Real white supremacists get their just desserts

I have two questions.

One, why are people on a knitting website talking about politics?

Two, why is the knitting website itself feeling the need to talk about politics?

I don't think it's about talking, it's about Pro-Trump Knitting patterns.

Of course Anti Trump patterns will still be allowed.

I don't know that I've ever seen a pro-Trump knitting pattern, or would even be able to picture such a thing.

But hey, if these folks want to take political sides on a knitting website and alienate half their membership, more power to them. They should just remember how very easily a new website can take over the "biggest knitting group" title.

Behold the glory of the Trump Tea pot cozie.

Okay, so where did you folks all get the same story--Fox?
Tolerant left hacks at it again, following the Technical Cleansing manual

"One of the biggest knitting websites in the world, which claims to have more than 8 million members, has announced that it will ban users from expressing support for Donald Trump, saying that to do so constitutes “white supremacy”."

'White supremacy': popular knitting website Ravelry bans support for Trump

If anyone had doubts whether to vote for Trump, this should settle it. These morons need to be taught a lesson.

America is a majority white country and will continue to be so as the population replacement attempts of these morons are stopped.

Ravelry is a world wide knitting resource site. It is completely non-political. There is aboslutely no reason to take politics into that website, and especially not white supremacy, which should be banned discourse at all privately owned websites in the world.

The vast, vast majority of the membership of are women. If a privately owned website wants to ban discussion about a man which who has publically admitted that he enjoys sexually assaulting women and boot assholes like you from promoting his toxic masculinity, I say good for them

The fact that you deem this worthy of commentary at all, shows that you're the obsessed loon here because you have absolutely no reason whatsoever to use that website. You're not smart enough to learn to knit.
What about Trump supporters that post Pro-Trump knitting patterns?

You don't think people like that exist?
I guess they'll have to take them to a different site. Bet there's more than one knitting site out there.

Something that niche usually doesn't have many sites to work with.

But I guess political balkanization is OK with you, because it isn't your views getting thrust down the memory hole.

How convenient.
Oh brother, am I ever sick of the constant whines around here about censorship of the damned Alt Right. If they weren't glaumed on to Trump's coattails and hanging on for dear life, come political demolition or not, no one would be censoring a thing like mentioning Trump politics. But when Trump comes up, suddenly people start spouting bullshit such as we hear on this site all day every day and to be honest I don't blame them for wanting to keep that kind of dialogue outta there.

I kinda thought the site probably told their knitters to can the political talk regardless of who it is about. But no, they're coming right out and saying it's the Trump crap they want to steer clear of.

There's a lot of bad actors flying under the Trump banner. Don't worry. They are not going to be forgotten. "Thrust down the memory hole" indeed. How dramatic!

How would you like it if your views were the ones being suppressed?

This is a knitting community. I'm sure some old lady out there is making Trump Cozies, or MAGA quilts.

So she wants to show off her work, why is her work being singled out?

Oh yes, because Trump is an "obvious white supremacist", a Claim made often, but never ever backed up with anything but the deluded mewling of progressive morons.
No one's 'views' are being 'suppressed.' She can show off her creations on another site or her Facebook page.

A person was able to post, now they are not. The view is suppressed. That they can go to another outlet does not eliminate the original reason they HAD to go to another outlet.

Progressives want their cake and to eat it too. They want to ban speech and thought they find hateful, but they don't want to be seen as doing so.
Tolerant left hacks at it again, following the Technical Cleansing manual

"One of the biggest knitting websites in the world, which claims to have more than 8 million members, has announced that it will ban users from expressing support for Donald Trump, saying that to do so constitutes “white supremacy”."

'White supremacy': popular knitting website Ravelry bans support for Trump

If anyone had doubts whether to vote for Trump, this should settle it. These morons need to be taught a lesson.

America is a majority white country and will continue to be so as the population replacement attempts of these morons are stopped.

Ravelry is a world wide knitting resource site. It is completely non-political. There is aboslutely no reason to take politics into that website, and especially not white supremacy, which should be banned discourse at all privately owned websites in the world.

The vast, vast majority of the membership of are women. If a privately owned website wants to ban discussion about a man which who has publically admitted that he enjoys sexually assaulting women and boot assholes like you from promoting his toxic masculinity, I say good for them

The fact that you deem this worthy of commentary at all, shows that you're the obsessed loon here because you have absolutely no reason whatsoever to use that website. You're not smart enough to learn to knit.

