
Nature dictates the strong dominates the weak-it is not racism but nature that creates these circumstances. Only the continued development of man's nature thru education and evolution can change these things for the better.
That sounds like white philosophy. As a member of the first homo sapiens on the planet I have to disagree.
After researching your comment,
the whole man evolved from gorillas/apes makes more sense
So, how did white people come about from Africans
The point of being human is transcending your base animal instincts. You guys have a long way to go.
Oh my goodness...seriously
We have a long way to go
We are all supposed to be grown. So we all should face reality. To the trolls, if you try doing what you usually do, well, there will be a lesson.

You mean hate like the liberals that are threatening to murder the little girl that satired AOC, is that the type of hate you're referring to?
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"Black racism is the same as white racism-not liking someone because of their color. It happens because blacks are human."

A hit it right. Besides you're talking about prejudice. Whites like yourself want so badly to take the easy way out of your responsibility. Blacks that don't like white people aren't doing so because of your skin color. It is because of a long, continuing pattern of behavior that is based on a false belief in white racial superiority.

"Nature dictates the strong dominates the weak-it is not racism but nature that creates these circumstances. Only the continued development of man's nature thru education and evolution can change these things for the better."

And this is an example of a long, continuing pattern of behavior that is based on a false belief in white racial superiority.
"Black racism is the same as white racism-not liking someone because of their color. It happens because blacks are human."

A hit it right. Besides you're talking about prejudice. Whites like yourself want so badly to take the easy way out of your responsibility. Blacks that don't like white people aren't doing so because of your skin color. It is because of a long, continuing pattern of behavior that is based on a false belief in white racial superiority.

"Nature dictates the strong dominates the weak-it is not racism but nature that creates these circumstances. Only the continued development of man's nature thru education and evolution can change these things for the better."

And this is an example of a long, continuing pattern of behavior that is based on a false belief in white racial superiority.

You're a black-supremacist and a racist.
We are all supposed to be grown. So we all should face reality. To the trolls, if you try doing what you usually do, well, there will be a lesson.

You mean hate like the liberals that are threatening to murder the little girl that satired AOC, is that the type of hate you're referring to?

Seems that you have forgotten the right winger that killed Heather Heyer, the one who killed that woman in Portland, the guy who mailed the pipe bombs, The coast guard officer that was planning a slaughter of those who oppose Trump and many others.
"Black racism is the same as white racism-not liking someone because of their color. It happens because blacks are human."

A hit it right. Besides you're talking about prejudice. Whites like yourself want so badly to take the easy way out of your responsibility. Blacks that don't like white people aren't doing so because of your skin color. It is because of a long, continuing pattern of behavior that is based on a false belief in white racial superiority.

"Nature dictates the strong dominates the weak-it is not racism but nature that creates these circumstances. Only the continued development of man's nature thru education and evolution can change these things for the better."

And this is an example of a long, continuing pattern of behavior that is based on a false belief in white racial superiority.

You're a black-supremacist and a racist.

You're an ignorant white joke.
What is black racism and why does it happen?

Are you going to justify racist black people?

Are you going to answer the question?

What is black racism and why does it happen?
Black racism is the same as white racism-not liking someone because of their color. It happens because blacks are human.
White racism is way more than not liking someone because of their color. If it was just that then it wouldnt be an issue. White racism started slavery, Black codes, jim crow, attacks on successful Black communities, mass incarceration, police brutality etc. What laws and institutions has so called Black racism built?
OMG...Africans sold other Africans into slavery
Africans enslaved Africans
Slavery has historically been widespread in Africa,
and still continues today in some countries.
Racism didn’t start slavery, IMO
the strong controlled the weak, the rich controlled the poor
Slavery was around long before the U.S.

There are no African slaves in America today
They are not sitting at the back of the bus...they drive the bus

They are not forbidden from eating at the counter...
They cook the food, serve the food and own the establishment

They are not sitting in separate areas in the theater...
They are starring in the movie, directing the movie,
producing the movie, creating the musical score for the movie,
all of which is done in their movie studio

They are not limited to stereotype roles;
prostitutes, pimps, thugs, uneducated
They are doctors, teachers, lawyers, judges,
prosecutors, college educated, rich, powerful, brilliant
owning mansions not living in the projects
driving expensive cars they bought not stole

The notion of a black president is no longer far fetched
It became a reality...and it became a reality
because not all whites are racist

Yawn! Whites didn't elect Obama.
Seems that you have forgotten the right winger that killed Heather Heyer, the one who killed that woman in Portland, the guy who mailed the pipe bombs, The coast guard officer that was planning a slaughter of those who oppose Trump and many others.

No, I haven't forgotten. All political violence in America should be condemned. Do you agree?
"Black pastor at the end reaches out to the White Supremacist and changes his life. White Supremacist now sees individuals, not monolithic race. So, there's a win.

Maybe a lesson for you, but probably not."

Given that I have never made whites out to be monolithic, there is no lesson for me.

What I saw is what I've always seen. A black person reaching out to whites in order to show we are actually human. Maybe when whites start teaching each other that it will be a win. Because it seems that "conservative republican" whites like you here at USMB don't believe whites need to work to end racism, but everyone else does.
You're an ignorant white joke.

I thought you considered being called a ''black supremacist'' as a compliment.

You thought like Nellie. Nellie thought shit was jelly. What you call black supremacists are blacks fighting for complete equality.
Maybe when whites start teaching each other that it will be a win. Because it seems that "conservative republican" whites like you here at USMB don't believe whites need to work to end racism, but everyone else does.

You're a radical and, of course, you are wrong.
Maybe when whites start teaching each other that it will be a win. Because it seems that "conservative republican" whites like you here at USMB don't believe whites need to work to end racism, but everyone else does.

You're a radical and, of course, you are wrong.

Yeah the idea of whites actually teaching other whites not to be racist is radical.

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