Real Americans prefer freedom, liberals don't.

This Nation’s history and the evidence it provides demonstrates that not to be the case.

A survey of Constitutional case law during the second half of the 20th Century alone documents conservative opposition to freedom and liberty where liberals have been champions of both.

Conservative support of segregation and discrimination during the 1950s.

Conservative opposition to Civil Rights and Voting Rights legislation during the 1960s.

Conservative opposition to due process and equal protection rights with regard to search and seizure, the right to counsel, the right to marry, the right to privacy, and the right to vote.

The conservative tradition of hostility to freedom and liberty continues to this day with their efforts to deny same sex couples equal access to marriage law and renewed attacks on privacy rights.

Conservatives are indeed ‘real Americans,’ they serve an important function demonstrating the Constitution is needed as much today as anytime in this Nation’s history, and they are a constant reminder of how much further we have to go as a Nation.

Are you fucking delusional????

First of all define conservative?? because back in the 50's the fucking KKK was conservative and they were EXCLUSIVELY DEMOCRAT....

It was the Republicans standing up for minorities and woman among other ideas during the mid 20th century.....

There has never been a true Republican KKK member....
The only reason why David Duke and a couple of other former DEMOCRATS flipped was out of anger that the democrat party started using Blacks as a voting block by giving them free shit via LBJ.

In short the DEMOCRAT LBJ was like "lets use these ******* instead of abusing them."

I love how you "leftists" or actually fascists just reinvent history in your fucking mind.

Why do you people make DUMB statements and DUMB assertions that can easily be debunked with minimal effort? :lol:

Then why didn't you do it???
Republicans haven't taken away any "LGBT" rights, there was noting wrong about DADT - you know that applied to straight soldiers as well right???

Too bad if people assume you're heterosexual because 98% of the population is.

But as a libertarian I could care less what other people do.

I agree drugs should be legalized - then we wouldn't have cartels on the border leaving severed heads everywhere - we wouldn't have gangbangers fighting over street corners.

Progressives on the other hand believe they have the right to dictate and control everyones life.

No you cant have a happy meal toy, I will tax you for not getting on government health care, No you have to pay more your your cigarettes, No you cant have home bible studies because it violates our progressive "make as much money as we can" building codes, no you cant drink that 40 ounce beverage because it will make you fat....

Need I get into ridiculous corporate regulations??

Or how about progressives suing states for enforcing identical federal immigration laws??

I could go on all day with this shit...

As far as DADT, the government shouldn't be telling people they need to pretend to be something they aren't. Which is exactly what DADT was. It would be the same if the military said "You can say you are a dem or a rep, but if you say u are a libertarian, you are getting discharged." Now see how its wrong?

Then there is marriage. It is most certainly NOT a religious issue. And they have shown it to be. If it was a religious issue, why can atheists get married? Devil worshippers? And then, who is the government to tell churches who they can and cannot marry? Why not leave it up to the churches? Instead the government is clearly telling the churches they are not allowed to marry LGBTs even if it is part of their religion (which it is actually a part of one religion that I know of).

Further, you don't need to go on about what dems are taking away rights, I was pretty clear when I said, its both sides doing it.

Marriage isn't a right... It never was and it never will unless the constitution is amended..

DADT was a policy...... You may as well say: "my boss cant tell me I cant dress like a clown at work because they have no right defining who I am."

Well, If I wanted to dress like a fucking clown then I wouldn't work at a place that prohibited me from dressing as such.

That's the beauty of freedom - you have choice.

If a gay doesn't agree with DADT then why even join the military in the first place?

I thought you were a libertarian? You do know where their party stands on this issue right? Their stance is that DADT should be repealed and any law against LGBT should also be repealed.

If marriage isn't a right, then who decides who is and isnt allowed to get married. Because its obviously not any religion that is doing the choosing. It is the government and the government alone.
As far as DADT, the government shouldn't be telling people they need to pretend to be something they aren't. Which is exactly what DADT was. It would be the same if the military said "You can say you are a dem or a rep, but if you say u are a libertarian, you are getting discharged." Now see how its wrong?

