Reality Check: Ukraine

Southfront has up to date maps
Note that escape or reinforcement routes in Bakhmut are all but cut off.
Jim Rickards cuts through the lies, prevarications, and wishful thinking in this article.
This from his column…

In all, credible reports indicate that AFU casualties are nearing 500,000 and are increasing at an unsustainable rate. On the other hand, reports of 100,000 Russian dead are almost certainly wild exaggerations put out by Ukraine. The BBC attempted to verify these numbers and could only find about 20,000 confirmed Russian dead based on extensive searches on funeral notices, public records, etc.

These estimates of casualties on both sides lines up exactly with what MacGregor, Ritter, and others of independent media have stated. It’s likely a bloodbath is occurring in this tragic war, that easily could have been avoided had the USG not provoked and prosecuted this awful war.
MacGregor claims hospitals throughout Ukraine are filled with hundreds of thousands of wounded. This has to be a horrendous situation yet the MSM has failed to report this.
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Highly commendable, though all has been outlined many times here in the various Ukey Land disagreement threads .
And I highlight my debt to" b" at M of A for much of my chosen material . An outstanding site .

Escalation is far from inevitable as JR essentially suggests .Because :-

* mounting world anger at the US led sabotage of Nord Stream 1 and 2 . Germany , China and Russia now demanding an investigation .
* the truth begins to emerge about how the US creates and transports mercenaries into the Ukey front line principally from the ME and Africa and utilises ISIS members from Iraq .
*the huge corruption links between Nazi Kyiv and the US with heavy Biden Crime Family involvement
* NATO key area reserves are low and way behind required schedule for front line replacement

If these investigations develop and if Russia utilises all the evidence it has , then dear Uncle P will know exactly how to best use some or all of it and what to do for long term aims to be best satisfied for the Federation .

However much it irks the US collectively, Russia has NATO trussed currently.
imho .
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When the Russian breakout occurs and the Ukes are streaming across the Steppe (either in order, or worse yet in disorder) it's the reaction of Tater and his neocon allies in congress that concerns me.

I've no doubt that they will want to use our troops/equipment currently in Poland as a blocking force to save the western half.

Hopefully Putin finds him a "good enough" line and stops first.
Highly commendable, though all has been outlined many times here in the various Ukey Land disagreement threads .
And I highlight my debt to" b" at M of A for much of my chosen material . An outstanding site .

Escalation is far from inevitable as JR essentially suggests .Because :-

* mounting world anger at the US led sabotage of Nord Stream 1 and 2 . Germany , China and Russia now demanding an investigation .
* the truth begins to emerge about how the US creates and transports mercenaries into the Ukey front line principally from the ME and Africa and utilises ISIS members from Iraq .
*the huge corruption links between Nazi Kyiv and the US with heavy Biden Crime Family involvement
* NATO key area reserves are low and way behind required schedule for front line replacement

If these investigations develop and if Russia utilises all the evidence it has , then dear Uncle P will know exactly how to best use some or all of it and what to do for long term aims to be best satisfied for the Federation .

However much it irks the US collectively, Russia has NATO trussed currently.
imho .
The consequences of this war are likely to be very detrimental for the USG, NATO, and dumb Joe. If it’s proven Biden blew the pipelines, it’s likely NATO is finished and US influence in Europe greatly diminished and maybe throughout the world.
When the Russian breakout occurs and the Ukes are streaming across the Steppe (either in order, or worse yet in disorder) it's the reaction of Tater and his neocon allies in congress that concerns me.

I've no doubt that they will want to use our troops/equipment currently in Poland as a blocking force to save the western half.

Hopefully Putin finds him a "good enough" line and stops first.
Yeah it’s rather ironic that we must hope Putin keeps his head, because we suspect the USG and dumb Joe won’t.
The consequences of this war are likely to be very detrimental for the USG, NATO, and dumb Joe. If it’s proven Biden blew the pipelines, it’s likely NATO is finished and US influence in Europe greatly diminished and maybe throughout the world.
Given the quality of those he selected to advise him, I doubt that the situation would be much different under Trump. Raytheon, Northrop, Lockheed drive foreign and military policy.
Jim Rickards
is he your lover ivan ?


