Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

Seriously, you're embarrassing yourself. You're in need of a remedial English course. It appears you didn't finish the 5th grade.

Fuck typing from a go stick a dick in your ass.....did I spell that correct

Ha! Excuses...adding more fuel to the fire of "white privilege". We're supposed to excuse your inability to send messages out, from "your phone", resplendent with poor spelling, why? Because your stupid, trifling ass can't wait until you get to some place where you can type "accurately'?????????????????????? What a fucking loser.
And your comeback is to instruct me to put a dick in my ass? How do you know that's what I like? How do you know one wasn't already in there? Are you jealous, because you're missing yours? Methinks, the latter. And managed to spell that correct(ly). Must have had a dictionary handy. Buttons successfully "pushed". LOLOLOL Too easy.

Its ok I figured since you speak ebonics you could understand that post.....yo yo yo
What's even weirder is that many of the thinkers that thought up human rights that ended this shit; were white. YAY, Blame us for that too.

Who's "us" asshole? YOU are not representative of anyone who ever did a damn thing to advance civilization, you fucking loser. YOU are one, idiotic, defective, cowardly, borderline brain dead douchebag who represents nothing but what a failure one individual human being can possibly be. Stop trying to aggrandize yourself by association, you fucking nobody. The only group you really belong to is the one with shitbags like Poet, Shootspeeders, Yidnar, 52ndStreet and others here who are a blight on our country and a disgrace to humanity in general. Fuck you, and Poet, and the other racist idiots here. Go find a deserted island somewhere you can all hate each other and be stupid without impeding the rest of civilization and generally being a nuisance.

Civilization was built on a master to slave relationship going back to the dawn of it. WTF are you talking about? All races done this shit you're talking about. We live in a very different world today. You know next to shit about how civilization!!! Egypt, Babylon, China, Mayan empre, etc. All killed, raped, pillaged, etc.

Do you know anything of economics? Certainly whites mistreated people, but on the other hand this is the way the world worked. You think blacks are special, lol!!! You did it too. Your fucking leaders sold you off many times.

And because it was done before, you, somehow think that justifies you doing it???? Folks have committed, since it was done before, why don't you give it a try?
Illogical fallacy.
Uh, for your one is my leader, and I have never been sold. Get off the plantation. You wouldn't have been a massa, back would have been a field hand, a step above a slave. LOL.

Watcing you argue is hilarious...........youre a dumbfuck

Is, you, calling me the n-word, next? You know you want to. I think a little drop of cum leaves your dick, every time you say it. Why don't you say it now, and cum all over your screen?
And because it was done before, you, somehow think that justifies you doing it???? Folks have committed, since it was done before, why don't you give it a try?
Illogical fallacy.
Uh, for your one is my leader, and I have never been sold. Get off the plantation. You wouldn't have been a massa, back would have been a field hand, a step above a slave. LOL.

Watcing you argue is hilarious...........youre a dumbfuck

Is, you, calling me the n-word, next? You know you want to. I think a little drop of cum leaves your dick, every time you say it. Why don't you say it now, and cum all over your screen?

wow you're obsessed with that word...playing you like a fiddle BOY!
How is it wrong if you're able to feed your people and rule the world??? I'd say whites made good choices for our advancement. Certainly, to todays standards we were wrong the way we treated a whole lot of people on the way.

I'll say.
How is it wrong if you're able to feed your people and rule the world??? I'd say whites made good choices for our advancement. Certainly, to todays standards we were wrong the way we treated a whole lot of people on the way.

I'll say.

cry me a's not like the indians werent killing each other before whitey got here
Can you name segregationist democrats that switched, preferably those that held office

So your answer is "None". Then what is the point of this thread?

No, strom did, I dont have to demagogue an issue. The point of this thread, altough I'm not the OP......and if Im wrong, the OP can correct me, was to show that the democrat party was and still is the party of racism...

Now it's a very complicated and nuance view of modern racism.
Obviously overt racism is pretty much dead, and I think we all agree that's a good thing.

But when people say the southern strategy, it's an attempt by the left to nullify the republican ascendancy in the south.

Like many liberals in this thread I believed in it.....but then I moved to Tennessee in 1992 and didnt see any racists in the republican clubs, primaries and more recently tea party events.

But I did see a democrat governor, Well fed Ned, who started TennCare
I did see 2 democrat senators James Sasser and Harlan Mathews

For state offices, they were dominated by democrats... and the narrative was that republicans dominated tennesse and they didnt, not until the mid 90s did they consistantly elect statewide officers and 2000s until they got state reps.

