Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

Boy am I glad whitey build or invented my car, electricy, computer, t.v and the machines that make my food.

Let's blame the white man!!! wahoooo!!!!

There is also the africans that sold blacks to the europeans for some rum.....I didnt put that value on them, africans did
No. He's just a common man, like me, like you. The greatest person to walk the Earth, was, of course, Jesus Christ. Too bad you don't have him in your life. You'd be different.
And, as you can see, like Jake Starkey, I took you off of ignore, so I can monitor your ass. You're apparently, not good enough to ignore. You're dangerous, among other things.

And I suppose you think you do? After the comment you left me when you neg repped me?

You should be ashamed of yourself, claiming to have him in your life, I think you're delusional.

Oh, please. If the Crusaders could have justified killing to regain the Holy Land, in a "holy war", then, surely, I can be justified, taking "false Christian reprobates" to task, for their hatred, racism and bigotry. I am so blessed, and I give God the honor and praise, and know "but for the grace of God", I would be one of you.
No. He's just a common man, like me, like you. The greatest person to walk the Earth, was, of course, Jesus Christ. Too bad you don't have him in your life. You'd be different.
And, as you can see, like Jake Starkey, I took you off of ignore, so I can monitor your ass. You're apparently, not good enough to ignore. You're dangerous, among other things.

And I suppose you think you do? After the comment you left me when you neg repped me?

You should be ashamed of yourself, claiming to have him in your life, I think you're delusional.

oh he's a wuss...I have Christ in my life Poet....but I'm sure he'd agree with you that name calling should be an excuse for violence

And yeah he's a hit and runner, he cant take pussy

Well, if that's the case, we're both going to the same place, and I'll deal with you there. In Hell. Minus your girl posse'.
no. He's just a common man, like me, like you. The greatest person to walk the earth, was, of course, jesus christ. Too bad you don't have him in your life. you'd be different.
And, as you can see, like jake starkey, i took you off of ignore, so i can monitor your ass. You're apparently, not good enough to ignore. You're dangerous, among other things.

and i suppose you think you do? After the comment you left me when you neg repped me?

You should be ashamed of yourself, claiming to have him in your life, i think you're delusional.

oh he's a wuss...i have christ in my life poet....but i'm sure he'd agree with you that name calling should be an excuse for violence

and yeah he's a hit and runner, he cant take pussy

And I suppose you think you do? After the comment you left me when you neg repped me?

You should be ashamed of yourself, claiming to have him in your life, I think you're delusional.

oh he's a wuss...I have Christ in my life Poet....but I'm sure he'd agree with you that name calling should be an excuse for violence

And yeah he's a hit and runner, he cant take pussy

Well, if that's the case, we're both going to the same place, and I'll deal with you there. In Hell. Minus your girl posse'.

Nope Im going there, but if you are, that's all you brotha.....not I....

but you cant even take it, bro. You're a little bitch trying to report people and sending messages, because you cant hack it!
cry me a's not like the indians werent killing each other before whitey got here

And that has got to be the lamest (and most unoriginal lament, as it's been going around and around and around, "lately") excuse to justify maltreatment that I ever heard....."because they were doing it to themselves, us doing it, couldn't possibly be that bad". No, bitch, you need to cry a river over your sins. You keep doing the same things, over and over and over again. Fucked over the Native Americans. Raped, murdered and pillaged, and gave them diseases they couldn't prepare for. Fucked over the Africans. Enslaved, raped, murdered, tortured, enslaved your own children, lynched, diminished, oppressed, discriminated against, and blamed them for the ills you caused. And still indignant when someone points it out. Fucked over the Asians, and just about everybody who isn't white. Oh, yeah...even fucked over your own....because it's in the blood. Evil, you know.

Look dumbass, I didnt do that shit and I'm not a no white guilt from me
Do I bitch at Italians because Nero killed christians?
And native americans were just as mean and cruel dumbass

check this out 5:30 mark.....

