Real Americans prefer freedom, liberals don't.

The posters who truly love America and want the best for it get reps from the left to the right. That's a fact. That you are so one-sided to the far right demonstrates that we don't need you in the GOP, though we will take your vote.

Anyone who kisses leftist ass like you do isn't conservative. End of story.
The conclusion to the narrative is that you are an extremist reactionary far far to the right and no conservative at all. We want your votes, not your stupidity.
And a leftist thanked you for that. Thanks for proving my point, Derrrps. :clap2:
"All men are created equal" is the enemy of freedom, according to Katzndogz.
The conclusion to the narrative is that you are an extremist reactionary far far to the right and no conservative at all. We want your votes, not your stupidity.
And a leftist thanked you for that.

Thanks for proving my point, Derrrps. :clap2:

Sorry daveman, but he's 100% on point. You know, there used to be a time in this country when being a Liberal or a Conservative was just about politics, and nothing else. You could put that shit aside and get along. But people with your mindset won't allow that. Why does Jake have to be "kissing Lefty ass?" Why can't he simply have a more moderate political view then you?
Because of his ridiculous pronouncements. He's a self-important blowhard. He's also criticized Obama for not being far left enough -- not the behavior of a moderate Republican.

And I'm not a conservative. :rofl: That's one of the funniest of them all.

The boy's fulla crap.
The irony is that in protesting this label so much, you're proving you deserve it.
Oh, and you see no irony in his protesting my charges that he's a leftist?

Gasp. :cool:
Republican's idea of freedom is being able to force others into doing what they want them to do. Control over others. Once Republicans have that, they feel "free".
The posters who truly love America and want the best for it get reps from the left to the right. That's a fact. That you are so one-sided to the far right demonstrates that we don't need you in the GOP, though we will take your vote.

The conclusion to the narrative is that you are an extremist reactionary far far to the right and no conservative at all. We want your votes, not your stupidity.
And a leftist thanked you for that. Thanks for proving my point, Derrrps. :clap2:
Boy, you need conservatives in the GOP.

We already have one Democratic Party. We don't need two. Stop dragging the GOP even further to the left.
And a leftist thanked you for that.

Thanks for proving my point, Derrrps. :clap2:

Sorry daveman, but he's 100% on point. You know, there used to be a time in this country when being a Liberal or a Conservative was just about politics, and nothing else. You could put that shit aside and get along. But people with your mindset won't allow that. Why does Jake have to be "kissing Lefty ass?" Why can't he simply have a more moderate political view then you?
Because of his ridiculous pronouncements. He's a self-important blowhard. He's also criticized Obama for not being far left enough -- not the behavior of a moderate Republican.

And I'm not a conservative. :rofl: That's one of the funniest of them all.

The boy's fulla crap.
The irony is that in protesting this label so much, you're proving you deserve it.
Oh, and you see no irony in his protesting my charges that he's a leftist?

Gasp. :cool:

Dude. All due respect, but you calling ANYONE a blowhard makes me do this:

Sorry daveman, but he's 100% on point. You know, there used to be a time in this country when being a Liberal or a Conservative was just about politics, and nothing else. You could put that shit aside and get along. But people with your mindset won't allow that. Why does Jake have to be "kissing Lefty ass?" Why can't he simply have a more moderate political view then you?
Because of his ridiculous pronouncements. He's a self-important blowhard. He's also criticized Obama for not being far left enough -- not the behavior of a moderate Republican.

And I'm not a conservative. :rofl: That's one of the funniest of them all.

The boy's fulla crap.
The irony is that in protesting this label so much, you're proving you deserve it.
Oh, and you see no irony in his protesting my charges that he's a leftist?

Gasp. :cool:

Dude. All due respect, but you calling ANYONE a blowhard makes me do this:


Yes, we need our conservatives, the George Wills and Rich Lowrys, not just the wacks like you who pretend you are conservative.

We don't need a nazi party of America, which is what you guys would make it.

The posters who truly love America and want the best for it get reps from the left to the right. That's a fact. That you are so one-sided to the far right demonstrates that we don't need you in the GOP, though we will take your vote.

And a leftist thanked you for that. Thanks for proving my point, Derrrps. :clap2:
Boy, you need conservatives in the GOP.

We already have one Democratic Party. We don't need two. Stop dragging the GOP even further to the left.
As far as DADT, the government shouldn't be telling people they need to pretend to be something they aren't. Which is exactly what DADT was. It would be the same if the military said "You can say you are a dem or a rep, but if you say u are a libertarian, you are getting discharged." Now see how its wrong?

Then there is marriage. It is most certainly NOT a religious issue. And they have shown it to be. If it was a religious issue, why can atheists get married? Devil worshippers? And then, who is the government to tell churches who they can and cannot marry? Why not leave it up to the churches? Instead the government is clearly telling the churches they are not allowed to marry LGBTs even if it is part of their religion (which it is actually a part of one religion that I know of).

Further, you don't need to go on about what dems are taking away rights, I was pretty clear when I said, its both sides doing it.

Marriage isn't a right... It never was and it never will unless the constitution is amended..

DADT was a policy...... You may as well say: "my boss cant tell me I cant dress like a clown at work because they have no right defining who I am."

Well, If I wanted to dress like a fucking clown then I wouldn't work at a place that prohibited me from dressing as such.

That's the beauty of freedom - you have choice.

If a gay doesn't agree with DADT then why even join the military in the first place?