Trump is not a white Supremacist. That is a construct made up by addle minded, mewling progressive twat-waddles such as yourself.
I have two questions.

One, why are people on a knitting website talking about politics?

Two, why is the knitting website itself feeling the need to talk about politics?

I don't think it's about talking, it's about Pro-Trump Knitting patterns.

Of course Anti Trump patterns will still be allowed.

I don't know that I've ever seen a pro-Trump knitting pattern, or would even be able to picture such a thing.

But hey, if these folks want to take political sides on a knitting website and alienate half their membership, more power to them. They should just remember how very easily a new website can take over the "biggest knitting group" title.

Behold the glory of the Trump Tea pot cozie.

Okay, so where did you folks all get the same story--Fox?

Google search for Trump Knitted Cozy.

It's not that hard. all of 5 seconds.
I guess they'll have to take them to a different site. Bet there's more than one knitting site out there.

Something that niche usually doesn't have many sites to work with.

But I guess political balkanization is OK with you, because it isn't your views getting thrust down the memory hole.

How convenient.
Oh brother, am I ever sick of the constant whines around here about censorship of the damned Alt Right. If they weren't glaumed on to Trump's coattails and hanging on for dear life, come political demolition or not, no one would be censoring a thing like mentioning Trump politics. But when Trump comes up, suddenly people start spouting bullshit such as we hear on this site all day every day and to be honest I don't blame them for wanting to keep that kind of dialogue outta there.

I kinda thought the site probably told their knitters to can the political talk regardless of who it is about. But no, they're coming right out and saying it's the Trump crap they want to steer clear of.

There's a lot of bad actors flying under the Trump banner. Don't worry. They are not going to be forgotten. "Thrust down the memory hole" indeed. How dramatic!

How would you like it if your views were the ones being suppressed?

This is a knitting community. I'm sure some old lady out there is making Trump Cozies, or MAGA quilts.

So she wants to show off her work, why is her work being singled out?

Oh yes, because Trump is an "obvious white supremacist", a Claim made often, but never ever backed up with anything but the deluded mewling of progressive morons.
No one's 'views' are being 'suppressed.' She can show off her creations on another site or her Facebook page.

A person was able to post, now they are not. The view is suppressed. That they can go to another outlet does not eliminate the original reason they HAD to go to another outlet.

Progressives want their cake and to eat it too. They want to ban speech and thought they find hateful, but they don't want to be seen as doing so.
It is a knitting website, Marty. There is no reason for a political message on a knitting website. I am on several professional discussion forums. None of us bring up Trump because it is not the appropriate place for it. Neither is a knitting website.
They'd have to be wingnuts to put their postings supporting Trump on a knitting website anyway. Paid shills, no doubt. Knit or move on.

What about Trump supporters that post Pro-Trump knitting patterns?

You don't think people like that exist?
I guess they'll have to take them to a different site. Bet there's more than one knitting site out there.

Something that niche usually doesn't have many sites to work with.

But I guess political balkanization is OK with you, because it isn't your views getting thrust down the memory hole.

How convenient.

Since when is knitting "niche"? It and other needle crafts are actually quite popular hobbies. And there's a lot of them.

I think this is a bad and ridiculous call on Ravelry's part, but they have every right to make it. And the sensible - the ONLY - response is to beat feet, in cyber terms. Fastest and most legitimate way to teach them to keep their personal opinions out of their business.

The funny thing is it wasn't even their own idea. They stole the concept from

I'm not sure if it's funny or sad that they heard, "Alienate large numbers of followers!" and thought it was a great idea.
I have two questions.

One, why are people on a knitting website talking about politics?

Two, why is the knitting website itself feeling the need to talk about politics?

I don't think it's about talking, it's about Pro-Trump Knitting patterns.

Of course Anti Trump patterns will still be allowed.

I don't know that I've ever seen a pro-Trump knitting pattern, or would even be able to picture such a thing.

But hey, if these folks want to take political sides on a knitting website and alienate half their membership, more power to them. They should just remember how very easily a new website can take over the "biggest knitting group" title.

Behold the glory of the Trump Tea pot cozie.

Okay, so where did you folks all get the same story--Fox?

Google search for Trump Knitted Cozy.