Republicans attained an elected majority in the Senate in the 104th General Assembly for the first time since Reconstruction;

Williams was elected as speaker of the Tennessee House on January 13, 2009, in a surprising divergence from the Republican party's accepted plan for succession. Democrats, who had lost the majority in the House for the first time since 1969

The point is democrats dominated the southern states, the racist didnt switch parties, because they were

a) very few leaders switch, Stom is the biggest name, and noone will give any others
b)the racists kept voting for democrats....or the republicans would have swept everything...
c) the only tool they can use is presidential elections, but again the republicans won in huge landslids in 72, 80, 84, and 88
The democrats won the south in 68, 76 and split in 92 and 96
So the republican didnt really win a contested race in the south until 2000..

Now why did the south go republican....well look at the black vote, I was shocked to learn Nixon in 60 only got 39%, this is WITH RACISTS in the democrat party, so why would vote for's the same reason they vote now for it.....government programs, which democrats make synonymous with it wasnt to scare off blacks....

the south went republican for two main reasons:
1) the south was getting better educated and wealthier
2) republicans were leaving the midwest and east because of taxes and both are intertwined.
My dad was a professor for Ohio State and became one for U. of Tenn. for those very reasons (and a nice pay increase!)

Ok now how are the democrat still racist, right?
Because they expect blacks to vote democrat or they are marginalized by being unauthentic, white, oreo, uncle tom, ect ect
Also becsaue they looke at black folks as needing training wheels like govt programs and affirmative action...
they put them in ghettos, you dont see many whites in ghettos, some in shitty trailer parks, but not really ghettos..herded like cattle.

TRy working for a black republican for congress, you get letters from the klan, other white democrats, and liberal blacks. These include death threats, words that would probably offend you, as well as other stuff.

To quote YOUR link:

Goldwater’s heir, Ronald Reagan, sealed this deal for the GOP. The new ”Solid South” was solid GOP.

So in your opinion, the heir to the idiocy of Goldwater was the idiot Reagan,

along with the apparently idiotic new solid south, for whom the idiot Goldwater's heir became their new superhero.

Goldwater was far from what Reagan aspired to be.

So why did Reagan whip Carter and Mondale in those elections? Because he won 44 states in 1980, and 48 states in 1984, almost a third of Democrats voted for Reagan in 1980, and 1984.


Reagan won 49 states in 1984, but you were too young to have been there. So I'll give you a pass on your ignorance.

1980 was a different issue. Anderson split the liberal base, and Carter looked ineffective after he insisted he could resolve the Iran crisis and couldn't.

Here was the thing. The Democrats in 1984 had exactly the same problem Republicans had in 2012. The party was so enslaved to the Whims of the base that it could not reach out to the middle. Mondale spent so much time appeasing Jesse Jackson and the AFL-CIO that they simply could not appeal to the "Reagan Democrats" who were socially conservative.

Also, Mondale made the mistake of being honest. He said he'd have to raise taxes. Reagan promised he wouldn't.. and then went ahead and did it anyway.

NOw, the GOP has the same problem today. They are so enslaved to the anti-Choice whacks, the gun whacks, the Christian whacks and the 1%ers that they don't connect with the working class at this point.

Incidently, the way Democrats broke back in was when Bill Clinton had a "Sister Souljah" moment- when he finally called Jesse Jackson out on his bullshit.

Romney couldn't stand up to a nobody like Bryan Fischer.

OMG Jesse Jackson is the greatest person to ever walk the Earth, just as Poet, and if you dont agree, you're a racist.....
How is it wrong if you're able to feed your people and rule the world??? I'd say whites made good choices for our advancement. Certainly, to todays standards we were wrong the way we treated a whole lot of people on the way.

I'll say.

cry me a's not like the indians werent killing each other before whitey got here

And that has got to be the lamest (and most unoriginal lament, as it's been going around and around and around, "lately") excuse to justify maltreatment that I ever heard....."because they were doing it to themselves, us doing it, couldn't possibly be that bad". No, bitch, you need to cry a river over your sins. You keep doing the same things, over and over and over again. Fucked over the Native Americans. Raped, murdered and pillaged, and gave them diseases they couldn't prepare for. Fucked over the Africans. Enslaved, raped, murdered, tortured, enslaved your own children, lynched, diminished, oppressed, discriminated against, and blamed them for the ills you caused. And still indignant when someone points it out. Fucked over the Asians, and just about everybody who isn't white. Oh, yeah...even fucked over your own....because it's in the blood. Evil, you know.
How is it wrong if you're able to feed your people and rule the world??? I'd say whites made good choices for our advancement. Certainly, to todays standards we were wrong the way we treated a whole lot of people on the way.

