
Nature dictates the strong dominates the weak-it is not racism but nature that creates these circumstances. Only the continued development of man's nature thru education and evolution can change these things for the better.
That sounds like white philosophy. As a member of the first homo sapiens on the planet I have to disagree.
After researching your comment,
the whole man evolved from gorillas/apes makes more sense
So, how did white people come about from Africans
The point of being human is transcending your base animal instincts. You guys have a long way to go.
Oh my goodness...seriously
We have a long way to go
Thats not actually the theory which tells me youre either under educated or simply ignorant of the facts. The theory is that primates (humans are also primates) all evolved from a common ancestor.

How did whites come about from Africans? You dont seem to have much scientific education. I thought most people already knew this. A recessive gene for light skin arose in what we now call the middle east I believe 8k years ago.. It traveled to europe and since the conditions are ideal in europe for its survival it stuck.
Who cares?
The person that asked me cares. Why do you care to know who cares? Does it cause you emotional distress?
You are wrong-I care. Your theory is unproven-if you are going to go out on a limb, then bring some proof.
You seem to be assuming I need to prove something to you. I only teach. If you dont want to believe then thats your issue.
After researching your comment,
the whole man evolved from gorillas/apes makes more sense
So, how did white people come about from Africans
Oh my goodness...seriously
We have a long way to go
Thats not actually the theory which tells me youre either under educated or simply ignorant of the facts. The theory is that primates (humans are also primates) all evolved from a common ancestor.

How did whites come about from Africans? You dont seem to have much scientific education. I thought most people already knew this. A recessive gene for light skin arose in what we now call the middle east I believe 8k years ago.. It traveled to europe and since the conditions are ideal in europe for its survival it stuck.
Who cares?
The person that asked me cares. Why do you care to know who cares? Does it cause you emotional distress?
You are wrong-I care. Your theory is unproven-if you are going to go out on a limb, then bring some proof.
You seem to be assuming I need to prove something to you. I only teach. If you dont want to believe then thats your issue.

I wonder when the USA will ever have a black president?
After researching your comment,
the whole man evolved from gorillas/apes makes more sense
So, how did white people come about from Africans
Oh my goodness...seriously
We have a long way to go
Thats not actually the theory which tells me youre either under educated or simply ignorant of the facts. The theory is that primates (humans are also primates) all evolved from a common ancestor.

How did whites come about from Africans? You dont seem to have much scientific education. I thought most people already knew this. A recessive gene for light skin arose in what we now call the middle east I believe 8k years ago.. It traveled to europe and since the conditions are ideal in europe for its survival it stuck.
Who cares?
The person that asked me cares. Why do you care to know who cares? Does it cause you emotional distress?
You are wrong-I care. Your theory is unproven-if you are going to go out on a limb, then bring some proof.
You seem to be assuming I need to prove something to you. I only teach. If you dont want to believe then thats your issue.
Good-teach me this-I saw the word Banned under a guy's picture-what does that mean and how did he get or how did it happen to him?
Thats not actually the theory which tells me youre either under educated or simply ignorant of the facts. The theory is that primates (humans are also primates) all evolved from a common ancestor.

How did whites come about from Africans? You dont seem to have much scientific education. I thought most people already knew this. A recessive gene for light skin arose in what we now call the middle east I believe 8k years ago.. It traveled to europe and since the conditions are ideal in europe for its survival it stuck.
Who cares?
The person that asked me cares. Why do you care to know who cares? Does it cause you emotional distress?
You are wrong-I care. Your theory is unproven-if you are going to go out on a limb, then bring some proof.
You seem to be assuming I need to prove something to you. I only teach. If you dont want to believe then thats your issue.

I wonder when the USA will ever have a black president?
Are you asking because Obama had a white mother and therefore was not truly black?
Black racism is the same as white racism-not liking someone because of their color. It happens because blacks are human.
White racism is way more than not liking someone because of their color. If it was just that then it wouldnt be an issue. White racism started slavery, Black codes, jim crow, attacks on successful Black communities, mass incarceration, police brutality etc. What laws and institutions has so called Black racism built?
OMG...Africans sold other Africans into slavery
Africans enslaved Africans
Slavery has historically been widespread in Africa,
and still continues today in some countries.
Racism didn’t start slavery, IMO
the strong controlled the weak, the rich controlled the poor
Slavery was around long before the U.S.