It's not that hard. all of 5 seconds.
Fox or Limbaugh? No, he wouldn't have the pic. Breitbart then?
I have two questions.

One, why are people on a knitting website talking about politics?

Two, why is the knitting website itself feeling the need to talk about politics?

I don't think it's about talking, it's about Pro-Trump Knitting patterns.

Of course Anti Trump patterns will still be allowed.

I don't know that I've ever seen a pro-Trump knitting pattern, or would even be able to picture such a thing.

But hey, if these folks want to take political sides on a knitting website and alienate half their membership, more power to them. They should just remember how very easily a new website can take over the "biggest knitting group" title.

Behold the glory of the Trump Tea pot cozie.


Not bad.
Tolerant left hacks at it again, following the Technical Cleansing manual

"One of the biggest knitting websites in the world, which claims to have more than 8 million members, has announced that it will ban users from expressing support for Donald Trump, saying that to do so constitutes “white supremacy”."

'White supremacy': popular knitting website Ravelry bans support for Trump

If anyone had doubts whether to vote for Trump, this should settle it. These morons need to be taught a lesson.

America is a majority white country and will continue to be so as the population replacement attempts of these morons are stopped.

Ravelry is a world wide knitting resource site. It is completely non-political. There is aboslutely no reason to take politics into that website, and especially not white supremacy, which should be banned discourse at all privately owned websites in the world.

The vast, vast majority of the membership of are women. If a privately owned website wants to ban discussion about a man which who has publically admitted that he enjoys sexually assaulting women and boot assholes like you from promoting his toxic masculinity, I say good for them

The fact that you deem this worthy of commentary at all, shows that you're the obsessed loon here because you have absolutely no reason whatsoever to use that website. You're not smart enough to learn to knit.

Trump is not a white Supremacist. That is a construct made up by addle minded, mewling progressive twat-waddles such as yourself.

White supremacist is a code word for pro-American, and racism for race realist.
I have two questions.

One, why are people on a knitting website talking about politics?

Two, why is the knitting website itself feeling the need to talk about politics?

I don't think it's about talking, it's about Pro-Trump Knitting patterns.

Of course Anti Trump patterns will still be allowed.

I don't know that I've ever seen a pro-Trump knitting pattern, or would even be able to picture such a thing.

But hey, if these folks want to take political sides on a knitting website and alienate half their membership, more power to them. They should just remember how very easily a new website can take over the "biggest knitting group" title.

Behold the glory of the Trump Tea pot cozie.


OMG. What has been seen cannot be unseen!

Now the real question is one that seems to be anti-trump, (orange, as an octopus) still acceptable?


I'm not sure how flattering any of it is, when you get right down to it. Trump probably isn't thrilled to be seen shaped like a teapot. Or maybe he is. Six of one, half-dozen of the other, and a stupid frigging hill for this website to choose to die on.
Tolerant left hacks at it again, following the Technical Cleansing manual

"One of the biggest knitting websites in the world, which claims to have more than 8 million members, has announced that it will ban users from expressing support for Donald Trump, saying that to do so constitutes “white supremacy”."

'White supremacy': popular knitting website Ravelry bans support for Trump

If anyone had doubts whether to vote for Trump, this should settle it. These morons need to be taught a lesson.

America is a majority white country and will continue to be so as the population replacement attempts of these morons are stopped.

Ravelry is a world wide knitting resource site. It is completely non-political. There is aboslutely no reason to take politics into that website, and especially not white supremacy, which should be banned discourse at all privately owned websites in the world.

The vast, vast majority of the membership of are women. If a privately owned website wants to ban discussion about a man which who has publically admitted that he enjoys sexually assaulting women and boot assholes like you from promoting his toxic masculinity, I say good for them

The fact that you deem this worthy of commentary at all, shows that you're the obsessed loon here because you have absolutely no reason whatsoever to use that website. You're not smart enough to learn to knit.

Trump is not a white Supremacist. That is a construct made up by addle minded, mewling progressive twat-waddles such as yourself.
I think that goes too far, as well. However, there are plenty of racists and white supremacists supporting him and when you invite open discussion you have opened the door to them all. Maybe the Republicans in general should have been a little more careful the company they keep.
Something that niche usually doesn't have many sites to work with.

But I guess political balkanization is OK with you, because it isn't your views getting thrust down the memory hole.