I'll say.

cry me a's not like the indians werent killing each other before whitey got here

I'm part native American and you're right; Every tribe did the same thing as whitey did...Mayans enslaved a shit load of tribes throughout central America. This is just reality.

Humanity is a killing machine that lives for war and to dominate other tribes, nation, etc.
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That's a fucking lie and you with your "white privilege" on overload. How fucking dare you speak for any black person, let alone "most black people". Fuck you. You have no idea what you're talking about. And if you check the polls, most Americans support gay marriage: For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage

69 % of Democrats and 78 % of liberals and 65 % of moderates...the groups to which most blacks belong. Try talking about things which you know about and can back up.
You happen to be right about blacks, but the turn around is very recent. African-Americans, blue-collar workers do an about-face on gay marriage: poll ? MSNBC

You have not a cluse about most of the other stuff, including your own racism, Poet.
You still haven't identified who I'm racist against, JS. It couldn't be white people, as racists don't "hang out" with the objects of their hate. Do you see rednecks throwing back beers with blacks, while calling them the n-word, laughing and cajoling????? Of course not. Do you see blacks going to KKK rallies? Of course not. What you suggest is that either I'm such an Academy Award-winning actor, and have all my white friends "fooled" about my racism, or that they are all so incredibly "stupid and naive" not to realize it. Which is it, because it's "telling", on both accounts? And you can best bet that I talk about the racism and bigotry, here at USMB, to them, on Facebook, all the time, and they are most sympathetic and appalled, frankly. As I always say, not all white people are like you and your "ilk".

actually you do
KKK, Crips Gang Members Team Up To Stop Memphis KKK Rally « CBS Houston

you really dont pay attention do you?
Goldwater was far from what Reagan aspired to be.

So why did Reagan whip Carter and Mondale in those elections? Because he won 44 states in 1980, and 48 states in 1984, almost a third of Democrats voted for Reagan in 1980, and 1984.


Reagan won 49 states in 1984, but you were too young to have been there. So I'll give you a pass on your ignorance.

1980 was a different issue. Anderson split the liberal base, and Carter looked ineffective after he insisted he could resolve the Iran crisis and couldn't.

Here was the thing. The Democrats in 1984 had exactly the same problem Republicans had in 2012. The party was so enslaved to the Whims of the base that it could not reach out to the middle. Mondale spent so much time appeasing Jesse Jackson and the AFL-CIO that they simply could not appeal to the "Reagan Democrats" who were socially conservative.

Also, Mondale made the mistake of being honest. He said he'd have to raise taxes. Reagan promised he wouldn't.. and then went ahead and did it anyway.

NOw, the GOP has the same problem today. They are so enslaved to the anti-Choice whacks, the gun whacks, the Christian whacks and the 1%ers that they don't connect with the working class at this point.

Incidently, the way Democrats broke back in was when Bill Clinton had a "Sister Souljah" moment- when he finally called Jesse Jackson out on his bullshit.

Romney couldn't stand up to a nobody like Bryan Fischer.

OMG Jesse Jackson is the greatest person to ever walk the Earth, just as Poet, and if you dont agree, you're a racist.....

No. He's just a common man, like me, like you. The greatest person to walk the Earth, was, of course, Jesus Christ. Too bad you don't have him in your life. You'd be different.
And, as you can see, like Jake Starkey, I took you off of ignore, so I can monitor your ass. You're apparently, not good enough to ignore. You're dangerous, among other things.
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Oh really? And right off the top of your head, name the most important significant contrasts between the Goldwater agenda and the Reagan agenda.

Their views on abortion, religion and foreign policy (which is well noted). He was a protege at one point, but soon after became a staunch hard line Democrat for some time before defecting to the Republican party. It was at that time he departed with the ways of Goldwater altogether. Consequentially he never endorsed Reagan for president in either of those elections.

Goldwater was a Libertarian, and Reagan was a Conservative Republican. So you see, big differences.

So no difference in their support of the South's states right to segregate.

Sure he did, are you a fucktard, did you see his voting record?
First racism is racism....its more serious than uttering a single word
Is this your sad attempt at defending your use of the n-word? Serious for whom? It would be very serious for you, saying it in the wrong place, to the wrong person......everyone knows that you are all talk and no balls. You would never say it "openly", in a crowd of black people, coward that you are.

[ame=""]White Dude Gets a Nigga Pass - YouTube[/ame]

LOL, that's hilarious.....liberals didnt get it....funny shit
Actually, that racist wing now exists in Liberal Democrats encouraging white guilt. There is no case, because all you did was call me names, ask impossible questions and then assume victory where there was none.

Your immaturity is astounding. Name calling isn't an argument, Carbine.