There are no African slaves in America today
They are not sitting at the back of the bus...they drive the bus

They are not forbidden from eating at the counter...
They cook the food, serve the food and own the establishment

They are not sitting in separate areas in the theater...
They are starring in the movie, directing the movie,
producing the movie, creating the musical score for the movie,
all of which is done in their movie studio

They are not limited to stereotype roles;
prostitutes, pimps, thugs, uneducated
They are doctors, teachers, lawyers, judges,
prosecutors, college educated, rich, powerful, brilliant
owning mansions not living in the projects
driving expensive cars they bought not stole

The notion of a black president is no longer far fetched
It became a reality...and it became a reality
because not all whites are racist

Yawn! Whites didn't elect Obama.

Yeah, ok, Obama got 68+ MILLION votes
from 16 MILLION African voters

Since Hispanic, Asian, Native Americans and other non whites voted for Obama in high numbers, I can say that whites are not why Obama won. And the fact your ass exists proves the racism still existing in America .

Lets look at those numbers

Hispanics accounted for 9% or
11 million of the 131 million 300 tho votes

Africans accounted for 13% or
16 million 300 tho of the 131 million 300 tho votes

Others, which includes Asians accounted for 4% or
5 million 900 tho of the 131 million 300 tho votes

Whites accounted for 74% or
98 million 600 tho of the 131 million 300 tho votes


The Case of the Missing White Vote

So, even though 67% of Hispanics that voted, voted for Obama,
that only gave him slightly more than 7 million votes

95% of Africans that voted, voted for Obama
and that gave him slightly less than 16 million votes

Over 60% of Asians and others that voted, voted for Obama
and that didn’t even give him 3 million votes

43% of whites that voted, voted for Obama
and that gave him OVER 42 MILLION VOTES

Now, even though Obama didn’t get the majority of white votes
the majority of Obama’s votes WERE FROM WHITE VOTERS

2008 Presidential Election
(info under voter demographics)

White voters carried Obama
non whites propelled him
White racism is way more than not liking someone because of their color. If it was just that then it wouldnt be an issue. White racism started slavery, Black codes, jim crow, attacks on successful Black communities, mass incarceration, police brutality etc. What laws and institutions has so called Black racism built?
OMG...Africans sold other Africans into slavery
Africans enslaved Africans
Slavery has historically been widespread in Africa,
and still continues today in some countries.
Racism didn’t start slavery, IMO
the strong controlled the weak, the rich controlled the poor
Slavery was around long before the U.S.

There are no African slaves in America today
They are not sitting at the back of the bus...they drive the bus

They are not forbidden from eating at the counter...
They cook the food, serve the food and own the establishment

They are not sitting in separate areas in the theater...
They are starring in the movie, directing the movie,
producing the movie, creating the musical score for the movie,
all of which is done in their movie studio

They are not limited to stereotype roles;
prostitutes, pimps, thugs, uneducated
They are doctors, teachers, lawyers, judges,
prosecutors, college educated, rich, powerful, brilliant
owning mansions not living in the projects
driving expensive cars they bought not stole

The notion of a black president is no longer far fetched
It became a reality...and it became a reality
because not all whites are racist

Yawn! Whites didn't elect Obama.

Yeah, ok, Obama got 68+ MILLION votes
from 16 MILLION African voters

Since Hispanic, Asian, Native Americans and other non whites voted for Obama in high numbers, I can say that whites are not why Obama won. And the fact your ass exists proves the racism still existing in America .

Lets look at those numbers

Hispanics accounted for 9% or
11 million of the 131 million 300 tho votes

Africans accounted for 13% or
16 million 300 tho of the 131 million 300 tho votes

Others, which includes Asians accounted for 4% or
5 million 900 tho of the 131 million 300 tho votes

Whites accounted for 74% or
98 million 600 tho of the 131 million 300 tho votes


The Case of the Missing White Vote

So, even though 67% of Hispanics that voted, voted for Obama,
that only gave him slightly more than 7 million votes

95% of Africans that voted, voted for Obama
and that gave him slightly less than 16 million votes

Over 60% of Asians and others that voted, voted for Obama
and that didn’t even give him 3 million votes

43% of whites that voted, voted for Obama
and that gave him OVER 42 MILLION VOTES

Now, even though Obama didn’t get the majority of white votes
the majority of Obama’s votes WERE FROM WHITE VOTERS

2008 Presidential Election
(info under voter demographics)

White voters carried Obama
non whites propelled him
We knew that.
One day, whites like some of you hear will be able to honestly accept and face reality. Not your reality, but reality.
Black and white racists are idiots?