Then there is marriage. It is most certainly NOT a religious issue. And they have shown it to be. If it was a religious issue, why can atheists get married? Devil worshippers? And then, who is the government to tell churches who they can and cannot marry? Why not leave it up to the churches? Instead the government is clearly telling the churches they are not allowed to marry LGBTs even if it is part of their religion (which it is actually a part of one religion that I know of).

Further, you don't need to go on about what dems are taking away rights, I was pretty clear when I said, its both sides doing it.

Marriage isn't a right... It never was and it never will unless the constitution is amended..

DADT was a policy...... You may as well say: "my boss cant tell me I cant dress like a clown at work because they have no right defining who I am."

Well, If I wanted to dress like a fucking clown then I wouldn't work at a place that prohibited me from dressing as such.

That's the beauty of freedom - you have choice.

If a gay doesn't agree with DADT then why even join the military in the first place?

I thought you were a libertarian? You do know where their party stands on this issue right? Their stance is that DADT should be repealed and any law against LGBT should also be repealed.

If marriage isn't a right, then who decides who is and isnt allowed to get married. Because its obviously not any religion that is doing the choosing. It is the government and the government alone.

Nick is motivated by hatred, not logic, is your reason.
So Byrd being KKK in 1946 means Nixon never had a Southern Strategy? LOL Seems you have a talking point "understanding" of History.

Now tell us how Hitler was a liberal...

No, no, no, Hitler was a socialist. Ask Nick or bigreb. Really!
As far as DADT, the government shouldn't be telling people they need to pretend to be something they aren't. Which is exactly what DADT was. It would be the same if the military said "You can say you are a dem or a rep, but if you say u are a libertarian, you are getting discharged." Now see how its wrong?

Then there is marriage. It is most certainly NOT a religious issue. And they have shown it to be. If it was a religious issue, why can atheists get married? Devil worshippers? And then, who is the government to tell churches who they can and cannot marry? Why not leave it up to the churches? Instead the government is clearly telling the churches they are not allowed to marry LGBTs even if it is part of their religion (which it is actually a part of one religion that I know of).

Further, you don't need to go on about what dems are taking away rights, I was pretty clear when I said, its both sides doing it.

Marriage isn't a right... It never was and it never will unless the constitution is amended..

DADT was a policy...... You may as well say: "my boss cant tell me I cant dress like a clown at work because they have no right defining who I am."

Well, If I wanted to dress like a fucking clown then I wouldn't work at a place that prohibited me from dressing as such.

That's the beauty of freedom - you have choice.

If a gay doesn't agree with DADT then why even join the military in the first place?

I thought you were a libertarian? You do know where their party stands on this issue right? Their stance is that DADT should be repealed and any law against LGBT should also be repealed.

If marriage isn't a right, then who decides who is and isnt allowed to get married. Because its obviously not any religion that is doing the choosing. It is the government and the government alone.

I don't believe the state or federal government should recognize marriage... Marriage to me is a religious concept.....

Yeah I'm a libertarian....

I also believe businesses (or in this case military) should be able to hire/sign whoever the fuck they want.

Personally I don't give a shit what somebody does but if they make a big deal out of what they do (activists) I tend to get pissed.

I don't know why people just cant keep to themselves and "get in where they fit in" - I think that is one of the points or reasoning behind the Tenth Amendment.
Are you fucking delusional????

First of all define conservative?? because back in the 50's the fucking KKK was conservative and they were EXCLUSIVELY DEMOCRAT....

It was the Republicans standing up for minorities and woman among other ideas during the mid 20th century.....

There has never been a true Republican KKK member....
The only reason why David Duke and a couple of other former DEMOCRATS flipped was out of anger that the democrat party started using Blacks as a voting block by giving them free shit via LBJ.

In short the DEMOCRAT LBJ was like "lets use these ******* instead of abusing them."

I love how you "leftists" or actually fascists just reinvent history in your fucking mind.

Why do you people make DUMB statements and DUMB assertions that can easily be debunked with minimal effort? :lol:

Then why didn't you do it???
Notice how they Ignore the picture of Byrd?
So Byrd being KKK in 1946 means Nixon never had a Southern Strategy? LOL Seems you have a talking point "understanding" of History.

Now tell us how Hitler was a liberal...