Pretending you haven't lost the argument isn't an argument either.

You haven't explained to us why you can claim the Democratic Party of 1964 was racist when 96% of Northern Democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

See, pretending I haven't trounced you with substance and facts is not a rebuttal.

Its easy dumbass.... I got your ass on this

Daniel Patrick Moynihan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They took inspiration from the book Slavery written by Stanley Elkins. Elkins essentially contended that slavery had made black Americans dependent on the dominant society, and that that dependence still existed a century later. This supported the concept that government must go beyond simply ensuring that members of minority groups have the same rights as the majority but must also "act affirmatively" in order to counter the problem.

Moynihan issued his research under the title The Negro Family: The Case For National Action, now commonly known as The Moynihan Report. Moynihan's report[4] fueled a debate over the proper course for government to take with regard to the economic underclass, especially blacks. Critics on the left attacked it as "blaming the victim",[5] a slogan coined by psychologist William Ryan.[6] Some suggested that Moynihan was propagating the views of racists[7] because much of the press coverage of the report focused on the discussion of children being born out of wedlock. Despite Moynihan's warnings, the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program included rules for payments only if the "Man [was] out of the house."[citation needed] (See Man out of the house (welfare rule).) Critics said that the nation was paying poor women to throw their husbands out of the house. Moynihan supported Richard Nixon's idea of a Guaranteed Annual Income (GAI). Daniel Patrick Moynihan had significant discussions concerning a Basic Income Guarantee with Russell B. Long and Louis O. Kelso

After the 1994 Republican sweep of Congress, Moynihan agreed that correction was needed for a welfare system that possibly encouraged women to raise their children without fathers: "The Republicans are saying we have a helluva problem, and we do."[8]

Thank you to the liberal from New York. The democrats are exposed. So they basically wouldnt pay you govt money, if you had a man in the house, destroying black families. And without men in the house crime rose and it's a cluster fuck to this day. Monyihan predicted this in the late 60s....and voila....

Blacks are stuck in ghettos with no jobs, no positive income, only crime and govt money. And liberals herded them in these ghettos (a form of segregation dont ya think?) And guess what liberals still believe afte 40+ years of destruction of the black family and fucked up policies, that if you want to break blacks and other minorities out of it your that I say fuck's been proven that liberals policies have been horrible, it was predicted before they happened.....

so yeah liberals care about blacks for votes and keep them on the govt tit.....

and that's why liberals are the true racists

now NY answer my questions...dont be a pussy and run away from them

When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?

I'll say.

cry me a's not like the indians werent killing each other before whitey got here

And that has got to be the lamest (and most unoriginal lament, as it's been going around and around and around, "lately") excuse to justify maltreatment that I ever heard....."because they were doing it to themselves, us doing it, couldn't possibly be that bad". No, bitch, you need to cry a river over your sins. You keep doing the same things, over and over and over again. Fucked over the Native Americans. Raped, murdered and pillaged, and gave them diseases they couldn't prepare for. Fucked over the Africans. Enslaved, raped, murdered, tortured, enslaved your own children, lynched, diminished, oppressed, discriminated against, and blamed them for the ills you caused. And still indignant when someone points it out. Fucked over the Asians, and just about everybody who isn't white. Oh, yeah...even fucked over your own....because it's in the blood. Evil, you know.

Look dumbass, I didnt do that shit and I'm not a no white guilt from me
Do I bitch at Italians because Nero killed christians?
And native americans were just as mean and cruel dumbass

check this out 5:30 mark.....

[ame=]Plymouth: America the Story of Us - YouTube[/ame]
No. He's just a common man, like me, like you. The greatest person to walk the Earth, was, of course, Jesus Christ. Too bad you don't have him in your life. You'd be different.
And, as you can see, like Jake Starkey, I took you off of ignore, so I can monitor your ass. You're apparently, not good enough to ignore. You're dangerous, among other things.

And I suppose you think you do? After the comment you left me when you neg repped me?

You should be ashamed of yourself, claiming to have him in your life, I think you're delusional.
No. He's just a common man, like me, like you. The greatest person to walk the Earth, was, of course, Jesus Christ. Too bad you don't have him in your life. You'd be different.
And, as you can see, like Jake Starkey, I took you off of ignore, so I can monitor your ass. You're apparently, not good enough to ignore. You're dangerous, among other things.

And I suppose you think you do? After the comment you left me when you neg repped me?

You should be ashamed of yourself, claiming to have him in your life, I think you're delusional.

oh he's a wuss...I have Christ in my life Poet....but I'm sure he'd agree with you that name calling should be an excuse for violence

And yeah he's a hit and runner, he cant take pussy

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