Real Americans prefer freedom, liberals don't.

No, that's Liberal and Libertarian thought. I guarantee you that Harry Browne didn't support the clowns and hypocrites that YOU and people like YOU support and vote for.
"No one owes you anything" is NOT liberal thought. That's utterly laughable. :lol:

It's only laughable to the ignorant and brainwashed people who get their definition of "Liberal" from some lard ass behind a microphone.
I don't listen to talking heads. I go by what I see. And I see liberals claiming the world owes them.

Look at OWS, demanding that which they haven't earned.
No, that's Liberal and Libertarian thought. I guarantee you that Harry Browne didn't support the clowns and hypocrites that YOU and people like YOU support and vote for.
"No one owes you anything" is NOT liberal thought. That's utterly laughable. :lol:

It's only laughable to the ignorant and brainwashed people who get their definition of "Liberal" from some lard ass behind a microphone.

You mean like Sgt Shultz on PMSNBC?

Robert Samuelson:

"A recent Pew poll asked people to pick between “freedom to pursue life’s goals without state interference” and the “state guarantees nobody is in need.” Americans selected freedom 58 percent to 35 percent. European responses were reversed: Germany’s 36 percent to 62 percent was typical. By wide margins compared with Europeans, Americans believe that “success in life” is determined by individual effort and not by outside forces. Yet, in their voting habits, Americans often prefer security."

Why do right wingers - that B U Edward - always speak of liberty and freedom but never of responsibility except in reference to the have nots?

What ever happened to the principle of noblesse oblige, that is the moral obligation of those of high birth, powerful social position, etc., to act with honor, kindliness, generosity, etc?
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daveman melts down? Who woulda thunk it! :lol:

daveman is no Republican, no mainstream American: just a far right extremist piddling in the middle of the street.

And a leftist thanked you for that.

Thanks for proving my point, Derrrps. :clap2:

Sorry daveman, but he's 100% on point. You know, there used to be a time in this country when being a Liberal or a Conservative was just about politics, and nothing else. You could put that shit aside and get along. But people with your mindset won't allow that. Why does Jake have to be "kissing Lefty ass?" Why can't he simply have a more moderate political view then you?
Because of his ridiculous pronouncements. He's a self-important blowhard. He's also criticized Obama for not being far left enough -- not the behavior of a moderate Republican.

And I'm not a conservative. :rofl: That's one of the funniest of them all.

The boy's fulla crap.
The irony is that in protesting this label so much, you're proving you deserve it.
Oh, and you see no irony in his protesting my charges that he's a leftist?

Gasp. :cool:
A "lefty" talking point that we need right-minded conservatives like Lowry and Will, and not wacks like you?

Cry a river, daveman. You just failed the whole thread.

Yes, we need our conservatives, the George Wills and Rich Lowrys, not just the wacks like you who pretend you are conservative.

We don't need a nazi party of America, which is what you guys would make it.

There's another common lefty talking point. :lol:
I don't get pissy when I tell the truth, stupid kid. :lol:

It seems that you don't know what the truth is, idiot.

If we (yes we) want to salvage the heritage meaning of Liberal as described in your footer, you'd first have to have a home. There is no home for Liberals today. I can think of 2 "liberals" in recent Congress. One is dead and the another got booted from the Dem Party and is now an Independent. You know others? Careful in your selection if you do..

There SHOULD be a Liberal Democrat party choice and a Libertarian Republican party choice. Those OUGHT to be mainstream. And would be if the owners of this country didn't always drink Coke and Pepsi..

Or better yet, out of concern for the political process -- those 2 newer groups ought to agree to limiting scope of their stable cleaning and merged into a viable 3rd Liberal Party.

I agree, I have always been an advocate for more than just two strong parties (D's & R's). Besides a Liberal Party I think they should also have a viable Moderate and Independent Party as well. The more parties to keep the politicians somewhat "honest" the better.
"No one owes you anything" is NOT liberal thought. That's utterly laughable. :lol:

It's only laughable to the ignorant and brainwashed people who get their definition of "Liberal" from some lard ass behind a microphone.
I don't listen to talking heads. I go by what I see. And I see liberals claiming the world owes them.

Look at OWS, demanding that which they haven't earned.

LOL, yeah right........................... Thanks for the laugh! :lol:
Robert Samuelson:

"A recent Pew poll asked people to pick between “freedom to pursue life’s goals without state interference” and the “state guarantees nobody is in need.” Americans selected freedom 58 percent to 35 percent. European responses were reversed: Germany’s 36 percent to 62 percent was typical. By wide margins compared with Europeans, Americans believe that “success in life” is determined by individual effort and not by outside forces. Yet, in their voting habits, Americans often prefer security."

