Real Socialism Hasn't Been Tried Yet

Maybe if you used someone other than the Daily Caller....... I'm not interested in subscribing just to read a freakin' article.
Sorry, but I doubt Salon nor CNN will be informing people of his hypocrisy.
Those are the only other alternatives? Really? Or were you making a lame insinuation? :dunno:
I am more concerned that he is comfortable carrying a woman's handbag than the fact it cost almost $2K. Not surprised at the Progressive elite mantra of do as I say, not as I do. Just look at al the rich, man made global warming activists jetting around to "conferences". I don't see any of them giving up their large luxury homes, caravans of SUV's, air conditioning, private jets, and lavish, fossil fuel guzzling lifestyles.

Not the same bag. Good try though, fake news.
Is anyone surprised by now that national politicians of all stripes have a lot of money. They either made it before entering office or made it as a result of being in office. If any politicians (especially socialists) promise you anything on behalf of the government, you should immediately be skeptical and assume they're out to destroy your rights.

Not the same bag. Good try though, fake news.
Sorry, but he says the bag is a real designer bag, it just was one of his employees.

Which says a lot about socialism and also his staff salary.

And I'm saying it is a knockoff. Fake news.
The whole history of this leftist bromide is a lie. Every regime that has ever tried to implement socialism has tried to do it "right."

Not the same bag. Good try though, fake news.
Sorry, but he says the bag is a real designer bag, it just was one of his employees.

Which says a lot about socialism and also his staff salary.

And I'm saying it is a knockoff. Fake news.
Tom Perez says it's a designer bag.
Social Security
Unemployment Insurance
Disability Insurance
work safety rules
Civil rights
Equal rights for women
union rights
minimum wage
mandatory education
Bank deposit insurance
What ones do you want gone?

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