[ame=]Plymouth: America the Story of Us - YouTube[/ame]

Really? You're gonna cherry pick what the History Channel put on a show?

Got news for you, if it wasn't for the Native Americans, many of the first settlers would have died of starvation. They helped the Europeans who landed here, at least, until the Europeans started to screw them over. many cases................there are still examples of where the U.S. is screwing over the Native Americans. Go to a reservation sometime, and see what the conditions are there.........................

I grew up in Montana, and I've seen it.
And that has got to be the lamest (and most unoriginal lament, as it's been going around and around and around, "lately") excuse to justify maltreatment that I ever heard....."because they were doing it to themselves, us doing it, couldn't possibly be that bad". No, bitch, you need to cry a river over your sins. You keep doing the same things, over and over and over again. Fucked over the Native Americans. Raped, murdered and pillaged, and gave them diseases they couldn't prepare for. Fucked over the Africans. Enslaved, raped, murdered, tortured, enslaved your own children, lynched, diminished, oppressed, discriminated against, and blamed them for the ills you caused. And still indignant when someone points it out. Fucked over the Asians, and just about everybody who isn't white. Oh, yeah...even fucked over your own....because it's in the blood. Evil, you know.

Look dumbass, I didnt do that shit and I'm not a no white guilt from me
Do I bitch at Italians because Nero killed christians?
And native americans were just as mean and cruel dumbass

check this out 5:30 mark.....

[ame=""]Plymouth: America the Story of Us - YouTube[/ame]

Really? You're gonna cherry pick what the History Channel put on a show?

Got news for you, if it wasn't for the Native Americans, many of the first settlers would have died of starvation. They helped the Europeans who landed here, at least, until the Europeans started to screw them over. many cases................there are still examples of where the U.S. is screwing over the Native Americans. Go to a reservation sometime, and see what the conditions are there.........................

I grew up in Montana, and I've seen it.

They explained that....are all liberals stupid?
Reservations suck, it's a tough lesson, assimilate or move on.
Indians were not the pefect people you think they were, they were just like any other human. So lets not put them up on a pedastal.
Look dumbass, I didnt do that shit and I'm not a no white guilt from me
Do I bitch at Italians because Nero killed christians?
And native americans were just as mean and cruel dumbass

check this out 5:30 mark.....

Plymouth: America the Story of Us - YouTube

Really? You're gonna cherry pick what the History Channel put on a show?

Got news for you, if it wasn't for the Native Americans, many of the first settlers would have died of starvation. They helped the Europeans who landed here, at least, until the Europeans started to screw them over. many cases................there are still examples of where the U.S. is screwing over the Native Americans. Go to a reservation sometime, and see what the conditions are there.........................

I grew up in Montana, and I've seen it.

They explained that....are all liberals stupid?
Reservations suck, it's a tough lesson, assimilate or move on.
Indians were not the pefect people you think they were, they were just like any other human. So lets not put them up on a pedastal.

Reservations suck? You're right...............but only because they were put there while the rest of the land was stolen from them.'re right......................Native Americans weren't exactly perfect, but I can tell you that they were a lot more "civilized" than the Europeans that killed them off.

The first people to use germ warfare? Europeans who settled here and called themselves Americans. Ever heard of the smallpox blankets?

And...............fwiw...................the Native Americans had a lot more respect for the earth than the Europeans ever thought about. Buffalo used to roam free on these lands and were plentiful, at least.....................until Europeans got a taste for pelts.
Really? You're gonna cherry pick what the History Channel put on a show?

Got news for you, if it wasn't for the Native Americans, many of the first settlers would have died of starvation. They helped the Europeans who landed here, at least, until the Europeans started to screw them over. many cases................there are still examples of where the U.S. is screwing over the Native Americans. Go to a reservation sometime, and see what the conditions are there.........................

I grew up in Montana, and I've seen it.

