RealClearPolitics Senate Poll: 51 Republican seats, 49 Democrat

I always get a laugh out of the extremist on both sides who love to cite the polls when they favor their party or candidate and dismiss them when they don't.
I always get a laugh out of the extremist on both sides who love to cite the polls when they favor their party or candidate and dismiss them when they don't.

You don't get much more extreme than myself, but I agree %100.

The only poll worth a fuck is the votes that put people into offices.

Everything else can be manipulated, and the only point of putting out these polls is to manipulate the "herd" to follow "popular" opinion.

I always get a laugh out of the extremist on both sides who love to cite the polls when they favor their party or candidate and dismiss them when they don't.

Identify exactly which users you're referring to and provide, via quotations with linked references, examples of these users engaging in the behavior you allege that they engage in.
I always get a laugh out of the extremist on both sides who love to cite the polls when they favor their party or candidate and dismiss them when they don't.

You don't get much more extreme than myself, but I agree %100.

The only poll worth a fuck is the votes that put people into offices.

Everything else can be manipulated, and the only point of putting out these polls is to manipulate the "herd" to follow "popular" opinion.

And what is "the herd" being manipulated into believing this time? "Oh, it's going to be a close election, I'd better go vote because my voice surely counts this time around"?

Throw away the tinfoil hat, cut the insane paranoia, and stop being such an alarmist.
Not a single one of these polls means a damn thing. We're over three months away from the start of early voting in any state, and the most recent results for all of the states in the OP are well within the margin of error.

Still. Its nice to have Loons and Socialists and Homosexuals claiming that "the polls don't mean a thing".

You have got to understand how that warms the heart of a Heartland Jeffersonian...knowing that Obama's incompetence and corruption and Marxism ain't going to be changing in the next four months...and that we're just going to find out more bad stuff--more incompetence, more corruption, more Marxism.

Lets get ready to VOTE!!!!
I always get a laugh out of the extremist on both sides who love to cite the polls when they favor their party or candidate and dismiss them when they don't.

Identify exactly which users you're referring to and provide, via quotations with linked references, examples of these users engaging in the behavior you allege that they engage in.

Don't ask for stuff you already know unless your honestly saying you have never seen posters on here say not that's no good it's a right or left wing poll.
I always get a laugh out of the extremist on both sides who love to cite the polls when they favor their party or candidate and dismiss them when they don't.

Identify exactly which users you're referring to and provide, via quotations with linked references, examples of these users engaging in the behavior you allege that they engage in.

Don't ask for stuff you already know unless your honestly saying you have never seen posters on here say not that's no good it's a right or left wing poll.

I have never seen posters "cite the polls when they favor their party or candidate and dismiss them when they don't," which was your original claim. Now back it up with evidence, or retract it. It's a simple request.
Identify exactly which users you're referring to and provide, via quotations with linked references, examples of these users engaging in the behavior you allege that they engage in.

Don't ask for stuff you already know unless your honestly saying you have never seen posters on here say not that's no good it's a right or left wing poll.

I have never seen posters "cite the polls when they favor their party or candidate and dismiss them when they don't," which was your original claim. Now back it up with evidence, or retract it. It's a simple request.

Then you don't read very many of the post around here for years the left here used to say Rasmussen was a right wing poll yet over the last year or so when they started showing Obama with higher numbers than other polls the left here started citing them. As shocking as you might find this I don't keep records of which poster said what and when I do have a job and other things to do.
Democrats will be paid back for changing Senate rules. Watch the bullshit they will pull between November and January after GOP gains control of Senate.
And that's with only 1/3 of the Senate seats up for grabs.

More and more voters keep telling them they will vote out the Democrats.

And there's still 4 more months of that to go, before the election.



It is possible Republicans will win a slight majority in the Senate this year. That is due to the fact that Dems are defending twice as many seats as Republicans. Guess what? In 2016, that will be reversed. 2016 is going to be very ugly for Republicans. BTW, I read a couple of articles today discussing how a movement is starting to get Romney to run again because the Republican Party has nobody that has any shot of winning the White House in 2016, other than possibly Romney. Funny shit, really funny.
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Fifty-one? I was predicting 53 a few months ago. Good news for the Dems I suppose.
Republicans gaining 6 seats while the Dems lose them, is "good news for the Dems"?

I hope the news gets better and better, each election. :D


Its like what the fellow told the Bankruptcy Judge: "We lost money on every sale. Made it up by volume".

I'll be shocked if the GOP only gets 51 seats. That they may be one seat away from losing control of the Senate is shocking given its an off year and there are so many Dem seats up for grabs. The Dems will get it back in 2016; IF They lose it. A few months ago, I didn't think there was an "if" in the scenario.
Don't ask for stuff you already know unless your honestly saying you have never seen posters on here say not that's no good it's a right or left wing poll.

I have never seen posters "cite the polls when they favor their party or candidate and dismiss them when they don't," which was your original claim. Now back it up with evidence, or retract it. It's a simple request.

Then you don't read very many of the post around here for years the left here used to say Rasmussen was a right wing poll yet over the last year or so when they started showing Obama with higher numbers than other polls the left here started citing them. As shocking as you might find this I don't keep records of which poster said what and when I do have a job and other things to do.

Translation: "No, LM, I can't prove any of my claims but am too much of a child to be able to admit that in public, so I'll blame you for my shortcomings."
I have never seen posters "cite the polls when they favor their party or candidate and dismiss them when they don't," which was your original claim. Now back it up with evidence, or retract it. It's a simple request.

Then you don't read very many of the post around here for years the left here used to say Rasmussen was a right wing poll yet over the last year or so when they started showing Obama with higher numbers than other polls the left here started citing them. As shocking as you might find this I don't keep records of which poster said what and when I do have a job and other things to do.

Translation: "No, LM, I can't prove any of my claims but am too much of a child to be able to admit that in public, so I'll blame you for my shortcomings."

How would you know newbie? You've been here an hour....:lol:
Republicans gaining 6 seats while the Dems lose them, is "good news for the Dems"?

I hope the news gets better and better, each election. :D


Its like what the fellow told the Bankruptcy Judge: "We lost money on every sale. Made it up by volume".

I'll be shocked if the GOP only gets 51 seats. That they may be one seat away from losing control of the Senate is shocking given its an off year and there are so many Dem seats up for grabs. The Dems will get it back in 2016; IF They lose it. A few months ago, I didn't think there was an "if" in the scenario.

A lot of Democrats are talking as if they will win the White House, the Senate and the House in 2016. ....what is going to change in the next 2 years? Hllary? :lol:

Its like what the fellow told the Bankruptcy Judge: "We lost money on every sale. Made it up by volume".

I'll be shocked if the GOP only gets 51 seats. That they may be one seat away from losing control of the Senate is shocking given its an off year and there are so many Dem seats up for grabs. The Dems will get it back in 2016; IF They lose it. A few months ago, I didn't think there was an "if" in the scenario.

A lot of Democrats are talking as if they will win the White House, the Senate and the House in 2016. ....what is going to change in the next 2 years? Hllary? :lol:

Not sure who is saying they will win the house in 2016.

As for the Senate, there are more GOP seats up for grabs in 2016 than DEM seats for one thing.


The base will be energized due to the Presidential election being concurrent with the Senatorial elections.

And as for the Presidency, The GOP needs to make up 64 electoral votes from the Obama landslide in 2016. Nobody from the GOP side has shown the simple math as to where those 64 votes will come.

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