How convenient.
Oh brother, am I ever sick of the constant whines around here about censorship of the damned Alt Right. If they weren't glaumed on to Trump's coattails and hanging on for dear life, come political demolition or not, no one would be censoring a thing like mentioning Trump politics. But when Trump comes up, suddenly people start spouting bullshit such as we hear on this site all day every day and to be honest I don't blame them for wanting to keep that kind of dialogue outta there.

I kinda thought the site probably told their knitters to can the political talk regardless of who it is about. But no, they're coming right out and saying it's the Trump crap they want to steer clear of.

There's a lot of bad actors flying under the Trump banner. Don't worry. They are not going to be forgotten. "Thrust down the memory hole" indeed. How dramatic!

How would you like it if your views were the ones being suppressed?

This is a knitting community. I'm sure some old lady out there is making Trump Cozies, or MAGA quilts.

So she wants to show off her work, why is her work being singled out?

Oh yes, because Trump is an "obvious white supremacist", a Claim made often, but never ever backed up with anything but the deluded mewling of progressive morons.
No one's 'views' are being 'suppressed.' She can show off her creations on another site or her Facebook page.

A person was able to post, now they are not. The view is suppressed. That they can go to another outlet does not eliminate the original reason they HAD to go to another outlet.

Progressives want their cake and to eat it too. They want to ban speech and thought they find hateful, but they don't want to be seen as doing so.
It is a knitting website, Marty. There is no reason for a political message on a knitting website. I am on several professional discussion forums. None of us bring up Trump because it is not the appropriate place for it. Neither is a knitting website.

It's not a "message". It's a frigging tea cozy. Someone probably just thought it was a cute and quirky idea.
It's a private website, and they said that they aren't going to ban people because they are Republican or Democrat, just that they won't allow postings in support of Trump. The reason they gave was because they don't have enough room to allow everyone their point of view, so they just want to keep it focused on knitting and fiber arts.

Bet they'll have plenty of room to post OPPOSITION to Trump or support for democrats though!
  • So, they are saying that THERE WOULD BE SO MANY TRUMP SUPPORTING MESSAGES on their site otherwise, that they have to make a rule? Good.
  • Telling a bunch of people they can do anything BUT EXPRESS SUPPORT FOR TRUMP just reminds people why they need to vote for Trump again. Good!
Last edited:
Tolerant left hacks at it again, following the Technical Cleansing manual

"One of the biggest knitting websites in the world, which claims to have more than 8 million members, has announced that it will ban users from expressing support for Donald Trump, saying that to do so constitutes “white supremacy”."

'White supremacy': popular knitting website Ravelry bans support for Trump

If anyone had doubts whether to vote for Trump, this should settle it. These morons need to be taught a lesson.

America is a majority white country and will continue to be so as the population replacement attempts of these morons are stopped.

Ravelry is a world wide knitting resource site. It is completely non-political. There is aboslutely no reason to take politics into that website, and especially not white supremacy, which should be banned discourse at all privately owned websites in the world.

The vast, vast majority of the membership of are women. If a privately owned website wants to ban discussion about a man which who has publically admitted that he enjoys sexually assaulting women and boot assholes like you from promoting his toxic masculinity, I say good for them

The fact that you deem this worthy of commentary at all, shows that you're the obsessed loon here because you have absolutely no reason whatsoever to use that website. You're not smart enough to learn to knit.

Trump is not a white Supremacist. That is a construct made up by addle minded, mewling progressive twat-waddles such as yourself.
I think that goes too far, as well. However, there are plenty of racists and white supremacists supporting him and when you invite open discussion you have opened the door to them all. Maybe the Republicans in general should have been a little more careful the company they keep.

Maybe you leftists should be a little more careful in assuming that anyone is interested in getting your approval OR accepting your worldview of "The media told me this, so it is true!"

Also, have you considered how monumentally hypocritical you're being . . . again?
It's a private website, and they said that they aren't going to ban people because they are Republican or Democrat, just that they won't allow postings in support of Trump. The reason they gave was because they don't have enough room to allow everyone their point of view, so they just want to keep it focused on knitting and fiber arts.

