Real estate

Its always the best time to buy except when its the best time to sell.

The author of the article is being facetious...sarcastic with the title and I presume you are also. I recommend reading the entire article. I found it to be a well written and enlightening article.

so why not give us the best part in a nutshell?? We can all read all we want!!!

Do you want that in bullet point form?...Why do you want it in a nutshell? Are you too intellectually lazy to go and read the entire article for yourself?

I post the information I find and want to share the way I want to post it!
The author of the article is being facetious...sarcastic with the title and I presume you are also. I recommend reading the entire article. I found it to be a well written and enlightening article.

so why not give us the best part in a nutshell?? We can all read all we want!!!

Do you want that in bullet point form?...Why do you want it in a nutshell? Are you too intellectually lazy to go and read the entire article for yourself?

I post the information I find and want to share the way I want to post it!

too stupid!! I'm not here looking for reading lists you idiot, especially from someone I don't know!!!Its political discussion or debate not exchanging reading lists!! Over your head???
so why not give us the best part in a nutshell?? We can all read all we want!!!

Do you want that in bullet point form?...Why do you want it in a nutshell? Are you too intellectually lazy to go and read the entire article for yourself?

I post the information I find and want to share the way I want to post it!

too stupid!! I'm not here looking for reading lists you idiot, especially from someone I don't know!!!Its political discussion or debate not exchanging reading lists!! Over your head???
Which is ed saying that he is just here to post conservative dogma. Which is what he is paid to do. He does not want to read. He does not, happily for him, need any knowledge. His dogma is provided to him.
His dogma is provided to him.

If there is a mistake in what you call the dogma please point out your best example for the whole world to see or admit you lack the IQ to do so.
Not necessary, ed. Everyone can see what you post and know what you are all about. Pointing out your lies takes way to much time. And, me boy, you are not worth the effort.
Do you want that in bullet point form?...Why do you want it in a nutshell? Are you too intellectually lazy to go and read the entire article for yourself?

I post the information I find and want to share the way I want to post it!

too stupid!! I'm not here looking for reading lists you idiot, especially from someone I don't know!!!Its political discussion or debate not exchanging reading lists!! Over your head???
Which is ed saying that he is just here to post conservative dogma. Which is what he is paid to do. He does not want to read. He does not, happily for him, need any knowledge. His dogma is provided to him.

I am tired of both sides simply posting propaganda written by others.:eusa_hand:
too stupid!! I'm not here looking for reading lists you idiot, especially from someone I don't know!!!Its political discussion or debate not exchanging reading lists!! Over your head???
Which is ed saying that he is just here to post conservative dogma. Which is what he is paid to do. He does not want to read. He does not, happily for him, need any knowledge. His dogma is provided to him.

I am tired of both sides simply posting propaganda written by others.:eusa_hand:
Let me know if you think I am posting propaganda written by others. Since I try to stay away from it, I always am interested in knowing when others think I am doing so. My intent is to post what I believe to be true, and am more than willing to document what I post. But, in the case of ed, I can not avoid the need to suggest he is an idiot for doing exactly what you suggest.
His dogma is provided to him.

If there is a mistake in what you call the dogma please point out your best example for the whole world to see or admit you lack the IQ to do so.
Not necessary, ed. Everyone can see what you post and know what you are all about. Pointing out your lies takes way to much time. And, me boy, you are not worth the effort.

Translation: as a liberal I lack the IQ to point out even one lie but
have plenty of energy for violent personal attack. Liberalism is all about violence isn't? If you can't win intellectually what is your option.

Ever see a conservative have to make excuses to withdraw from a debate???????????????????????

Why not tell us again how WW2 was a stimulus and how if we'd pretend we were at war again it would end our recession!! 20 million bombs made in about 100 factories would just about do it right??
If there is a mistake in what you call the dogma please point out your best example for the whole world to see or admit you lack the IQ to do so.
Not necessary, ed. Everyone can see what you post and know what you are all about. Pointing out your lies takes way to much time. And, me boy, you are not worth the effort.

Translation: as a liberal I lack the IQ to point out even one lie but
have plenty of energy for violent personal attack. Liberalism is all about violence isn't? If you can't win intellectually what is your option.

Ever see a conservative have to make excuses to withdraw from a debate???????????????????????

Why not tell us again how WW2 was a stimulus and how if we'd pretend we were at war again it would end our recession!! 20 million bombs made in about 100 factories would just about do it right??
Ed, you are an idiot. WWII was not a good thing, but it WAS a STIMULUS. Here is why. How pay attention. I did not think this was difficult, but I forgot about your lack of ability to reason.
WWII put EVERYONE to work. Which put money in everyone's pocket. Now, here is the next tough thing for you to understand, me poor ignorant tool. Since they now had MORE MONEY, they SPENT MORE. And the economy did quite well. But, most importantly, it meant that the UE rate went DOWN. Way down. The UE rate went from 10% in 1941 to about 4% in 1943. And stayed down, because the economy was doing well.

Relative to your comment about making bombs, yes, it would probably work, but not nearly as well as doing something productive. Like spending money on stimulus. Like Ike did. And like Kennedy did. See the difference, ed, me boy. One puts people to work but produces nothing of value, just holes in the ground. The other makes something of importance, which is why your favorite country, China, is spending money on infrastructure like mad. Is that too difficult for you, me boy???
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