Screen shot 2017-04-02 at 3.14.03 PM.png
Given the quality of those he selected to advise him, I doubt that the situation would be much different under Trump. Raytheon, Northrop, Lockheed drive foreign and military policy.
Agreed. Trumpers want to believe he would have handled this war differently but as you state, Don was surrounded by Neocons just as Joe is.

It is also rather ironic that the Ds who were very vocal in their fear Don would start WW3, yet they actively support Joe doing it.
is he your lover ivan ?


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It’s over Adolf. Please get out while you still can. Russians don’t take kindly to Nazis.

Russia’s Winning on the Battlefield

Meanwhile, Russian forces have nearly encircled the city of Bakhmut, which is a major transportation and logistics hub, with several key roads and rail lines passing through it. It’ll probably fall to the Russians within weeks.

Losing Bakhmut will be a major blow to Ukraine, despite claims in the western media that it really isn’t very important. Ukraine’s entire 800-mile defensive line would probably begin to crumble, and they don’t have heavily fortified positions to fall back on. Ukrainian troops, while brave and competent soldiers, are exhausted and running out of supplies as it is.

On top of that, it appears likely that Russia is preparing a devastating offensive with massive amounts of men, tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery, helicopters, drones and fixed-wing aircraft.

This Russian army is not the same army that invaded Ukraine a year ago. It’s much better trained, led and equipped. It’s learned from the mistakes it made during its initial invasion last February. Ukraine shouldn’t expect them to repeat those mistakes.

Does all this mean I’m cheering on a Russian victory in Ukraine? No, I’m just observing the facts on the ground and consolidating them to perform an objective analysis.
Jim Rickards cuts through the lies, prevarications, and wishful thinking in this article.
This paints a dismal picture. How far is Biden, Nuland, and the rest of the Neocon fanatics in this criminal administration willing to go to save face? It’s all so fucking ridiculous and tragic.

Is Anyone Really Prepared for This?

The U.S. won’t end the weapons deliveries because Joe Biden is afraid of losing face and his closest advisors such as Victoria Nuland have an irrational hatred for Russia and are total warmongers.

Now, we can add a new danger, resulting from desperation. This is the fact that the U.S. itself may be the biggest loser in the war.

As Ukraine disappears under a massive Russian onslaught, the U.S. will grow increasingly desperate. Its credibility is on the line after committing so much money, materiel and moral weight to Ukraine’s defense.

The Biden administration has essentially turned the war in Ukraine into an existential crisis for the U.S. and NATO, when it never should have been. Ukraine has never been a vital U.S. interest. But the war is existential for Russia, and won’t give up.

Is the U.S. just going to throw up its hands and concede Russian victory? NATO may actually disintegrate in the face of such spectacular failure. So, we’ll probably double down.

Maybe a desperate Biden orders troops into western Ukraine as a buffer against a complete Russian takeover of the country. You can imagine what could go wrong. That situation may quickly devolve into a direct war between the U.S. and Russia rather than the proxy war that it is now.

The American people and investors in particular are not prepared for any of this. They should be. It’s becoming increasingly likely.
Sorry if I have included some big words

Escalation is far from inevitable as JR essentially suggests .Because :-

* mounting world anger at the US led sabotage of Nord Stream 1 and 2 . Germany , China and Russia now demanding an investigation .
* the truth begins to emerge about how the US creates and transports mercenaries into the Ukey front line principally from the ME and Africa and utilises ISIS members from Iraq .
*the huge corruption links between Nazi Kyiv and the US with heavy Biden Crime Family involvement
* NATO key area reserves are low and way behind required schedule for front line replacement

If these investigations develop and if Russia utilises all the evidence it has , then dear Uncle P will know exactly how to best use some or all of it and what to do for long term aims to be best satisfied for the Federation .

However much it irks the US collectively, Russia has NATO trussed currently.
This is claimed to be a Uke defending a trench (somewhere) but who really knows?

But still....Damn.

"European Parliament cuts passage on danger of nuclear war from resolution on Ukrainian crisis"

They are hopeless. Afraid of a "climate change" rather than rotting underground in their luxury bunker dens

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