I thought you were a libertarian? You do know where their party stands on this issue right? Their stance is that DADT should be repealed and any law against LGBT should also be repealed.

If marriage isn't a right, then who decides who is and isnt allowed to get married. Because its obviously not any religion that is doing the choosing. It is the government and the government alone.

The solution to the marriage issue is elegantly simple, the government has delegated certain economic perks to married couples. Eliminate those advantages and we'd discover that most same-gender couples would give a rat's ass about marriage. Reestablish equality for all, no more problem.
That is one of the stupidest arguments of the year, and we are justb arely into the second half of it. gallantwarrior has entered the company of the liabilitys and Dr.Houses.

Marriage isn't a right... It never was and it never will unless the constitution is amended..

DADT was a policy...... You may as well say: "my boss cant tell me I cant dress like a clown at work because they have no right defining who I am."

Well, If I wanted to dress like a fucking clown then I wouldn't work at a place that prohibited me from dressing as such.

That's the beauty of freedom - you have choice.

If a gay doesn't agree with DADT then why even join the military in the first place?

I thought you were a libertarian? You do know where their party stands on this issue right? Their stance is that DADT should be repealed and any law against LGBT should also be repealed.

If marriage isn't a right, then who decides who is and isnt allowed to get married. Because its obviously not any religion that is doing the choosing. It is the government and the government alone.

The solution to the marriage issue is elegantly simple, the government has delegated certain economic perks to married couples. Eliminate those advantages and we'd discover that most same-gender couples would give a rat's ass about marriage. Reestablish equality for all, no more problem.
"All men are created equal" is the enemy of freedom, according to Katzndogz.

All men are created equal. What they do after that is up to them. You can't have both equality and liberty. Once people have liberty some will use that liberty to advance and they won't be the equal of failures anymore. You can only have equality if it is stringently and strictly enforced, meaning an end to liberty.
Definition challenged is your problem, Katzndogz.

Look up and study equality, freedom, and liberty. Talk to me again when you do and I can see you are using the terms correctly.

"All men are created equal" is the enemy of freedom, according to Katzndogz.

All men are created equal. What they do after that is up to them. You can't have both equality and liberty. Once people have liberty some will use that liberty to advance and they won't be the equal of failures anymore. You can only have equality if it is stringently and strictly enforced, meaning an end to liberty.
So Byrd being KKK in 1946 means Nixon never had a Southern Strategy? LOL Seems you have a talking point "understanding" of History.

Now tell us how Hitler was a liberal...

Dumb shit - why the fuck would a Republican attempt to mess with a bunch of hard nosed KKK democrats from the South??

There was no southern strategy..... That is poppycock bullshit Democrats makeup to make themselves forget that they were the KKK....

Go read some history books dummy.

Oh and if you want to read about crazy shit go read about your beloved and Operation Northwoods...... Id rather stay on topic tho.
Man, you are too easy!!!

"Atwater: As to the whole Southern strategy that Harry S. Dent, Sr. and others put together in 1968, opposition to the Voting Rights Act would have been a central part of keeping the South. Now [the new Southern Strategy of Ronald Reagan] doesn't have to do that. All you have to do to keep the South is for Reagan to run in place on the issues he's campaigned on since 1964 and that's fiscal conservatism, balancing the budget, cut taxes, you know, the whole cluster.

Questioner: But the fact is, isn't it, that Reagan does get to the Wallace voter and to the racist side of the Wallace voter by doing away with legal services, by cutting down on food stamps?

Atwater: You start out in 1954 by saying, "******, ******, ******." By 1968 you can't say "******" — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "******, ******."
Definition challenged is your problem, Katzndogz.

Look up and study equality, freedom, and liberty. Talk to me again when you do and I can see you are using the terms correctly.

"All men are created equal" is the enemy of freedom, according to Katzndogz.

All men are created equal. What they do after that is up to them. You can't have both equality and liberty. Once people have liberty some will use that liberty to advance and they won't be the equal of failures anymore. You can only have equality if it is stringently and strictly enforced, meaning an end to liberty.

I'm using them correctly, you aren't understanding them correctly. I suggest Plats's Republic, More's Utopia and Hobbes' Leviathan as a way to correctly understand how equality and liberty cannot co-exist.
That's conservative thought.

Liberals feel entitled to that which they haven't earned.

No, that's Liberal and Libertarian thought. I guarantee you that Harry Browne didn't support the clowns and hypocrites that YOU and people like YOU support and vote for.
"No one owes you anything" is NOT liberal thought. That's utterly laughable. :lol:

It's only laughable to the ignorant and brainwashed people who get their definition of "Liberal" from some lard ass behind a microphone.
That's certainly not you. :lol:
I don't get pissy when I tell the truth, stupid kid. :lol:

It seems that you don't know what the truth is, idiot.

If we (yes we) want to salvage the heritage meaning of Liberal as described in your footer, you'd first have to have a home. There is no home for Liberals today. I can think of 2 "liberals" in recent Congress. One is dead and the another got booted from the Dem Party and is now an Independent. You know others? Careful in your selection if you do..

There SHOULD be a Liberal Democrat party choice and a Libertarian Republican party choice. Those OUGHT to be mainstream. And would be if the owners of this country didn't always drink Coke and Pepsi..

Or better yet, out of concern for the political process -- those 2 newer groups ought to agree to limiting scope of their stable cleaning and merged into a viable 3rd Liberal Party.

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