Bet they have plenty of room to post OPPOSITION to Trump or support for democrats though!
  • So, they are saying that THERE WOULD BE SO MANY TRUMP SUPPORTING MESSAGES on their site otherwise, that they have to make a rule? Good.
  • Telling a bunch of people they can do anything BUT EXPRESS SUPPORT FOR TRUMP just reminds people why they need to vote for Trump again. Good!
No, the article said that the replies and the arguments were what they didn't want to cope with. POLITICAL ARGUMENT AND INSULTS like we do here every day, instead of knitting. Do you get that now? Read the article.
It's a private website, and they said that they aren't going to ban people because they are Republican or Democrat, just that they won't allow postings in support of Trump. The reason they gave was because they don't have enough room to allow everyone their point of view, so they just want to keep it focused on knitting and fiber arts.
They'd have to be wingnuts to put their postings supporting Trump on a knitting website anyway. Paid shills, no doubt. Knit or move on.

What about Trump supporters that post Pro-Trump knitting patterns?

You don't think people like that exist?
I guess they'll have to take them to a different site. Bet there's more than one knitting site out there.

Something that niche usually doesn't have many sites to work with.

But I guess political balkanization is OK with you, because it isn't your views getting thrust down the memory hole.

How convenient.

Since when is knitting "niche"? It and other needle crafts are actually quite popular hobbies. And there's a lot of them.

I think this is a bad and ridiculous call on Ravelry's part, but they have every right to make it. And the sensible - the ONLY - response is to beat feet, in cyber terms. Fastest and most legitimate way to teach them to keep their personal opinions out of their business.

Knitting is very niche. Almost non-existant among the young. My mother had three daughters, only one of whom can knit or sew, and that would be me. She raised five children in the Depression, and one after WWII. My mother sewed all of our clothes, knit all of our sweaters, mitts and scarves, and my Dad's socks. None of her 14 grandchildren are knitters. I'm the last knitter in my family even though my mother tried to teach all of us to knit.

Now that I live in a rural community, I meet a lot more knitters than I ever did in the City, but everytime a child sees me knitting, they say "Just like Gran". We're a dying breed and the younger ones just aren't taking it up in large enough numbers. When I was growing up, every small town had a yard goods and needle arts store. Even the village of 800 people we moved to when I was 8, had a General Store with a yard goods counter. Today we have big crafting centres in shopping malls, but knitting and crocheting occupy a small corner of that crafting store. And the nearest yard goods store from the small town I currently live in, is 30 miles away.

I collect antique pattern books. My elderly friends and neighbours are gifting me with ancient pattern books, some so old and tattered that I have to scan them and reprint them to use them, for fear they'll fall apart if I handle them at all. They know that when they die, these treasures will be discarded along with the rest of the items no one has any use for - "grandma's junk", and they understand their value.
I guess they'll have to take them to a different site. Bet there's more than one knitting site out there.

Something that niche usually doesn't have many sites to work with.

But I guess political balkanization is OK with you, because it isn't your views getting thrust down the memory hole.

How convenient.
Oh brother, am I ever sick of the constant whines around here about censorship of the damned Alt Right. If they weren't glaumed on to Trump's coattails and hanging on for dear life, come political demolition or not, no one would be censoring a thing like mentioning Trump politics. But when Trump comes up, suddenly people start spouting bullshit such as we hear on this site all day every day and to be honest I don't blame them for wanting to keep that kind of dialogue outta there.

I kinda thought the site probably told their knitters to can the political talk regardless of who it is about. But no, they're coming right out and saying it's the Trump crap they want to steer clear of.

There's a lot of bad actors flying under the Trump banner. Don't worry. They are not going to be forgotten. "Thrust down the memory hole" indeed. How dramatic!

How would you like it if your views were the ones being suppressed?

This is a knitting community. I'm sure some old lady out there is making Trump Cozies, or MAGA quilts.

So she wants to show off her work, why is her work being singled out?

Oh yes, because Trump is an "obvious white supremacist", a Claim made often, but never ever backed up with anything but the deluded mewling of progressive morons.
No one's 'views' are being 'suppressed.' She can show off her creations on another site or her Facebook page.

A person was able to post, now they are not. The view is suppressed. That they can go to another outlet does not eliminate the original reason they HAD to go to another outlet.

Progressives want their cake and to eat it too. They want to ban speech and thought they find hateful, but they don't want to be seen as doing so.