What is black racism and why does it happen?

Are you going to justify racist black people?

Are you going to answer the question?

What is black racism and why does it happen?
Racism is rampant in the black community because of their inferior culture.

The inferior culture is the one that today is running around accusing blacks of racism because they live every day in fear that if we ever get complete equality, we'll do to whites what whites have done to us.
Black and white racists are idiots?

What is black racism and why does it happen?

Are you going to justify racist black people?

Are you going to answer the question?

What is black racism and why does it happen?
Racism is rampant in the black community because of their inferior culture.

The inferior culture is the one that today is running around accusing blacks of racism because they live every day in fear that if we ever get complete equality, we'll do to whites what whites have done to us.
Real mature. You make his argument look better.
Black and white racists are idiots?

What is black racism and why does it happen?

Are you going to justify racist black people?

Are you going to answer the question?

What is black racism and why does it happen?
Racism is rampant in the black community because of their inferior culture.

The inferior culture is the one that today is running around accusing blacks of racism because they live every day in fear that if we ever get complete equality, we'll do to whites what whites have done to us.
You already have complete equality, but with your inferior culture holding you back, it doesnt matter. Its like putting a retard behind the wheel of a ferrari... sure he drive fast, but hes going to wreck it before he gets anywhere.
What is black racism and why does it happen?

Are you going to justify racist black people?

Are you going to answer the question?

What is black racism and why does it happen?
Racism is rampant in the black community because of their inferior culture.

The inferior culture is the one that today is running around accusing blacks of racism because they live every day in fear that if we ever get complete equality, we'll do to whites what whites have done to us.
Real mature. You make his argument look better.

Sure it does. Because you're a white racist.
Are you going to justify racist black people?

Are you going to answer the question?

What is black racism and why does it happen?
Racism is rampant in the black community because of their inferior culture.

The inferior culture is the one that today is running around accusing blacks of racism because they live every day in fear that if we ever get complete equality, we'll do to whites what whites have done to us.
Real mature. You make his argument look better.

Sure it does. Because you're a white racist.
Good morning. OMG, I am a white racist? So your guidepost in life is revenge? Good luck with that. Or considering what you propose, bad luck with that. Too bad, you seem intelligent and well spoken-for-a-revengist.
What is black racism and why does it happen?

Are you going to justify racist black people?

Are you going to answer the question?

What is black racism and why does it happen?
Racism is rampant in the black community because of their inferior culture.

The inferior culture is the one that today is running around accusing blacks of racism because they live every day in fear that if we ever get complete equality, we'll do to whites what whites have done to us.
You already have complete equality, but with your inferior culture holding you back, it doesnt matter. Its like putting a retard behind the wheel of a ferrari... sure he drive fast, but hes going to wreck it before he gets anywhere.

If we had complete equality our unemployment rate would be 3.3 percent , we would have less thanb10 percent poverty, and whites would not have 15 times the wealth. But your inferior culture lets you lie to yourself. It's like putting a retard in a jet plane, he'll fly fast and right into a mountain.
Are you going to justify racist black people?

Are you going to answer the question?

What is black racism and why does it happen?
Racism is rampant in the black community because of their inferior culture.

The inferior culture is the one that today is running around accusing blacks of racism because they live every day in fear that if we ever get complete equality, we'll do to whites what whites have done to us.
You already have complete equality, but with your inferior culture holding you back, it doesnt matter. Its like putting a retard behind the wheel of a ferrari... sure he drive fast, but hes going to wreck it before he gets anywhere.

If we had complete equality our unemployment rate would be 3.3 percent , we would have less thanb10 percent poverty, and whites would not have 15 times the wealth. But your inferior culture lets you lie to yourself. It's like putting a retard in a jet plane, he'll fly fast and right into a mountain.
You have to go to work to lower your unemployment stats.
Are you going to answer the question?

What is black racism and why does it happen?
Racism is rampant in the black community because of their inferior culture.

The inferior culture is the one that today is running around accusing blacks of racism because they live every day in fear that if we ever get complete equality, we'll do to whites what whites have done to us.
Real mature. You make his argument look better.

