Reality Check: ISIS aint Muslim

Again with the Nazi comparisons?! If anything it's the Islamists that are not only threatening but carrying out the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Christians, non Muslims, and all Muslims who don't subscribe to their ideology. So who does that remind you of? You guys need to stop with the false comparisons and bullshit misrepresentations. Nobody is threatening to wipe out an entire race or religion other than today's Muslims.

If the swastika're the wannabe Hitler talking about draining the swamp.

Two wrongs don't make a right. I got no problem fighting the creeps from daesh and creeps like you at the same time.
Islamism is an evil cult and an ideology is a threat to Western civilization, deal with it. Just like immigrants who swore an oath that they aren't communists or belong a communist party before becoming US citizens, we should make the same requirement to all those wishing to immigrate or become US citizens. When I say "drain the swamp" I am talking about taking the fight to ISIS where they are. Just like we drained the swamp in Afghanistan the international community can drain the swamp in Syria and Iraq.

Your swastika is showing again. Daesh is owned and operated by our government. The sooner you get over your irrational fear of religion and figure out who the real enemy is, the more chance you might have of surviving what is coming.

We could have easily drained that that is what we wanted to do. You gotta ask yourself, why didn't we?

And here comes another Muslim retard embarrassed by what his brethren Islamic savages are doing by claiming that ISIS is a creation of the US. Ya gotta love these morons.
How did ISIS come about? Oh right, Bush invaded Iraq, when it wasn't necessary.
Right, so when Hillary Clinton says radical jihadists she means radical strugglers. Ha ha ha. Terrorist apologists are hilarious! OMG.
No, she means those at war with the west, which they are but jihad does not mean war, it means a struggle. A jihad can be against oneself, like a Muslim kid having a jihad to finish high school or avoid sexual relations.

On what planet do you live on that Jihad is a harmless inner struggle? Ha ha ha. Damn. The lunacy you read on these boards is hilarious.

Jihad does not have a geographical location. Gay used to mean happy at one point in time as well.
Jihad means a struggle, which can be a war. Don't misuse words.
And which of those "definitions" do you think applies most to the Islamists? Inner struggle? Ha ha ha.
Nope, war. One of the things it can mean. They want a Holy War, and so do you it seems.
"They" aren't engaged in a holy war?! Ha ha ha! Again, what planet do you live on? Rub some Vaseline in your anus and pull your head out of it.
Again with the Nazi comparisons?! If anything it's the Islamists that are not only threatening but carrying out the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Christians, non Muslims, and all Muslims who don't subscribe to their ideology. So who does that remind you of? You guys need to stop with the false comparisons and bullshit misrepresentations. Nobody is threatening to wipe out an entire race or religion other than today's Muslims.

If the swastika're the wannabe Hitler talking about draining the swamp.

Two wrongs don't make a right. I got no problem fighting the creeps from daesh and creeps like you at the same time.
Islamism is an evil cult and an ideology is a threat to Western civilization, deal with it. Just like immigrants who swore an oath that they aren't communists or belong a communist party before becoming US citizens, we should make the same requirement to all those wishing to immigrate or become US citizens. When I say "drain the swamp" I am talking about taking the fight to ISIS where they are. Just like we drained the swamp in Afghanistan the international community can drain the swamp in Syria and Iraq.

Your swastika is showing again. Daesh is owned and operated by our government. The sooner you get over your irrational fear of religion and figure out who the real enemy is, the more chance you might have of surviving what is coming.

We could have easily drained that that is what we wanted to do. You gotta ask yourself, why didn't we?

And here comes another Muslim retard embarrassed by what his brethren Islamic savages are doing by claiming that ISIS is a creation of the US. Ya gotta love these morons.
How did ISIS come about? Oh right, Bush invaded Iraq, when it wasn't necessary.
No actually when Obama took the reigns there was no ISIS, retard. Iraq was totally stable, all Obama had to do was maintain the transition. ISIS came about when Obama pulled out and then Assad started slaughtering his own people, and Obama was standing there fingering his nose. What a fuckup this Obama is.
If the swastika're the wannabe Hitler talking about draining the swamp.

Two wrongs don't make a right. I got no problem fighting the creeps from daesh and creeps like you at the same time.
Islamism is an evil cult and an ideology is a threat to Western civilization, deal with it. Just like immigrants who swore an oath that they aren't communists or belong a communist party before becoming US citizens, we should make the same requirement to all those wishing to immigrate or become US citizens. When I say "drain the swamp" I am talking about taking the fight to ISIS where they are. Just like we drained the swamp in Afghanistan the international community can drain the swamp in Syria and Iraq.

Your swastika is showing again. Daesh is owned and operated by our government. The sooner you get over your irrational fear of religion and figure out who the real enemy is, the more chance you might have of surviving what is coming.

We could have easily drained that that is what we wanted to do. You gotta ask yourself, why didn't we?

And here comes another Muslim retard embarrassed by what his brethren Islamic savages are doing by claiming that ISIS is a creation of the US. Ya gotta love these morons.
How did ISIS come about? Oh right, Bush invaded Iraq, when it wasn't necessary.
No actually when Obama took the reigns there was no ISIS, retard. Iraq was totally stable, all Obama had to do was maintain the transition. ISIS came about when Obama pulled out and then Assad started slaughtering his own people, and Obama was standing there fingering his nose. What a fuckup this Obama is.
Utter BS, Iraq was never that stable and we were told to go, and left on the timetable Bush agreed to. You can't spin this history so don't try.
No, she means those at war with the west, which they are but jihad does not mean war, it means a struggle. A jihad can be against oneself, like a Muslim kid having a jihad to finish high school or avoid sexual relations.

On what planet do you live on that Jihad is a harmless inner struggle? Ha ha ha. Damn. The lunacy you read on these boards is hilarious.

Jihad does not have a geographical location. Gay used to mean happy at one point in time as well.
Jihad means a struggle, which can be a war. Don't misuse words.
And which of those "definitions" do you think applies most to the Islamists? Inner struggle? Ha ha ha.
Nope, war. One of the things it can mean. They want a Holy War, and so do you it seems.
"They" aren't engaged in a holy war?! Ha ha ha! Again, what planet do you live on? Rub some Vaseline in your anus and pull your head out of it.
They are engaged in a Holy War, dumbass, but that is just one of the things jihad means. Let's move on eh?
"Family, friends describe Hasna Ait Boulahcen, who blew herself up in Paris suburb, as someone who drank, had never opened Quran"
Female suicide bomber was party girl turned radical



"Earlier this week when French police raided a cheap hotel room rented by the Islamic State (Isis) terrorists who had unleashed the Paris massacres on Friday the 13th, they were surprised to find among the debris of pizza boxes and sweet wrappers, used syringes, needles and plastic tubing. But there is growing evidence to suggest the gunmen, who killed dozens at the Bataclan venue, fuelled their slaughter with drugs, with some of the survivors of the horror reporting the killers appeared to be in a "zombie-like" state."
Paris attackers and the 'Captain': Did Isis gunmen inject Arab amphetamine Captagon to fuel butchery?

Sounds like gang SOP to me. Flashing gang signs, dealing and using drugs, low-religiousity.

Note too, even Fox News is calling them gang-like.

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