Reality Winner Is An Indoctrinated, Traitorous Liberal Loser

She said something mean about the Orange Menace? Oh my.
She broke the law.

She declared her allegiance to Iran should the US go to war against Iran.

AGAIN, WTF is the matter with you, besides your rabid, over-developed sense of partisan HATE?
You worry too much - far too much. I break the law every day - I drive above the speed limit.

Here are the 24 Disgusting Anti-Trump Tweets by NSA Leaker ‘Reality L. Winner’
She said something mean about the Orange Menace? Oh my.

She committed treason on behalf of Fuhrer George Soros? Just part of being a fascist democrat.

Hypothetically, if a democrat ever supported America, not that it would ever happen, but if one did, would you view them as traitors?
The leaker of the Pentagon Papers was doing a patriotic thing. She thinks of herself as doing a patriotic thing. Time will tell.
She said something mean about the Orange Menace? Oh my.
She broke the law.

She declared her allegiance to Iran should the US go to war against Iran.

AGAIN, WTF is the matter with you, besides your rabid, over-developed sense of partisan HATE?
You worry too much - far too much. I break the law every day - I drive above the speed limit.
Hopefully you will suffer for it.
Since we don't live in police state, I haven't gotten a ticket in 30 years.
The only real difference between this treasonist bitch and many forum progressives is that she had access to classified information. Those here would not hesitate to release classified information if they thought they could harm a Republican and specifically, this president. The fact that they do not have access to sensitive information is probably the single biggest reason this website isn't under serious scrutiny by the Justice Department.
She said something mean about the Orange Menace? Oh my.
She broke the law.

She declared her allegiance to Iran should the US go to war against Iran.

AGAIN, WTF is the matter with you, besides your rabid, over-developed sense of partisan HATE?
You worry too much - far too much. I break the law every day - I drive above the speed limit.
Hopefully you will suffer for it.
Since we don't live in police state, I haven't gotten a ticket in 30 years. are insane, period.
She said something mean about the Orange Menace? Oh my.
She broke the law.

She declared her allegiance to Iran should the US go to war against Iran.

AGAIN, WTF is the matter with you, besides your rabid, over-developed sense of partisan HATE?
You worry too much - far too much. I break the law every day - I drive above the speed limit.
Hopefully you will suffer for it.
Since we don't live in police state, I haven't gotten a ticket in 30 years. are insane, period.
Nothing insane about it. You are just really, really dumb.
The issue is too big for Moot. As always. If someone had done it to Obama you lefties would be foaming over more than usual.

^ triggered.

Ice, since you know all my posts always trigger you, why do you read them? Just stay in your SafeSpace.
Pointing out your non stop hyperventilating stupidity is how your pea brain defines triggered? LOL
She broke the law - she has not betrayed her country. She's trying to save it apparently - from the Russians.

Is her country Iran? Because otherwise she did.

BTW, Russia is the #1 sponsor of Iran, that this traitor swore her allegiance to.

democrat = traitor: Simple as that.
This case will be anything but - simple. Reality is (literally) biting us on the ass.
This case will be anything but - simple. Reality is (literally) biting us on the ass.

She is a spy who was working on behalf of the democrats, who are trying to bring down the legally elected government of the USA. She engaged in an act of war through her espionage and is in fact guilty of treason.
That would make her a partisan - not a spy. And she might be, partisan.
You worry too much - far too much. I break the law every day - I drive above the speed limit.
Ok, there is no more reason talking to a dumbass who considers treason equivalent to speeding.

And RT continues to demonstrate that he is just as indoctrinated, and traitorous as 'Reality'...and just as stupid as Hillary, who was also too stupid to recognize crimes and espionage, according to Comey.
This is what the PC/Identity Politics zealots have created: White kids hating themselves.

Well done, folks. This is on YOU.


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