Sure it does. Because you're a white racist.
Good morning. OMG, I am a white racist? So your guidepost in life is revenge? Good luck with that. Or considering what you propose, bad luck with that. Too bad, you seem intelligent and well spoken-for-a-revengist.

Yep, you're a white racist. And even worse, you're an illiterate white racist since I have said anything about wanting to get revenge.

"The inferior culture is the one that today is running around accusing blacks of racism because they live every day in fear that if we ever get complete equality, we'll do to whites what whites have done to us."

But think about this for a second.... Why do whites like you who advocate for revenge when you are wronged dare lecture or tell others how wrong they are for doing so? You whites are the ones here talking about race wars and civil wars to take back some shit that you imagine you lost. That's talking about revenge dumb ass.
Are you going to answer the question?

What is black racism and why does it happen?
Racism is rampant in the black community because of their inferior culture.

The inferior culture is the one that today is running around accusing blacks of racism because they live every day in fear that if we ever get complete equality, we'll do to whites what whites have done to us.
You already have complete equality, but with your inferior culture holding you back, it doesnt matter. Its like putting a retard behind the wheel of a ferrari... sure he drive fast, but hes going to wreck it before he gets anywhere.

If we had complete equality our unemployment rate would be 3.3 percent , we would have less thanb10 percent poverty, and whites would not have 15 times the wealth. But your inferior culture lets you lie to yourself. It's like putting a retard in a jet plane, he'll fly fast and right into a mountain.
You have to go to work to lower your unemployment stats.

You have to get hired to go to work son. Now look, I am not going to listen to anyone telling me about work that comes from a race of people so fucking lazy they bought slaves to work free land that was given to them.
Seems that you have forgotten the right winger that killed Heather Heyer, the one who killed that woman in Portland, the guy who mailed the pipe bombs, The coast guard officer that was planning a slaughter of those who oppose Trump and many others.

No, I haven't forgotten. All political violence in America should be condemned. Do you agree?
Start by ending the 73 percent caused by white supremacists if you want to condemn.
Racism is rampant in the black community because of their inferior culture.

The inferior culture is the one that today is running around accusing blacks of racism because they live every day in fear that if we ever get complete equality, we'll do to whites what whites have done to us.

Real mature. You make his argument look better.

Sure it does. Because you're a white racist.
Good morning. OMG, I am a white racist? So your guidepost in life is revenge? Good luck with that. Or considering what you propose, bad luck with that. Too bad, you seem intelligent and well spoken-for-a-revengist.

Yep, you're a white racist. And even worse, you're an illiterate white racist since I have said anything about wanting to get revenge.

"The inferior culture is the one that today is running around accusing blacks of racism because they live every day in fear that if we ever get complete equality, we'll do to whites what whites have done to us."

But think about this for a second.... Why do whites like you who advocate for revenge when you are wronged dare lecture or tell others how wrong they are for doing so? You whites are the ones here talking about race wars and civil wars to take back some shit that you imagine you lost. That's talking about revenge dumb ass.
The inferior culture is the one that today is running around accusing blacks of racism because they live every day in fear that if we ever get complete equality, we'll do to whites what whites have done to us.[/Q
Did you write the above? Sounds like revenge. You are right about one thing-I am a racist as you are a racist-the human thing and all. Since I read your crap and write back, I must be literate-so there goes your best argument. And I will take back nothing-I will share with those willing to work for it-which it seems you are not. Oh, and before you start your revenge tour, start by disarming your own in Chicago so you can tell who is killing whom. Good luck with that.
Racism is rampant in the black community because of their inferior culture.

The inferior culture is the one that today is running around accusing blacks of racism because they live every day in fear that if we ever get complete equality, we'll do to whites what whites have done to us.
You already have complete equality, but with your inferior culture holding you back, it doesnt matter. Its like putting a retard behind the wheel of a ferrari... sure he drive fast, but hes going to wreck it before he gets anywhere.

If we had complete equality our unemployment rate would be 3.3 percent , we would have less thanb10 percent poverty, and whites would not have 15 times the wealth. But your inferior culture lets you lie to yourself. It's like putting a retard in a jet plane, he'll fly fast and right into a mountain.
You have to go to work to lower your unemployment stats.

You have to get hired to go to work son. Now look, I am not going to listen to anyone telling me about work that comes from a race of people so fucking lazy they bought slaves to work free land that was given to them.
I guess you have been growing sour grapes. Would you like some cheese with that whine?

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