Why do right wingers - that B U Edward - always speak of liberty and freedom but never of responsibility except in reference to the have nots?

What ever happened to the principle of noblesse oblige, that is the moral obligation of those of high birth, powerful social position, etc., to act with honor, kindliness, generosity, etc?

The rich already DO! Is there a charitable foundation anywhere in this country that is supported by the poor? How much do the homeless contribute to the Rockerfeller Foundation, or City of Hope? When you come up with an accounting of how much skid row sends to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation come back and tell us.

The liberals do not have a pipeline to the wealth of the middle class and that's what they are after. Not the money held by the Kennedy's but the savings of the guy who owns the dry cleaning store.
Robert Samuelson:

"A recent Pew poll asked people to pick between “freedom to pursue life’s goals without state interference” and the “state guarantees nobody is in need.” Americans selected freedom 58 percent to 35 percent. European responses were reversed: Germany’s 36 percent to 62 percent was typical. By wide margins compared with Europeans, Americans believe that “success in life” is determined by individual effort and not by outside forces. Yet, in their voting habits, Americans often prefer security."

Why do right wingers - that B U Edward - always speak of liberty and freedom but never of responsibility except in reference to the have nots?

What ever happened to the principle of noblesse oblige, that is the moral obligation of those of high birth, powerful social position, etc., to act with honor, kindliness, generosity, etc?
The modern liberal is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for covetousness.

Pheonixops said "nobody owes you anything" is a liberal idea.

And there you go, insisting somebody owes you something.
daveman melts down? Who woulda thunk it! :lol:

daveman is no Republican, no mainstream American: just a far right extremist piddling in the middle of the street.

Sorry daveman, but he's 100% on point. You know, there used to be a time in this country when being a Liberal or a Conservative was just about politics, and nothing else. You could put that shit aside and get along. But people with your mindset won't allow that. Why does Jake have to be "kissing Lefty ass?" Why can't he simply have a more moderate political view then you?
Because of his ridiculous pronouncements. He's a self-important blowhard. He's also criticized Obama for not being far left enough -- not the behavior of a moderate Republican.

And I'm not a conservative. :rofl: That's one of the funniest of them all.

The boy's fulla crap.
The irony is that in protesting this label so much, you're proving you deserve it.
Oh, and you see no irony in his protesting my charges that he's a leftist?

Gasp. :cool:

You lack the horsepower to make me melt down, boy. :lol:

Now, go suck Obama's ass some more!
A "lefty" talking point that we need right-minded conservatives like Lowry and Will, and not wacks like you?

Cry a river, daveman. You just failed the whole thread.

Yes, we need our conservatives, the George Wills and Rich Lowrys, not just the wacks like you who pretend you are conservative.

We don't need a nazi party of America, which is what you guys would make it.

There's another common lefty talking point. :lol:
Poor little Fakey, lost in his delusions...

Oh, and it's nice to see you finally figured out how the quote button works, but you don't see to get the idea of how to place your reply correctly. :lol:
A "lefty" talking point that we need right-minded conservatives like Lowry and Will, and not wacks like you?

Cry a river, daveman. You just failed the whole thread.

There's another common lefty talking point. :lol:
Poor little Fakey, lost in his delusions...

Oh, and it's nice to see you finally figured out how the quote button works, but you don't see to get the idea of how to place your reply correctly. :lol:

Took him long enough...:badgrin:
It's only laughable to the ignorant and brainwashed people who get their definition of "Liberal" from some lard ass behind a microphone.
I don't listen to talking heads. I go by what I see. And I see liberals claiming the world owes them.

Look at OWS, demanding that which they haven't earned.

LOL, yeah right........................... Thanks for the laugh! :lol:
Ali Hayat: Capturing Occupy Wall Street Movement Demands

Looks like you're wrong. Again.
I don't listen to talking heads. I go by what I see. And I see liberals claiming the world owes them.

Look at OWS, demanding that which they haven't earned.

LOL, yeah right........................... Thanks for the laugh! :lol:
Ali Hayat: Capturing Occupy Wall Street Movement Demands

Looks like you're wrong. Again.

OWS in all honesty is more than a "single" leftist. Judging from the press time alloted to the movement and the fact that they overwhelmingly would favor the Dem party, it's harder for "mainstream" lefties to dissassociate from OWS then to boot David Duke in the pants.

Except that I chuckled when I read Daveman's Huffington link, because at the bottom is this statement that the OWS sounds a lot like "MAINSTREAM" liberal demands. More than a chuckle actually because I had already snipped this from the article..

•Close to one fifth of all the respondents interviewed responded "Don't Know."


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