Real Religion?

[ame=]Scientology's 'child labour camp' - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Scientology's cult of 'abuse and torture' - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Scientology president's daughter slams 'toxic' church - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Abuses and Coerced Abortions in Scientology "Sea Organization" - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Scientology - former member tells of forced abortions 170310 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Scientology® and FORCED ABORTIONS - YouTube[/ame]
I took a look at Dianetics with the aim of criticizing it, but I found it heavy going. You really need a degree in psychology to dispute it. However the central teaching of Scientology is a lot easier to dispute, as they teach that some alien landed a space ship in an extinct volcano.
It costs you hundreds of thousands of dollars to find that out if you join up and follow their teachings. By the time it has cost you that much they have brainwashed you, and you will believe anything.
I took a look at Dianetics with the aim of criticizing it, but I found it heavy going. You really need a degree in psychology to dispute it. However the central teaching of Scientology is a lot easier to dispute, as they teach that some alien landed a space ship in an extinct volcano.
It costs you hundreds of thousands of dollars to find that out if you join up and follow their teachings. By the time it has cost you that much they have brainwashed you, and you will believe anything.

One of their silliest aims is that they say they want to "clear the planet". How many can really afford it at their prices?
Democrats are a cult and they absolutely have their religious leader in obama. They should go too.

If democrats belong to a cult, then so do republicans.

1. "Many of liberals' peculiarities are understandable only when one realizes that they are a mob. For example, a crowd's ability to grasp only the simplest ideas is reflected in the interminable slogans. "Liberals have boatloads of them: Bush Lied, Kids Died! Our Bodies, Our Selves! No Blood for Oil! No Justice, No Peace! Save the Whales; Love Your Mother (Earth); Ban the Bomb; Make Love, Not War; Friends Don't Let Friends Vote Republican; Diversity Is Our Strength! Save the Planet! Pro-Choice, Pro-Child! Support Our Troops, Bring them Home! Co-Exist! Hey, Hey, LBJ, How Many Kids Did You Kill Today? Dissent Is Patriotic! War Is Not the Answer! Go Green! Healthcare Is a Right, Not a Privilege! Imagine Peace; Celebrate Diversity! Beat the Bushes for Peace! No Nukes! Give Peace a Chance; Think Globally/Act Locally; No Tax Cuts for the Rich; Save the Planet! Venceremos! One, Two, Three, Four, We Don't Want Your F--King War! Bush = Hitler; Hell No, We Won't Go! Off the Pig! Eat the Rich! Die Yuppie Scum! Peace Now! We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting For! Solidarity Forever! Bring America Home! You Can't Hug a Child with Nuclear Arms; Meat Is Murder! Books Not Bombs! Fight the Power! Yes We Can!” Coulter, 'Demonic,' p.6

2. 'As Le Bon says, the “primitive” black-and-white emotions of a crowd slip easily into “infatuation for an individual.” Liberals worship so many political deities that they must refer to them by initials, just to save time- FDR, JFK, RFK, MLK, LBJ, and O.J. Ever hear a conservative get weepy about “RWR” or refer to something as hokey as “Camelot”? Passionate adoration are the primitive emotions of a mob, sentiments generally associated with women, children, and savages, according to Le Bon." Ibid.
I took a look at Dianetics with the aim of criticizing it, but I found it heavy going. You really need a degree in psychology to dispute it. However the central teaching of Scientology is a lot easier to dispute, as they teach that some alien landed a space ship in an extinct volcano.
It costs you hundreds of thousands of dollars to find that out if you join up and follow their teachings. By the time it has cost you that much they have brainwashed you, and you will believe anything.

"However the central teaching of Scientology is a lot easier to dispute, as they teach that some alien landed a space ship in an extinct volcano."

And your problem with that is exactly what???

Here is validation of same:

"Elijah Muhammad taught his followers about a Mother Plane or Wheel, a UFO that was seen and described in the visions of the prophet Ezekiel in the Book of Ezekiel, in the Hebrew Bible..

[ame=]Farrakhan and The Islamic Spaceship of Death - YouTube[/ame]

So there!!!
I took a look at Dianetics with the aim of criticizing it, but I found it heavy going. You really need a degree in psychology to dispute it. However the central teaching of Scientology is a lot easier to dispute, as they teach that some alien landed a space ship in an extinct volcano.
It costs you hundreds of thousands of dollars to find that out if you join up and follow their teachings. By the time it has cost you that much they have brainwashed you, and you will believe anything.

"However the central teaching of Scientology is a lot easier to dispute, as they teach that some alien landed a space ship in an extinct volcano."

And your problem with that is exactly what???

Here is validation of same:

"Elijah Muhammad taught his followers about a Mother Plane or Wheel, a UFO that was seen and described in the visions of the prophet Ezekiel in the Book of Ezekiel, in the Hebrew Bible..

[ame=]Farrakhan and The Islamic Spaceship of Death - YouTube[/ame]

So there!!!

You're quoting Farrakhan to prove something about Scientology? What's your point exactly?

My problem with Scientology isn't their belief system, but their habit of bankrupting people, breaking up families, using child and slave labor, coercing abortions, mind control, etc. All the while charging up to hundreds of thousands for access to their "scriptures" and auditing and receiving a tax dispensation as a religion. The fees they charge are touted as "donations", but just try and pay less or nothing at all and see what you get. Normal religions take into account the financial position of the donor, not Scientology. They're all about the money and controlling what their "parishioners" see hear and who they talk to.
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[ame=]Scientology- Amy Scobee speaks out - YouTube[/ame]

The head of Scientology is a psycho.
[ame=]ABC Lateline - Scientology Imprisonment on the Freewinds (2011-11-28) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Natalie Hagemo - St. Petersburg Times report June 2010 - YouTube[/ame]

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