They explained that....are all liberals stupid?
Reservations suck, it's a tough lesson, assimilate or move on.
Indians were not the pefect people you think they were, they were just like any other human. So lets not put them up on a pedastal.

Reservations suck? You're right...............but only because they were put there while the rest of the land was stolen from them.'re right......................Native Americans weren't exactly perfect, but I can tell you that they were a lot more "civilized" than the Europeans that killed them off.

How do you know, where you there?

The first people to use germ warfare? Europeans who settled here and called themselves Americans. Ever heard of the smallpox blankets?

We don't know if Bouquet actually put the plan into effect, or if so with what result. We do know that a supply of smallpox-infected blankets was available, since the disease had broken out at Fort Pitt some weeks previously. We also know that the following spring smallpox was reported to be raging among the Indians in the vicinity

And...............fwiw...................the Native Americans had a lot more respect for the earth than the Europeans ever thought about. Buffalo used to roam free on these lands and were plentiful, at least.....................until Europeans got a taste for pelts.

Oh environmentalism I'm getting it....

Scalping - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Certain tribes of Native Americans practiced scalping, in some instances up until the end of the 19th century. According to Haines and Steckel (2000), "Probably the most dramatic skeletal example of prehistoric violence in North America comes from the Crow Creek site in central South Dakota. Archaeological excavations revealed about 486 skeletons within a fortification ditch on the periphery of the habitation area. The site represents the Initial Coalescent period and dates to about 1325. P. Willey's analysis revealed that 90% of the individuals had cut marks characteristic of scalping

Well that was before whitey showed up.....

Human sacrifice in Aztec culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Human sacrifice in Maya culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pretty gruesome stuff, stopped by whitey!!!!!!
The troopers cut off the vulvas of Indian women, stretched them over their saddle horns, then decorated their hatbands with them; some used the skin of brave’s scrotums and the breasts of Indian women as tobacco pouches, then showed off these trophies, together with the noses and ears of some of the Indians they had massacred, at the Denver Opera House.

Much More: Native American Genocide | The Espresso Stalinist
The troopers cut off the vulvas of Indian women, stretched them over their saddle horns, then decorated their hatbands with them; some used the skin of brave’s scrotums and the breasts of Indian women as tobacco pouches, then showed off these trophies, together with the noses and ears of some of the Indians they had massacred, at the Denver Opera House.

Much More: Native American Genocide | The Espresso Stalinist

Right a commie site and anti american.

Look man, the indians were not the peaceful people they portray. They were just outgunned. Get over it. Aztecs took over territory but I dont hear you bitching about it....Indian tribes slaughtered each other

Expert: Native disease killed Aztecs, not outsiders - Houston Chronicle

Not everyone buys the theory. But Acuña-Soto, who spent 12 years poring over colonial archives, census data, graveyard records and autopsy reports, is convinced that many historians are wrong about what killed the Aztecs.
Seriously, buckeye, do you have a mental problem? You sound like an encyclopedia that has been scrambled.

Nope I just laugh at your leftwing talking points

the fact is you posted a link that tried to say Wilson was a great guy, no he was a piece of shit, believed in eugenics and he did show Birth of a Nation at the White House
They deflect, dodge and change the subject..

Look we all know whitey whooped on the indians....I'm not disputing that

I'm not even disputing that some of it was pretty bad

What I am disputing is this notion that the indians were peaceful people, living in utopia before whitey came along, didnt happen fellas

The idea that disease existed AND that indians didnt kill each other and sometimes very brutally should be pointed out....

and trust me that's a more coherent and reasonable response that what you get out of liberals who post talking points and make swooping generalisations with no evidence.

We have the democrats caught red handed racists

We have liberals pointing out that liberal policies are horrible, yet the do them and the results were exactally as expected

We have liberals saying it's conservatives.....ALL conservatives that did that crap

We have liberals saying only liberals opposed segregation.....and they wont answer these questions

When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?
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