If you go to Ravelry and start posting about Donald Trump, I want you gone too. I don't take my politics to Ravelry, and I don't want Trump brought into the discussions as to whether KnitPicks City Tweed has comparable yardage to Rowan's Sport Weight.
Tolerant left hacks at it again, following the Technical Cleansing manual

"One of the biggest knitting websites in the world, which claims to have more than 8 million members, has announced that it will ban users from expressing support for Donald Trump, saying that to do so constitutes “white supremacy”."

'White supremacy': popular knitting website Ravelry bans support for Trump

If anyone had doubts whether to vote for Trump, this should settle it. These morons need to be taught a lesson.

America is a majority white country and will continue to be so as the population replacement attempts of these morons are stopped.

Ravelry is a world wide knitting resource site. It is completely non-political. There is aboslutely no reason to take politics into that website, and especially not white supremacy, which should be banned discourse at all privately owned websites in the world.

The vast, vast majority of the membership of are women. If a privately owned website wants to ban discussion about a man which who has publically admitted that he enjoys sexually assaulting women and boot assholes like you from promoting his toxic masculinity, I say good for them

The fact that you deem this worthy of commentary at all, shows that you're the obsessed loon here because you have absolutely no reason whatsoever to use that website. You're not smart enough to learn to knit.

Trump is not a white Supremacist. That is a construct made up by addle minded, mewling progressive twat-waddles such as yourself.
I think that goes too far, as well. However, there are plenty of racists and white supremacists supporting him and when you invite open discussion you have opened the door to them all. Maybe the Republicans in general should have been a little more careful the company they keep.

Maybe you leftists should be a little more careful in assuming that anyone is interested in getting your approval OR accepting your worldview of "The media told me this, so it is true!"

Also, have you considered how monumentally hypocritical you're being . . . again?

They'd have to be wingnuts to put their postings supporting Trump on a knitting website anyway. Paid shills, no doubt. Knit or move on.

What about Trump supporters that post Pro-Trump knitting patterns?

You don't think people like that exist?
I guess they'll have to take them to a different site. Bet there's more than one knitting site out there.

Something that niche usually doesn't have many sites to work with.

But I guess political balkanization is OK with you, because it isn't your views getting thrust down the memory hole.

How convenient.

Since when is knitting "niche"? It and other needle crafts are actually quite popular hobbies. And there's a lot of them.

I think this is a bad and ridiculous call on Ravelry's part, but they have every right to make it. And the sensible - the ONLY - response is to beat feet, in cyber terms. Fastest and most legitimate way to teach them to keep their personal opinions out of their business.

Knitting is very niche. Almost non-existant among the young. My mother had three daughters, only one of whom can knit or sew, and that would be me. She raised five children in the Depression, and one after WWII. My mother sewed all of our clothes, knit all of our sweaters, mitts and scarves, and my Dad's socks. None of her 14 grandchildren are knitters. I'm the last knitter in my family even though my mother tried to teach all of us to knit.

Now that I live in a rural community, I meet a lot more knitters than I ever did in the City, but everytime a child sees me knitting, they say "Just like Gran". We're a dying breed and the younger ones just aren't taking it up in large enough numbers. When I was growing up, every small town had a yard goods and needle arts store. Even the village of 800 people we moved to when I was 8, had a General Store with a yard goods counter. Today we have big crafting centres in shopping malls, but knitting and crocheting occupy a small corner of that crafting store. And the nearest yard goods store from the small town I currently live in, is 30 miles away.

I collect antique pattern books. My elderly friends and neighbours are gifting me with ancient pattern books, some so old and tattered that I have to scan them and reprint them to use them, for fear they'll fall apart if I handle them at all. They know that when they die, these treasures will be discarded along with the rest of the items no one has any use for - "grandma's junk", and they understand their value.
I've gotta laugh, though. I Googled 'MAGA knitting patterns' and got nothing. I Googled 'Trump knitting patterns' and the very first one I got? This. :auiqs.jpg:
When i checked yesterday for some strange reason they werent accepting any members
I would imagine half the right wing trolls on the planet mobilized and started joining the site :auiqs.jpg:

The left nazi ridiculousness is just off the friggin charts on this one

Although you gotta watch out for those older sewers ...they can suddenly just stab ya with a knitting needle

I knew older guys who just dealt in supplies and notions for that market (most are gone ) ANd that when i was a younger man . theyve been crying for years how the home sewers are dead

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