to many of them (civilians) in Iraq. It is the old "We had to destroy the village to save it" mentality that was instrumental in causing us to loose in Vietnam and create the hatred towards us in Iraq. A hatred strong enough to attract recruits from all over the world to challenge us and our security today. It was the key element when ISIS took hold in Iraq in 2006, in the middle of the Bush war. It is easy to get recruits when you leave body parts of their relatives and friends strewn across the landscape. It makes those recruits live to die and pray to their God that they can kill some of their enemies when they do. It is what makes suicide bombers a dime a dozen.
No offense meant, but your concept and suggestions are actually pretty darn stupid and amateurish.

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