Rear Areas In Ukraine Blasted Today


Platinum Member
Jul 13, 2023
Lancashire England
Looks like the Russians moved up a gear today with missile attacks on several locations including airfields and military gatherings of Ukrainians and NATO mercenaries no doubt it will be spun in the Western media as attacks on innocent people minding their own business visiting Hospitals and Puppy farms.
Looks like the Russians moved up a gear today with missile attacks on several locations including airfields and military gatherings of Ukrainians and NATO mercenaries no doubt it will be spun in the Western media as attacks on innocent people minding their own business visiting Hospitals and Puppy farms.
I read an article that zelensky wants more missiles to strike russian territory but we can't give him any more cuz we're aoutta stock
Looks like the Russians moved up a gear today with missile attacks on several locations including airfields and military gatherings of Ukrainians and NATO mercenaries no doubt it will be spun in the Western media as attacks on innocent people minding their own business visiting Hospitals and Puppy farms.
What about turning London into a pile of shit?

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