Dumb shit - why the fuck would a Republican attempt to mess with a bunch of hard nosed KKK democrats from the South??

There was no southern strategy..... That is poppycock bullshit Democrats makeup to make themselves forget that they were the KKK....

Go read some history books dummy.

Oh and if you want to read about crazy shit go read about your beloved and Operation Northwoods...... Id rather stay on topic tho.
So Byrd being KKK in 1946 means Nixon never had a Southern Strategy? LOL Seems you have a talking point "understanding" of History.

Now tell us how Hitler was a liberal...

Dumb shit - why the fuck would a Republican attempt to mess with a bunch of hard nosed KKK democrats from the South??

There was no southern strategy..... That is poppycock bullshit Democrats makeup to make themselves forget that they were the KKK....

Go read some history books dummy.

Oh and if you want to read about crazy shit go read about your beloved and Operation Northwoods...... Id rather stay on topic tho.

If it didn't exist, then why did the head of the RNC say it did exist and that he was apologizing for it?

Ken Mehlman, Bush's campaign manager and Chairman of the RNC, held several large meetings with African-American business, community, and religious leaders. In his speeches, he apologized for his party's use of the Southern Strategy in the past. When asked about the strategy of using race as an issue to build GOP dominance in the once-Democratic South, Mehlman replied, "Republican candidates often have prospered by ignoring black voters and even by exploiting racial tensions," and, "by the '70s and into the '80s and '90s, the Democratic Party solidified its gains in the African-American community, and we Republicans did not effectively reach out. Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization. I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."
I have a Masters in history, and you're a Pub dupe ignoramus. Google Southern Strategy, moron.


If you actually have a degree you wasted your money, because obviously you didn't learn shit about history.....

Either that or you're so fucking partisan you cant accept facts you don't agree with - which pretty much jibes with your user name.

I bet you think Ernesto "Che" (bro) Guevara was a really nice guy too.
So Byrd being KKK in 1946 means Nixon never had a Southern Strategy? LOL Seems you have a talking point "understanding" of History.

Now tell us how Hitler was a liberal...

Dumb shit - why the fuck would a Republican attempt to mess with a bunch of hard nosed KKK democrats from the South??

There was no southern strategy..... That is poppycock bullshit Democrats makeup to make themselves forget that they were the KKK....

Go read some history books dummy.

Oh and if you want to read about crazy shit go read about your beloved and Operation Northwoods...... Id rather stay on topic tho.

If it didn't exist, then why did the head of the RNC say it did exist and that he was apologizing for it?

Ken Mehlman, Bush's campaign manager and Chairman of the RNC, held several large meetings with African-American business, community, and religious leaders. In his speeches, he apologized for his party's use of the Southern Strategy in the past. When asked about the strategy of using race as an issue to build GOP dominance in the once-Democratic South, Mehlman replied, "Republican candidates often have prospered by ignoring black voters and even by exploiting racial tensions," and, "by the '70s and into the '80s and '90s, the Democratic Party solidified its gains in the African-American community, and we Republicans did not effectively reach out. Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization. I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some republicans are a bunch of ignorant fucks and most progressives lie through their teeth.

Republican politicians (at least several years back) were a bunch of pussies that would cave to the propaganda......

Just remember this - It wasn't republicans that were eulogizing democrat KKK members... Not more than 3-years ago.
Progressives don't know what the fuck liberalism is....

LOL @ The guy who just said the dumbest fucking thing on the planet ever uttered by any dumb fuck ever.

Nick and Edward are (I know this is hard to believe) are dumber than even bigrebnc.

I wish these suckers would simply vote GOP and shut their mouths to prevent all the damage they do to the GOP candidates.

Once again, Fakey agrees with a leftist and attacks conservatives.

Not the behavior of a moderate Republican, is it?
That's a misleading title. Where is there anything about Liberals? Liberal thought:
A Gift for My Daughter
That's conservative thought.

Liberals feel entitled to that which they haven't earned.

No, that's Liberal and Libertarian thought. I guarantee you that Harry Browne didn't support the clowns and hypocrites that YOU and people like YOU support and vote for.
"No one owes you anything" is NOT liberal thought. That's utterly laughable. :lol:

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